Jean Grey VS Emma Frost

Started by White Fan, June 22, 2010, 01:25PM

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June 25, 2010, 12:36AM #75 Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 12:42AM by mj fan
in the beginning as her age was never stated they just have rejuvenated her later for the story  :)
otherwise do you immagine cyclops and emma relationship ..... :eek:

Quote from: mj fan on June 25, 2010, 12:36AM
in the beginning as her age was never stated they just have rejuvenated her later for the story  :)
otherwise do you immagine cyclops and emma relationship ..... :eek:

I know Scott as 30 and Emma by now could be 50.

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 24, 2010, 05:23PM
i thought she got plastic surgery for breast implants?

XD, if the X-woman dont watch out Emma is going to give em all breast implants XD

Thats kinda scary still 30 and 50 ...... Wow, i honestly just remember the normal emma (the one Whiteking has in his avatar) That way Emma wil never age for me :)

She would be around 50 if they never retconned her age.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2010, 09:46AM
She would be around 50 if they never retconned her age.

Haha and you keep saying that, did you read all the scans that I posted???, most of them were before Morrison's run and she was described as a young and brilliant woman, 20-25 at her time in the hellfire club and generation x. Her age was never retconed, face it :P
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

You are right, but back in the 80s, before the 2000s she was meant to be way older. But you are right about the fact that other writers before Morrison made her younger. Morrison is just credited for giving the official age. But I mean if we went with her age before the 2000s and even maybe the 90s. Her age from the original appearance.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 25, 2010, 03:23PM
You are right, but back in the 80s, before the 2000s she was meant to be way older. But you are right about the fact that other writers before Morrison made her younger. Morrison is just credited for giving the official age. But I mean if we went with her age before the 2000s and even maybe the 90s. Her age from the original appearance.

Marvel Handbook #8 (July 1986)

The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol. III (Master Edition) (1990)

1986 and 1990, just 6 and 10 years before her first appereance, Uncanny X-Men #129 (January 1980), your fanboyism is blinding you dear.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Wow you are right. I guess an Emma fan would know. And it really isn't fanboyism. I just really remember this one place where I read that Emma was introduced as 40 and her age was changed. There were a bunch of Emma fans who said that and agreed to it so I just assumed it was the truth. Never mind all that then.

June 28, 2010, 07:17PM #83 Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 07:25PM by MarvelFan12345
More cool telepathic stuff that Jean could do includes her using her telepathy to explode a cage that is designed to block psi-attacks. This cage is in fact designed by Mr. Sinister who usually could build something fool-proof. This gives a testimony to Jean's telepathic power.

In the Onslaught Saga Jean managed to create psi-shields that not even Onslaught could break through. This would be Xavier using telepathy to his full limits and I think Franklin's powers were added.

Then way back in the 60s with regular Marvel Girl, Jean who has just started to use her telepathy manages to harm Juggernaut through his helmet. Only other person who I know of who could do this was Psylocke because her Psycho-Blast could physically harm the enemy. Although Juggernaut says that only Xavier can do this, Xavier was unable to before.

Also back in those days Jean managed to take on and best Mesmero which was a big deal back then. Jean was still learning how to use her telepathy so to take on another powerful psychic was probably big for her. though this may not count much.

actress Alice Eve who is 28 right now might play Emma in X-Men First Class,
wasn't she in the same age as cyke in Wolverine?
well still I think she's pretty and much prettier than Sigourney Weaver
I wonder if she being considered as a teenager or not this time
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

I guess she will be a student, Benjamin Walker, the actor who will be Beast is 28 as well.
And it wont be the first time than an older actress portray a younger role, Famke Janssen was almost 40 when she played Jean Grey on the X Trilogy (how old was Jean on those movies, 30-32?) and she did an splendid job.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

June 28, 2010, 10:19PM #86 Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 11:34PM by Mr. Law^^
Yeah Famke did a pretty good job with jean but i honestly think that she could have done a better job. also, hollywood ruined the last movie. the phoenix was so lame, it could barely be called the phoenix. hope first class will live not just up to expectations but to what the whole thing is suppose to be. *fingers crossed*
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Quote from: shadowslacks on June 28, 2010, 10:19PM
also, hollywood ruined the last movie. the phoenix was so gay.

I really hope that you are not using the word gay as a way to say stupid or dumb. That would be disapointing from you.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

June 28, 2010, 11:35PM #88 Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 11:46PM by Mr. Law^^
Changed it. Keep talking ontopic people^^

EDIT: I know some people are offended by that here, because they are homosexual. It's something not everybody couldn't known, yet, they don't have to yell or anything that they are.

This was in response to the post below.

Let's just keep ontopic from now on. s-lacks apologized :)

June 28, 2010, 11:35PM #89 Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 11:38PM by shadowslacks
by gay i did mean lame which is offensive. but really the phoenix on x3 was lame, the whole movie was lame and rushed. it was very disappointing.

edit. lol Mr.Law, exactly what i meant

so that word isnt allowed here even if it doesnt refer to anything prejudicial or related to cussing?
although i gotta apologise i wasnt thinking when typing that. my bad, sorry to those who got offended with the word.
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