Who is your favorite X-Men character?

Started by TEGC Rocco, December 07, 2009, 03:59PM

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Who is my favorite xmen? That is a really hard question.

I know one of them is Sabertooth, he is the best parts of wolverine, tough, resilient, but also has good moral, a strong sense of duty and courage, and is cunning at the same time.

Naturally was referring to the Exiles/Age of Apocalypse Sabertooth, otherwise the post makes no sense

Cyclops..... definitely Cyclops.....

I have a lot of favorites, but I have to go with Cyclops.  :cyclops:

Storm is my favourite. Wolverine would be close second.

I have some issues about that, maybe Wolverine or Deadpool or Captain America, but that's definitly a hard question to answer, cause every single character has its soul and heart in every story.

Hmmm... i'll think about that.

 :rogue: Rogue! No question, hands down, 100% it's Rogue!

My favorite is a tie between Cyclops  :cyclops:, Storm  :storm: and Emma Frost  :emmafrost:.

I also like Rogue   :rogue:, Psylocke  :psylocke:, and Gambit  :gambit:.

currently Hellion
for all time: Iceman

Hm...Everytime I think about questions like this, it's always hard to answer. For me, let it be a tie between Gambit, Nightcrawler, Juggernaut, Cable and Wolverine.