Modding rundown: Sound

Started by Noelemahc, December 05, 2006, 11:53PM

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And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: BliZZ on May 21, 2007, 12:09PM
Here's my idea: bear in mind I have no idea if it will work.

We take a character's sound file that ALREADY has the proper headers built in, like Wolverine's. We find the sections which are the raw data for the various sounds, and overwrite that raw data with raw data from another character's voice. Don't know if it'll work, but someone who knows what they are doing trying wouldn't hurt anyone :P

I dunno. This might be like trying to copy a 80GB HD image onto a 40GB HD.

Quote from: GuyIncognito on May 22, 2007, 04:04PM
I dunno. This might be like trying to copy a 80GB HD image onto a 40GB HD.

With or without the k-y jelly?

Seriously, anyone have any better ideas?  Nobody has been able to break any real ground on the sound problem yet, and I have no idea where to start (Noel seems like he's done it all already).
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Hey, Does anyone have the audio for the voices and powers in .wav for silver surfer? If you do, could you up it please? :silvers:  :silvers: :silvers: :silvers: :silvers: :silvers: :silvers: :silvers:

July 22, 2007, 03:54PM #139 Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 05:54PM by Bane1
Any idea how Omega Red's sound folder would look like. Does he have alot of dialogue?

Edit: I got Blizzes and cvc mods confused. Still would be interesting if the sound files worked no matter what X-men mod you are using. Not sure how they work exactly though.

Sorry if this has already been mentioned but I managed to open the sound files and able to listen to them in a program called Goldwave. The program knows no exact file to open them with but I manageed to get them open in a .vox format. These sounds were really slowed down so I sped them up a few times (dunno the exact value thoug) and got them into an audiable frequency. I was wondering, if you could get the sounds to paste over the existing sounds then perhaps something might happen?

Sorry if its already been done as I didn't have time to read the entire thread

Fresh news on the sounds front:  I've successfully re-built hwkeye_v.zss with Moon Knight's sounds on the Xbox.  For my next trick, I'm going to take a dive and see if I can convert the format over to PC.  The headers are virtually identical, I'd just have to convert the files to PC adpcm .wav, then remove the headers, then start pasting and changing offsets.  But that won't be until I paste all of MK's files into Hawkeye's.  I'm also going to try just changing Moon Knight's header from ZSNDPC to ZSNDXBOX, then pasting new Xbox wavs in (while chaning offsets and filesizes).  If that works, then we can literally exchange character sounds.  Xbox can finally get Moon Knight and Colossus, and PC can get Captain Marvel, Ronin, Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Cross your fingers & gimmie a couple'a weeks.

But can you change it so that that new file can be read with a different name, ie moonk_v? Because changing the name usually results in the file not being read, which leads to the assumption that it is built into the header.

August 06, 2007, 03:06PM #143 Last Edit: August 06, 2007, 03:11PM by Teancum
No, you won't be able to build new ones in that sense.  But if I can use moon_m and moon_v as a 'shell' and go through putting things back into Xbox format then that tells me we've got the following we can do the same to:

moon_m --->Xbox
coloss_m --->PC (XML1 sounds, since the MUA actor suxbad), then ---> Xbox
hwkeye_m --->PC
capmvl_m --->PC
bwidow_m --->PC
ronin_m --->PC

And, if the 360 ZSS builds are the same 'shell', we replace the xma files the same way, making:
cyclops_m --->PC (now a dedicated file, rather than XML2's x_common)
night_m --->PC (same deal)
magneto_m --->PC (same deal)
sabretooth_m --->PC (same deal)
hulk_m --->PC (we'd need to make our own sounds)
venom_m --->PC (same deal as Hulk)

Also, if this is possible that also means conversion of XML1 world sounds.  It'd be a long and sucky process, but if this works, that's possible too.


Crash and burn.  Apparently the headers are different enough to cause a dirty disc error.

Hulk: Ultimate Destruction'd be my suggestion (for Hulk, that is)

Would someone who knows the process for ripping PC sounds do me a huge favor?  I need Moon Knight's menu callouts and break_moonknight sounds.  Regular wav format is fine.  From there I can actually convert them to the Xbox.


he only has the one break (much like XML2 Pyro), I am not short-changing you

No prob.  I can just repeat the break as many times as needed.  Thanks man.

Yeah, the first one is the program I use for Xbox stuff (extracting), but it only works on Xbox stuff.