xmlConverter V1.8 Special Edition RELEASED

Started by Norrin Radd, July 28, 2007, 11:02AM

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did you replace your ps_avalanche.eng file?
it may have been completely erased.

edit: also, did you revert back to version 1.4?

August 01, 2007, 12:36PM #32 Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 12:39PM by Norrin Radd
could you paste the ps_avalanche.eng file in c:\windows directory, open Dos prompt,
type 'cd c:\windows'
then type 'xmlConverter.exe'
check if it if version 1.4
then type 'xmlConverter.exe -eng ps_avalanche.eng testout.eng'
and see what happens

pretty please?

That worked, sweet!

Although the conversion wasn't perfect.......

the conversion wasnt perfect because it is a powerstyle

give me examples, and i should be able to fix it

your problem is maybe where you run the command from the directory. you need to be in the correct directory within the prompt for it to see the file, thats why it couldnt find your files. probably that was the problem, because i used it and it works fine for me, and if it worked fine for you in c:\windows, it should work in any other folder too.


ps_avalanche as it appeared fresh out of conversion and a fixed version.

And yeah, that appears to have been my problem.

thanks, but i could i trouble you for the xml1 file as well, or could you direct me on where to find it

<PowerStyle CanSteal="true">
<FightMove name="idle" animenum="ea_idle1" lockchaining="false" handler="ch_idle" noncombat="true">
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="walk" animenum="ea_walk1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="jog" animenum="ea_jog1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove name="run" animenum="ea_run1" lockchaining="false" noncombat="true" handler="ch_move">
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<chain action="walk" result="walk"/>
<chain action="jog" result="jog"/>
<chain action="run" result="run"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight1"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attackheavy1"/>
<chain action="powers" result="powers"/>
<FightMove Name="attacklight1" animenum="ea_attack_light1" startchaintime="0.8" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 L Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="attack" result="attacklight2"/>
<chain action="smash" result="attacklight2"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="attacklight2" animenum="ea_attack_light2" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 R Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="attackheavy1" animenum="ea_attack_heavy1" lockangles="true" aitype="melee" aireusetime="1">
<trigger time="0" name="whoosh_light"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="trail" bolt="Bip01 R Hand" life="0.2"/>
<trigger time="0.42" name="punch" maxrange="56" knockback="0" damagelevel="3"/>
<chain action="idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="crack1" animenum="ea_power1" priority="5" lockangles="true" aitype="projectile" aireusetime="8">
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0.15" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power1a"/>
<trigger time="0.2" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power1_smash"/>
<trigger time="0.5" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power1b"/>
<trigger time="0.6" name="projectile" tag="1" filename="avalanche_ents" entity="quake_crack" count="1" Speed="300" knockback="0" PowerUsage="P3" AttackType="projectile" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="800" Arc="0" Damage="L5" Targetable="false">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_popup"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_attack" fallback="crack1" inherit="crack1">
<require cat="talent" item="aval_crack" level="1"/>
<trigger tag="1" damage="M3"/>
<FightMove Name="quake1" animenum="ea_power2" priority="5" lockangles="true" aitype="aoe" aireusetime="15">
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power2_quake"/>
<trigger time="0" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power2a"/>
<trigger time="0.65" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power2b"/>
<trigger time="0.79" name="kick" tag="1" PowerUsage="0" AttackType="kick" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="150" Arc="180" verticalrange="12" height="-24" knockback="1000" Damage="L1">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_auto_knockback"/>
<trigger time="0.8" tag="3" name="powerup" powerup="move" level="0.5" affect_type="scale" life="3" apply_self="false" apply_enemy="all"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_smash" fallback="quake1" inherit="quake1">
<require cat="talent" item="aval_quake" level="1"/>
<trigger tag="3" life="4" level="0.4"/>
<FightMove Name="power_boost" animenum="ea_power3" priority="uninterruptable" lockangles="true">
<trigger time="-1" tag="1" name="cage_victim" type="ce_victim" nodename="earthencage_v" useeventvictim="true" usesponsornode="true" targetdistance="-1" setowners="false"/>
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3a"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_cage"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_charge" bolt="Bip01 L Hand"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power3_charge" bolt="Bip01 R Hand"/>
<trigger time="0.4" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3b"/>
<trigger time="0.4" name="radial_cage" inherit="punch" AttackType="blast" PowerAttack="true" damage="L3" victimeventtag="1" maxrange="275" Arc="180"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="earthencage_v" nodamage="true" lockangles="true" priority="uninterruptable" animenum="ea_pain_quake">
<trigger time="0" name="relative_spawn" filename="avalanche_ents" entity="earth_cage" useownerteam="false"/>
<trigger time="0.36" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power3c"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>
<FightMove Name="power_xtreme" Description="Quake" animenum="ea_power4" blendtime="0" playspeed="10" lockangles="true" aitype="simon">
<trigger time="0" name="xtreme_start" life="4"/>
<trigger time="0" name="stop"/>
<trigger time="0" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power4_charge"/>
<trigger time="0.6" name="effect" effect="powers/avalanche_power4_impact"/>
<trigger time="0.1" name="sound" sound="character/avalan_m/power4"/>
<trigger time="0.65" name="kick" tag="1" PowerUsage="0" AttackType="kick" PowerAttack="true" MaxRange="96" Arc="180" verticalrange="180" height="180" knockback="1000" Damage="L1">
<damageMod name="dmgmod_auto_knockback"/>
<trigger time="0.8" tag="3" name="powerup" powerup="move" level="0.5" affect_type="scale" life="3" apply_self="false" apply_enemy="all"/>
<chain action="Idle" result="idle"/>

thank you, i will add it to the supported list when i have time

blizz, i noticed in the xml1 file there are things being referenced to that you did not include in the 'fixed' version of the powerstyle file, are these important?

such as animenum=..., handler=... on the second line, and Description=... later on in the file.

Yeah, these are quite important. They Must've been taken out by the program.

August 01, 2007, 06:20PM #41 Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 11:20PM by Norrin Radd
they were missed because they were all in one line. If you could, whenever you have time, fix a complete example file up for me it would be much appreciated.


i have included powerstyle file support in newly released version 1.6

use -ps to use it



Just ran the NPCstat through it with -ps, and it appears to convert it fine, but it crashes JUST after BishopKid. Perhaps NPCstat is too long?

August 05, 2007, 09:22AM #44 Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 09:38AM by Norrin Radd
Quote from: BliZZ on August 05, 2007, 12:19AM
Just ran the NPCstat through it with -ps, and it appears to convert it fine, but it crashes JUST after BishopKid. Perhaps NPCstat is too long?

could you pass me the npcstat code so i could see it please.

its most likely not to have anything to do with the size, but something on the line after BishopKid

edit: Nevermind, i found the npcstat, i will check it out

i fixed it, i will upload a *patched* version
the reason why it was doing it is because there are some '/' used for file name, which do not indicate the end of a 'funtion'