What modders do you look up too?

Started by Jeanfan321, July 06, 2010, 11:34PM

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I look up to Whiteking,Dihan,Nodoubt_jr and Mr Law i mean no offense to other modders out there and this isn't in any order promise

I look up to (in no particular order) Nowhere man, Iaminngy, Teancum, Deedooo and you Jeanfan for awesome mods, upgrades and tutorials.

October 25, 2010, 10:05AM #2 Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 10:12AM by Nowhere Man
I look up to different people in different things:
I look up to everybody that makes high quality skins cause it's something I'm not good at.
I look up to Dihan in coding and effects, cause it's the things I'm best at and that I love to do the most and he's probably the best in these areas. Kinda like a big brother in a way.
I look up to nodoubt and teancum for maturity and keeping their cool no matter what, always polite and reasonable.
I look up to whiteking for sheer will power, learning things very quickly cause once he sets his mind on something he won't stop till he does it. very leo ^^.
I look up to all modders who are charitable with their releases cause if it weren't for them I probably would have never released anything.
I particularly look up to Blaw and Dark_Mark cause they are fantastic in all areas of modding and that's tough. Plus they're the only ones that know how and actively make custom meshes and that sets them appart from everybody else.
My Releases - http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3554.0

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

I so sensed poetry there, ill finish

I look up to different people in different things
I look up to everybody that makes high quality skins
I look up to everyone where the fun begins
All the modders are just like twins

(im gonna make a marvelmods poetry topic XD)

I look up to all of em, as i realise how hard it actually is, but not only modders, This entire community is awsome :)

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know tymaca is insane
But guess what...so are you :P
My Releases - http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3554.0

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

October 25, 2010, 11:33AM #5 Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 10:17AM by ThePhoenix
I look up to (in no particular order)

nodoubt_jr, who is not just an excellent modder, but also polite and sensible moderator. One of the few modders at the XML2 section these days
Dihan, whose effects are simple the best I can find around here. They are something I could never accomplish.
Nowhere Man, whose boosters have made the characters really better and many of the boosted characters have refound their way into my roster even if I didn't like them.
Deedoo, whose skins are simply stunning.
whiteking, who has learned so fast how to make incredible mods and skins.
Blaw, one of those few with the ability of mesh-making

Now I think I forgot someone...
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3018.0

Quote from: Nowhere Man on October 25, 2010, 11:28AM
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know tymaca is insane
But guess what...so are you :P

XD, genuis

I don't have a preference because all the modders have inspired me at some point of my stay here.
My deep respect to all of them :)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

agreed. I just mentioned the first ones that came to mind, but there are several others, specially inactive ones, who I didn't mention but I so look up to. the classic modders who first figured out how to mod the game and made it so we could do it as well. these guys are legend!

of course THX who started the whole thing and Norrin who made all the great programs that allow us to do what we do.
My Releases - http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3554.0

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

my main active recipients of look-upage (i think i just butchered that sentence XD) are nowhere man, for having the talent of balancing mods and doing awesome things (like rogue) plus his epic poetries, mr law and whiteking for superior skins and supertacular mods, dihan for fantabulous effects and derricious mods and pwning nooblets, nodoubt jr for keeping it cool and assistance and wonderful stuffs for xml2, and many of the older inactive users who did wonderful things (blizz, norrin radd, matt710, just to name a few)

you have no idea how much it means to me to know that my poetry is touching so many hearts.
My Releases - http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3554.0

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

I look up to people in different things:
Skinning: deedooo, whiteking, Shafcrawler.
Making effects: Dihan and shadowslacks.
Power codes: Blaw, no_doubt, Teacnum, Whiteking, Nowhere man ...

February 05, 2011, 05:59PM #12 Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 06:03PM by Mr. Law^^
Sorry for bumping. Think I have the right to pay my respects

Teancum, BliZz, Cates, Krum4o, Iammingy, Norrin Radd, Noelemahc, Burning Rage, Thetommyboy, Chocolate egg I forgot some by names, the one who made the Mandarin mod (Darkmythology? I'm so sorry for the forgetfulness!), piccolo (the one who made it all start by getting Colossus and Moonknight in the PC version!). These are oldtimers, the ones I respect first. Yes, I do have priorities.

Anyway in that order, their knowledge, creativity, technical knowledge (making programs like Norrin), and the motivation to find out methods and not stopping till the answers are given. That's really cool!
These men were here from the start. Teancum's Warmachine has to be one of the best mods here.

Iammingy is someone who went from making the best skins ever to one of the best modders here. Added to that he made boltons too! I don't see his name being mentioned a lot, but ya'll should really REALLY try out his mods and skins, if you haven't done so. He's a modder who should be mentioned for his quality skins: the best.

Dark_mark, Boreman, Gevth, Dihan, Whiteking, Nowhere Man... Dark_Mark makes TOP NOTCH models I can't compete with nor would I even try, and on top of that his mods are just perfect. Boreman.. his skins got better with time but his mods were just so much fun to play with. He just kept going and going.

Gevth is The Big Scripting Guy. Hah.. Because he is. And he's a superb modder! Only he can do what he did: mystique, ghost rider bike (even if it's not finished). I bet he could even pull of Cloak and Dagger.

Dihan is so awesome with coding and effects and doesn't know how to give up unless he wants to quit for a good reason. Also one of the bit more, not harsch but less than harsch, people around here which made him not only a great modder but a great moderator. And yea a good friend!

Whiteking. I took him under my wing as a student (I'm his sensei hah!). But I do look up to him for wanting to learn and growing as a modder. You make me proud, Luis-san! And he's a great friend!

Same as Nowhere Man. Not my student but, he knows what he's doing and he ain't quitting. And he does a superb job.

Marvel Watcher. No I didn't forget. I did had to edit because I thought of your name (Rodrigo) but couldn't remember forum name XD. Excellent skins and mods!!

I did set a priority, but I respect everyone alike. Without the old timers I wouldn't even mod here. It was Teancum who said to me to release what I made. So if you wanna thank someone for my releases, thank him instead.

Ok I'm done writing :D

And I'm very grateful to be your student, mi gran amigo!
Thank you so much for everything Marv ;)

And as I posted before, I love and respect the work from everyone here, from the old school and the new talent, thank you for keep this forum alive.
And as a special note (now that I'm also modding XML2) I would like to add my deepest gratitude to nodoubt_jr who do an extraordinary job for all the XML2 players. :)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Yes nodoubt_jr has been missing from my list but I could've sworn I put him in. I gotta reread what I said!