What Marvel stuff do you collect?

Started by iammingy, June 08, 2007, 03:42PM

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X-men comics, especially after House of M

I only collect the games, and even then, only the ones that are promo'd on TV.  I know, I'm a horrible fan >.<

Everything Spider-man; comics, action figures, cereal boxes, lunch boxes, even underwear.

I used to collect Marvel trading cards and comics when I was a kid, but that got expensive. Nowadays I just collect Marvel video games, there's a lot less of them to collect!

Figures,Comics,Video Games and DVD's.

Comics (of course) and any videogame which has Spider-man in it.

X-Men comics from before Morrison's run ended (all current X-titles are terrible and I refuse to give Marvel money for reading trash), marvel video games (X-Men or Marvel Ultimate Alliances), and some action figures.

I collect mostly marvel toys these days. I'm not too thrilled with the direction that Marvel has taken, so for the moment, I'm sticking to the action figures. Got a pretty sizeable collection going too.

I collect the  :xmen_logo:-men Comics and some action figures.

Comics, action figures, and Heroclix are what I'm actively collecting at the moment, and I'm hoping to add a few statues to my collection once I graduate. Speaking of action figures, do you all collect the Marvel Select, Legends, or Universe figures?

I am a Marvel Legends man. Which means that right now, there is not much being produced for me to collect (can divert the funds to DC Universe figures.) Don't go for the 3 3/4 scale figures. Also collect the hardcover Marvel Masterworks collections.

Dude, I know! It's pretty much heartbreaking. I do actually like the Universe figures though. They've def. improved since their inception. Are the Marvel Masterworks the lead figures from the UK?

Mostly comics (with a female protag.)

Marvel Legends Figures, videogames, mugen characters :D and everything X-Men related
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P