Started by MystiCosmic, August 30, 2011, 01:17AM

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MUGEN is a great game with millions of characters! if u can, create mods and post the here

Oh how much threads I have seen about Mugen, still I agree with you, its one great game (well..Mugen alone not, the community is just awesome xD), can't wait for the emma frost at CVG :D
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Newest Release : Raven

I used to have Mugen, but it was slow and annoying. Although Rogue was kickarse. The one I downloaded though was already full of characters. About 80% of them I didn't know about.

That kinda sucks (in my opinion) the point of Mugen is basicly to assemble your own roster, with like, cool characters (the rogue I have is pretty much able to absorb ANYONE's power, both Capcom and Marvel, and then use it for her own :) )
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Newest Release : Raven

Thats the Rogue I had. I'm sure if I was to get it again, it would run better now that I've updated my computer, but I wouldn't play it cause I have other interests. :)

I love MUGEN! I have so many characters in my roster, even if I dont know them I dont care I have enough room for tons! XD I didn't know people still made characters tho... I always suck at doing the supers tho so I dont really play much

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Supers? mostly down forward 2 punches/kicks, or in some cases down foward 1 punch 1 kick, or down backward for that case :P

You dont? Its really still a prety big community making em, look up (they had their scruffyversary, and realesed an ultron mugen character along with a few others as well :) )

CVGunited is also a great site, although they also make characters outside the Capcom/Marvel area, they do make a bunch in that area, they are working on a MK vs M project (mortal kombat, marvel) where they have an updated White Queen, you should seriously check it out ;)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Yeah I, I have tons of no Capcom/ Marvel characters Is there Emma released yet or no? I was always looking forward to someone making a new Jean but they never finished her, and I saw a cool Dark Phoenix but I couldn't ever find a link to dl her

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She's really close to realese ;)

At cvg they also have a updated Jean!, And they are working on an update for her again :D, its pure telephatic Jean though, she has a phoenix special but the phoenix is pink :P

Really, just google it, they are seriously an awesome team (they also got people like spawn etc. on their website, they are working on a batman project as well), and they are having realese party's like almost 2/3 times a year (which for a Mugen team, is pretty much)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

See I Want pure Phoenix XD I have 3 or 4 different versions of Jean on my roster XD

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I only play as Capcom, SNK & Marvel characters (which uses MvC style).
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

The Dark Phoenix I had, was beyond annoying. If she was a computer player, then swhe'd used her Hyper Move constantly. I couldn't move at all. It sucked horribly...

Yeeh, I remember that Phoenix xD

Well, she wasn't really (I believe) meant to be a boss anyway, and comeon, she's supposed to be unbeatable (even though, they always manage to kill her), so its true to the comics :D
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

yeah !! dark phoenix owns me all the time !!! I really want to have this jean in my roster !!!!!!!1

I think the funniest are: Jean, Rogue, Mew and Virgin Mary(From Bible fight)

The strongest: Abyss(that guy with trident and horns),Onslaught(second form), Apocalypse, and Dark Phoenix

Opponents that the pc plays f******g good : Iceman, Dark Phoenix, Ghost Thanos, Thanoseid

oooh Speaking of MUGEN Just to let you guys know theres a group called Project X and they have made a X-men Second coming based Mugen Game and you can download it here its pretty good :D

Go to the Download Section and do the Full Game Download for best results :D