
Tom Tigris Version of Human Torch

Started by Tom Tigris, July 02, 2010, 01:41AM

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July 02, 2010, 01:41AM Last Edit: July 04, 2010, 07:11PM by Tom Tigris
 :humant: :humant:  :humant: I present you... MY VERSION of THE... HUMAN TORCH!  :humant: :humant: :humant:

- Base on 2 skills of Pyro and Sunfire mod: "Fire Bats" and "SUPER NOVA"
- New extreme skill from Sunfire Supernova
- Cool status delivered to the enemies with every skills of the human torch
- The "original" outfit is changed to "Modern" with the fire effect on the hands

Modifies to the skills:
- Flame Thrower: Launch a continuous stream of fire towards enemies,making them run like idiots on fire.
- Fire Storm: Create a charged fireball that creates a fire on the ground. Stuns enemies when fully charged, holding them in fire. Also capable of breaking any protections of the enemies.
- Fireballs: (This one was modified so that Human Torch is "flame on" while shooting fireballs)
- Nova Blast: Create an massive explosion, damaging enemies in a radius and also knocking them back.
- Nova Flames: Flames around the Human Torch increase, damaging and igniting enemies who come in range. Also stun enemies for a while when they come close to human torch and he was activating the power due to the heat that the he put out.
- Nova Bats: Shape flames into bats which seek out foes, exploding and popping the enemies up.
- Ring of Fire: Higher chances in igniting enemies
- Extreme power: Supernova: The Human Torch flies up, concentrating all of his power into his hands, then send down a supernova explosion with the temperature equavilent to that of the sun, causing fire damage.

There're now no bugs thanks to whiteking :)
I would try to fix the bugs if there are any bugs discovered by the players:)
This is also my first time in trying to mod so... yeah..:)) any advice would be helpful :) :abyss:
Now is the example image of the extreme power:

Uploaded with

Here's the link:
No "flame on" while creating nova bats:

Oh right, I forgot the credits:
- Me
- The helpful information in the Knowledge Base areas
- whiteking for his advices in changing those codes to perfect the mod
- The original designers of human torch
- Cates for his pyro mod, which has the needed animations and sounds
- Blizz for his Sunfire mod, which has the needed animations and sounds
- Originals modders of Sunfire and Pyro

Apology to Cates & Blizz:
- I should have asked your permissions before releasing this, hope it's not too late. As I said above, I have only been here for like a month, started modding a week ago so I didn't  know. Again I apologize for this whole incident.

Did you asked for permission to Cates (who did the Pyro mod)??? As we know Blizz (who did the Sunfire mod) doesn't have any problem with a proper credit but I'm not sure about Cates. You have to ask first and credit the original modders.

And just a little advise, you have those bugs because you probably left the names of the powers as they are on Pyro's and Sunfire's powerstyles and talents, for example, if the code says:

Quotename = sunfire_p9 ;
power = power9 ;

You should change it for another variable that doesn't exist on the talents, like humantorch_p11 or something like that. Same in the powerstyles. And the icons you probably didn't changed the entry for the icons in both files, you have to change this line:

Quoteicon_texture = textures/ui/pyro/sunfire_icons.png ;

with the icons for the human torch.

Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

July 02, 2010, 08:17AM #3 Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 08:24AM by Tom Tigris
Thanks a lot whiteking, I mean like really :D
I've fix the stuff like you just said and it works perfectly.
So all of the above bugs are fixed, I suppose :)
And about the original modders, I honestly, for some stupid reasons, forgot about them. It's kinda late now but I will post an apology to them right away, put the guys in the credit and also send them a message for permission. Thanks for the info man, you've helped me a lot :D

Quote from: whiteking on July 02, 2010, 06:39AM
Did you asked for permission to Cates (who did the Pyro mod)??? As we know Blizz (who did the Sunfire mod) doesn't have any problem with a proper credit but I'm not sure about Cates. You have to ask first and credit the original modders.

Actually, I did Sunfire too. No problems here. Not even that big on giving me credit for these powers since they're just reworks of xml2 files.

An update: Ring of Fire has returned with a higher chance of inginiting enemies, giving a better aspect in fighting :)