
HUD portraits release thread (Now with a new name!)

Started by Joshco, December 28, 2006, 07:06AM

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Quote from: BliZZ on March 16, 2007, 01:21PM
And I'm 99% sure they BOTH have wings, so switching them is useless. Sure, the Ultimate one is far better than the Classic one for the Classic skin, but this by no means fixes Ultimate.

Ultimate                                                      Classic

Does anyone know which file names represent the 2 Captain America huds pictured above?  I am interested in switching them around to give the Ultimate Captain America the 2nd Hud image.

Huds always jive with the skin number. So, Cap's number is "07". Skin 1--his ultimate skin--then is 0701. So the hud that goes with that is hud_head_0701. The classic is 0702. Just rename 'em.


I'm working on them, but I cannot do the same export/import process as I did with skins with TextureFinder and skinner ui. What happens is that the hud file contains very few info and the TextureFinder does not seem to be able to give me the appropiate Offset value.

Does anyone have offset values for a certain hud file? or knows how to edit a hud?

I am trying to put these into Deadpool's huds place.

Any help is welcome.  :ugh:

Parrastaka -

Thanks for taking a shot at this!

This thread should answer your questions. Noelemahc's tutorials is great. The offsets for hud_head_0201 are included, so just use those, import your bitmap, then resave. That's the simplified version. Consult the thread for more questions.

thank you, I 'll try it tonight (Spain different hoursss)

or tomorrow night but this week for sure.


Pyro may have caught the legacy virus, but he has been cured of blank HUD disease. I have FINALLY, after crash after failed attempt after crash again after banging my head against the wall, created a HUD.

Not the sexiest HUD around, but that cannot curb my euphoria. More to come.

BTW, did anyone download the Pyro Gladiator HUD that Noel made? I didn't get it before he took the file down. If ya got it on your hard drive, please send it over and I'll include both HUDs in an updated version of the Pyro conversion mod. WOO!

Great looking hud Cates just what Pyro needed.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Here's a new HUD for Sue.  It's for her ... "classic?" outfit.  I reskinned her fourth outfit, and did a new HUD for it.  It was based off one I seen her wear only a couple times as seen here, but I thought was far better than the crap she had now.  Here's what the HUD looks like:

Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

I went a little crazy once I finally got the skinner working. Here are 31 new HUDs. I tried to focus mostly on character I had skins for but no HUDs. A few don't have skins yet, but perhaps these huds will inspire the skinners.  :naughty:

It includes:
Avalanche, Beast (Astonishing), Blob (XML1 and Brotherhood), Cyclops (Astonishing), Dark Phoenix, Gambit (Death), Guardian, Holocaust (AoA, Damaged, Modern), Iron Man (Gold), Juggernaut (Classic and Ultimate), Mystique (AoA and Black), Nightcrawler (Astonishing, Classic, Ultimate), Psylocke (Modern, AoA), Pyro (AoA, Classic, Freedom Force, Modern, Original), Sunfire (AoA, Classic, Famine), Toxin, Xorn.

Download it here.

I am now officially taking requests for HUDs. I'll place priority on those we already have skins for, as a HUD without a corresponding skin is pretty useless.

And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Really good job with the Invisible Woman skin Burning Rage.  I downloaded the portrait, but cannot find the skin.  Is it avail anywhere?  Thanks.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

May 14, 2007, 12:34PM #87 Last Edit: May 14, 2007, 12:38PM by Burning Rage
Quote from: matt710 on May 14, 2007, 11:17AM
Really good job with the Invisible Woman skin Burning Rage.  I downloaded the portrait, but cannot find the skin.  Is it avail anywhere?  Thanks.

No, I haven't released it yet.  I want to tweak the bump map a little, and add a touch up here and there.  Although not needed, I'm a perfectionist and like my stuff not to suck.  I'll release it when I get around to touching it up.

EDIT:  On that note, I've also done a lot of skin fixes for the characters who were screwy, like Elektra's skins where the faces were deformed and had black blotches on her classic outfit, and Ms. Marvel's original skin where you had a giant black blob in the middle of her stomach.  I'll upload those when I get Sue's skin up.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

thanks you're the best
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Cates, do you mind if I package some of those (namely: the beast) with my converted chars?
