
About mouse control

Started by Crowley, June 15, 2007, 07:27AM

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I find it odd how mouse movement works in this game when I keep left mouse button pressed. The character doesn't begin moving right away, but first there is a pause of about half a second. When I release the button, the character does not stop immediately, but instead walks over to where I released the button. Funny how they changed the "intuitive mouse controls" for the worse from XML2. I guess there is no way to fix this issue?

Use a game pad?  That would fix it.  The point is you click where you want them to walk.  Not hold down the button.  Click on the spot you want them to go.  It seems pretty intuitive to me.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Hmm. Maybe my problem is simply that I played this back to back with XML2, where holding mouse button down to move worked perfectly.

i noticed that Mouse Control REALLY brings down performance when playing online. i always use controller, but whenever i see a point n clicker, the lag is unbearable and we usually can't pass the FIRST ROOM of enemies thanks to the mouse. STOP USING THE DAMN MOUSE!