SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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it says it imported the changes are there but.................

well I had a ID10T error somewhere.

I shall find it

haha... good luck!
Just check that whether you inserted the edited BMP into the colored ones in Texture Finder.

So why do you have all the bitmaps? it seems like a very bad way to do skinning. All the other games I have modded have had one giant skin in which the games put on it.

seems wierd that this game has several diffrent resolutions that it randomly picks from.

this is what confuses me the most.

btw you guys rock for responding to us so quickly!!

July 01, 2007, 09:39PM #48 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 09:47PM by Norrin Radd
you just have to edit one skin/bitmap, it can be the biggest, then muaskinner assigns it to the smaller ones, using the .cfg file.

as long as the offsets are known for the smaller pics, it places the imported pic in those places

Edit: for example, lets say you have a 512x512 image of iammigny's sandman and you changed it to have blue pants, and you have this line in your .cfg:


then when you import your picture it will place your 512 image into the 512x512, 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 32x32, 16x16, and 8x8 image spots. If you dont replace it in all these areas, some of the old skin might show up.

Edit: the number after the 512,512 is where in the file the picture of that size is. these numbers can be found using texture finder

Quote from: BrassBaron on July 01, 2007, 09:37PM
So why do you have all the bitmaps? it seems like a very bad way to do skinning. All the other games I have modded have had one giant skin in which the games put on it.

seems wierd that this game has several diffrent resolutions that it randomly picks from.

this is what confuses me the most.

btw you guys rock for responding to us so quickly!!

hehe, that is so true!
You can read more about it here:

Tetragene here is a thread talking about the error you get (create dev). they fixed it using the thing i mentioned before (the -v0 -v1 and -v2 options), hope it helps.

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 10:33PM
Tetragene here is a thread talking about the error you get (create dev). they fixed it using the thing i mentioned before (the -v0 -v1 and -v2 options), hope it helps.

Nope :(  I tried all three and the command line Skinner still exits everytime after I hit "enter."  I also removed the dashes in front of DXT1 in the cfg file for SkunnerUI, but I still can't import (can export just fine though--so at least that program works halfway for me).  I noticed a page or two back you told someone to save as "A8 R8 G8 B8" 32 bit bmp--but when I save in GIMP I only have the option to save as "X8 R8 G8 B8" 32bit bmp--the "A8" option is grayed out.  So I'm guessing that may be why importing in SkinnerUI still crashes.  Know of anyway to enable me to use the "A8" option instead of just the "X8" option?  Thanks again

July 02, 2007, 07:57AM #52 Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 08:10AM by Norrin Radd
ok i dont think importing using 'X8 R8 G8 B8' doest work, so i think this is the problem, especially if you can export fine.
after you export it, can you open the .bmp and try to save it directly? (i am wondering if you edited it with another program first, then used gimp to save it, this may not work)
if it still doesnt allow you to save as 'A8 R8 G8 B8', then i'll have to think about why it wont let you.

also, which version of gimp do you have

btw, i remember trying to save a few of my pics in 'A8 R8 G8 B8' but had the same problem as you where i could only pic the 'X8 R8 G8 B8' option, but i may have saved the pic with another program first (into a non-32 bit format) then tried to save it using gimp (into a 32bit format) so this may be the problem.

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 02, 2007, 07:57AM
ok i dont think importing using 'X8 R8 G8 B8' doest work, so i think this is the problem, especially if you can export fine.
after you export it, can you open the .bmp and try to save it directly? (i am wondering if you edited it with another program first, then used gimp to save it, this may not work)
if it still doesnt allow you to save as 'A8 R8 G8 B8', then i'll have to think about why it wont let you.

also, which version of gimp do you have

btw, i remember trying to save a few of my pics in 'A8 R8 G8 B8' but had the same problem as you where i could only pic the 'X8 R8 G8 B8' option, but i may have saved the pic with another program first (into a non-32 bit format) then tried to save it using gimp (into a 32bit format) so this may be the problem.

Ok, I exported a bmp from 0403.igb and then imported it with no problems.  I have Gimp v 2.3.14.  I used Paint Shop Pro to edit/modify the skin I wanted to import--saved it as a bmp--opened it with Gimp--then saved it as a 32 bit bmp.  I tried creating a new 1024x1024 image with just scribbles in Gimp--and then went to save it, but still only had the "X8 R8 G8 B8" option :/

July 02, 2007, 08:22AM #54 Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 08:35AM by Norrin Radd
thats your problem i think, you saved it with psp

try exporting, opening WITH gimp, edit one small thing (optional), then save it and see what the options are

for the scribbles, you may have to add an alpha channel before you can save as A8 R8 G8 B8

You can access the add alpha layer command from the image menubar through Layer → Transparency → Add alpha Channel

Edit: I think i was able to save it using gimp2.2 as a 24bit bmp and then open it with gimp2.3.14 and save as 32bit and it worked, but i'm not sure if it will work with the psp program. but definately i think you should try to open the export directly with gimp and try to save it (no psp step in the middle), thats the best way to tell if its a psp problem.

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 02, 2007, 08:22AM
thats your problem i think, you saved it with psp

try exporting, opening WITH gimp, edit one small thing (optional), then save it and see what the options are

for the scribbles, you may have to add an alpha channel before you can save as A8 R8 G8 B8

You can access the add alpha layer command from the image menubar through Layer → Transparency → Add alpha Channel

Edit: I think i was able to save it using gimp2.2 as a 24bit bmp and then open it with gimp2.3.14 and save as 32bit and it worked, but i'm not sure if it will work with the psp program. but definately i think you should try to open the export directly with gimp and try to save it (no psp step in the middle), thats the best way to tell if its a psp problem.

Dude, you're a miracle worker.  Did as you said--and the exported skin imported perfectly with the scribbles on it.  So PSP was def causing the problems.  So--I opened the exported file in Gimp again, pasted my edited skin into it--merged the visible layers--and was able to save it as an "A8 R8 G8 B8" 32bit BMP--then import it into 0403.igb with no problems.  Thanks so much for all your help! :D

July 02, 2007, 09:10AM #56 Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 09:17AM by Norrin Radd
YEAH!!! right on, now just member channel (original poster) left to help with this problem!!  :wiggle:

alrighty to first off i'd just like to thank everyone who's been giving us a hand. you guys are wonderful. i think somewhere in all of your posting i figured out my main problem.  i have one question though....really because all of this has got me working with a different igb file now.  when i load the one i'm using in texturefinder the visible image is way too huge to export as one .bmp and not cut off some of the image.  i've read several people saying it may need to be in two parts or something. if that's the case i'm gonna be asking a few more questions, haha... thanks again guys.

July 03, 2007, 09:57PM #58 Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 10:10PM by Norrin Radd
hey channel great to hear about the progress, can you tell me what igb you are opening? maybe i can help
Edit: did you change the width in texture finder (bottom left corner of the window)?
for example you can change it to 1024, 512, 256, etc. to change the width of how the picture shows up

yeah i was working with tommyboys giantman skin. its 15702.igb which was originally luke cage's i believe.  i think i may have had it at 256 and then 512 only, i couldn't remember all the number values there were to try, perhaps partly due to the fact i've been up for hours the whole week trying to do this, haha. but i didn't spend a whole lot of time on this specific igb because i had been working on an entirely wrong one for a while beforehand thinking it was the one i had wanted... (oh boy!) but after opening this one i can see the image perfectly clear, but it seems too big to have all of it included in a single frame as i said.  i'll have to take a second look at it tonight when i have more time. hopefully it was just a matter of the size. thanks for posting more for me to try. i'm real excited to see how this all works out!