
If to talk about a plot of x-men comics ...

Started by Rogue, November 17, 2010, 04:21AM

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Probably, a subject line not suits all. Someone dies, with someone something happens... Or on the contrary anything interesting doesn't occur. What would you want to change in a plot of x-men comics? (It is not important what series). Sorry for my English (

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Stop killing off characters who are gonna come back and stop resurrecting a huge amount of characters every few months (Necrosha and Chaos War). Kick Fraction off the book.

I  don't like too , when all die, and  then revived, and in considerable quantities.  Still, to tell the truth, there is too much characters in the history...

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Quote from: Rogue on November 17, 2010, 04:21AM
What would you want to change in a plot of x-men comics?
first I want jean back.Then she should ressurect some people like: kitty, Cable, Maddie, Scarlet witch... then somthing great would happen to they back.then stop killing people.

to be fair, wanda didn't die, she's just amnesiac and apparantly depowered.

but yeah, there are several things I dislike.

1- psylocke's powers. she's changes powers so many times it's ridiculous. I like seeing powers evolving or even getting a new one like emma, but in her case it's just writters that can't make up their minds. she started out as a telepath, then she switched bodies and got martial arts and the daggers on top of that. then she got the shadow teleporting power. then she didn't anymore. then she lost tp and got tk and started using the katana. then she became immune to tp and reality shifts and her tk got mega powerful. not she lost her immunity to tp, got the tp back and her tk got weaker. just hope this last change is the last one.

2 - spin-off characters. how many people with claws do we really need? there's wolverine, sabertooth, deathstrike, romulus, daken, x-23...enough, right? and just how many people have to look almost exactly like jean? there's her, her phoenix clone, madalyne, rachel and now hope. give it a break. if the writters want jean to be there somehow, here's an interesting thought: use HER!

3 - bishop's future. this guy comes back to stop something and every day something new he has to stop shows up. so, what is it? sentinels, a murder, onslaught or hope? what a fucked up future you must live in if everything that happens has to be stopped.

4 - jean. here's how it happens: she's a mutant - she's dead - she's a goddess - she's a mutant - she's dead - she's a goddess (continue this cicle indefinitely). pick one and stick to that.

5 - some mutants never evolve in personality. take iceman for example. he started out as a 14yo and now he's about 27 and has the EXACT SAME personality. We've seen kitty go from teen to mature adult, when is he gonna grow up? same happens to several other characters that just never got more layers since they were first introduced, like Jubilee, Gambit, Polaris and so on.

6 - deaths, of course. this is a problem with all superheroes comics ever since superman died. every year 3 or 4 heroes die just to come back a few months later. it's ridiculous. deaths of beloved characters are supposed to be shocking. it's very clear to me that if a character is just too popular to be permanently killed, you shouldn't kill it. nuff said.

there are some other minor problems, like Northstar saying he's gay, but never actually seen with a guy or in a relationship. he's the first gay in marvel and rictor has had more action than him. but these 6 I think are the big ones.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

oh, yes!  Psylocke's powers are  unimaginably! :) It seems to me, it was superfluous.

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

November 24, 2010, 05:32AM #6 Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 05:35AM by Shauny7488
Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 18, 2010, 06:41PM
to be fair, wanda didn't die, she's just amnesiac and apparantly depowered.

but yeah, there are several things I dislike.

1- psylocke's powers. she's changes powers so many times it's ridiculous. I like seeing powers evolving or even getting a new one like emma, but in her case it's just writters that can't make up their minds. she started out as a telepath, then she switched bodies and got martial arts and the daggers on top of that. then she got the shadow teleporting power. then she didn't anymore. then she lost tp and got tk and started using the katana. then she became immune to tp and reality shifts and her tk got mega powerful. not she lost her immunity to tp, got the tp back and her tk got weaker. just hope this last change is the last one.

2 - spin-off characters. how many people with claws do we really need? there's wolverine, sabertooth, deathstrike, romulus, daken, x-23...enough, right? and just how many people have to look almost exactly like jean? there's her, her phoenix clone, madalyne, rachel and now hope. give it a break. if the writters want jean to be there somehow, here's an interesting thought: use HER!

3 - bishop's future. this guy comes back to stop something and every day something new he has to stop shows up. so, what is it? sentinels, a murder, onslaught or hope? what a VERY HORRIBLE AND DOWNRIGHT DASTARDLY future you must live in if everything that happens has to be stopped.

4 - jean. here's how it happens: she's a mutant - she's dead - she's a goddess - she's a mutant - she's dead - she's a goddess (continue this cicle indefinitely). pick one and stick to that.

5 - some mutants never evolve in personality. take iceman for example. he started out as a 14yo and now he's about 27 and has the EXACT SAME personality. We've seen kitty go from teen to mature adult, when is he gonna grow up? same happens to several other characters that just never got more layers since they were first introduced, like Jubilee, Gambit, Polaris and so on.

6 - deaths, of course. this is a problem with all superheroes comics ever since superman died. every year 3 or 4 heroes die just to come back a few months later. it's ridiculous. deaths of beloved characters are supposed to be shocking. it's very clear to me that if a character is just too popular to be permanently killed, you shouldn't kill it. nuff said.

there are some other minor problems, like Northstar saying he's gay, but never actually seen with a guy or in a relationship. he's the first gay in marvel and rictor has had more action than him. but these 6 I think are the big ones.

Thought id better fix your post, because I dont want to see you get reported :)
I agree with you completely. Every time I try to bring up the Jean agruement, the Jean fanboys always go. She's called The Phoenix, she's supposed to come back to life durr durr.
I have no problems with dead characters coming back to life, IF, its cool, and it helps progress the story.
DC did a great job when they brought Jason Todd back, THAT was an awesome book.
My major problem with Jean though, is that her story goes absolutely nowhere, its just like you said, shes stuck in a loop, its like the writers are writing the same stuff over and over again.

I personally dont mind all the claw characters, as 99% of them have decent origins and are all slightly different in some way.
The Jean clone army however is just annoying, not to mention the rediculous number of psychic characters in Marvel comics, its been that way for years, and I really wish theyd just make some more characters with original-ish powers.
Lastly, the over-use of characters is the most annoying thing ever. First it was Spider-Man everywhere, then Wolverine and now Deadpool. Now i like all 3 characters, with Deadpool being my favourite, but frankly, the amount of times that he has been in comics lately, even im starting to get sick of him.

Sorry for rantin' lol :D