
If u had to pick 4 characters to play as, which 4 would u choose?

Started by jonchang, August 13, 2007, 09:35AM

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I'd use Magneto, Iceman, Sunfire, and Bishop/Iron Man.

Bishop has great gun accuracy and great energy dmg. Iceman is arguably the best character in the game. Magneto's powers are my kind, especially Magnetic Grasp and his TK. Sunfire can lend some great long-range fastballs to aid the others in combat.

Iron Man is my alternative to Bishop. He has nearly everything...flight, might, melee, and ranged, especially Gamma Bolts.

I'm thinking Iceman, Sunfire, Nightcrawler and Jean Grey

Iceman is the best character, no discussion about that. Sunfire's flame sword is excellent. Nightcrawlers there because of his teleportation and his spinning attack and Jean because of her telekinesis, nothing more easy than throwing your enemies over a cliff or something...

Nightcrawler could also be replaced with deadpool, though his teleport isn't that good.

Iceman, Gambit, Wolverine, Cyclops.  The perfect combo.  There's a few others I throw in there occasionally, but usually those four.

IMO, I prefer Deadpool. Even though his Xtreme is kinda long and annoying, he also has his Dual Shot as well as the sword whirlwind. If you were going on Xtremes, then NC would be better.

Gambit, Rogue, Iron Man, and Nightcrawler. Gambit for the great staff attacks, Rogue for her varity, Iron Man for his long range, and Nightcrawler for his quick attacks. I sometimes switch between Gmabit and Cyclops.
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Wolvie (DUH!)


Surprisingly enough, the prologue mission's characters work quite well as a team. Used them for a quick run through the game (needed lots of saved games for script testing, eh) and it works just fine. 

Wolverine = Good tank.  Not the best, but still good offensive powers and passives.  Oh, and his regeneration skill is an hilarious one-point wonder.  Don't recall ever needing a health pot in normal.

Magneto = Shrapnel Sentry as your damage dealer is just insane since it'll hit just about everyone twice. Great for combos too. Magnetic Grasp is an awesome utility skill while Magnetic Shield and some great passives turn him into the game's best tank. Oh, TK and fly.  That, too.

Storm = Static Charge, static charge, some more static charge and Will of The Goddess.  Not that I use the latter, but it could be useful against, say, Sugar Man.  Whirlwind's an awesome one point wonder a la Magnetic Grasp.  The actual range of her attacks is somewhat of a letdown, though.

Cyclops: The weakest link here.  Leadership, fast attacks with good range that work surprisingly well while trying to hit combos.  Oh, and Optic Flash is great on paper.  It's just that no one bothers.  Oh well.

Of course there are better choices and sickly overpowered characters like Iceman, Iron Man or Nightcrawler.  Still. Fun team.


Unmodded: Jean, Bishop, Storm, and Ice Man
Modded: Emma Frost, Shadwcat, Jubilee, Dazzler(either version)

Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::

My team

Shadowcat: Gets anywhere, swords, claws, physical
Wolverine: Healing factor, destroys enemies quickly, physical
Jean Grey: My fav X-Men, telekinetic, mental, builds bridges, flight
Storm: Leadership, puts out fires, elemental, energy, flight

i play now with: iceman, human torch, electro and sandman(dust+sandman skins)
You dare to steal from Galactus?!