
tommyboy2002's Mesh/Skin release thread:

Started by thetommyboy2002, December 16, 2006, 04:53PM

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September 19, 2018, 10:00AM #690 Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 10:08AM by thetommyboy2002
And now the Namor 5-pack update:

And I think I uploaded the wrong versions of Wonder Man and Swords Man, I dont think they have normal mapping.

I've added the correct verions but left in the flat, dull versions in case anyone wants them.
I strongly recommend the versions with the normal maps.

It's great to see you back at it again! New models look awesome!!

^^view MelloMods' Mods^^

Thank you all for the kind words.
Today brings us to updated Iron Man, featuring the comic book versions of Mk1 (Heck, grey), Mk2 (Heck, gold), Mk3 (Ditko, pointy mask), Mark4 (Heck, rivet mask, not shown in pic), Mark5 (Heck, classic comic look).
I've also update my Avengers Movie Iron Man to include normal maps and reflections, its also included:

A quick preview of a character I've wanted to make for a while:

I hope to make some more costumes for them.

The textures are awesome thetommyboy2002! I still can not apply normal map textures. It has a lot of shine in the textures that I try to apply. How you do it?

Quote from: andersonbrazil on September 20, 2018, 08:22AM
The textures are awesome thetommyboy2002! I still can not apply normal map textures. It has a lot of shine in the textures that I try to apply. How you do it?

I use both photoshop and a really really old copy of paintshop pro 5.1.
In photoshop I open my basic diffuse map (the texture that gives colours).
I run that through the nvidia normalmap filter plugin, then most times run a gaussian blur so skin doessn't look rough.
I save the new normal map as "DXT5_NM        XY   8 bpp | using DXT5" from the drop down options in the save dialogue.
That should get you a decent normal map effect, but I've found for best results I combine that with using the environmental reflections (env.) using my own evnvironment reflections mask. I make that from a geyscale verion of the diffuse, altering the brightness accordingly. Black = no reflect at all, white = too much, so for most models most things are dark grey, if not black, but you can make costume details pop by putting lots of reflect on one part and much less on another, see Cap Britains lion above.
Save both the env.mask and your standard diffuse as DXT1 no alpha.
It took me ages to get the hang of it, and it's still easy to select the wrong texture in the tool.
It helps a LOT to name your textures very clearly, ie "Cap brit", "cap brit", "cap brit env" and so on. This makes it easier to select the correct texture in the MUA Material Editor.

And now, another preview:
I did this very quickly today, and it shows. I'll need to remake it to do it right (the flag pattern comes much too low down the torso, because I used a bowen statue as my original reference).

September 20, 2018, 11:58AM #697 Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 12:06PM by thetommyboy2002
Better. Old wonky version on top, new slightly better one below.

I'm keeping the old one though. It can be from alternate earth 678 where they have bad tailors....

Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

September 22, 2018, 02:58AM #702 Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 01:20AM by thetommyboy2002
A character I don't think has been done before, Starfox, AKA Eros, brother of Thanos:

Edit: preview of Starfox of 2000 years time from the Thanos: Infinite Siblings GN (which I highly recommend, written by Jim Starlin, art by Alan Davies)

Edit 2: preview of Starfox Modern from the Thanos series:

If I can find any other costumes for him I'll make them so there is at least enough for a 4-costume mod.

Cool! This one is a surprise.
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community