Question to all Brazilian members (mainly Sao Paulo residents)

Started by Gevth, April 30, 2011, 07:49AM

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I want to take an intensive 2 weeks Portuguese course in Sao Paulo this July. Does anybody know a good school or institute to attend? So far, I found this one on the internet: Courses

I'm from São Paulo. I guess you should look into Berlitz.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Are you going to make an exchange program here, gevth?

No, just an intensive course. I'm chilean, and considering that Brazil is part of the BRIC, the main economical power in South America and host to both the World Cup and Olympics in the near future, I believe that knowing portuguese will be a big plus in my future career.
Besides, I'm pretty sure that I won't have much problem learning the lenguage. See, Spanish and Portuguese (and also Italian) are really similar lenguages.
In fact, my sister went a month to Brazil and people were asking her how did she speak so good poruguese. Her answer? "Eu no fala portugueis, eu fala espagnol muito divagado".

yeah, I know just what you mean. I can kinda speak spanish too. most brazillian think they do as well, and that's kinda true. I mean, we can understand each other (specially chileans, cause you have great pronounciation). But some brazllians make the mistake of putting vowels everywhere in order to speak spanish. I mean escola =  escuela and so on. but they take it too far and end up ordering cueca-cuelas and asking people to take fuetos =P
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."