Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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You said Spidey and Trish, and they are yet to be put up on the roster ;P

I wanna be a special guest character :D No, but I wait this game :)

My thought says about this special guest character in MvC3: ''It must be a some character not from both Marvel and Capcom, but from the other company which related to Vs. Capcom series years ago (except Namco's RPG crossover). Maybe the character from SNK or Tatsunoko.'' If it was a guest character from SNK, my vote to Ash Crimson. Or if it was a guest character from Tatsunoko, my vote to Tekkaman Blade.
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HQ TGS Gameplay:
Whisky (Wesker's nickname, taunt by Ash Crimson which is Wesker name look liked a drinking bottle name):
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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This roster select seems new.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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September 22, 2010, 09:48AM #80 Last Edit: September 22, 2010, 09:52AM by tymaca321
Grr Photo is dead :*(

EDIT : Nvrmind well...looks ok i guess :P, they put Spidey and Trish difrent, so far i only hate to see this game have less chars then MVC2, its a sequel dammit :P

I'm really not impressed by the current roster!!!!! I mean, Dante's cool, Chris Redfield (yaaay!) & Thor (FTW) are the only characters i'm actually excited about so far. I definitely don't want this roster to turn into a doppelganger roster from MvC2... think new and exclusive characters people! I was upset when i heard the FF4 & Punisher would not make the cut... even more so, when i heard no Tyrant or Nemesis. Dormammu & Super Skrull don't move me, they seem as if there this years installment of Shuma Gorath & Black Heart.

(I'm Really Hoping 4)

Phoenix (Jean Grey)

At least 6 out of this 12....

I would love Quicksilver, Nightcrawler, Hawkeye and Vision :D

Ok. Is anybody in the MarvelMods here life in Chicago. There's Chicago Fight Club Youtube video on Gamefaqs
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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NYCC will announced new characters at:
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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I'd love to see

Jean Grey
Scarlet Witch
Elektra or Bullseye
Ms. Marvel

I want to see Jean and Storm, wanted emma but that wont happen, and then I wantto see Jill aswell although it may not happen since Chris and Wesker are already in mybe she could be DLC

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Yeah I think they will be a classic dlc. And I would LOVE to see Jean in it also Nightcrawler since both have always been absent on all vs series not including cameos.

Very true they did say they wanted to bring in people who havent been in a MvC game yet which so far not a very good job of doing that, Cap, Iron man, wolverine, dr Doom, Chun li, Ryu, Morrigan, Felica, Spiderman, Hulk, Thor, Tron Bonne I dont think im missing anyone and then for new peeps Trish, Deadpool, Dante, Chris, Wesker X-23, Dormammu, Super Skrull, Amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe

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