Modding rundown: Sound

Started by Noelemahc, December 05, 2006, 11:53PM

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I wonder if we can contact the person who wrote towav to give us his source code. 

well, he compressed towav with upx and modified it a bit to make sure nobody would uncompress it to just see it with hex editor.. why would he give the source code? lol
but if he at least tell the file format will help a lot.

dude i don't know if this is the format, but i got really really close to it
jump.wav is the uncompressed wav before i converted.

Yeah, but that still leaves us with ZSS problems.  It seems to be engine related as I can rename a ZSS to ZSM and it works.  If I rename a ZSM to ZSS it won't work.  Odd, as they're basically the same format.  So we're basically stuck in the same place we were.

December 11, 2007, 10:55AM #289 Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 10:58AM by winstrol
nop, it worked fine in zss files. Since i'm not changing the file format (106 or 6a) it will work for any file no problem. I think that zss files just can't handle pcm files.

Oh, the file you uploaded is an uncompressed PCM 16-bit 20050.  Are you sure that it's the same one that's in the ZSM?  The wav looks very different from the file in the ZSM

nop, the file in zsm is converted to this 'new format' i found.
It's a modified ima adpcm.

Do you have the codec for it?  I've got lots of sounds waiting in line to be put into ZSM/ZSS files.

December 11, 2007, 12:47PM #293 Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 03:22AM by winstrol

source code:

it was created by Deniz Oezmen and was intended to work with sound files of the game driver (i guess), so i just messed it a bit to try making them work with mua/xml sound format..

edit: no need to input the "block_size" anymore. just do wav2xa uncompressed.wav muaformat.wav

Awesome.  I'll start ripping out the XML1 sounds and prepping them.

yes! i just figured out the file format :)
should i make a interface program or console (dos)? (either will be quite simple and fast to do) or should i just modify zsm editor to auto convert the files?

December 13, 2007, 05:00PM #296 Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 07:37PM by Teancum
Have ZSM Editor auto-convert if you can do that.  It will make things easier for the future.


Wav2xa works great.  All of the files I've converted from basic PCM work fine.  On an unrelated note, I can't seem to get completely new ZSS files to work.  I'll post more information later.

December 13, 2007, 11:33PM #297 Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 03:21AM by winstrol
so here it goes:

zsm editor 2.3:

Actually, since i'm using audiere library it was supposed to support even non pcm format (like mp3) converted to mua format.. but i'm a bit lazy lol
i can do that later if you think it would be useful. For now you'll need to import files as
pcm 22050hz 16-bit mono
xbox format: xbox adpcm 22050hz 4-bit mono

hwkeye sounds converted from xbox as sample:

Awesome.  I'll download this tonight and work on it over the weekend.  Since I can just import Xbox ADPCM files right in I'll do the other 3 characters over again with better quality.

Winstrol, can you check to see if you can build a brand new ZSS file?  I tried creating venom_v.zss, and while the sound plays in ZSMEditor and the hashes are correct, it won't play in-game

I have a problem during my modifications to ghostie's sound *.zss file (see my thread). Can someone pls tell me how to save recorded files into the *.zss file using the ZSMEDITOR in the correct format? cos it keeps tellin me that there is some error with the  format, even if it is an ordinary .wav file