
The Outsider's Crypt (contains over 330 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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I'm having issues with the Martian Manhunter Mod. The mod is great and is really awesome and stuff, it's just... I'm having trouble shapeshifting with my 360 controller. What exactly are the button prompts for it, because I literally can only shape shift into the LB character and the Hold characters. Is it an energy thing? Do I just not have the energy to transform into anyone else?

Quote from: VunderGuy on December 15, 2019, 11:31AM
I'm having issues with the Martian Manhunter Mod...What exactly are the button prompts for it, because I literally can only shape shift into the LB character and the Hold characters.

I encountered the same problem from the start.  I eventually gave up on using those particular powers.

Quote from: Outsider on September 29, 2019, 11:05AM

It is now time for Barbara "Babs" Gordon to officially enter the fray, no longer connected to another mod. Deserving a mod of her own is the classic superheroine from DC Comics known as Batgirl. A simple but very fun mod, I've combined her classic weaponry with some computer tech from her time as Oracle. And with some rather cool skins in there, she makes for an excellent presentation. Check her out.

Now that Batgirl is her own mod, download Black Canary again as she no longer has Batgirl included. Also, note that while Batwoman is one of Batgirl's costumes, Kate Kane doesn't have exclusive skills.

-5 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-10 hex-edited skins, 8 HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file using her own voice from Injustice.
-Uses assigned number #38 (will clash with Spider-Woman in mannequin).

1. Batarang Throw: Can throw numerous Batarangs at enemies.
2. Crusader Kick: Moves forward and kicks an enemy, causing knockback.
3. R.C. Batarang: Throws a Remote Control Batarang that will slice enemies and cause bleeding. Can control its' direction.
4. Smoke Bomb: Throws a quick smoke bomb that disorients enemies, stunning them and weakening their defense.
5. Oracle Beams: Hacks a satelite to fire beams down at enemies.
6. (Boost) Utility Belt: Activates special gadgets within her belt that increases her power damage and momentum.
7. (Boost) Nanite Activation: Oracle activates special nanites for the team that reduces power costs temporarily.
8. (Xtreme) Bat-A-Boom: Throws several wall-bouncing Batarangs that trigger small impact explosions.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, hex-editing, etc.
Aventureiromax - Skins, mannequin
BLaw - Batarang models

None so far.


Her mannequin isn't showing up at heroselect. If it helps, some of her files did replace some from your Batman mod that I had installed earlier.

Just to let everyone know, I'm in the process of moving, so things are a bit slow on my end. I am currently creating a skin for Dante -- I usually take a long while to create PS2 skins, which is why I'm not a fan of it. I think once I make one, the others might become a bit easier, or I may stick with that one skin. The Devil Trigger skin... I may pick Blackheart or Shadow King as the skin base. In addition, I am assisting and testing on a new project that may be released soon, and yeah, it's kind of a big deal. Stay tuned...

Quote from: VunderGuy on December 15, 2019, 07:16PM
Her mannequin isn't showing up at heroselect. If it helps, some of her files did replace some from your Batman mod that I had installed earlier.

Batgirl's mannequin shares with Spider-Woman, so if Batgirl is on your roster and not Spider-Woman, then you'll have to go to the game's "ui/models/mannequin" and rename the 3801.igb there (Spider-Woman's mannequin) as something else rename, as Batgirl's mannequin is also 3801.igb. (Two mannequins cannot use the same number. Look at the Knowledge Base for details.)

Also, I did not create the mod of Batman. He was done by Blaw, who is currently inactive.

hey there, I am trying to find "JediSlayer's namorita fantastic four costume and  Deedooo's Namorita smexylicious costume but I cant find it, are they here somewhere? pls help
In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis

Quote from: dantles1992 on December 25, 2019, 07:39PM
hey there, I am trying to find "JediSlayer's namorita fantastic four costume and  Deedooo's Namorita smexylicious costume but I cant find it, are they here somewhere? pls help

They are not here at The Crypt, for I didn't make those. Go to the User-Friendly Site Map (,10301.0.html) and look under character skins to begin your search for them.

tnx for the info bro but I was unable to find it also I have one more question, any hope for Luna Snow update soon?
In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis

Everyone, I just got done working on the 50 Roster Hack and very soon I'll update the 36 Roster Hack so that it can use the new character select screen format. That's why I haven't been working on Dante or releasing any modding lessons. I'm a very busy man, but don't worry, my modding efforts will continue in 2020. I still have 10 mod projects and a booster project to go before I'm done with character modding (250 total projects is a good way to end it). However, that doesn't mean I'm done with modding altogether. As I will attempt to extend the game by adding new stages within the acts, using the maps that are usually only for simulator missions. You'll find out what I mean in 2020, and hopefully it will be possible. As always, boys and girls, stay tuned.

Quote from: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 06:31PM
tnx for the info bro but I was unable to find it also I have one more question, any hope for Luna Snow update soon?

Wasn't planning for a Luna Snow update -- is she in need of one? Bear in mind that I cannot convert my own models (not yet, anyway), so any new skins for characters you see out there, a skinner must convert them. To my knowledge, Luna's 3rd costume hasn't been converted yet.

sry I did not know that but I hope when someone dose port more of Luna skins you will update her and it would be cool to see even better character roster hack, something like 70 or more :D
In Dedicato Imperatum Ultra Articulo Mortis

January 05, 2020, 02:13PM #2139 Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 11:44PM by Outsider

Welcome the first character mod of 2020! A while back, I conducted my Character Mod Tournament consisting of 32 possible characters in which the winner will be modded for this game. As voted by you, the Marvel Mods community, meet the man who won: The stylish slayer and main protagonist of the Devil May Cry series known as Dante. I have worked very hard to create the skins and moves to capture the essence of the devil hunter coming to MUA. Go on and play as the character that you've chosen.

UPDATE: Added more voice lines.

-5 powers, 4 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Stylish Stats (30% resistance to physical & energy damage, can move 15% faster), Fighting Styles (can use a special move representing 1 of 4 fighting styles), Air Dash, and Healing Factor.
-5 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs, loading screen, icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file featuring Reuben Langdon's voice from "Marvel vs Capcom 3."
-Uses assigned number #163 (will clash with Wonder Man in mannequin).

1. Ebony & Ivory: Fires from his signature guns for as long as the button is held. Increases grab smash.
2. Stinger: Thrusts in blinding speed towards an enemy with his sword, causing bleed damage and knockdown.
3. Artemis Arrows: Fires demonic arrows from his Artemis Devil Arm that ricochets off walls and pierces multiple enemies.
4. Ifrit Inferno: Leaps up and slams one of his invisible Ifrit gauntlets to the ground, releasing dangerous fire.
5. Demonic Whirlwind: Dante pulls out his Rebellion sword and generates an unholy storm, inflicting constant heavy damage to enemies caught.
6. (Boost) Holy Star: Cures Dante and his team of poisons and status aliments. Also taunts enemies, lowering their defense.
7. (Boost) Devil Trigger: Turns into his normal demonic form, gaining increased attack damage, might, and more potent healing for a time.
8. (Boost) Untouchable: Becomes completely invincible for a very brief amount of time.
9. (Boost) Holy Water: Harms enemies that come near Dante with constant cold damage for a time.
10. (Xtreme) Devil Will Cry: Turns into his sin devil trigger form. Attacks multiple enemies before releasing a blast of demonic energy on all.

A skin of Dante's father Sparda was also made. Unfortunately, it was too large to be used (28.4 MB). It slowed down my game and caused some visual errors. Exercise caution if you use that skin.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, DMC1 skin, HUDs, icons, loading screen, sounds, effects recolor, earthquake script, etc.
Andersonbrazil: All skins except DMC1 & DMC5
UltraMegaMagnus: Ebony bolton, DMC5 skin, mannequin, DMC animations light attack 1 & 2
Aventureiromax: Ivory bolton
Ceamonks890: Moveset suggestions
Miles838: Additional voice lines

None so far.


Very nice! Awesome work :)

Between this and a good number of other mods, MUA is almost starting to look like an action RPG version of Marvel vs Capcom!

Booted up MUA for the first time in months, simply to play as Dante.

As a huge Devil May Cry fan, I'm pleased to say that you got him incredibly spot-on (despite MUA's limitations). I especially loved the way you implemented the Sin Devil Trigger from DMC5, as it was truly a sight to behold. And one of Dante's quotes which references Viewtiful Joe in MvC3 actually fitted later on (when I swapped out Hulk's skin for Joe Fixit), giving me a good chuckle.

Aside from some missing quotes for battle support, you've once again lived up to your title of releasing high-quality mods Outsider. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back :D

Outsider! I am having a big problem with your mod Bruce Banner! :hulk_icon: and I hope you can help me out!.

For some odd reason, whenever I am Bruce and I attempt to transform to Hulk, I sucesfuly transform to him but he just stays in a t-pose and I can't move at all or use abilities. What could be the cause of this? I use OpenHeroSelect with the 50 roster hack and I have not encountered any problems with it so far.

Do I need to remove hulk from my heroselect if I'm going to enable Bruce? And maybe that's why it's not working? I will try and let you know. (Maybe this was obvious and im the stupid one, I apologize if that's the case!!!)


Those of you who downloaded Dante, just re-download him as I've added some new stuff to him. He now has added powers based on each of his four fighting styles, and can perform an air dash by pressing jump 3X. Check him out.

Also, on a bit of unfortunate news, I am forced to cancel my Cable and Namor booster plans. I only have room for one more booster, and there is a mod out there that needs it more than those two. You'll find out who it is soon enough. Plus I kinda did do some stuff with Namor already via my Deep Six Booster.

It has come to my attention that if I count the work I did on Malice, Moondragon, and the still-upcoming Phil Coulson, that I will reach more than 250 projects total. (Man, it never ends, does it...) So now I will aim for 256 instead. That won't be much more projects because I'm counting the aforementioned ones, and there are a couple of mods that I've done exclusively for myself, but may decide to share them with you all. I'll have to see what my plans will be. Stay tuned.

Quote from: IOwnALego111 on January 06, 2020, 10:44PM
Outsider! I am having a big problem with your mod Bruce Banner! :hulk_icon: and I hope you can help me out!.

For some odd reason, whenever I am Bruce and I attempt to transform to Hulk, I sucesfuly transform to him but he just stays in a t-pose and I can't move at all or use abilities. What could be the cause of this? I use OpenHeroSelect with the 50 roster hack and I have not encountered any problems with it so far.

Do I need to remove hulk from my heroselect if I'm going to enable Bruce? And maybe that's why it's not working? I will try and let you know. (Maybe this was obvious and im the stupid one, I apologize if that's the case!!!)


I haven't had a problem with Bruce Banner at all. He should work fine alongside the Hulk as they are two separate mods. Still, I will look into it when I get a chance.

Quote from: IOwnALego111 on January 06, 2020, 10:44PM
For some odd reason, whenever I am Bruce and I attempt to transform to Hulk, I sucesfuly transform to him but he just stays in a t-pose and I can't move at all or use abilities. What could be the cause of this? I use OpenHeroSelect with the 50 roster hack and I have not encountered any problems with it so far.

Did you remember to use the unlock all powers cheat?  This is needed when using the roster hacks.