
In-game movies

Started by bobbyraw, November 22, 2010, 11:31PM

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Hey guys.

I just wanted to ask, can someone upload their movies folder for MUA. (......\MUA\movies)

I recently posted a thread in technical problems about the opening movie not playing;,5441.msg106544.html#msg106544

However, I now realise that it is all movies in the game - not the little cut-scenes, like the ones where the bad guys talk to you or the bit where Nick Fury lifts that metal beam off the guy, those are all there. I mean the movies between sections of the game, like the one that I'm guessing must play before you go to Atlantis, etc.

I have reinstalled the game and the movies are still missing (must be screwed disk or something, I don't know), so I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to upload them to mediafire, etc for me. :-D

Thank you in advance.

PS. Try this  :storm: mod/booster It is so good!!!!!!!!!

Paulie Provenzano - "You--?! You weren't there a second ago! And you're talking directly into my head?"
Jean - "That would explain the echo."

Yes, this mod is brilliant!  :storm:

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

If the movies aren't playing correctly then return the game and exchange it for a new one.  I don't feel comfortable having 800mb+ of files uploaded - if it was a mod that would be different, but it makes it look like software piracy.

November 25, 2010, 04:39PM #3 Last Edit: November 25, 2010, 04:41PM by bobbyraw
Hmmmm didn't know the movies folder was 800MB  - guess I am missing a lot :-D. Since it is so massive, I suppose I'll just make do without the little cinematics - the game is completely fine without them.

I guess that's what I get for buying a game on Trade-Me  (NZ website that's sort of like ebay)

Thanks anyway guys.

Paulie Provenzano - "You--?! You weren't there a second ago! And you're talking directly into my head?"
Jean - "That would explain the echo."