Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 23, 2011, 03:15PM
Mystique would be so fun! And the only bad thing about the voting is that it isnt made by the game people that person just made it so even tho some characters didnt get 1st or 2nd like we wanted doesnt mean they wont be the 1st to be DLC
Yeah the maker of the vote will send the results to some developers but it doesn't guarantee anything. Maybe some other characters will get a chance then. Capcom has said that it will consider fan requests for character choices.

I just hope we get some good people!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I was considering Punisher but we already have Chris from Marvel. BTW what costumes do you want (we are more likely to get new costumes before new characters). Since they are adding new models there are tons more choices now. I hope we get real 90s costumes for Jean and Storm. Since the developers love the 90s costumes I can't see them not making them.

How did you feel about the lack of a story mode. It really bugged me because Capcom said that the storymode would be very important and better than in any other game, yet it had no story.

I missed Story mode to its sad, but maybe it will be DLC if its so important! And I want either her 90's, Marvel girl, or New X-Men for Jean's costumes and I really want storms 90's white costume I love that one!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I'd love Marvel Girl or New X-Men but somehow I doubt we will get Marvel Girl. But it would be a unique and great choice (although not practical for a fighting game). Since Capcom made a big deal about story mode I have a feeling it will be DLC. It looks like we will have to pay to get a story; sigh....

Well if it is dlc it better be good and worth it! And I just hope they choose the right costume for Jean, because since they named her Phoenix I hope they dont turn more towards phoenix costumes because although Apoc phoenix or here comes tomorrow would be cool I would prefer others!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

I think they named her Phoenix just because they wanted to name her by the proper codename rather than her real name. It makes sense as even though everyone calls Jean by her name, she has been using Phoenix as a codename since the 90s. I think XML and MUA2 should have used Phoenix rather than Jean Grey because it would make more sense.

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You can totally tell its fake it doesnt even look like the game, just look at hulk lol still funny!

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February 25, 2011, 07:19PM #657 Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 07:30PM by MarvelFan12345
For Capcom I picked M. Bison, Mega Man X, and Frank West. Sigma, Captain Commando, and Strider were also high on my list but the other three were more important to me.
I picked M. Bison because I think we could use another villain plus someone else from Street Fighter and he fits both. Mega Man is a huge character but classic MM seems boring personality-wise and I don't really know about MM.exe so I picked MM X. As for Frank West practically everyone wants him and he seems cool. Plus he fits for the modern roster this game seems to have (with a few classic characters).

Marvel was a much harder decision. I ended up picking Ms. Marvel, Psylocke, and Dr. Strange. There are so many others I wanted like Venom, Green Goblin, Cyclops, Gambit, Elektra, Rogue, Silver Surfer, and Thanos, so if they make it I will still be happy. Psylocke is my 2nd fav after Jean so I had to pick her. Ms. Marvel I feel is very important and one of Marvel's biggest characters. Finally I picked Dr. Strange because we already have his 2 archenemies, so why not have him. A reason I didn't give my vote to Venom, Cyclops, Surfer, or Gambit is because I'm sure that there fans will keep them high on the polls so even though I want them equally as the 3 I picked I'm not really worrying about them.

Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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hah, didnt expect to see a pink Shuma-Gorath :))

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!