
Marvel Avengers Alliance

Started by thomasng65, July 08, 2012, 11:40PM

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Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 30, 2012, 06:16PM
So the Vision special ops has been pushed back. Instead they are releasing a new one featuring Valkyrie. Also a new costume for Black Widow has been released along with general buffs for her.
Thats not a new costume its been there forever its just buffed... And shes amazing as shes always is : D
especially with her Avengers uniform now that Revenge Tactics are a buff not skill I 1hit kill almost everything

Quote from: P.Frost on December 02, 2012, 10:22AM
Thats not a new costume its been there forever its just buffed... And shes amazing as shes always is : D
especially with her Avengers uniform now that Revenge Tactics are a buff not skill I 1hit kill almost everything
You know what I mean XD ;) Funny story though. A few months ago I was browsing through the costumes and I accidentally bought her 21 CP infiltrator costume. I was so mad then because I'm not a fan of the look and it had no buffs back then. But now it has been upgraded and the CP price for it has also become higher! So in reality, I saved myself from spending more CP! :D

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on December 02, 2012, 10:48AM
You know what I mean XD ;) Funny story though. A few months ago I was browsing through the costumes and I accidentally bought her 21 CP infiltrator costume. I was so mad then because I'm not a fan of the look and it had no buffs back then. But now it has been upgraded and the CP price for it has also become higher! So in reality, I saved myself from spending more CP! :D
Ahahah yea xD I like the look in major but doesnt look good in game... but her Scar Jo costume is awesome I think its one of the best and well spended CP unlike Jean who I hope gets some good boosts sometime soon cuz shes useless to me and Colossus althou hes good xD I just dont use him as often as I did

Quote from: P.Frost on December 02, 2012, 01:44PM
Ahahah yea xD I like the look in major but doesnt look good in game... but her Scar Jo costume is awesome I think its one of the best and well spended CP unlike Jean who I hope gets some good boosts sometime soon cuz shes useless to me and Colossus althou hes good xD I just dont use him as often as I did
I love the Avengers costume. One of my fav looks and the bonus is always great too. As for Jean, I'm sure she will be getting a boost soon. Ms. Marvel, Human Torch, Dr. Strange, and Storm got buffs so Jean shouldn't be far behind. Perhaps they are starting on a red-head streak that started with Widow XD. After they're done with her, I'm sure Phoenix will be one of the most powerful characters of the she should be ;)

In the mean time, here is my current roster. Soon I should have WWII Captain America, and Future Foundation Mr. Fantastic and Spider-Man as part of it too.

Tigra's been released, and this is the last day for the Cable PVP matches. I didn't make it past the gold reward... well for now, unless someone knocks me back down like usual. I'm still trying for Valkyrie but I can't seem to get enough of those ISO's. But I do have to say, I like what they've done with black Widow. I didn't at first, but now that I've actually had the chance to test her out, she's pretty nifty. OH! And if a character is bleeding, they now not only take bleed dmg when it's their turn, but also with each attack they issue. So it's more like their actually bleeding now, which is nifty for your opponents. lol.

The PVP season 2 thing is soon over, I got as far as Diamond League, so no Cable for me, but I think I can live my life without him :D I'm waiting for Deadpool though, I've been saving up CP for him.

I was in the top 0.5 2 weeks ago, valid for Cable... Then I didn't play for one day, and got knocked back to Gold league. Such BS -_-'

I have Tigra since she was released, pretty nifty, heavy bleed attacks.

I've been in the Gold and Diamond league a lot of times in the last one week. It's like, back-and-forth. But now, I have a pretty good team, so I'm good :D

O my god how lame. I played yesterday and got to Vibranium league. I woke up today and I was in the gold league with 2 minutes left till the end of season 2. I could only play 2 matches, and didn't have enough rating for even the weapon since I lost over 130 rating while asleep. And I'm not a guy who likes to stick in front of the screen playing a FACEBOOK game 24/7 lol. O well did get 100000 silver + 10 gold and the daily reward happened to be 10 gold too.

Lucky with the daily reward, huh? I got only 20 isos :D Well, that nanite inductive thingy looks good, so I'll use it myself. That 10 gold however changed into CP so damn fast :D I hope DP won't cost too much and won't be something timed.

I agree. They've become more money hungry lately.

Rumor has it Deadpool will cost 135 CP. I suppose we will see tomorrow. I haven't heard many good things about him tbh but he still looks fun so I won't mind getting him. Will have to choose between him or Tigra tomorrow. Until then I'm having fun with Future Foundation Spider-Man (I just got his costume XD) and Valkyrie who I just won!

Wow... I wonder if they'll do the same with Cable that they do with Deadpool. I hope at least. My goal is to get all the X-Men ^_^. I got Quicksilver, but I havent' got to test him out because of work and sleep. I will tomorrow though. I wish they would put Emma up for sale sometime soon. Gonna save my CP for her, unless Rogue's costume is released before hand XD lol.

December 12, 2012, 05:04AM #103 Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 06:28AM by Suigetsu
OK, Deadpool is out and he is 90 CP only. Sadly, I only have 73, any ideas on how to get them easier or the only thing I can hope, is that the daily bonus loves me once in a while?

UPDATE: I said scr*w it and bough Invisible Woman, Sif and The Thing instead :D (The Thing was on my list anyways :D )

Really? Deadpool is 135 CP for me.