Hello folks!

Started by DJay Saint, January 11, 2013, 09:34PM

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No progress on converting models to XML2. Still same issues.

You could have a look at Nowhereman's rogue mod/booster. Maybe he got it to work.

Ran across some of my old work today.... like this Gambit icon set:

Holy crap I remember the fun I had with that mod for MUA.  I have so many things I want to do and finish now I don't know where to start.  I do really enjoy how that icon set came out, now if only I can remember what specifically the icons were for?

If I remember correctly (vaguely):

1.  Was his tap continuous card throw
2.  multiple card throw in an arc (ala xml1 and xml2)
3.  staff assault (multiple staff strike)
4.  staff slam (aoe knockback)
5.  full house (throws cards around himself on ground and knocks people up/back)
6.  some kind of boost?
7.  another boost?  probably the energy form
8.  I think it was the passive that added energy to physical attacks but can't quite remember
9.  52 pick-up ultimate
10.  card mastery passive?
11.  extra?
12.  extra?

Either way I was really happy with how this icon set came out.  I definitely want to finish this gambit mod now.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.