
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Information

Started by AdvilTom, January 14, 2011, 06:05AM

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This site alone was very hard to find. I only even discovered it by seeing a youtube video featuring Spiderman11's work on WOS. It seems that skins and mods for this game are VERY hard to find. And Marvel felt that it was a good idea to not release any skins or DLC for PC/console. All we have is Texmod. Texmod is pretty simple to use, but not everyone is artistic or have programs that can run DDS or make TPFs. I'm one of the few that can not make my own costumes or do any programming. So all of these facts surmount to me searching constantly for skins or mods that either don't exist or are in another language or have no descriptions (and so could be viruses).

I'd like to know more about this game:

1.) What is possible?
-Is there a mod that takes down the invisible walls? Roosevelt Island, in the game is completely rendered and even on the map. Also crimes can often spawn there. Is there a way to reach it?
-Is there a free camera mode?
-Can one spawn individual villains?
-Are there links to other sites with variant/other/more resources for this game?
2.) What can be modded?
-Why are there so few mods of Black Cat or MJ? Is there no way to use their alternate models? (MJ with no cast, or Black Cat in the calm Symbiote suit)
-Can character models be replaced in cutscenes?
-Can the enemies be modded? Like can I make the glider villains look like Green Goblin or Hobgoblin? The big symbiotes look like Venom, and the skinny ones like Carnage?
3.) Where can I find information on what was originally intended?
-Roosevelt Island, once again, fully rendered, was there something ever mentioned about that?
-What characters were originally supposed to appear?
-Why are there more villain summons than heroes? Was Black Widow going to be the last summon, or another character?
-The PS2/PSP and DS version seems to explain more in the story, than the console version. For instance, Nick Fury is not mentioned in the console version, but he's in the ps2/DS one. The Venom suit exploding and infecting people makes way more sense than it suddenly and magically just producing an army for no reason. The question here is was there ever an intention of explaining any of the inconsistencies of the console version?
-If you don't move just before SHIELD blows up the bridges, you can see that snow is falling. It could not be ash, because nothing is on fire. I remember the developers talking about originally wanting this to take place in the snow/winter. I think they said something about it using too much memory or something, so they decided on fall (Hence the autumn trees throughout the game). Does anyone know where to find that interview or that information from the website?

There are a plethora of more questions and even some requests that I have. However, it seems that people are eager to move on to the next games and WOS is fading away. Can someone please take the time to help me out?

As for the costume requests:
Spider-Man (Red): Can someone just make the game's costume to be more like the comics? This color red and blue, with the larger eyes and no movie texture?

Venom: I've asked around, can someone just make him look like he does in the comics? Like a Classic Venom skin? These eyes, maybe the green drool around the mouth and most important: this spider emblem?

Flying Kingpin Bots: Can we make the Goblin clones look like Green Goblin?

And the black symbiotes with tendrils get texmodded to look like Carnage?

Seriously not trying to bump, but no comment I've ever made on this site has been replied to. Do I have my settings wrong or inverted or something? Does really no one have any sort of comment? 29 views in just a few hours, nothing said. And I'm dead serious about no one ever responding.

dude, 29 views prove that a lot of people can't answer your questions. about the modding part, those that use Texmod may know the answers (btw, if you need help with texmod, there is a topic for that, use the search button on top right corner). about the information of intended things, i have no idea who may know or where can be found

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

I think a lot of people also don't reply because a lot of these questions have been answered. No, you can't change models in WoS, it would take an absurd amount of work, and resources that the developers didn't release. Texmod is about as far as it goes with this game. Unless you are just editing .ini files or something, which only changes in-game options. I don't know if you'd be able to open up the bridge to Roosevelt, if it is, in fact there, and fully rendered, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to open it up if you could get rid of that collision map, but there wouldn't be any guarantee of collision maps being finished on the island itself, making the area frustrating and pointless, not to mention that there wouldn't be anything to do.

As for finding out what was intended to be in the game, there is this little engine called "google", I dunno man, I heard it somewhere. You might search for development notes or something.

I hope I could answer at least a few of your questions.

Quote from: SilhouetteSpider on January 15, 2011, 02:47AM
I think a lot of people also don't reply because a lot of these questions have been answered. No, you can't change models in WoS, it would take an absurd amount of work, and resources that the developers didn't release. Texmod is about as far as it goes with this game. Unless you are just editing .ini files or something, which only changes in-game options. I don't know if you'd be able to open up the bridge to Roosevelt, if it is, in fact there, and fully rendered, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to open it up if you could get rid of that collision map, but there wouldn't be any guarantee of collision maps being finished on the island itself, making the area frustrating and pointless, not to mention that there wouldn't be anything to do.

As for finding out what was intended to be in the game, there is this little engine called "google", I dunno man, I heard it somewhere. You might search for development notes or something.

I hope I could answer at least a few of your questions.

Not knowing or questions being previously answered is not really a valid reason to ignore someone. I mean I can understand if people are socially awkward, but a simple link to an already answered question is the typical response on ANY other website.  Also, I don't need help with texmod, I need $600 dollars to waste to get photoshop. That is why I can't use texmod myself. As for other mods or programming questions:

That's cute. I don't know why you'd take such a sarcastic approach. I mean it defeats it's on purpose. You're implying that google is such a common sense, widely known search engine for information. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I tried google, already? That I searched and searched and didn't find answers to my questions? Oh wait, I said that in my first sentence that I already did a crapload of research.

Anyway, about Roosevelt Island, yeah I'm assuming the collision maps are finished there because the enemies don't fall through the floor. I've seen the giant mechs and they've sent missiles at me. So they can definitely walk around over there. Also you swing from the sky, so as long as there is a point higher than you, you'd be able to swing even if you couldn't land.

Texmod doesn't handle .inis, so even if some of the questions were answered, there's nothing on the site about dealing with a .ini file or editing do you do that?

While Photoshop is the most comprehensive, there are alternatives. Gimp is a free to use image manipulation suite which works pretty well.

As for editing .ini files, you can edit and save them with notepad or word or anything really. I have done that before with some success; the real problem is deciphering what values are important, so if you're going to experiment, keep a copy of the original outside of the folder.

To answer some things that have already been touched on, there isn't an sdk (standard development kit) for Web of Shadows like there is for games like Oblivion for example, so it's not all that easy to change models or how the game plays as there is no infrastructure to do so. There was actually a total conversion mod for Grand Theft Auto 4 that got started and never finished, that used the models from WoS, so it's possible to extract resources like meshes, but I've no idea how you would go about reinserting changed meshes back into the core game.

I'm pretty sure someone has modded a more traditional Spidey costume, so you'll have to look through earlier skin threads for that (Meganubis had one I think, this was over a year ago).

It's possible to change the textures of the supporting characters and enemies you mentioned, but I imagine no one has because that's pretty much the closest to a total conversion WoS mods are ever going to get to and it's not the sort of thing someone starts unless they are passionate about it. Speaking from experience, when you retexture models, you need access to the model to see how the texture looks; that's going to be a very long and drawn out process with enemy characters, because you need to be able to inspect the models, so while you are trying to examine how your new hobgoblin texture looks in minute detail in game, henchman #58736 is throwing pumpkin bombs at your head. It'd be a different story if you could extract the models beforehand.

As for story differences, I doubt the PS2/PSP versions were even made by the same team, though they may have been made by the same development company. Regarding cut content I'd suggest emailing the development house yourself and asking, but they've since dissolved, so maybe you could track down some of the people who worked on the various parts of the game and throw pebbles at their windows until they come out and talk to you?

Did you know WoS started off as a Marvel Zombies game? That's pretty much all I've got as far as insider information goes.

Thanks Quentin, I was trying to say what you said, but I have far less experience and information than you do. Thank you for doing what I could not.

And Tom, that being said, I meant no sarcasm, well, maybe a little, but not maliciously as it came across. So I apologize.