

Started by Polygone, December 29, 2012, 09:21PM

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December 29, 2012, 09:21PM Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 02:24AM by Polygone
Anyone playing this? I just installed it yesterday, and so far, I'm impressed, the game has a lot to offer to f2p players, so far, I'm still stuck on Koribban with my sith warrior, but im sure he'll be out soon enough...I hope.. xD

(had to move the topic, posted it in the wrong section, doh)

For those who dont know, SWTOR has gone f2p, SWTOR is a game that plays before any of the actual star wars movies, but it includes lots of elements from it (familair planets, lightsabers, force powers etc.)

-A lot of planets, all very diffrent from one another
-Lightsabers, dual wield, dual saber, one handed
-A lot of classes, each begins on a diffrent planet
-The actual option to chose your faction, a lot of star wars games made the mistake of siding you with either the Rebels or the Empire
-Fully voiced dialogue

-Bodies look a little goofy and cartoonish
-Sometimes the game introduces characters that are really boring (Darth Baras, sith warrior storyline)
-Weak personalities, the moral code of some companions is very hard to understand

If I forgot any let me know :)
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Newest Release : Raven

You gain companions as you go though the game. Whether that's a pro or con is up to interpetation. And it's fully voiced.

For some reason, many people find this game a disappointment. Personally, I enjoy it, I'll also get back to it some time in February or March :D

Added 2 pros and 1 con,

So far, im really enjoying this game, I currently have a bounty hunter and a sith warrior, so far, I'm enjoying Bounty hunting a bit more
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

I started a bounty hunter, but only went past the first convo. I've been focusing on my counselor, who's about ready to leave Tython with his first companion. I did purchase some cartel coins to gain access to companion customizations and I really like the one I picked out.

Sweet, how's the counselor story line? Both my characters are currently at Dash Kaas (I believe that was the name?) I still don't really see the need to customize my compainon, sorta ridicoulous you have to buy actual in-game cash for that, maybe when I get a little deeper in the game
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

I'm on US Harbinger, lvl 48 Jedi Knight. But I have several toons already. 2 above level 30 on Republic, 2 toons above 10 on Empire. And I'm a subscriber.

Quote from: Polygone on January 02, 2013, 06:15AM
Sweet, how's the counselor story line? Both my characters are currently at Dash Kaas (I believe that was the name?) I still don't really see the need to customize my compainon, sorta ridicoulous you have to buy actual in-game cash for that, maybe when I get a little deeper in the game

I haven't gotten to far in the story, but I heard it's more behind-the-scenes, which fits with the fact that the Shadow is described as a subtle hand. I did make it to Coruscant, but then I switched over to my bounty hunter, who I enjoy after playing almost ten levels with my Counselor.

I had looked the custmizations up and found that I liked a lot of them so, I bought access for my account.

Quote from: Marvintage on January 02, 2013, 02:16PM
I'm on US Harbinger, lvl 48 Jedi Knight. But I have several toons already. 2 above level 30 on Republic, 2 toons above 10 on Empire. And I'm a subscriber.

Woah 0_0, swweeeeeett
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven