
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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November 09, 2015, 06:58AM #615 Last Edit: January 08, 2017, 08:16AM by Outsider

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my mod of Theresa Rourke Cassidy, the daughter of :banshee: Banshee, the one-time lover of :deadpool: Deadpool, the former enemy of :spiderwoman: Spider-Woman, and the cool chick of the X-Men related books known as Siryn. I've taken the XML2 version, converted her to MUA, and then amped her up tremendously. The XML2 version had far too many radial attacks, and she played almost completely like her father... Nope, that's not how The Outsider does it. Now she's her own unique mod that set her apart from the rest. Check this lass out.

UPDATE: Added a second loading screen -- this one of The Morrigan. Now has a mannequin. Added a voice file, and altered her talent & powerstyle files.

-4 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme. The Morrigan boost activates more powers. Ability of flight.
-6 skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, redone icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file featuring Morrigan's voice from Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
-Uses assigned number #106.

I've redone her classic skin so that there is no SHIELD logo, and the black mark on her lower legs are gone.
Will release a loading screen of The Morrigan at a later date.
I hope someone is willing to create this costume for her:

1. Sonic Lance: A concussive blast of sonic power that stuns enemies.
2. Sonar Scream: Blasts away enemies with her sonic screams. Will also sense enemies for a time.
3. Winds of Change: A radial blast of sonic wind-like waves that throw enemies back.
4. Siren Song: With a seductive voice pitch, she entices victims into fighting alongside her.
5. Luck of The Irish: Creates a sonic shield around the team, for higher melee damage, and dodging chances.
6. The Morrigan: Becomes the two milennia old mystical being, gaining a multitude of enhanced powers.
7. Supersonic Boom: Screams intensely, releasing a powerful wave that damages enemies.

Outsider - Mod conversion to MUA, coding, skins (Classic, Swimsuit, & Morrigan), loading screens, HUDs, icons, sounds, hex-editing etc.
ThePhoenix - XML2 mod (and all those who helped with it)
Quentin Hex - Shriek skin
Julio Cabral - Mannequin & crow model

None so far.


Awesome! Great job!
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

It would be awesome if you could make a mod of Shiklah,  :deadpool:'s current wife.

November 22, 2015, 12:58PM #618 Last Edit: June 28, 2023, 09:16AM by Outsider

It's just about that time for my next DC offering -- none other than Dinah Lance, the beautiful wife of Oliver Queen, and the whoop-ass member of the Birds of Prey known as Black Canary. I think I've done a good job with her skins. And don't expect her to have similar powers to my last mod Siryn, Canary plays a lot different as she is more melee-based, and can perform devastating combo attacks. Since she is one of DC's most dangerous hand-to-hand fighters, I wanted to focus more on that, rather than the fact that she can scream your head off! Have a damn good time playing as this scantily-clad siren.

UPDATE: Added skins and a mannequin by Andersonbrazil. Added packages and updated herostat. Fixed first power requirement error. Lowered her "Martial Artist" ability to 15% so it's not too easy. Added new skins.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of "Martial Artist" (+15% critical chance), and Dominance (can taunt)
-13 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, 8 mannequins, and sound/voice file using her own voice from DC Universe Online.
-Uses assigned number #104.

1. Stunning Punch: Lands a hard shot that stuns enemies for a time.
2. Black Flash: Runs in and strikes with a stylish kick that knocks enemies upward and far back.
3. Canary Cry: Her trademark subsonic scream that damages enemies three times, and slows down time during it.
4. Hurricane Fishnet: Spins and kicks enemies in a radial attack.
5. Dinah Fierce: A nasty 5-hit combo attack of kicks. Can be cancelled to connect to normal combos.
6. (Boost) Oracle's Hacking: Enhances the team's XP, and senses enemies on the mini-map.
7. (Boost) Heart of a Fighter: Gains striking, dodging chances, and reflects damage.
8. (Xtreme) Scream Queen: Uses her Canary Cry at maximum power, blowing enemies away, and slowing down time for a short while.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, PS2 skin, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds, hex-editing, etc.
Aventureiromax - All skins (except PS2 & White Canary), mannequins
UltraMegaMagnus - White Canary skin

None so far.


Out of town but on Holiday but I know the first thing I will do when I get back. Can't wait!!!

November 29, 2015, 07:50AM #620 Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 12:29AM by Outsider

And now comes a character who is very popular, but not from Marvel or DC. It's none other than the powerful and sexy star of the late Michael Turner's Fathom comic series, Aspen Matthews. (It's a modified, updated version of Jeanfan's Aqua mod from 5 years ago.) Practically the goddess of water, this former Top Cow character has moves and abilities of both water and ice, skins that leave very little to the imagination, and awesome loading screens of amazing art. She'd fit right in especially in the Atlantis stage. Oh, you'll have some fun as this Elite Blue & Black. Check her out.

UPDATE: Now has a mannequin. Fixed talents file and now has Aquatic Advantage ability.

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Cold Immunity, Healing Factor & Aquatic Advantage (hold block and press jump during the Atlantis stages to gain a powerful boost).
-4 hex-edited skins, 1 HUD (to cover them all), 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #223 (shares with Hellion).

For her Aquatic Advantage to work, my special scripts package is required. Download that here: (If you have the new EXG, then disregard as the EXG has these scripts included.)

1. Super Soaker: Fires a beam of concentrated water. Also improves grab smash.
2. Aquatic Shards: Throws razor-sharp shards of ice at enemies.
3. Ocean Spray: Exhales water vapor that slows enemies down.
4. Tidal Wave: Releases a powerful wave of water that knocks enemies back.
5. Water Typhoon: Creates a powerful water vortex lifting and throwing objects and enemies.
6. Glacial Tide: Radial blast of sub-zero water that freezes enemies, lowering defense.
7. (Boost) Hydro Healing: Expands her regenerative healing through water to her allies.
8. (Boost) Water Form: Turns herself into living water. Takes less damage, inflicts more damage, and deflects projectiles and beams.
9. (Xtreme) Fathom Tsunami: Summons a storm of raging water that damages enemies.

Outsider - Mod creation, coding fixes, skins, HUDs, loading screens, sounds, hex-editing etc.
Jeanfan321 - Effects and combat anims from Aqua mod
Quentin Hex - Icons from Aqua mod
Maegawa - Shanna skin offsets
AdrianoAp - Mannequin

None so far.


You definitely did a great job with the Black Canary skins ! And not only with the skins , the whole mod is bitching !
I have never yet heard about Aspen Matthews and the Fathom series. I have to refill this wantingness because it's sounds realy readable. But now, I can start the supplement with your mod  ;)
" The day you stop racing,
is the day you win the race "

Quote from: Deadpool_69 on November 14, 2015, 07:56PM
It would be awesome if you could make a mod of Shiklah,  :deadpool:'s current wife.

Shiklah, huh? Maybe if a skin is created of her, she can be an alternate costume for an existing mod, like say, Mistress Death, who has ties to good ol' DP anyway. Due to lack of time though, I highly doubt I can make a full mod of the succubus. But you never know -- someone else might...

Quote from: Canino on November 11, 2015, 02:32PM
Awesome! Great job!

Thanks for that. I wanted Siryn to be very unique and different from Banshee.

Quote from: ndp on November 22, 2015, 07:14PM
Out of town but on Holiday but I know the first thing I will do when I get back. Can't wait!!!

I bet you'll enjoy her. I can't say I'm a big DC fan altogether, but I do like some of their characters.

Quote from: Dr. Bruce Banner on December 01, 2015, 04:15AM
You definitely did a great job with the Black Canary skins ! And not only with the skins , the whole mod is bitching !
I have never yet heard about Aspen Matthews and the Fathom series. I have to refill this wantingness because it's sounds realy readable. But now, I can start the supplement with your mod  ;)

I appreciate that -- I am proud of the way Dinah Lance turned out. And yes, I wanted to show everyone that Marvel and DC aren't the only players in town. There was once a little company called Image Comics back in the day, and later was Top Cow, who was responsible for Witchblade, The Darkness, Lara Croft, Aspen Matthews, etc. And who could forget Todd McFarlane's classic Spawn?!?

I would create the Phantom Four as mods (, but they'd be WAY too powerful for this game. Practically gods of darkness. You want something readable? Try those books out. (Yeah, shameless plug :laugh:)

December 06, 2015, 07:13PM #623 Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 11:32PM by Outsider
SUB-ZERO (booster)

Here is a small booster for the awesome ice ninja of Mortal Kombat, Sub-Zero. While Julio Cabral already did an excellent job with the Lin Kuei veteran, I've amped it up further with even more features, including Cyber Sub-Zero!!! Enjoy.

UPDATE: Added MK11 skin & HUD.

-Hex-edited all skins.
-Changed power requirements of first power from 10 to 1.
-Improved the damage output of Sub-Zero's powers so he's not too powerful.
-His Ice Ball now freezes enemies in place, instead of just slowing them down.
-Added effects to his Slide power.
-Fixed his Arctic Shower so the projectiles appear.
-Added cold immunity to his herostat, becoming active.
-Added a loading screen.
-Added Iceman's cold aura to his herostat.
-Renamed some of them so they don't all start with "ice."
-Fixed the icons in the powerstyle file so they match those in the talents file.
-Can now double jump.
-His Fatality, Polar Blast now takes damage on boss characters as well. "Fatality" is now the category, not the name of the xtreme.
-New Power: Killer Frost. Creates a wave of ice pillars that blast enemies upward.
-Changed the order of his costumes so that his first costume matches that of his mannequin.
-New Boost: Brother of Shadow. Mysteriously gains the power of his revenant brother, gaining massive attributes.
-Added new icons and sounds to correspond with the new powers.
-New Ability: Mortal Kombat. Can now perform a stage fatality uppercut, which is perfect to knock enemies off cliffs or into a trap. Can now taunt as well.
-Added pkgb files for 6009 & 6010.
-Replaced MK1 skin with MK2 skin, as that's not him (MK1 was his brother, who later became Noob Saibot).
-Added an alternate mannequin. (Place it in the "ui/models/mannequin" folder. Will clash with Mysterio.)
-Added a new ice clone model and added some effects to it.
-Added MK9 skin and Cyber Sub-Zero is now an alternate with some unique moves!
-Added Cyber Sub-Zero loading screen.
-Slowed down time of fatality, as it happens far too quickly.
-Added new HUDs so that they match their in-game portraits from their respective games.
-Updated Cyber Sub-Zero's skin. It can form fists now and his chest opens when using his Ice Bomb.
-Added new XML2-compatible skins, ice clone model and alternate stance from Julio's recent update. Hex-edited all skins.
-Added two skins and alternate mannequins from MKX.
-Updated sounds and voice files featuring his own voice from MK11.
-His ice blasts can now put out small fires.
-Added an MK12 variant of Kuai Liang (new Scorpion) in blue, and an MK11 skin.

1. Ice Ball: Throws his signature particle, freezing enemies in place for a time. Also strengthens Stage Fatality.
2. Lin Kuei Slide: Quickly slides forward, damaging and knocking back enemies. Also improves grab smash.
2. Ice Bomb: Cyber Sub-Zero will launch an explosive that will freeze multiple enemies.
3. Ice Clone: Creates a clone of himself made purely of ice. Enemies hit by it will be slowed down for a time.
4. Killer Frost: From underneath the ground, Sub-Zero creates a series of ice pillars that blast enemies upward.
5. Arctic Shower: Ice rains down and heavily damages enemies while freezing them in place for an extended time.
6. (Boost) Cryomancer: Uses his medallion to generate an aura of harsh cold around himself, slowing and damaging enemies in radius.
7. (Boost) Brother of Shadow: Somehow gains power from his revenant brother, increasing damage, speed, momentum, & defense.
8. (Fatality) Polar Blast: Massive cold blast that damages and freezes enemies. Frozen enemies are shattered to death.

Outsider: All the non-skin, non-model changes above
Julio Cabral: Sub-Zero mod, Shaolin Monks & Lin Kuei skins, ice clone model
Enchlore: MKX skins, MKX mannequins
Aventureiromax: MK2 & MK9 skins
Andersonbrazil: Cyber Sub-Zero skin
Escanor610: MK12 variant & MK11 skins
AdrianoAp: Alternate Mannequin

None so far.


(NOTE: This is not the mod of Sub-Zero, but an important booster that is needed for him to coincide with other MK mods. For Julio Cabral's mod of Sub-Zero, click here: Keep in mind that he'll clash mannequins with Mysterio.)

December 08, 2015, 04:46PM #625 Last Edit: August 28, 2024, 09:33PM by Outsider
SCORPION (booster)

Here is a small booster for the kick-ass undead ninja of Mortal Kombat, Scorpion. (This is not be confused with Marvel's Scorpion, the Spider-Man villain.) Julio Cabral did a great job with him, so I wanted to take it up a notch, and give him even more features. But hey, don't take my work for it -- "GET OVER HERE!!!" and try him out for yourself.

UPDATE: Changed menu animations.

-Changed some of his files to "scrpn.engb" and "ps_scrpn.engb," as he originally clashed with Marvel's Scorpion files.
-Hex-edited all skins.
-Added fire immunity to his herostat, becoming active.
-Renamed "Hell Fire" power and fixed effect.
-Fixed effects and damage with Ninja Sword boost.
-Fixed light1 and trip attacks with Ninja Sword boost, so that they take damage.
-Fixed grab smash so that it won't use the Spear and thus, no energy is spent.
-Fixed the Spear move, so that it will stun enemies, and you can follow up with any attack. The Stage Fatality Uppercut is best. Distance makes it tricky, though.
-Added a loading screen.
-Added a new mannequin.
-New Power: Shirai Ryu. Runs in and does a flying kick, causing knockback.
-Fixed the duration and powerusage of the Inferno Scorpion boost.
-Added newer Spear animation & fixed Hellfire Breath sound from going too long.
-New Xtreme: Burning Wrath. It's the "Toasty" Fatality, just renamed. Replaces the previous sword xtreme. "Fatality" is now the category, not the name of the move.
-Added new icons and sounds to correspond to the new powers, including sword sounds during Ninja Sword boost.
-New Ability: Mortal Kombat. Can now perform a stage fatality uppercut, which is perfect to knock enemies off cliffs or into a trap. Can now taunt as well.

1. Spear: Throws his signature spear to grab enemies and pull them back to him stunned. Also strengthens Stage Fatality.
2. Shirai Ryu: Named after his now-deceased clan, Scorpion delivers a flying kick, causing impact and knockback.
3. Teleport Punch: Scorpion rapidly teleports and attacks several targets.
4. Explosive Flame: Summons a blast of hellfire under enemies, burning them.
5. Hellfire Breath: Breathe a continuous stream of fire towards enemies, doing fire damage as long as the button is held.
6. (Boost) Ninja Sword: Equips his sword in combat for a time, and increases melee damage.
7. (Boost) Inferno Scorpion: Scorpion unleashes the Netherealm fire within his own body, adding fire damage to all attacks.
8. (Fatality) Burning Wrath: Scorpion reveals his undead form, and ignites every enemy around to a toasty crisp.

Outsider - New powers, updated coding and sounds, loading screen, newer icons, hex-editing
Julio Cabral - Original Scorpion mod
Andersonbrazil - MK11 skin
UltraMegaMagnus - Mannequin, newer animations
Escanor610 - MK12 skin

None so far.


(NOTE: This is not the mod of Scorpion, but an important booster that is needed for him to coincide with other MK mods. For Julio Cabral's mod of Scorpion, click here: Keep in mind that he'll clash mannequins with Enchantress.)

Outsider, your mod Black Canary is fantastic! I only regret to inform you that I found only two models to convert. Both have jacket and it is not possible to remove the jacket without damaging the model. I'll keep looking to see what can be revealed.

Quote from: StarAndy on December 07, 2015, 10:35AM
great mod and booster thanks outsider

Good to hear you're enjoying them.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on December 11, 2015, 04:24PM
Outsider, your mod Black Canary is fantastic! I only regret to inform you that I found only two models to convert. Both have jacket and it is not possible to remove the jacket without damaging the model. I'll keep looking to see what can be revealed.

Thanks, Anderson. I am quite proud of how she turned out. And it's ok if you can only find two skins of her (so far). Maybe you can get in touch with "Dr. Bruce Banner," as I believe he may be converting skins for her as well.

To those of you trying to PM me, and you have the rank "New folks," I can't answer you as when I try to reply, it always says that your mailbox is full.

Thank you for that Deadpool booster outsider.Unfortunately that was the only booster I tried for MUA.
This Merc ->  :deadpool: needed a mouth for MUA. Now I don't think I will even think of swapping him for someone else in the game. I just figured out the identities of the heroes when using 'Ladies Man'.


I just found out that there's Ms.Marvel, Rogue, Emma and Psylocke. Am I missing someone else here?

Quote from: JamesRockFan on December 13, 2015, 07:06AM
Thank you for that Deadpool booster outsider.Unfortunately that was the only booster I tried for MUA.
This Merc ->  :deadpool: needed a mouth for MUA. Now I don't think I will even think of swapping him for someone else in the game. I just figured out the identities of the heroes when using 'Ladies Man'.


I just found out that there's Ms.Marvel, Rogue, Emma and Psylocke. Am I missing someone else here?

Good to hear you're enjoying it. Yeah, good ol' DP is awesome and needed to stand out from the rest. As for "Ladies Man," those four are correct, and there is also Domino, and DC's Harley Quinn.