If u had to pick 4 characters to play as, which 4 would u choose?

Started by jonchang, August 13, 2007, 09:32AM

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No! The only ones of the DLC added to Bad to the Bone is Sabretooth and Hulk

No, i think hes only in X-Men, Natural Leaders, Rogues Gallery, Natural Forces,and Flashback(in his Classic skin)

Venom because his the best  :venom:
Deadpool i love his attacks and when he says stuff in game  :deadpool:
spiderman just because his spiderman  :spiderman:
capt america/ghost rider/carnage = i dont no which one out of them :capamer:  :ghostr:  :carnage:

there prob like another 5 if i could remember i would change ....
it pretty hard to chose since most of my fav characters r in game , mods or skins

My dream team:

Spiderman, ´cause he´s cool   :spiderman:
Elektra, ´cause of her great melee attacks 
Daredevil, ´cause he´s one of my favourites and he has great moves   :daredevil:
Iron man, ´cause he can fly and has also some very useful special attacks   

Daredevil has some pretty good radial attacks, and his mission is totally awesome when all blackouted.

my 4 would be of course venom, beta ray bill, rogue, captain marvel. which i just finish beat the game from beginning to final with just these 4, but sadly i am so moron, without thinking i go and play on easy as i plan to play thur easy, normal, and hard with these 4 and found out that i cant load my game on normal until i unlock hard mode, so do anybody have the file for unlock it, dont want to start over for 30th time lol

Optimus Prime, the blue power ranger, Link & my main guy from City of Heroes. Hey, there's nothing in this thread stating I had to only pick characters actually in the game!

Ok fine, I'll play fair. Spidy, Iron Man, Hulk & Storm.

Venom, Deadpool, Iron Man, Wolverine
Venom gets so powerful he can basically solo the game lol
Deadpool is great cuz of what he says
Iron Man cant be beat for radial damage plus flying helps find hidden stuff
Wolverine cant be beat for melee combat

Iron Man, Deadpool/Wolverine, Dr. Strange, Human Torch.

Iron Man is, again, great for radial attacks, Deadpool and Wolverine have the healing factor that means I can just have them go into any situation first and I won't lose a member, Dr. Strange is able to toss enemies around so I can just toss them off a ledge on occasion and save a fight, and Human Torch's one flamethrower was great for slowly taking down a big enemy.

Blade, Wolvy, Cap, Cyc...

Blade's guns can shoot through walls, which I like (clears full path hehe)
Yeah .. Wolvy because I like to slash things..
Cap's shield throw.. Just like to throw stuff at people:P
Cyc's beam.. Nuff said ?

Ain't this topic almost the same as "what is your favorite team to play as"??


If you had to stay with four characters for the entire game, which four would you choose? There's not enough writing space to add this in the topic creation page's title bar.

the four i use right now (after getting the big char download), are: Cyclops (ranged, and my favourite character ever), Thor (a beast who is almost without equal in the game), Colossus (top class bruiser, my second favourite marvel character too), and hawkeye, who is there because he's my favourite avenger...

my ideal team: Cyclops, Colossus, Yellowjacket (Pym with shrink and grow), and either Hawkeye or Surfer...