
How to start in hard mode?

Started by maacky99, July 01, 2009, 08:33AM

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Dumb question here - I finished the game (or so I think). Beat Dr. Doom, saw the epilogue I'm in Doom's castle near the Shield Access Point. If I go to start a new game it's only easy or normal mode - I've read here that you can restart in hard mode and choose your team from the beginning. Am I missing something here?


After you beat Doom, save the game, then quit it.
Start a new game using saved game data and choose the game you saved!

Or you could look around the web and search for a settings.dat file with everything unlocked and replace your original one!
What Would You Do... If You Only Had... One More Day?

Thanks for the help but I though you could just start a new game and Hard mode would be an option after you have "beaten" the game?

I'm not sure because right after I beat the game, I found about this site so I just started adding mods in and the settings.dat with everything unlocked was a must!
What Would You Do... If You Only Had... One More Day?

did you beat it on easy? i think you have to beat it on normal.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

It says you have to beat it in Easy or Normal.
I don't have Hard mode, and I haven't beaten Normal, yet (doing to many mods and new games...)

I have the same problem. I start a new game, and hard is still all grey and  unselectable.

Quote from: piutebob on July 01, 2009, 04:04PM
It says you have to beat it in Easy or Normal.
I don't have Hard mode, and I haven't beaten Normal, yet (doing to many mods and new games...)

No, you HAVE to beat it on normal to get hard, i've done it myself so I can confirm.

the easiest way is to get a saved game file from someone who have finished the normal mode :P
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