Champions Online

Started by Scabbia, September 01, 2011, 02:10PM

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xD, I once made a character called ''lady mind'' on Champions, also with TP abbilties xD

Great minds think alike ;)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

@ MidnightPhoenix, actually, it does state that the name and look of the character can not be copyrighted material. So, yes, you can be reported if your character looks like Storm or whoever. (Which is why I have a casual outfit for Rogue and only use her "other outfits" during missions.)

@WhiteQueen, lol Yeah, 16 slots... and a extra one for every character that reaches lvl 40 :)

Polygone, I friend requested you like a week ago... >_< I hope I typed the right name. lol.

If you go around looking like, for example, Jean, you will obviously get reported for copyright, that's why i made that Phoenix Redesign that midnightphoenix posted in his workbench, but i changed the boots, the hair, i added bracers, i added canisters, so it's a completly diferent outfit. i call it: Super Report Proof Modern Phoenix Outfit XD

super report proof modern phoenix outfit..hmmm........catchy :D

Well.. You can always dig REALLY deep into the Marvel Universe, I doubt the champions online staff knows ALL heroes

I think they only know the heroes who are awesome xD

Scabbia, haven't been on Dr Arcana for like a week, so Ill look into it ;)

Whitequeen, I kinda had trouble finding you :P But Ill try again :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

I believe most people dont care, In COH ive never gotten reported, and if I do and I get in trouble I will change them name, but not the costumes

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

its good for me cause beast is anything, not exctly the x man.

So I took some pictures of my character and my family's characters so I could show them what they look like :) Thought I'd share them here too while I'm at it. XD

Me (or Gredin) -
My Fiance -
My Mom -
My Step-Dad -

I also made Wasp and Giant Man :D I'll post those tomorrow :)

your fiance looks like gambit, your mom like jean from x-men last stand and ur dad is cyclops

Too be honest Gredin scares me lol :D

But he looks really cool and fun!

BTW love your designs (especially the Jean Last Stand one!)

hey how do u upload pictures onto the forums

Quote from: White Queen on September 20, 2011, 01:27PM
your fiance looks like gambit, your mom like jean from x-men last stand and ur dad is cyclops

That's the point :) Those are the X-Men I've named them after.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 20, 2011, 01:34PM
Too be honest Gredin scares me lol :D

But he looks really cool and fun!

BTW love your designs (especially the Jean Last Stand one!)

LOL And that's the point too XD He's supposed to be scary... in a way... lol. And thank you. I've seen way better Jean's on the game than that though.

Quote from: hiddenhope213 on September 20, 2011, 04:06PM
hey how do u upload pictures onto the forums

I take pictures with Fraps and then upload them to photobucket (or some use tinypics) .com :)

Sorry to double post, just wanted to say that JeanGrey777, White_Queen and I have created a Super Group, "The Gaurdians" (and yes I know I spelt that wrong, but the correct way was already taken, might change it later anyways). If you play or plan on playing, let one of us know and we'll add you. Btw, you get an extra costume slot and after awhile, I'll be holding events and winner gets a Device from the Cryptic Store. :) (which you have to pay for the cryptic points to get things from this store)

can i join scabbia? and i deleted sunfire,wasnt playing with him so i made a telepath named Sam.

I made a fiery Jean to make the SG with them, i preffer mind though lol, but there is an item and i think that it works for the Inferno char, that gives your fire attacks somekind of Psionic thing, i don't remember the description very well, so i'll start leveling her! lol. And if you want to join, i'll be on the whole day tomorrow, so please contact me if you plan on joining the SG, pm me. For those who don't have our handlenames they are (and i'll include our SG chars): Jean@JeanGrey12345, Gredin@Scabbia3, Emma Summers@The_White_Queen, and i don't remember the other user lol, but he's not from marvelmods XD.