Just out of curiosity

Started by tymaca321, February 05, 2010, 08:14AM

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So in the rules section, the last post said : (if you have any question ANY question, ask them in the general board)
And in the rules stand the following (we have special ranks for people who spam, and you wont like them)
What are these ranks? (just out of pure curiosity) i basicly dont think this counts as spam :P
since it stands in the rules :)

The rank called "Banned" obviously. An perfect specimen of a "Banned"-ranked member would be MidnightCurse, Infamous for spamming useless [CENSORED] in each and every topic, telling lies while he's at it most of the time. Still curious?:P

I remember when the Mods gave him the title, Sir Spams-A-Lot, he didn't think it was funny but i lol'd so hard.

Ah, good times...