
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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February 09, 2024, 06:54AM #2595 Last Edit: February 09, 2024, 06:58AM by Shabranigdu
Quote from: Outsider on February 09, 2024, 06:06AMIt's been awhile since I last checked on Dracula. I'll look into it when I get a chance, and reach out to you on Discord.

Thank you sir. I noticed, one of the 3 woman skins is not included, 10711.igb. Yes, I see it's in Morbius' files. Not sure about the t posing yet, that may still be another story with the MK exe because other references to effects from the official characters patch also don't work in there

Everyone, the following mods have been updated...

:punisher_logo: Punisher: Added Modern skin, fixed Flamethrower & boost sounds. Herostat has changed.
Jessica Jones: Added two more skins, newer HUDs.
Blue Marvel: Added two more skins, newer HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Miles Morales: Added three skins & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Luna Snow: Added Summer Lilac skin, newer HUDs, Herostat has changed.
Wave: Added three more skins, newer HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Dracula: Now doesn't take damage in certain moves, added maiden skin.
Gwenpool: Added Winter skin & HUD, added more passives. Herostat has changed.
Agents Of Shield: (Jemma Simmons) Added Researcher skin & HUD, (Melinda May) added additional voice lines. Herostat has changed for Jemma.
Stan Lee: Added additional voice lines.
Pixie: Added newer mannequin.

I know I have other mods that I have to update, but I'll get to them at another date.

Quote from: Shabranigdu on February 09, 2024, 06:54AMThank you sir. I noticed, one of the 3 woman skins is not included, 10711.igb. Yes, I see it's in Morbius' files. Not sure about the t posing yet, that may still be another story with the MK exe because other references to effects from the official characters patch also don't work in there

Dracula now has that maiden skin, but I didn't see any T-pose issues with him. I have no idea what's causing that to happen in your game, other than possibly what you mentioned with the MK exe.

Quote from: Outsider on February 17, 2024, 02:32PMDracula now has that maiden skin, but I didn't see any T-pose issues with him. I have no idea what's causing that to happen in your game, other than possibly what you mentioned with the MK exe.

Thanks sir, great work as always. I have your full MK built with that, it's awesome. So far it's served me to also have an extra roster more comfortably, that with Dracula is the only issue I've noticed with a character. When I experimented with the powerstyle it would take an interaction from Iceman but not another from Sabertooth or his own vampire bite, which was strange because Vampirella in the same roster also uses Sabertooth's. Also tried to use Black Panther smoke effect and didn't show up, I have that one too with the OCP, didn't manage to find a reason.
Anyway, I hope to not bother you, just some stuff I came across if you ever have the time


Here is my mod of Marcus "Needles" Kane, the popular and sadistic clown killer of Twisted Metal fame known as Sweet Tooth. I had a lot of fun creating this character mod, and had fun playing as him. Hopefully you will too. So, boys and girls... who wants some ice cream?

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Might and Insane Resistance (takes -30% less damage, cannot be grabbed, thrown, stunned, mind-controlled, or knocked back).
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, icons, 2 loading screens, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #180 (will clash mannequins with Mr. Sinister, Hyperion, and Donna Troy).

1. Machete Massacre: Attacks enemies with a combo attack with his large machete. Also strengthens grab smash.
2. Machete Toss: Throws his large machete at enemies. Enemies hit will suffer bleeding damage.
3. Skull Breaker: Delivers a skull-shattering piledriver, creating a shockwave to nearby enemies upon impact.
4. Roadkill Shotgun: Blasts enemies within close range with his shotgun, causing knockback.
5. Inferno Blast: Summons up flames from his curse and ignites the nearest enemy, burning them for a few seconds.
6. (Boost) Twisted Murderer: Gains more defense and critical chance.
7. (Boost) Death By Fire: Gets completely covered in flames, gaining fire damage and immunity from fire.
8. (Xtreme) Ice Cream Cannon: Equips his rocket launcher that fires five explosive missiles disguised as various flavors of ice cream.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Blackfield Asylum edit, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds, hex-editing, earthquake script, etc.
Escanor610 - Skins, mannequin, machete & ice cream models
CrossMMD (Deviantart) - Port of skin models
SpinosKingdom875 (Deviantart) - Port of ice cream models

None so far.


I can't wait to get out of work and try to make time to sit and play this mod, appreciate it.


Some may not remember, but back in the 90's, :stooth: Sabretooth had a female hired assassin who also helped him with his raging urges to kill, but unfortunately abused her, and was later killed by his son... well, in the comics she's been resurrected as an X-Men ally, and she's very popular around the MUGEN circles. She only goes by one name -- Birdy, and now she's arrived in MUA! (If you've read my fanfic story "Nightwatch: The Revelation", then you'll know that she takes a part in it with a future goal to kill Sabretooth.) She doesn't have a large moveset, but she's fun to play as. Check her out.

-3 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-4 hex-edited skins, HUD, icons, loading screen, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #235 (will clash mannequins with Silver Sable and Shredder).

1. Stun 2 Gun: Telepathically stuns an enemy's mind, then swings her large gun, causing knockback.
2. Mind Blast: Fires a powerful beam of mental energy than can pierce through multiple enemies.
3. Blissful Revenge: Equips her massive gun and fires numerous bolts of energy at enemies.
4. (Boost) Flying Under Radar: Telepathically shields herself from enemy awareness, and raises critical chance.
5. (Boost) The Glow: Mentally comforts the team, protecting them from mental damage & mind control while boosting momentum.
6. (Xtreme) Death To Victor: Equips her massive gun and fires four lethal beams of energy at enemies.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Skins (texture modifications), HUDs, icons, loading screen, effects, sounds, hex-editing, etc.
Escanor610 - Skins (model modifications), mannequin, Proton Cannon models
Andersonbrazil - Kitty Pryde model base for skins

When performing her Xtreme at less than a long range, sometimes the 3rd and 4th blast doesn't have the beam effect. Unsure why that's happening, but damage is still inflicted.


Everyone, the following mods have been updated...

:laugh: Arcade:
Fixed bumper car ability; removed "Miss Coriander" boost to make his mod less convoluted and lower his trigger count.

:blackcat: Black Cat:
Now has a new power called "Whip Appeal" that uses her trademark whip! Replaces "Grappling Hook."

Jill Valentine:
Added her classic voice from "Resident Evil 3: Nemesis," and changed some animations.

:punisher_logo: Punisher:
Changed menu animations (got annoyed with that kick he does), added new classic skin, added 4 special conversations. (They have been tested, they don't ruin the stage or other special conversations. EXG-compatible.)

:sstar: Shatterstar:
His "Rictor" boost has been removed, since he is his own mod now. As a result, please remove the following files from your game:

March 13, 2024, 09:50PM #2602 Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 04:52AM by Outsider

Here comes my mod of Mortal Kombat martial artist Li Mei. I found her to be fun to play as, with her effects and unique sounds. While she's got moves that closely represent her MK1 counterpart, she still has the feel of her klassic form that resided in MKDA and MKD respectively. I think you'll dig her. Check her out.

UPDATE: Changed menu animations, so she doesn't have the same as Sonya.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Ability of Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality).
-4 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #179 (Will clash mannequins with Carnage and Toxin).

I tried to ask Jonohood if I can use his fireworks effects from his :jubilee: Jubilee mod. Unfortunately, I didn't hear a response, so I did the best I could with what was available. If he responds and gives the green light, her effects will be improved.

1. Flipping Heel Kick: Attacks an enemy with a flip downward heel kick, causing knockdown. Also strengthens Stage Fatality.
2. Shi Zi Lion: Performs a rising cartwheel kick that launches her enemy upward. Also improves grab smash.
3. Nova Blast: Li Mei fires a damaging energy blast at enemies.
4. Chain Reaction: Strikes forward with her knee, followed by rapid strikes in a nasty combo attack.
5. Sun Do Jubilee: Charges an enemy with explosive energy that will blow up with fireworks after a short time.
6. (Boost) Untouchable: Kicks her training into overdrive, boosting her attack speed and evasion for a time.
7. (Boost) Sky Lanterns: Spawns energy lanterns that circle around her. She controls them to fire at enemies, launching them in the air.
8. (Fatality) Happy Fate of July!: Uses an energy blast that will launch enemies up before causing them to explode with lethal fireworks in the sky.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, icons, loading screen, sounds, hex-editing & global color fix, recolored effects, etc.
Hannah - Skins, mannequin
UltraMegaMagnus - Animation stance

None so far.


March 14, 2024, 12:48PM #2603 Last Edit: March 14, 2024, 06:23PM by Outsider
Quote from: Outsider on March 01, 2024, 01:11AM

Some may not remember, but back in the 90's, :stooth: Sabretooth had a female hired assassin who also helped him with his raging urges to kill, but unfortunately abused her, and was later killed by his son... well, in the comics she's been resurrected as an X-Men ally, and she's very popular around the MUGEN circles. She only goes by one name -- Birdy, and now she's arrived in MUA! (If you've read my fanfic story "Nightwatch: The Revelation", then you'll know that she takes a part in it with a future goal to kill Sabretooth.) She doesn't have a large moveset, but she's fun to play as. Check her out.

(Edited. No need to quote the whole release post.)

Cool :) Only know her from Marvel vs Capcom, and by extension MUGEN. Nice going with the mods :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Everyone, :punisher_logo: Punisher has been updated with the following changes:

-"Brute Force" has been removed, as I wanted him to play even less like :nfury: Nick Fury.
-His "Grazing Shot" ability has been removed. Why would Castle graze an enemy when he would just kill him outright?
-In place of the above, he has a new power called "Machine Gun" where he scares enemies into running before firing a 7-round burst of bullets.
-One of his boosts, "Guns Blazing" will now power the entire team. Microchip convinced him to share the boost.
-Added a special, completely-voiced conversation with Bullseye at the Helicarrier. EXG-compatible and doesn't negatively affect the stage or other conversations.
-Made an alteration to his "No Mercy" passive to now affect all firearm attacks, including his popup and ground attacks.
-As a result of the above changes, his trigger count has been lowered to 208.

March 24, 2024, 04:17PM #2605 Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 04:54AM by Outsider

Now this is a Mortal Kombat warrior that years ago I'd NEVER thought I'd end up kreating, but here we are: Shao Kahn's most loyal and fiercest war general is here -- Reiko. I never liked his kharacter in Mortal Kombat 4, as he was a just a Noob Saibot copy and a wanna-be Shao Kahn. Armageddon didn't help him much either. However, Mortal Kombat 1 (really MK12) redeemed him in my book (minus his horrible outfit) as a strong and evil fighter with some gruesome fatalities. So, here he is. Download him now, and let the war begin.

UPDATE: Added two custom skins. Herostat has changed.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Abilities of Might, and Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality).
-4 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #203 (Will clash mannequins with Northstar, Sylvie, & Green Arrow.)

Reiko's klassic (MK4) skin is significantly taller than most skins. The skinner was unable to correct this. If another skinner wishes to take a shot at it, the model is here:

1. Tactical Takedown: Charges forward, tackling an enemy and beating him mercilessly. Also strengthens Stage Fatality.
2. Shurikens: Throws out three ninja stars in a spread pattern. Also improves grab smash.
3. Retaliation: Counters the enemy's next attack with a quick nasty punch, reflecting some damage back.
4. Spiked Club: Equips his spiked club and swings it at enemies hard, causing knockback.
5. Pale Rider: Lifts up a nearby enemy, and slams him down hard onto the ground. The impact harms nearby enemies.
6. (Boost) General's Tactics: Guides his team in battle, revealing enemies on the minimap while reducing damage taken for a time.
7. (Boost) Murder Kombat: Powers up his attacks, gaining both health and energy for every enemy murdered.
8. (Fatality) Starstruck: Throws multiple ninja stars that bounce off walls and slice all enemies in the area.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, recolored effects, etc.
Escanor610 - Skins, mannequin, spiked club bolton
UltraMegaMagnus - Animation stance

None so far.


April 01, 2024, 12:32AM #2606 Last Edit: May 17, 2024, 09:41AM by Outsider

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a mod of a custom character I created named Senshi. That name is Japanese for "warrior," and as you can see from the image above that I also made, he is an amalgam of the X-Men's :wolverine: Wolverine and Street Fighter's Akuma. I dreamt of this character being a final boss in a Marvel / Capcom game back in the day, so I figured why not make him a reality? Because of Senshi being a living mix of two bad-ass fighters, he could be considered OP, but he is a TON of fun to play as. And I guess it deserves mentioning that Senshi is my 300th character mod! That's quite honestly something that years ago, I'd never thought I would ever reach. Anyway, enjoy the dominance.

-6 powers, 2 super moves, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Dark Rage, Healing Factor, Taunt, Teleport and final boss-level immunties. See the stats screen for details.
-2 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using a darker version of Wolverine's voice. (No AI was used in altering his voice.)
-Uses assigned number #148 (clashes mannequins and possibly loading screens with Black Widow and Lupan).

Senshi's "Warrior" skin is his normal form as an amalgam of two souls, having the powers and skills of both. His "Oni" skin represents if he loses control of his humanity and completely succumbs to the Satsui no Hado and berserker rages, becoming a murderous, animalistic demon with no honor, no mercy, and no remorse...

Trigger Count: 246

1. Dark Hadouken: Fires a ki projectile; Can also fire in mid-air; Strengthens grab smash & other moves; Fires a Shakunetsu Hadoken if influenced by his Dark Rage.
2. Spin Slash Shoryuken: Rotates forward slicing enemies with his claws before performing a rising uppercut.
3. Tatsumaki Barrage: Runs forward in a frenzy slicing all his path, then spinning and kicking enemies like a hurricane.
4. Ashura Senkuu Slash: Teleports to multiple enemies and slashes them with a chance for knockdown and bleeding.
5. Berserker Death: Repeatedly slashes enemy's chest in a martial arts fashion, then impales them with a high chance for instant kill.
6. Kongou Kokuretsu Zan (KKZ): Releases a thunderous energy blast that damages enemies within a radius.
7. (LV1 Super) Messatsu Gou Hadou: Fires a lethal beam from the Satsui no Hado that hits multiple times.
8. (LV2 Super) Adamantium Laser Blade: Slashes the air with his claws, hurling powerful comets of energy at enemies.
9. (LV3 Super) Feral Raging Demon: Combines Wolverine's "Feral Rage" with Akuma's "Raging Demon" for a nightmarish outcome...

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skin & mannequin retextures, recolored effects, HUDs, loading screen, icons, sounds, hex-editing, earthquake script, etc.

None so far.


What's up. Your resident "man of mystery" has been hard at work in this latest round of character mod updates, so here is the full list of mods that have been updated. Brace yourself...

A-Bomb: Changed footstep sounds.
:antman: Ant-Man: Added Adjuster and Futurist skins & HUDs; Fixed error with size-change, updated some HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Attuma: Added MCU skin, HUD & alternate mannequin. Herostat has changed.
:blackshake: Black Bolt: Added missing interact files, fixing his grab smash.
:blackcat: Black Cat: Added a skin & replaced a skin.
Black Knight: Added two skins & HUDs, updated sword models, no damage taken when switching swords. Herostat has changed.
Cammy: Added new animations, added & updated some skins & HUDs, removed skin segments, her Xtreme now hits multiple times. Herostat has changed.
Catwoman: Added Arkham Knight skin in "xtras."
Chun-Li: Added three more skins, added music script for better functionality, & made music louder. Herostat has changed.
Crimson Dynamo: Updated Marvel Duel skin & HUD.
Dracula: Removed outdated scripts and updated shift script file.
Exodus: Added second newer skin. Herostat has changed.
Ghost: Added three skins, redone all HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Gwenpool: Added Modern & April Pools skins, redone all HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Hank Pym: Updated West Coast Avengers skin & HUD.
:havok: Havok: Added X-Men skin, HUD, & mannequin. Herostat has changed.
Heimdall: Replaced Alternate skin with Armored skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Huntress: Added Rebirth skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Ironheart: Added three skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Kingpin: Added two skins, redone all HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Kurse: Added Armored skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Luna Snow: Added three skins & HUDs, added music scripts for better functionality, made her songs louder. Herostat has changed.
The Mandarin: Added two skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Mantis: Added three skins.
:marvelg: Marvel Girl: Added Days of Future Past skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
:miles: Miles Morales: Added Evolved skin, redone all HUDs. Herostat has changed.
:sinister: Mr. Sinister: Added Hellfire Gala skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
:mystique: Mystique: Added three more skins & HUDs, fixed up some powers & HUDs; Lowered her trigger count to 274. Herostat has changed.
:namor: Namor: Added some missing effects.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead: Added Gothic skin & HUD from Strike Force.
Outsider's 250 Celebration: (Ymir) Changed footstep sounds.
Outsider's Last Call: (Shuri) Added Wakanda Forever skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Quake: Updated package files.
Red Hulk: Added two more skins & HUDs, added entities file & some effects, changed footstep sounds. Herostat has changed.
Rescue: Added Marvel Duel armor. Herostat has changed.
Satana: Added 5 skins, updated all HUDs, redone all demoness skins. Herostat has changed.
Scarlet Spider: Added Chasm skin, HUD, and green fire effect. Herostat has changed.
Skurge: Added Super War skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Spider-Girls: (Silk) Added Summer Days skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Starfire: Added two more skins & HUD, changed flying effect. Herostat has changed.
:starlord: Star-Lord: Added three more skins & HUDs. Herostat has changed.
:tmaster: Taskmaster: Added Super War Alt skin, HUD, & shield projectile. Herostat has changed.
:thanos: Thanos: Made him more resistant to enemy attacks.
Wendigo: Changed footstep sounds.
White Tiger: Added four more skins, redone nearly all HUDs. Herostat has changed.
Wong: Added Multiverse skin & HUD. Herostat has changed.
Zatanna: Added four skins, redone nearly all HUDs. Herostat has changed.

This run of updates (including the MK mods) has taken a lot out of me, so this is it for now. Any skins from this point that come out now will have to wait until my next run of updates, as I will be busy working on further advancing the Expanded Game (EXG). You know the drill, boys and girls. Stay tuned... :king: (evil laugh)

 :mystique: Mystique She's on my roster and I love it. I have a question/concern. For some reason, some skins are not working when morphing. So it morphs for like a millisecond, or it doesn't morph at all.

Quote from: MarvelDev on May 29, 2024, 07:05PM:mystique: Mystique She's on my roster and I love it. I have a question/concern. For some reason, some skins are not working when morphing. So it morphs for like a millisecond, or it doesn't morph at all.

For most morphs, after activating the boost, you have to press a button while she's laughing -- it will determine who she morphs into. You can view the power descriptions of "Shape Shifter 1" "Shape Shifter 2" and "Shape Shifter 3" to see which button does what. If you still have issues, send me a direct message.