What's your "My Team" name?

Started by Gevth, March 13, 2010, 03:10PM

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I can't even remember, I used so many names

Members are different every time, but the name is generally the Utah Cowboys. I live in Texas.
El Maiz

Well, I have 2 teams:
X-Men Forever:
Jean, Cyclops, Emma, Storm, Wolverine, Polaris, Dark Phoenix, Psylocke, Magneto and Nightcrawler.

Phoenix Force:
Jean, Rachel, Dark Phoenix, Maddie, Emma Frost.

I had a Phoenix Force team once too except I didn't have Emma as I don't count her as a Phoenix host as she isn't powerful enough to wield the power anyway. I did add Storm because of the What If? Issue and Xavier as he wielded a shard of the Phoenix for a while.

I usually just called my team Strikeforce.

And at one time or another ALL members of the default roster have been a member...except for Blade and Elektra whom I never really used at all aside from unlocking their stuff.

My team is called BLUETORNADO ( :nightcrawler: :mystique: :capamer: :beast:)

I call my team... The Kingdom Of Southern Cross (KOSC)

1. Thor (The King)  :thor:

2. Storm (The Queen)  :storm:

3. Ms. Marvel (The Princess)  :warbird:

4. Colossus (General Of Thor's Army & Husband To The Princess)  :colossus:

5. Wolverine (Colossus's Right Hand Man... There Like Optimus Prime & IronHide... Just With A Fastball Special)  :wolverine:

6. Ironman (The Armored Knight)  :stark:

7. Hawkeye (The Archer)  :hawkeye:

8. Dr. Strange (The Sorcerer & The One Who Will Betray The Kingdom... Eventually?)  :strange:

And Somtimes I Kill Off Ironman & Hawkeye & Add

9. Juggernaut (The Giant Gladiator Who Serves Thor As A Gate Keeper Protecting The Entrance To The Kingdom)  :juggernaut:

10. Nightcrawler (The Jester... But A Fierce Warrior In Battle, Trained By Wolverine)  :nightcrawler:

1. :deadpool:
2. :silvers:
3. :colossus:
4. :moonk:
5. :ghostr:
6. :warbird:
7. :nfury:
8. :stark:
9. :wolverine:
10. :humant:
That's my best team. My Deadpool is now invicible.

Hello! :D.

My team name is: S.W.O.R.D. (Anti Shield!!! :nfury:... lol)

Supreme Warrior Organization Really Disconcerting !!! LoL.. I have to admit that only S.W.O.R.D. sounds good and I need to find the exact words xD to make it better!


Captain America  :capamer:
Spiderman           :spiderman:
Wolverine            :wolverine:
Iron Man              :stark:

It's my first time playing, I'm Excited =). Act2-2 level 23.

I cant remeber I think it was Ultimate X ( :spiderman:, :humant:, :wolverine:, :stark:, and sometimes I play as :deadpool:, :strange:, :ghostr:, :iceman: and sometimes  :nfury:

August 11, 2010, 12:07PM #26 Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 10:00AM by Mizzy625
5 main teams

Double Dates
(All pairs on my team)
Rouge and Gambit  :rogue: :gambit:
Storm and Black Panther  :storm: :panther:
Daredevil and Elektra  :daredevil: :elektra:
Shadowcat and Colossus :kittyp: :colossus:
Scarlet witch and Nightcrawler  :scarletw: :nightcrawler:
Invisble woman and Mister fantastic  :iwoman: :fantastic:

Bad girls club

Stepford cuckoos :cuckoo:
Emma frost :emmafrost:
Enchantress :enchantress:
Moonstone  :warbird:
Dark Phoenix  :phoenix:
Goblin Queen  :phoenix:
Domino :domino:

Light Squad
Dazzler :dazzler:
Ms Marvel :warbird:
Jubilee :jubilee:
Havok :havok:
Northstar  :northstar:

Brains and Brawns
Jean grey :phoenix:
Psylocke  :psylocke:
Emma Frost  :emmafrost:
Hellion  :hellion:
Hulk  :hulk_icon:
Thing  :thing:

New recruits
Magik :magik:
Jubilee :jubilee:
Iceman :iceman:
Cannonball :cball:
Magma :magma:
Shadowcat  :kittyp:

October 09, 2010, 02:04PM #27 Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 11:12AM by rainw7
 My newest team in MUA is DEADLY ALLIANCE , formed by: Storm, Nightcrawler, Hulk and Scarlet Witch

And in XML2: Storm, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey and Juggernaut

<A HREF="http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php/topic,8019.0.html">CHECK OUT MY XML II MODS HERE</A>

my team name would be either First Class or Special Forces

I once used a team and called them Death Defiers:  :deadpool: :wolverine: :punisher_logo: :ghostr:
But my fav team is called "The Dark Knights":  :deadpool: :moonk: :genis: :madrox:

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!