
Quentin Hex's Skins ➹ Gwen Stacy: Spider-Woman

Started by Quentin Hex, January 28, 2010, 05:20PM

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Yay you released them. Solid work. When my next playthough is done, Magik is coming back in and that skin is so on her.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Quote from: Oddark123 on April 08, 2013, 07:25PM
Yay you released them. Solid work. When my next playthough is done, Magik is coming back in and that skin is so on her.
You make it sound dirty! Really though I just wish there was a complete Magik mod or maybe a conversion of Nodoubt's XML2 version. I have a few other Magik skins if you're interested for when you install her.

I meant i just don't have her in my current herostat. It's a stage 2 mod. Pretty good though. As are most of the stage 2 mods are. The only two of those i think that really need a makeover would be Cannonball and Mandarin. I don't really have any irks about the others. And i also consider Mr Sinister and Super Skrull to be stage 2 when you add all the little parts sprinkled to be found around the forum XD
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Quote from: DeeDooo on April 08, 2013, 07:24PM
I agree about Cyclops' Visor...just doesn't quite do it for me. Maybe I'll make an alternate skin with a different visor? I definitely think the concept of the Emma mod is interesting, I just hope it would actually work in gameplay because Bruiser anims don't always look good on other models. The other problem is of course the time it would take, even though bruisers are fairly simple.

A different visor could be nice!

Yeah the Emma mod could either turn out really good, or really bad.

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

As per usual, click the pictures for the download link. For these skins to work properly you will need to remove the bolton part of Wiccan's herostat. I think I got the skins named right but if the download doesn't look like the picture just tell me and I'll fix it.

So I was playing around with the idea of Wiccan not wearing his cape...

That last design is by Hyperactive Neko on deviantart. I'll released a caped variant too :)

Also I was reading this idea for an alternate universe on tumblr and I loved the design for Billy so I made the closest version I could. He looks too good in a long coat to resist! :D I think I'll make a few more alternates with him in this coat.

Those new costumes look amazing Deedooo! Amazing work :D

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I'm glad you like them too :] I was particularly proud of this batch :D

Quote from: DeeDooo on April 15, 2013, 03:25PM
I'm glad you like them too :] I was particularly proud of this batch :D

You should be they are amazing!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Nice, as the guru of the Young Avengers you've done it again.

Although i do hope one of these days Billy uses those powers of his to make sure Teddy gets a mannequin update lol.
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Love the capeless and jacketless look. Also how did you get that camera angle on that pic of the jacketed. Pic? Did you just have to corner and wrestle the camera?

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 15, 2013, 03:26PM
You should be they are amazing!
Aww thanks :3
Quote from: Oddark123 on April 15, 2013, 03:44PM
Nice, as the guru of the Young Avengers you've done it again.

Although i do hope one of these days Billy uses those powers of his to make sure Teddy gets a mannequin update lol.
Haha someone had to pick up the Young Avengers slack around here! I thoroughly agree. He's probably too busy kissing Teddy to make the damn mannequin though! Or dealing with "Mother" in the current YA series...

Quote from: Lionsden99 on April 15, 2013, 06:10PM
Love the capeless and jacketless look. Also how did you get that camera angle on that pic of the jacketed. Pic? Did you just have to corner and wrestle the camera?
I'm glad you like :) That camera angle is actually through Gevth's 3rd person camera mod, but there's an alternate file to download that makes the camera angle from the front instead of from behind.

Geez! these are awesome! Really love the textures you used and the details
And i wanted to say that the haircut is really well made! knowing the model it is always painful to make
but we can see that you know how to use it really nicely and it creates great volume.

Not to mention Uncanny X-Men skins which are..@@@ amazing! :P definitely want to try these in game

DeeDooo think you could do a movie skin for magma jubilee and havok? one thats more similar to the gambit or x-23 version. with the colored lines and X

Quote from: DeeDooo on October 20, 2012, 12:43PM

Doctor Strange's modern costume! You need the code I included below to hide the cape. change the skin entry if you want it to only hide the cape on one skin, but if you don't really care, you can just remove it.
      Multipart {
      health = 0 ;
      hideskin = cape_segment ;
      skin = XX ;

Wish I had more things for you guys, like some of the things I promised I'd actually get done, but I've been either super busy or not really in a good place emotionally lately (or both) and that's not good for getting things done. I think I owe a few people icons >,<

That's a pretty cool skin! I really dig Dr. Strange's modern look. Do you think you could make a version that most closely resembles the following pic?

The cape looks pretty good on Dr. Strange. Basically, it would just be a reskin of the neck piece.

Hey Deedooo, I've seen your :warbird:'s captain marvel costume and I think it's good. But can you make the one like Marvel Heroes had?

And could you make her HUD as well? Thanks :)