
The Outsider's Crypt (contains 340 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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This current poll has had quite the turnout so far. After 36 votes, the "Avenger to no longer be just an outfit" is leading with a commanding 14 votes. The "little-known female bad-ass" is not far behind with 8 votes. I will continue to keep an eye on the voting results.

When the poll is over, whoever wins will be my very next mod (after my current project), and I will reveal who the character is via my signature question mark. Unless the winner turns out to be the secret mod -- I can't tell you who the "strange, forgotten hero from the 90's" is. That one, you'll just have to find out for yourself, but trust me, you'll want to play as that forgotten hero... Of course, they are all good picks if you knew who I'm referring to.

Quote from: StarAndy on November 13, 2017, 10:11AM
good afternoon, I was wondering if you outsiders could create a booster for Iron Man based on the powers of X-MEN LEGENDS II, this pattern of the game is bad.

Sorry, I can't take requests. Officially, I'm supposed to be retired from modding, but my girlfriend is a fan of my work and convinced me to temporarily come out of retirement and create some more mods. The power of a beautiful woman, I tell you...

I couldn't do what you're requesting anyway, as I don't have XML2. (In addition, I've been very busy lately.) In the past, I did think of creating an Iron Man booster where he can change to various armor in-game (via my shape-shift system) all with different skills, but it may complicate things or make Stark too powerful.

Ladies and gentlemen, the poll is now closed. After 48 votes, the winner is "An Avenger to no longer be just an outfit..."

So as I've stated, this character will be after my current project. But just who is the Avenger I was referring to? Click the question mark below to find out...

Yes, I called it.It was to myself but still, I called it.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on November 18, 2017, 06:08PM
Perhaps you could have these two as potential skins for the character in question?

Decent picks. I've asked BaconWizard17 to create one costume that the character has worn before. Perhaps those two can make it four if someone is willing to make them.

Quote from: jaybird on November 18, 2017, 08:22PM
Yes, I called it.It was to myself but still, I called it.

Curious, then... who did you think the "little-known female bad ass" was? She came very close in the poll.

So, I usually don't use the Crypt for conversation (usually, that's at the Lab), but I will here. What is your view of the Marvel character Nightwatch? (No, he is not one of my planned mods.) I thought about him suddenly upon hearing some rumor that he may get a movie and that Spike Lee is considering directing it.

As I recall, Nightwatch was some dude with a black costume and large cape that was clearly inspired by Todd McFarlane's Spawn, before appearing in this costume seen above. He also has a strange story. Dr. Kevin Trench witnessed a super hero getting killed -- only to find out that the hero was an older version of himself. He took the costume, but didn't put it on, and hid somewhere, only to change his mind later and become Nightwatch. I do recall seeing him in Spider-Man's Maximum Carnage story.
Then, my cousin said something about that whole origin not being his true story. That he was really a villain named Nighteater (Really? :laugh:) who hired others to create some spell that portrays him as a hero. She-Hulk eventually found out and Trench was confronted about it. I don't know what ever happened to him after that.

Anyway, what is your take on Nightwatch? Cool? Lame? Someone you'd want to see in MUA? Someone who has a pathetic villain code-name almost as bad as Taserface? (LOL) Maybe I'll wait to see if/when Marvel makes his movie, reintroducing him in a possibly better, less confusing light.

November 20, 2017, 09:12PM #1235 Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 09:19PM by Ceamonks890
Looking up his history on Wikipedia, he literally just sounds like a lamer version of Spawn in terms of powerset(with a story that doesn't really go anywhere or offer any reason for his character to exist period). I'd rather have villains like Annihilus or Nightmare made into full-on mods over this guy(who should just be left in comic obscurity, where he rightfully belongs).

And as for the little-known female bad ass, I'm guessing its Jennifer Kale(as she's among the movesets you conceived way back when, in the General Moveset Thread that I seem to solely use these days to post my own stuff, when I feel inspired & in the mood for it :P).

I feel like the Women of Marvel are pretty well represented here, so I assumed it was a dc character.Like Mera, Rose Wilson, or Big Barda.                                                                                                                                                               On to Nightwatch, I feel like He could have worked if they had gone a slightly different route.For example, let's say the past version can't remember the spell and truly believes he is a hero but the future version is manipulating him, and when the past version finds out he has to decide if he wants to follow this path or create a new one.He could have been Ironlad or Gwenpoll before they were created.

November 23, 2017, 06:12PM #1237 Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 10:47AM by IronManRocks
Hello Outsider, thank you so much for your works!
I wanted to ask you a couple of question about :ghostr: the Ghost Rider mini-boost:
- I installed it and bike and head effects work fine, blue for Danny Ketch, red for everything else. However powers do not. Every power uses the red fire except the "Ghost Rider Flame Thrower" (edit: I meant "HellfireBreath" ) that is always blue, whatever skin I use. Is that normal?
- If so, is there a way to just add the jump+block/triple jump effect to summon the bike to iammingly booster without installing this one?
Thanks for you avaibility and you amazing mods and boosters.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on November 20, 2017, 09:12PM
Looking up his history on Wikipedia, he literally just sounds like a lamer version of Spawn in terms of powerset(with a story that doesn't really go anywhere or offer any reason for his character to exist period). I'd rather have villains like Annihilus or Nightmare made into full-on mods over this guy(who should just be left in comic obscurity, where he rightfully belongs).

I share this sentiment, which is why I never attempted creating him. I will however keep a watchful eye on his possible movie reinvention.

Quote from: Ceamonks890 on November 20, 2017, 09:12PM
And as for the little-known female bad ass, I'm guessing its Jennifer Kale(as she's among the movesets you conceived way back when, in the General Moveset Thread that I seem to solely use these days to post my own stuff, when I feel inspired & in the mood for it :P).

Interesting that you mentioned Jennifer Kale... How is that interesting? Stay tuned. :king: (evil laugh)

Quote from: jaybird on November 21, 2017, 01:26PM
I feel like the Women of Marvel are pretty well represented here, so I assumed it was a dc character.Like Mera, Rose Wilson, or Big Barda.
On to Nightwatch, I feel like He could have worked if they had gone a slightly different route.For example, let's say the past version can't remember the spell and truly believes he is a hero but the future version is manipulating him, and when the past version finds out he has to decide if he wants to follow this path or create a new one.He could have been Ironlad or Gwenpoll before they were created.

Sorry, it's not a DC character. As for Nightwatch, there is just nothing intriguing about him other than the time - future self thing that they didn't bother explaining, only to kinda erase it. There are ways to make him a cool character, and they will need to if they want him to be marketable in the box office.

Quote from: IronManRocks on November 23, 2017, 06:12PM
Hello Outsider, thank you so much for your works!
I wasted to ask you a couple of question about :ghostr: the Ghost Rider mini-boost:
- I installed it and bike and head effects work fine, blue for Danny Ketch, red for everything else. However powers do not. Every power uses the red fire except the "Ghost Rider Flame Thrower" that is always blue, whatever skin I use. Is that normal?
- If so, is there a way to just add the jump+block/triple jump effect to summon the bike to iammingly booster without installing this one?
Thanks for you avaibility and you amazing mods and boosters.

Good to hear that you're enjoying my many (and I do mean many) projects.
To answer your question about the Ghost Rider booster, yes the powers still use the regular fire, as it's too much coding to allow blue fire on all powers on just one outfit. Although I am not sure what you mean by "Ghost Rider Flame Thrower is always blue whatever skin I use"... I'll look into him when I get a chance.
And yes, you can get the bike via triple jump with iammingy's booster without using mine.

November 24, 2017, 05:57PM #1239 Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 10:45AM by IronManRocks
Hi, thanks for answering. I'm sorry about the "Ghost Rider :ghostr: Flame Thrower" power, I just didn't remember the in-game name. I meant the "Hellfire Breath" power. However I wanted to tell you that I just tested it again, and this time I got no blue flames: everything, powers and bikes always used red fire, whatever skin I used (except the head of Ghost Rider :ghostr: ). I saw blue shades when I switched to Danny Ketch, but thi time the fire was still red. Which is extremely weird since I changed nothing, I just launched the game :/ . I just rested it, and still the same problem. To test mods, after deleting the settings.dat in my Documents folder and then using the Heroselect for my roster, I start a new game and at the first SHIELD point (after the Scorpion boss fight) I use these 4 cheatcodes (all characters, all powers, all skins, all lvl99) to test everything I need to. May this be the trouble? In normal run it would work properly?

EDIT: Solution found!
Basically everytime you switch from one of the other skins to Danny Ketch (or viceversa) you should save, exit and reload the game. Otherwise even if the flaming head of Ghost Rider works properly, bike and "Hellfire Breath" will not. ;) How?
If you save your game with the Danny Ketch Costumes you'll have the "Hellfire Breath" half red/half blue, and if you switch to another skin, the head will be red with blue shades.
If you instead save your game with one of the other skin and change to danny ketch, Hellfire Breath will always be red and so will be the bike fire effect (even if it will have blue shades)

Concerning now just the Iammingly booster, how can I make the "triple jump trick"? Do I have to just change the herostat or something else? Perhaps these are very stupid question, if you prefer I can ask you in PM.

Hey there,
just wanted to tell you that I managed to do it, it was simplier then I tought, I followed the suggestion on the other threads here on the forum and checked other mods like the deadpool or the nightcrawler booster that make the teleport as triple jump, instead of double one. The solution is following the Spiderman/Venom airjump entry.
I then used your codes to make the hellcycle and the grab smash upgradable; thanks for them!
One last question: will we ever have a Venom  :venom: booster/MOD?

Everyone, my apologies on the modding front, as I've been so busy with work and other things lately, that I haven't had time to mod at all. And since the Christmas season is here, I doubt it will get any easier. I've been doing bits and pieces here and there on my current project, though. Continue to stay tuned, as I still have plenty of surprise characters coming from Marvel, Top Cow, and Mortal Kombat. You can thank my girlfriend for that.

Quote from: IronManRocks on November 28, 2017, 10:44AM
Hey there,
just wanted to tell you that I managed to do it, it was simplier then I tought, I followed the suggestion on the other threads here on the forum and checked other mods like the deadpool or the nightcrawler booster that make the teleport as triple jump, instead of double one. The solution is following the Spiderman/Venom airjump entry.
I then used your codes to make the hellcycle and the grab smash upgradable; thanks for them!

Good to hear that you figured out some aspects of coding on your own. Sometimes I have difficulty explaining it due to lack of time. Keep on learning.

Quote from: IronManRocks on November 28, 2017, 10:44AM
One last question: will we ever have a Venom  :venom: booster/MOD?

Sorry, not from me. My girl's convinced me that I should make more mods, but boosters are pretty much done for me. I recall Andersonbrazil requesting that I conduct different symbiote effects for the Antivenom costume of Venom's mod, but that's a lot of effect recoloring, & trial and error testing -- very time-consuming. I did create an Agent Venom mod, though. It's of Flash Thompson's version. Check him out here at The Crypt.

December 01, 2017, 05:45PM #1242 Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 08:44AM by IronManRocks
Quote from: Outsider on December 01, 2017, 04:34PM
Good to hear that you figured out some aspects of coding on your own. Sometimes I have difficulty explaining it due to lack of time. Keep on learning.

Never mind; I'll do!

Quote from: Outsider on December 01, 2017, 04:34PM
Sorry, not from me. My girl's convinced me that I should make more mods, but boosters are pretty much done for me. I did create an Agent Venom mod, though. It's of Flash Thompson's version. Check him out here at The Crypt.

Yeah, I tried your Carnage  :carnage: and I was going to try Agent Venom :venom2: soon, I love the Symbiontes ;).
Thank you and the other modders (like AndersonBrazil, CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil, Aventureiromax, Blaw, Iammangy, ...).
A lot of fun!

Quote from: Outsider on December 01, 2017, 04:34PM
I recall Andersonbrazil requesting that I conduct different symbiote effects for the Antivenom costume of Venom's mod, but that's a lot of effect recoloring, & trial and error testing -- very time-consuming.

Just to be clear, are you speaking about the DarkMark Venom mod, which is basically what comes already installed with the Official Characters 1.3? Because that by default has Classic, Ultimate, Marvel Knight and Thunderbolts. I know that there are other skins here, for exemple I'm using the 2 Venom packs from CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil, which conteins conversions of Marvel Heroes Costumes, but does also exhist another mod?
In case I missed it...

The only mini-fix/upgrade I found (a part from the Sazandra125 that adds web shields to him and Spidey) is this one from NowhereMan:

Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 01, 2017, 04:34PM
:venom: VENOM
- Tendril Thrust: put the dmg in synch with the effect and added knockback;
- Venom Swing: now does dmg when enemies are hit (for those who can, do that to Spider-Man as well, works like a bitch);
- Symbiote Bite: added instant KO chance;
- Claws: now increases melee dmg, critical dmg and critical chance for melee moves;
- Symbiote Sludge: no longer holds foes after the effect has already vanished and does dmg on impact and over time;
- Increased movement speed by 10%.

If there is anyone reading this who knows how to successfully acquire and convert models from MUA2 in a timely manner, I require your assistance. There is only one model I want, and yes - it's for an upcoming mod. The sooner you can do it, the better! If you are willing to assist, send me a PM. You will be credited. Thanks in advance to whomever volunteers.

Quote from: IronManRocks on December 01, 2017, 05:45PM
Just to be clear, are you speaking about the DarkMark Venom mod, which is basically what comes already installed with the Official Characters 1.3? Because that by default has Classic, Ultimate, Marvel Knight and Thunderbolts. I know that there are other skins here, for exemple I'm using the 2 Venom packs from CaiqueWebSlingerBrazil, which conteins conversions of Marvel Heroes Costumes, but does also exhist another mod?

I may have confused you. I acquired various Antivenom skins to add to my Venom mod -- the current one being CaiqueWebSlinger's model. Venom did not come with that skin, but it's been a long time since seeing the vanilla versions.

December 07, 2017, 10:40AM #1244 Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 03:33PM by IronManRocks
Hey there a couple of things:
- I forgot to tell you how bloody awesome that Carnage :carnage: mod is. Thank you, and all the other modders that worked with you, sooo much for that!

- I tested Agent Venom :venom2: , as promised, and it's really nice too, however the animation of the 1st power (the Machine Gun: Unloads a hail of bullets at enemies. Press and hold) is weird: even if he grab the M-16, it seems he uses the animation of the web bullet(or something similiar), instead of a more conventional pose (like Nick fury or Black Widow). He also actually shoot one bullet every 2 seconds and does a very little damage. Since I saw that his entities are from the Punisher and Sage, do I also need their mods in order to make it work properly?

P.S. They both start as locked characters. Is that normal?