
Avalanche Character Mod (Cohollow)

Started by Cohollow, April 01, 2020, 03:39AM

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April 01, 2020, 03:39AM Last Edit: July 17, 2020, 02:57PM by Cohollow
:avalanche:  Avalanche Character Mod  :avalanche:

Up your brotherhood game with a well deserved dose of Avalanche! He was a big player in the events of XML1, and now he can be a big player on your team in XML2. Avalanche has many powers that allow him total control over the field of combat. Able to to stun, trap, and toss enemies about with a wide range of seismic powers, Avalanche is a must have for any brotherhood team. LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! 

Add this file to reduce the skill count of shared skills like mutant master, and to add the striker passive that i will be adding to some characters!
Shared Talents:,10916.msg199255.html#msg199255



Rock Spikes Blasts rock pillars from the ground, popping enemies into the air.

Execution - Functions similarly to other starting ranged attacks with a couple unique traits. The casting speed is a bit longer than most basic ranged powers, but has the benefit of sending out more than one projectile. Also pops enemies in the air on contact. More levels result in more projectiles for a greater spread.

Earth Surf Slides on a wave of earth, knocking enemies back with a kick on contact. (Press And Hold)

Execution - Acts much like Iceman's Ice Slide. A good move for quickly closing the distance on enemies. Contact with an enemy triggers a kick that knocks enemies back. Damage done is split between initial contact with the target and the follow up kick. By keeping the level low, this power can make for a handy travel power with low EP cost.

Upheaval Raises a boulder from the ground, then detonates it, damaging enemies in a radius and knocking them back. Puts out fires.

Execution - This power is great for crowd control and is capable of dealing additional damage to enemies at its center. The first power that smothers fires, this power has many uses in early areas of the game.

Rubble Rumble Creates a travelling tremor, damaging enemies on contact. Puts out fires.

Execution - This is Avalanches ultimate set it and forget it power. It functions much like Storms funnels, damaging and stunning enemies for a time. This frees up Avalanche to focus additional fire on the affected targets, or move on to other enemies. It will continue to travel about after the targets have been dispatched, offering Avalanche superb control over the field.

Sand Trap  Softens the earth beneath the feet of nearby enemies, trapping them for a time.

Execution - This power allows Avalanche to lock up even more enemies by trapping them for a time. It will hit up to 3 surrounding enemies without the need to aim, leaving them vulnerable and unable to approach Avalanche. It deals damage overtime and offers solid field control.

Boulder Blast Avalanche surrounds himself with large rocks, then blasts them outward knocking back surrounding enemies. puts out fires.

Execution - This power offers a number of unique advantages in the field. While surrounded by rocks, Avalanche is impervious to damage, making it a fantastic defensive power. It will also do additional damage to enemies that are closer to Avalanche when he first surrounds himself with rocks. With its defensive qualities, solid range, and knockback, this power is the ultimate protection against thick mobs. 


QUAKE Xtreme radial attack dealing physical damage and knockback. Puts out fires.

Execution - Functions just like most radial Xtremes. Has solid knock back and is able to smother fires.

SEISMIC PROTECTION Avalanche becomes invulnerable, and spends no energy for a time.

Execution - Well suited for use while on the move. Able to go from area to area while this Xtreme is in effect, this power makes great use of your X's.


Tremor Shield Strong tremors surround Avalanche, absorbing energy, elemental, and radiation damage, and damaging enemies on contact.

Execution - This buff is a great way to boost Avalanches survivability. It soaks up damage and causes close range attackers to flinch when damaged by the shield. This allows Avalanche to be in the middle of the mobs with reckless abandon, making great use of his powers


Defensive Stance Combat training increases Avalanches chance to resist melee attacks.

Execution - Helps to build up Avalanches defenses for his aggressive combat style.

Seismic Fists Adds additional physical damage to all melee attacks.

Execution - A good way of dealing damage without draining all of Avalanches EP. This is a rather unique version of this style of passive as it adds physical damage unlike most other special combat passives.

Armor Increases defense rate, and reduces incoming physical damage.

Execution - Avalanches play style will often place him at the center of angry mobs. Improved armor will help him survive the onslaught.

Seismic Mastery Increases damage and critical hit chance on all seismic attacks.

Execution - Just like all other masteries, Seismic mastery adds a helpful damage boost to Avalanches powers.

Mutant Master Increases EP regeneration rate.

Execution - Increase Avalanches mutant master ability to keep those attacks coming, with greatly improved EP regeneration.

Other Features

- Any feedback would be wonderful, let me know if you have problems, questions, or ideas.



be sure to check out shafcrawler's great work here:,1463.0.html


be sure to check out iammingy's great work here:

Original Mod Template

be sure to check out nodoubt_jr's Avalanche mod here:,1138.0.html

Big thanks to many community members for continued assistance and support!

Now that's what i'm talking about! As usual, super dope work. Thanks man.

hell ya homie! Imma do my best to help grow the number of bad ass brotherhood members in every ones XML2 roster

The mod I was waiting for! He's very fun to play as!
I'm a modder from Brazil. Check out my mods!

I only wish the entity used when Avalanche covers himself with the debris could be modified so it forms from the surface instead of being drawn to him. It would have looked much better. Other than that, he looks quite enjoyable and I plan to have him ported over to the console.

April 12, 2021, 09:57PM #8 Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 10:01PM by Rinswind
Hey there Cohollow! So I'm absolutely loving your mods. They stay true to the spirit of the game and aren't too over the top/overpowered like a lot of the other mods I try out on here. I've installed every single one and from here on will always use them as a baseline for a fresh install. I like them that much. Just wanna say much thanks for all your hard work on these and any future projects you devote time to.

Avalanche is so much more awesome with this mod, but there is one thing that I am experiencing a slight issue with. His first power, Rock Spikes, is there any way to perhaps turn them into homing projectiles that seek out random enemies? Or increase the radius at which they can hit a nearby enemy/explosion area? Maybe it's just because I am low level atm so the current rank only spawns 2 spikes at a time, but I tend to see them missing quite often. Sometimes the spike will even fly right past an enemy, missing him by a few inches.

Well, I don't know if it's even possible tbh, just thought it would be a nice QOL for that specific power if you were so inclined. Another thing I thought would be cool is if Rock Spikes could build bridges, much like the bridges Magma can build. In addition if at all possible to put some rocky effects in melee on-hit or on his fists when having points in Seismic Fists. Either way he plays awesomely and he'll always remain on my roster.

Thanks again. :)

Thanks Rinswind, I'm really glad you value my mods so highly! So I tried a lot of different things with the Rock Spikes before settling on their current build.  One build did have them home in on enemies, but such a set up came with some issues. When an entity homes in on an enemy it will attempt to hit the target at its center. This means the spikes would float out of the ground and would straight up fly when targeting large and flying enemies. The damage output of the spikes is actually really high for a power that sends out multiple projectiles that can hit more than one enemy. Its damage is on par with other single target powers like Optic Beam and Ice Beam, making it one of his best options against bosses. It starts with 2 and only increases to a maximum of 5, which is less than your typical multiple projectile power. It may have high damage but it cant home, pierce, fly, and has less projectiles than other similar powers. In testing this power could get very powerful, but the trade off is a lack of versatility. Before it increases to 3, it is best used at a closer range or against groups of enemies. This is why his second power, Earth Surf, is geared towards giving the player total control over its targeting and excels at hitting single targets. It also combo's well with Rock Spikes and helps get Avalanche into position. Avalanche was built to be a uniquely defensive character without skimping out on the damage output and his powers are geared towards controlling and defending against large groups of mobs. I too have noticed that he has a bit of a slow start, but I hope it doesn't detract too much from his usefulness in the early game. There was a lot of back and forth before I settled on the current build of Rock Spikes, and its the one power that Im not 100% satisfied with. If you want to make it more likely to hit, there is an easy fix. Open his entities file and find the entity called "quake_crack", the radius is set to 8 and can be increased as much as u like. This wont increase the size of the spike visually but will increase its contact size. If you increase it enough, it will hit the target it would have otherwise sailed right by.

Sorry for being so long winded and I hope this has all been helpful and informative. I really appreciate the feedback and hope to get more in the future! Don't hesitate to share more of your thoughts on this matter as well as the builds and powers of my other mods too! I havent been doing much active modding, but im still kicking around and always available. HAPPY GAMING!!  :beast:

Quote from: Cohollow on April 14, 2021, 06:31PM
Thanks Rinswind, I'm really glad you value my mods so highly! So I tried a lot of different things with the Rock Spikes before settling on their current build.  One build did have them home in on enemies, but such a set up came with some issues. When an entity homes in on an enemy it will attempt to hit the target at its center. This means the spikes would float out of the ground and would straight up fly when targeting large and flying enemies. The damage output of the spikes is actually really high for a power that sends out multiple projectiles that can hit more than one enemy. Its damage is on par with other single target powers like Optic Beam and Ice Beam, making it one of his best options against bosses. It starts with 2 and only increases to a maximum of 5, which is less than your typical multiple projectile power. It may have high damage but it cant home, pierce, fly, and has less projectiles than other similar powers. In testing this power could get very powerful, but the trade off is a lack of versatility. Before it increases to 3, it is best used at a closer range or against groups of enemies. This is why his second power, Earth Surf, is geared towards giving the player total control over its targeting and excels at hitting single targets. It also combo's well with Rock Spikes and helps get Avalanche into position. Avalanche was built to be a uniquely defensive character without skimping out on the damage output and his powers are geared towards controlling and defending against large groups of mobs. I too have noticed that he has a bit of a slow start, but I hope it doesn't detract too much from his usefulness in the early game. There was a lot of back and forth before I settled on the current build of Rock Spikes, and its the one power that Im not 100% satisfied with. If you want to make it more likely to hit, there is an easy fix. Open his entities file and find the entity called "quake_crack", the radius is set to 8 and can be increased as much as u like. This wont increase the size of the spike visually but will increase its contact size. If you increase it enough, it will hit the target it would have otherwise sailed right by.

Sorry for being so long winded and I hope this has all been helpful and informative. I really appreciate the feedback and hope to get more in the future! Don't hesitate to share more of your thoughts on this matter as well as the builds and powers of my other mods too! I havent been doing much active modding, but im still kicking around and always available. HAPPY GAMING!!  :beast:

Ah! I have not considered the flying enemies thingy, indeed that would be an issue. Also I seem to remember that adding homing to such projectiles would sometimes cause them to continually swirl underneath the flying types until it fizzles out or manages to hit, though that may have been in a MUA1 mod I was messing with. Either way thanks for the explanation, and I'm sure once it's at 5 projectiles it would surely no longer be an issue. Agreed that it must just be an early game thing. I had also not considered just playing him more melee oriented as I am used to just range blasting on all my energy style fighters, so thanks for the tip! I'll wait till he is of sufficient level to gain all 5 projectiles, and test it out to see if it suits my OCD more before messing with his entity file, though much appreciated for the info on how to customize that.

Appreciate the swift reply, and I'm sure I won't hesitate to leave little notes here and there on your mods in the future. P.S. I just can't get enough of this Blob of yours, his "Flesh Bomb" attack is just so perfect and addicting to use, much better than the old rubber ball Beast thing he had.