BLaw's Mods - Updated Models (2019)

Started by BLaw, April 26, 2012, 04:47AM

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April 26, 2012, 04:47AM Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 09:35PM by BLaw

Quote from: Disclaimer
By downloading any of my released stuff you agree to:

  • not redistribute it without my permission.
  • not sell any of my releases for money.
  • not alter any mod or skin without asking first. Base textures of converted models are exemptions.
  • notify me when using a skin for a mod. In return, I will link my release to your release.
  • not claim my work is yours. Give credit where it's due, it's not hard.
  • have fun with what you download for your game. Your fun is MY motivation to continue after +5 years.

Here you'll find the best and ALL I have and had to offer to both Marvel Ultimate Alliance & X-Men Legends 2: Rise of the Apocalypse.
Click on the banners below to find my releases.

Couldn't find what you were looking for? Check my WORKBENCH for my projects to see if it's in there. Or if you want to latest news or if you are curious about my progress visit THE LAST POST OF MY WORKBENCH.

Code (Credits) Select

By People:

3dregenerator @ -
Aventureiromax - Several sounds, testing
BlIzZ - Support for various mods
Broly/Tien - Support for various mods
Burning Rage - Support for various mods
o0Crofty0o (Tombraiderforums) - Arkham Asylum / City model(s)
Deedooo - Batman Iconsets
Hyperman360 - Batman TRON skin, loadingscreens
link123/blufan (Tombraiderforums) - MP7s weapon model
RaZKurdt (Tombraiderforums) - Arkham Asylum / City model(s), DCUO model(s)
Someone for the Bane DCUO model. I forgot who. My apologies.
Teancum - Support for various mods.
Thetommyboy2002 - Meshing instructions, Superman testing
Tribalizer - For some of the Marvel Heroes Normal Maps I couldn't fetch.
TRDaz (Tombraiderforums) - Various models / weapons

Support by people at Always.

If I miscredited you, let me know.

Code (company credits) Select

Detective Comics
Marvel Comics
The creators of Arkham Asylum/City for inspiration.
The creators of the Batman the Animated Series.
Vicarious Visions
Gazillion Entertainment

Everyone else I forgot.
You for downloading this. And I hope you enjoy it!

April 26, 2012, 09:48AM #2 Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 09:15PM by B.L.A.W

Below displays a list of available items.


1. Backup the original file, if there is one. Typically located in "MUA or XML2 Directory/models/bolton or "MUA or XML2 Directory/models/weapons"
2. Extract contents to your Marvel Ultimate Alliance or X-Men Legends 2: Rise of the Apocalypse folder.
3. If asked to overwrite: YES. If not: check if you extracted it right. If the file has modified date "2014" and is located in "MUA or XML2 directory/models/bolton/" or "MUA or XML2 Directory/models/weapons" then you've been a good boy/girl/man/woman.
4. Rename or code the weapon in your hero's powerstyle file accordingly. I won't provide help; use the knowledge base for that. For a list of weapons requiring entity codes see below.

Quote from: List of Weapons Requiring Entity Coding
To see the entity code, see below the downloads.

1. SHIELD Landmine (It is animated and functions like a landmine. Once triggered, it will pop up from under the ground and will explode behind the enemy.)
2. The shields below are projectiles only. Their animation starts upon usage, and loops till it is destroyed/returned. Intended for use with the Taskmaster mod. Utilize Captain America's entity coding.

Entity Codes

This section is specifically for weapons which require "enhanced" coding, other than the powerstyle coding.

Quote from: SHIELD Landmine
   entity {
   actonremove = true ;
   animstarton = true ;
   classname = physent ;
   deatheffect = char/dfury/p5_explode ;
   deathoncontact = true ;
   deathsound = char/dfury_m/p5_impact ;
   explodeoncontact = true ;
   exploderadius = 175 ;
   fade = false ;
   fxlevel = 1 ;
   health = 1 ;
   lifetime = 1 ;
   model = models/effects/SHIELD_landmine ;
   name = mine ;
   nogravity = true ;
   nopush = true ;
   structure = 0 ;
   targetlockable = true ;
   team = hero ;

April 26, 2012, 09:48AM #3 Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 03:00AM by B.L.A.W

Code (How to Install) Select

1. Download and install Winrar or 7-Zip.
2. Download the wanted item.
3. Right-click on item or open item with Winrar / 7-Zip and Extract contents to your MUA folder.

If this doesn't work, use the included README and ALWAYS start a new game.

April 26, 2012, 09:48AM #4 Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 03:54PM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Skins

03) Secret War Wolverine04) 90s Storm05) Fear Itself

17) X, X, BabyX, X, Yellow21) Howling Commando

<a href="">
180) AoA SinisterUltimate Mr. Sinisterxx) Classic Carnagexx) Modern Squirrel Girl

July 11, 2012, 04:41AM #5 Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:12AM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance & X-Men Legends II Compatible Skins

020x - Daredevil
Kick-Ass (No batons)Kick-Ass (TRON)03) Ultimate Wolverine07) Captain Bucky
07) CaPunisher69) Modern Cpt. Britain78) Colossonaut78) Helmetless Colossonaut
80xx - Silver Surfer157) Original Gold Cage162) X-Force Archangel170) Maestro Hulk
170) Hulk Fear Itself172) Phoenix Force Cyclops191) Uncanny Dazzler236) Modern Daken
XX) - Beetle MK1XX) - Beetle MK2Marvel Suit Luthor

July 11, 2012, 04:41AM #6 Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:12AM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Skin Packs

xxxx - Beast
X-FactorOriginalFirst ClassGraduation
ClassicX-Factor #2Dark BeastDark X-Men
X-Men ForeverDark Beast TrainingUltimate McCoyUltimate
<a href="">26xx - Black Cat
ClassicModernFelicia Hardy
<a href="">210xx - Cable Pack
X-Men (Black)X-Men (Blue)RepoweredUltimate
<a href="">78xx - Colossus WatX MUA&PS2

MUA versionXML2 version
198xx - Emma Frost
AstonishingDiamond Astonishing
Blinded by the LightLingerie
Iron-Man Hulkbusters
Hulkbuster Iron-ManHulkbuster Warmachine
63xx - Namor Skin Pack
ModernNew InvadersAlternate Classic
22xx - Scarlet Spider #2
Spider-Man - NoirScarlet - X-MenScarlet  - CarnageScarlet - Battle Damage
<a href="">09xx - Spider-Man
X-MenReverseNegative ZoneSpider-Carnage
<a href="">Spider-Woman
Arachne IIMaskedMattie FranklinUltimateCarnage

July 11, 2012, 04:41AM #7 Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:13AM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - DC Skins

xxxx - Hal Jordan Skinpack
Classic (Green)Sinestro Corpse(Yellow)Rage (Red)Greed (Orange)Hope (Blue)
xxxx - Red Robin (Tim Drake)
Young Robin
xxxx - Solomon Grundy Skinpack
ModernModern (JacketlessHulk GrundyRed Hulk Grundy/td]

July 11, 2012, 04:42AM #8 Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 07:14AM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Custom Objects

Bip01 L Forearm
Sword Bracer
Bip01 R Forearm
Sword Bracer (Right)
Bip01 R Hand
Assault CannonVolley CannonWand Pack (Both L and R Hand)
Bip01 Spine2
Pixie Wings (Animated)Volley Cannon (Back)

July 11, 2012, 04:42AM #9 Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 12:57AM by B.L.A.W
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Marvel Mods

FirestarForgePenanceScarlet Spider
DakenDoctor OctopusGreen GoblinHydro-Man
SandmanUltimate Green Goblin

July 11, 2012, 04:42AM #10 Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 09:57AM by B.L.A.W
 :madrox: X-Men Legends II - Game Mods :madrox:

"Realism" mod

July 11, 2012, 04:42AM #11 Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 12:58AM by B.L.A.W

July 11, 2012, 04:42AM #12 Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 12:29AM by B.L.A.W

Wow. This thread is absolutely awesome. Nice work with the Silver Surfer skin. Now he actually looks like wielder of the power cosmic, and someone you don't wanna mess with.

I only changed the colors. I don't know, he felt more like a sculptured Iceman in that PS2 model.

Anyway, got a new skin coming your way. Stay tuned.