
Load Screens and Comics Update

Started by matt710, July 05, 2007, 12:58AM

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Just drag and drop Texture folder.
You have to compile the review_paths.engb in the data folder.
   ***only put in the references for who you are using, especially for the comics!
      Also I removed Bishop's comic from review_paths because Havok replaces him for me,
      so if you still have him don't remove the comic. 
      Ex:  You have installed Emma Frost, Psylocke, and Havok.  You removed Professor X
        and Iron Man.  So for the review paths.engb you will not remove bishop's comic
        and will only add the lines for Emma Frost, Psylocke, and Havok for the comics.
        If you put in all the load screens you will be fine since it doesn't give boosts.


This adds load screens to:

Dark Phoenix
Emma Frost
Polaris (***Not as a playable character but can be easily changed)
Goblin Queen (For a future boss battle)

This also adds comics (with boosts) to:

Dark Phoenix
Emma Frost
Professor X

Comic was also made for Polaris (To be used when a mod is completed.  I made it but did't reference
her in the engb because I know BurningRage said that he started her)

Also I changed Phoenix's comic so it wasn't so similar to Dark Phoenix's.  It is basically the same
but I changed the color of the costume.


Special thanks to nodoubt_jr for havok's load screen.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

If anybody can think of any other characters with a mod that I had missed please do tell me.  I will be glad to make a load screen and comic for any missed characters.   :)
  From the Ashes she will rise.

No problem.  I'll put her in the next installment with avalanche and anyone else anybody recomends.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

July 05, 2007, 09:29AM #4 Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 09:34AM by ratmon
Will since your offering, could you get and of the following? pyro, sabertooth, shadowking, angel, dazzler, quicksliver, forge, or shadowcat?

Wow!!  I'm not too sure about dazzler, quicksilver, forge and shadowcat since they were not in XML1 and had minor roles in xml2.  However, I will look around to see if I see any high res images that look worthy.  I don't like to use anything that looks to much like a comic, which is why I used a polaris bust instead of a comic image.  But Pyro, Sabertooth, Shadowking, and Angel should not be a problem since they have loadscreens in XML1 or XML2.

As for comics I will do them as mods are made for them.  It is kind of a waste to do them when they aren't modded yet.  But since pyro and sabertooth are already in the game I will do them.  Also I will do Jubilee and Angel because they seem to be on people's lists for mods soon.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

July 05, 2007, 10:00AM #6 Last Edit: July 05, 2007, 10:23AM by ratmon
I know this is of the topic but why did they made a angel loadscreen for xml when he did'nt appear at all in the game? I wounder if they cut him off or something?

ps maybe this image could somehow work for quicksilver loadscreen?

or and this one for dazzler.

Thanks.  Quicksilver is a possibility but dazzler looks too much like in a comic.  Angel had a load screen in XML2.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

jean loadscreen also looks alot like comic so does storm? If i find any others could you also add them?

Those load screens are computer animated, thats what I am looking more for.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

July 05, 2007, 11:55AM #10 Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 08:27PM by ratmon
Will i will keep on seaching. And thanks alot. Could you add magma know

I did Magma, Jubilee, and Angel.  However, since I can't find solo loadscreens of Pyro, Avalance, and Sabretooth I can't do them.  The only exception is if someone can find me large resolution versions of them, and I mean large, I can try to blot out the other characters in the load screens.  I tried removing avalanche from the pyro/avalanche load screen, but it didn't really look that good.  Kind of blocky where avalanche was originally.  But then again I had an image that was 800 x 600.  So if I can get my hands on a larger one I can try again.
  From the Ashes she will rise.;8000175;;/

This update contains loadscreen and comic igbs for:



Note: Follow the same format to insert them in the game.  I didn't assign numbers because I didn't know what the numbers were for them in the mods.  Just rename the loadscreens like I did in the original.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

hey matt. Could you specify what size and format the images have to be in order to make loadscreens out of them? I am kind of good at digital art and stuff, and ever since I got my game modified, I am increasingly getting addicted to making loadcreens. Trouble is - I don't know a thing about programming them into the game! Maybe you can help me there (and everyone else as well). I am currently working on a quicksilver and a new Emma screen. When they're done, I'll post 'em  here. Tell me what you think and DO tell me thesize they have to be at.

I spent some time editing the Havok loadscreen included in this, as I was annoyed that it had black borders at the top and bottom and Havok's name.

After much editing, I managed to produce this;

I think this fits in with the other loadscreens a bit better.

Here's the link;