
The Marvel Mods Solo Tournament

Started by Cates, August 04, 2010, 06:03AM

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Since Fox did it, and the rest are in agreement, Dugan must survive.

And . . . I'm dead.  Ran into a health-regenerating Doombot on the way to the final WS and RM fight and got mobbed trying to take him down. I hadn't had any issues until that moment.

Not sure who I'll take out next. Maybe Hulk.

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Whiteking Emma Frost 30 Stark Tower
edwardfools Cable 30 Helicarrier Start
Gevth Dr. Doom 30 Helicarrier Start
------ ------------- ----- ----------------
Fox456 Human Torch 30 Killed following the fight with Radioactive Man/W. Soldier
Cates Mr. Fantastic 30 Killed by health regenerating Doombot on helicarrier.
Monitor Vision 30 Bullseye
Dihan Iceman 30 Bullseye

August 04, 2010, 06:30PM #31 Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 06:42PM by Gevth
The Thing about Dugan is that if he dies, you lose. Btw, he just died on me.

------ ---------- ----- -------------
Whiteking Emma Frost 31 Stark Tower
edwardfools Cable 30 Helicarrier Start
Fox456 Human Torch 31 Omega Base Post Dugan
------ ------------- ----- ----------------
Fox456 Human Torch 30 Killed following the fight with Radioactive Man/W. Soldier
Cates Mr. Fantastic 30 Killed by health regenerating Doombot on helicarrier.
Monitor Vision 30 Bullseye
Dihan Iceman 30 Bullseye
Gevth Dr. Doom 30 Bullseye
Gevth Magneto 30 Dead Dum Dum Dugan

I'm now on the Omega Base, just after the Bridge (?) I don't know how to call it.
Dugan barely survived, even with my healing boost, everytime that we encountered a group of bad boys, he was just standing there doing nothing -_-'
By the way I'm now on level 31, yay!

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Whiteking Emma Frost 31 Omega Base

Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

OK. I'm back in, with Hulk. Just getting started.

I maded to Fang and lost awwwwww, I try tomorrow.

I'm level 32 now and in the Temple of Negrete.  For Human Torch, the hardest obstacle by a big margin is those frickin' doom bots.  Second was getting Dugan to survive.  It will be interesting to see what are the toughest obstacles for other characters.  I really have been amazed at how relatively easy the bosses have been so far.

Something happened in this game that has never happened to me before.  You know those special orbs that pop up occasionally that charge up your character so that they can use their Xtreme?  Well, I just defeated this tough elemental resistant  Atlantean guard that kept following me.  I got TWO of those orbs from him!
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Oh wow this game is becoming more exciting when i start a new mission. So far Atlantis has been really hard to me, the minions, the mini-boses, everything is hard there lol, I have to be more carefull ^^
@fox. I know what do you mean, one soldier on the omega base just gave me 2 of those xtreme orbs lol,  and it appears that every single box on that area had xtreme orbs as well, I had at least, 6 xtreme orbs on the floor lol.
I'm on Atlantis before the Throne room.

------ ---------- ----- -------------
Whiteking Emma Frost 32 Atlantis

Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Well, I made it to the Atlantean Trenches and defeated the first four guards.  However, Byrrah and Krang got me.  :(  Watch out, just a couple hits from them and I was almost out.  I tried retreating to a "safe" corner, but they both followed me.  Despite having little health, I hung with them for awhile.  However, I never got any health (or energy) orbs from either one of them as the battle went on, so down I went....

Fox, Human Torch, Level 32, defeated by Byrrah and Krang.

I'll try again when I get a chance.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

Got to Stark Tower with the Hulk with ease.

I'm using an almost power-free approach: I dumped all my points into his Fury boost (to increase speed and damage and defense), and the rest into cyclone punch, which I have only used against bosses. Hulk's health meter almost never dropped below 3/4 full. His grabsmash, too, is useful for crowd control. Enhanced damage Doombot? Hulk just grabs him and uses him to pummel his pals. I'm hoping one point in Hulk Roar can scare soldiers away from Dugan and keep him alive. This has been pretty fun so far.

I'll update the standings a little later today.  Hope we get some more participants!

I'm in. I think I'll give Hawkeye a spin to get things started. Won't be able to play until tonight after work or tomorrow morning when I wake up before the crack of dawn...

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mccordlarsen    Multiple Man      32      Valley of the Spirits

I struggled a little in the beginning, but it really helps to be able to cloak myself and send out Dupes to do the dirty work. In order to save Dugan, I had to block him in with about 15 dupes who just sat there. Then I could go about business as usual. I didn't even really play Atlantis. I cloaked myself and tried to avoid all confrontation with Atlanteans. Everytime I did have to fight I just used my extreme to create a whole lot of me's and let them do the rest.

Couple of questions:
1) The trivia machine is allowed, right?
2) Some sim missions have infinite respawning enemies, are we supposed to exploit this? Or out of sportmanship should we play them as fast as possible?
3) Some secrets and powerups are only available if you have certain characters in your team (extra skill point in Stark Tower's Lab for Iron Man, 2 focus powerups in Dr. Strange's room for Dr. Strange). Are those available only if that character is your pick, or can we swap them in to get them?

Finally, there's an easy way to keep Dugan alive:

Ignore enemies and run until you get to the part where Dugan says something was broken. Just a little before fighting Crimson Dynamo. Dugan should have over 80% of his health if you were fast enough. Afterwards you can rush to Crimson Dynamo or go carefully killing all enemies. Once you reach Crimson Dynamo, Dugan is completely safe. But if you're not careful, you can end up fighting Crimson Dynamo as well as some AIM guys and a Super Soldier if you do that final rush.
After beating Crimson Dynamo, you can go back and kill/pick everything you left behind.

Quote from: Gevth on August 05, 2010, 06:59AM
Couple of questions:
1) The trivia machine is allowed, right?
2) Some sim missions have infinite respawning enemies, are we supposed to exploit this? Or out of sportmanship should we play them as fast as possible?
3) Some secrets and powerups are only available if you have certain characters in your team (extra skill point in Stark Tower's Lab for Iron Man, 2 focus powerups in Dr. Strange's room for Dr. Strange). Are those available only if that character is your pick, or can we swap them in to get them?

Excellent questions, Gevth. I'll go ahead and make some executive decisions here:

1) Trivia is allowed.
2) Sim Missions can be played however you like, but once only. That means you get 20 minutes of killing of those respawning enemies if you choose.  Characters with Asgard sim missions might get some more XP for that reason than other characters, but I don't think that's enough to really unbalance things.
3) Yes. You can swap in other characters for purposes of getting those powerups. Essentially, the "one character" rule is for combat only. Your main guy has to do the battlin'.

Keep fighting, heroes!

Finished Atantis mission, Attuma and Tiger Shark were weak I have to say, the other 2, Byrrah and Krang were harder (watch out with them).
I'm on the Valley of the Spirits, right now, carefull with Dragon Man if you can avoid him do it lol, he almost killed me and I had to keep blocking untill my energy was enough to switch to diamond form and/or use my healing boost.
Same with the minions that can stun you, they are tough.

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Whiteking Emma Frost 33 Valley of the Spirits

Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5