
The Outsider's Crypt (contains 340 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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Hey Outsider. :)
I wanted to try my hand at making some ps2 skins for Night Thrasher and Darkhawk. Would you still have their .DDS files around? Is it a breach of etiquette to ask for those? 

Quote from: VsaintJ on July 18, 2016, 12:34AM
Hey Outsider. :)
I wanted to try my hand at making some ps2 skins for Night Thrasher and Darkhawk. Would you still have their .DDS files around? Is it a breach of etiquette to ask for those?

It's not a problem. I'll send them to you via PM. Good luck with those New Warriors.

Thank you!!! X)
Once done, I'll send them back. If you like them, you can add them to your mods.

Looovee Jessica Jones,
For those about to rock is probably one of my favourite moves in the game, really creative!

Sounds don't seem to work though, the whole guard thing & Netflix theme show thing doesn't seem to work :(
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Quote from: Polygone on July 21, 2016, 11:03AM
Looovee Jessica Jones,
For those about to rock is probably one of my favourite moves in the game, really creative!

Sounds don't seem to work though, the whole guard thing & Netflix theme show thing doesn't seem to work :(

Thanks for that --  I like being unique. Heck, even naming the powers is fun, as I'm sure everybody got the AC/DC reference in that power.

So, none of the sounds/ her voice work? Or just the taunts and Netflix theme doesn't work? I just checked the sound files in my game and the sound files in the uploaded Jessica Jones, and they are the same. They work fine in my game.

When you block, and press any of the four buttons, does she do an animation, or nothing at all? If it's just the sounds, maybe it's a volume issue? Again, it sounds fine on mine... not sure how to fix, but I'll look into it. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, please let me know.

Yeah animations and all, just no sound, coooouuuulld be my settings, but I'll have to go check. Power sounds were playing but could be that the game labels these under music volume in some way

None of them worked btw
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Okay, tried again and they do play, just kinda quiet and I didn't hear them over the helicarrier humming in the intro level, after getting to fury and going to that part where it's just kinda quiet, all was hearable, sorry for the false info :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Quote from: Polygone on July 22, 2016, 10:12AM
Okay, tried again and they do play, just kinda quiet and I didn't hear them over the helicarrier humming in the intro level, after getting to fury and going to that part where it's just kinda quiet, all was hearable, sorry for the false info :)

It's cool. That first level is very noisy, I agree. I couldn't make her sounds any louder, as I deleted the files when I saw that they worked on mine. Still, good to hear it worked out.


Everyone, :punisher_logo: Mistress Death has been updated. A report a while ago claimed that because of her invincibility, the demon leapers at Mephisto's Realm will permanently stay on her. Hopefully, I've solved the problem. Also, I've added new loading screens and sound files for Erik Lensherr's mod of :galactus: Galactus. What did I do? Take a look...

Quote from: Outsider on July 22, 2016, 04:59PM
Everyone, :punisher_logo: Mistress Death has been updated. A report a while ago claimed that because of her invincibility, the demon leapers at Mephisto's Realm will permanently stay on her. Hopefully, I've solved the problem. Also, I've added new loading screens and sound files for Erik Lensherr's mod of :galactus: Galactus. What did I do? Take a look...

OMG, this is awesome! With these new sounds and loading screens Galactus looks more powerful and interesting to play! Great job as always :)

Hello, Outsider! Your mod Blackheart is very cool! I must confess to you that I have was not very satisfied with his first version, but this latest version is a lot of fun. I am preparing some skins and a new mannequim for him, so I'd like to ask you if you can include to Blackheart the possibility of animation to the tail, as the Lizard. I know that the Nightcrawler's tail is a button, but I think for the Lizard and Scorpion are added the biped bones tails. I made a gameplay video of the mod Blackheart and the guys suggested a lively tail.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on July 29, 2016, 09:53PM
Hello, Outsider! Your mod Blackheart is very cool! I must confess to you that I have was not very satisfied with his first version, but this latest version is a lot of fun. I am preparing some skins and a new mannequim for him, so I'd like to ask you if you can include to Blackheart the possibility of animation to the tail, as the Lizard. I know that the Nightcrawler's tail is a button, but I think for the Lizard and Scorpion are added the biped bones tails. I made a gameplay video of the mod Blackheart and the guys suggested a lively tail.

Thanks for the honest critique. Yes, :bheart: Blackheart needed some fixing when I first came out with him, but those improvements helped him greatly. Good to hear you're making skins and a mannequin for him. Where can I see this gameplay video?
As for the lively tail issue, there's only one way I can possibly make that work... When I created :scorpion: Scorpion, at first his long tail was stiff, but when I used his in-game animations, the tail started moving. Blackheart may have a similar solution. I'll look into that after my current project.

Hi Outsider.  I'm very new to modding this great game, and I love so many of your mods.  In particular Black Canary/Batgirl/Huntress/Catwoman. Four  of my favorite characters, and you did some Amazing work with them.

Not knowing really anything about the process, is there any way I can play with all four of them on a team together?  I know I could reskin other characters, but then they wouldn't have your cool movesets.   

Quote from: Joecrak on July 30, 2016, 09:35AM
Hi Outsider.  I'm very new to modding this great game, and I love so many of your mods.  In particular Black Canary/Batgirl/Huntress/Catwoman. Four  of my favorite characters, and you did some Amazing work with them.

Not knowing really anything about the process, is there any way I can play with all four of them on a team together?  I know I could reskin other characters, but then they wouldn't have your cool movesets.

Good to hear you're enjoying my mods -- thanks for the compliment.

There is one way, but since you're new to modding, it will be a tough one -- cloning the mods. If you take a look at my :spidergirl: Spider-Girl mod, you'll see that I cloned her and renamed all of the files (package .pkgb files, herostat, etc) of the cloned one from "spidergirl" to "spidergrl," missing the "i." You'll also have to open the talents and powerstyles files and rename them as well. This way, the game recognizes it as two mods instead of one, but the skins and powers are still the same. Sound files, HUDs, and entities files do not need to be renamed.

That said, you can clone Black Canary (which is named "canary") and rename the cloned one "batgirl." Likewise, you can clone Catwoman (which is named "catwoman") and rename the cloned one as "huntress." Due to lack of time, I can't do it, but you can try and experiment, using my Spider-Girl mod as a reference.

Quote from: Outsider on July 30, 2016, 11:25AM
Good to hear you're enjoying my mods -- thanks for the compliment.

There is one way, but since you're new to modding, it will be a tough one -- cloning the mods. If you take a look at my :spidergirl: Spider-Girl mod, you'll see that I cloned her and renamed all of the files (package .pkgb files, herostat, etc) of the cloned one from "spidergirl" to "spidergrl," missing the "i." You'll also have to open the talents and powerstyles files and rename them as well. This way, the game recognizes it as two mods instead of one, but the skins and powers are still the same. Sound files, HUDs, and entities files do not need to be renamed.

That said, you can clone Black Canary (which is named "canary") and rename the cloned one "batgirl." Likewise, you can clone Catwoman (which is named "catwoman") and rename the cloned one as "huntress." Due to lack of time, I can't do it, but you can try and experiment, using my Spider-Girl mod as a reference.

Thanks for the tips.  I'll check it out.  I tried doing somehting similar where I renamed everything that said Canary to Batgirl, and gave her a different number slot, cause I didn't know if that mattered.

I don't know what i messed up but when i teseted her out, none of the costume powers showed up, and no poweres were there, so she could only move and jump.

I have a similar problem, at times, when i swap around skins on characters. 

A different question, is it possible to put a batgirl skin over one of the 4 main canary skins, and still get access to batgirls unique moveset?  I know months back when i pushed Huntress to a 5th or 6th slot she still had her custom moves.

Its all very confusing for me a newcomer.  Near as I can tell, everything is related to the initial skin numbers on the actors files?