Strongest character in existence

Started by Eddie Brock Venom, October 29, 2011, 07:19AM

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October 29, 2011, 07:19AM Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 09:34AM by Eddie Brock Venom
Here you can post the name and pic of the character you think is the strongest in existence, the we are gonna debate abou the power and which character from the ones enlisted in this competition.

You can choose any characters from any show, movie, anime, manga...

I choose:

Cole Turner (Charmed)
The POST WASTELAND version so that he isn't an Avatar and he can't be killed by anything even with the potion that kills Avatars. So I think this is the strongest character in existence and this characters strongest version. This is one of the characters I like the most.

Can't wait to see what powerful characters you will choose.

I'd have to say the strongest character is Apocalypse.

Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

In my opinion the strongest character in existence is the one above all

October 29, 2011, 02:43PM #3 Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 02:51PM by crippknottick
Majin Buu

I don't think Galactus, and Apocalypse, and 12 super saiya-jins can even beat him. Not to mention his incredible regeneration ability (he can regenerate almost instantly from just vapors), and his craziness. The scariest thing about Buu is he has no motivation to rule over anything. He destroys entire solar systems for the shits and giggles of it and nothing more.

Video Link

Do I win?

October 29, 2011, 09:20PM #4 Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 09:32PM by Nowhere Man
I'm with MysticCosmic

The One Above All
He has ultimate power over the entire Marvel multiverse and is considered by many to be the Marvel Comics equivalent to the one and only God of any monotheistic religion.

Another would be the Presence, who represents the exact same thing in the DC Multiverse.

In the Charmed universe there are several characters shown that are above Cole, such as anyone possessed by the Void, the angel of death and other high order angels who do God's work, the highest ones shown being the Angels of Destiny.

In the Dragon Ball universe the most powerful character would be Gogeta SSJ lvl 4, who has defeated even the most powerful villian of the series, Omega Shenron. Of course it's actually 2 characters in one so if you don't count him the most powerful would be omega shenron himself, here's a pic of both:

My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

October 30, 2011, 03:18AM #5 Last Edit: October 30, 2011, 10:52AM by Eddie Brock Venom
In all universes:

God (Bruce Almighty)

If you're an atheist (which I'm not)...God in OUR universe. who can prevent the Bruce Almighty movie from existing. :P
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

The thread should of included a rule to not count "Architect of the Universe" or "God" or "Creators" type of characters. There becomes no debate after mentioning these type of characters. :(

October 30, 2011, 01:07PM #8 Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 01:45PM by Eddie Brock Venom
You're right no more those kind of characters.

Cole is hilarious:

illyria (before being power down)

Superhuman strength,
agility, reflexes, stamina, fighting skills,
invulnerability, and other acute senses.
Time manipulation and interdimensional travel.

At full power She has the ability to destroy time....