Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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We need more females for the marvel side. Ms. Marvel is a must for me and Spider-Woman would be great too. Either Psylocke or Elektra (I'd love both but like that is gonna happen) and either Thanos or Apocalypse. Since we have many X-Men and their villains plus no cosmic characters besides Jean, I would say Thanos. Venom or Green Goblin wouldn't be bad either for a Spidey villain. If we need another magic character I'd say Dr. Strange or Scarlet Witch. Cyke would be nice but he wouldn't add to much for the game. Iceman is another must because we need more ice/water powers.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 02, 2011, 10:12PM
We need more females for the marvel side. Ms. Marvel is a must for me and Spider-Woman would be great too. Either Psylocke or Elektra (I'd love both but like that is gonna happen) and either Thanos or Apocalypse. Since we have many X-Men and their villains plus no cosmic characters besides Jean, I would say Thanos. Venom or Green Goblin wouldn't be bad either for a Spidey villain. If we need another magic character I'd say Dr. Strange or Scarlet Witch. Cyke would be nice but he wouldn't add to much for the game. Iceman is another must because we need more ice/water powers.
My two opinions: I totally agree that Marvel side needs more girls. The second is that the game needs more villains to either Marvel or Capcom (come on, only Wesker as a villain on Capcom side while almost half of Marvel side are villains?)

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

@ midnightphoenix In MvC3, C. Viper is a heroine, in fact she was an FBI agent now + Jill seems had a feeling that the suit she wear when she was kidnapped by Whisky was suits fit, so they are the heroines.
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Marvel really does need more females! I was hoping if Jean didnt make it that Spiderwoman would, but I guess we will see! and for DLC I wasnt Emma for sure, and Shadowcat would be awesome to since she would be different!

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 03, 2011, 08:50AM
Marvel really does need more females! I was hoping if Jean didnt make it that Spiderwoman would, but I guess we will see! and for DLC I wasnt Emma for sure, and Shadowcat would be awesome to since she would be different!

Yeah, but the problem is because of Shadowcat's powers she never appeared as an OFFICIAL playable character yet, only as NPC, and I don't think MvC 3 might be different. As for other 3 girls, any of them suits for me

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

Yeah but since she hasnt been playable yet, it would be cool for this to be her first game as playable, because really she could just use swords for most attacks, and lockheed for fire attacks, and phase could be a temp thing like actuivate it and it only stays on for so long

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Kitty's phase would be good as say, a quarter circle move to get to the other side of her opponent, or other defensive "flicker" moves.

true ^^ and I read that Kittys phase only works as long as she holds her breath, so really this isnt a never ending power

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News Flash, there's gonna be a secret event & new character announcement in Las Vegas:
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Well finally we get some news! but we have to wait like 3 days :( cant wait tho!

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Same here. Hope Jean is the one announced so we can get a look at her.

Same here!!! I so hope she is in! I woud be very happy, and really I dont really care about all the other chars, the twitter account talked about so as long as she is in im happy, and maybe that other darkstalker char, and I hope Emma, Frank West, Ryu, Nina, and Regina are all DLC :P mainly because Emma would be awesome and I know fan demend would love her!! and Ryu and Nina plus Regina have yet to be in any of these games, because I have no idea, eye roll, lol any how, and Frank was going to be in any way, same with Shuma, but t hey were both taken out, and then shuma became DLC so Frank has a good chance! Wow thats alot lol

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so this "secret event" is like a tournament? Like "Who plays best in MvC 3"?

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

January 03, 2011, 10:59PM #283 Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 11:01PM by LarsAlexandersson
Just hope her theme were mixed up between MUA2's main theme + MBAA's Kara no Kyoukai (Ryougi Shiki's theme) if she's really announced this week.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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 :phoenix: Ooooo just 48 hours before they reveal more characters! Heres hoping for Jean Grey!