Once Upon A Time

Started by Midnightphoenix, December 30, 2014, 10:24PM

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Ya know... I just noticed something. We still haven't seen Aladdin or Jasmine, even though Agrabah has been featured several times. And other than Jasmine, the only other Disney Princesses that we haven't yet encountered are Pocahontas and Tiana. Would love some kind of a New Orleans storyline with Tiana tbh. :P

Tiana could be really cool if they did something similar to when the characters travel to New York they could travel to New Orleans for something and run into her.

I think an Agrabah story line would be really interesting, especially since we got to see bits and pieces of it in Once in Wonderland, Aladdin and Jasmine would be interesting inclusions to the series.

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OK, I really liked this episode. I'm glad they focused more on the Camelot scenes. I think it would have probably been better if they didn't do the whole memory erase thing again. I just want more scenes in the Enchanted Forest world. I still don't know why they haven't went back to live there, I mean they have several ways to travel back to their home.

I feel like this season would have benefited a lot more if they had just showed us what was happening in Camelot first, and then Storybroke after they were sent back.

I really do think Jennifer plays a great dark one, but unfortunately she seems like a throw away character when she is in Storybroke.

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Idk how to feel about this season yet tbh,

When they made Emma the dark one, I sorta expected Emma to be really dark and kill people and stuff, sort of like rumple. What we instead got is that she just became that grumpy old lady next door who occasionaly comes to your house to crash the party. Instead of making her the dark one they made her slightly more irritated. Sort of seems like a waste
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Quote from: Polygone on October 24, 2015, 08:18AM
Idk how to feel about this season yet tbh,

When they made Emma the dark one, I sorta expected Emma to be really dark and kill people and stuff, sort of like rumple. What we instead got is that she just became that grumpy old lady next door who occasionaly comes to your house to crash the party. Instead of making her the dark one they made her slightly more irritated. Sort of seems like a waste

I agree with you. She is really unimportant and hardly ever even shows up it is really disappointing and a waste of the potentially good character they could have created.

The show seems to have fought really hard for certain characters relationships to grow and unfortunately it seems with this season some of them are getting pushed back again. I mean if characters are going to dislike Emma and be afraid of her at least give them more of a reason to do so. All she has done is send everyone back to storybroke and has taken their memories, and threatened them. Which in my opinion was a bit silly since she threatened them for things that they can't remember, because she took their memories away. I am assuming something must happen towards the end of their Camelot stay that made her go "full" evil and made her dislike everyone, but at this point it seems like she has no reason to be upset at anyone, nor should she be since she took their memories away, and if she is upset with them then she should show it more instead of it being a "well we have to wait to find out why she is upset before she actually shows she is upset plot".

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October 26, 2015, 03:24AM #96 Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 03:26AM by White Queen
Episode 5 felt kind of cheesy and the whole Violet / Henry love story feels so forced (and its not even a good love story). I mean seriously, Henry's heartbreak being worse than Regina's is absolute garbage regardless of the explanation of Regina having moved on from hers. Also dissapointed with what the character of Sir Morgan turned out to be. Oh well.

October 26, 2015, 12:29PM #97 Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 06:14PM by mj fan
I enjoyed watching this episode, but I agree with you guys. :P I think that's because scriptwriters have no idea why Emma "hates" her friends either....
Still, I really like Emma compared to Rumple! This guy is SO getting on my nerves. The only thing he does is cry and complain. I am just wondering why they decided to keep him alive! I mean wow! what a waste! u__U
Oh you poor thing, how do you live like that?

I mean...!  ;P

And the fact that he uses his son as an excuse "i did it for my son" clearly shows he is a liar. He chose power over Baelfire and Belle so there's nothing to do with it. If you aren't willing to fight for it, then you clearly don't want it enough.

Anyway I loved the SwanQueen team up though, even if I think Regina should learn to shoot fireballs with her hands
She kinda misses her targets all the time... xD She should probably wear glasses I dunno ;P

I agree with the whole Violet and Henry thing, it just feels so bleh. I did really like Merlin and I think Merida is proving to be a pretty interesting character as well.

I am just hoping that they decide to finally let Rumple become brave and drop the whole coward thing, it's old and boring now.

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Really liked the newest ep. :D I wonder what Emma did to Merlin though. o.o
Most memorable quote - "I don't believe it...we're getting Merlin's voicemail?!" - Regina

I'm glad that it seems like they dropped the Rumple is a coward act I was getting a bit tired of it.

I wonder what happened to Merlin too, he seems pretty powerful so if Emma got one over on him she must be pretty good.

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November 04, 2015, 02:44PM #101 Last Edit: November 04, 2015, 03:45PM by mj fan
Ahh, finally we did it!! Rumple is now worthy!
I actually really liked this episode! I don't know about you, but I relly think it is getting better and better ^^
Haha yeah made me laugh too, I love her snarky comments xD
I'd like to see her more often, and see her kick some ass ^^

I don't know if anyone has heard, or if someone has posted about it I can't remember.

But, Barbara Hershey (Cora), Robbie Kay (Peter Pan) and Giancarlo Esposito (Sidney Glass/ Magic Mirror) Are all set to return for the 100th episode which will most likely be the Spring season kick off. I have also heard the second half of the season will be taking us to the underworld, or it will at least be a theme.

Greg Germann has also been cast in a yet to be revealed reoccurring role, but he is described as "The Distinguished Gentleman".

If the underworld is involved it could be a good time to bring in Hades if they chose to do so, though if they do I hope they put a spin on him rather then go the Frozen route and make him exactly like he is in the movies.

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Neat! I read that Emma Caulfield will return as the Blind Witch from Hansel and Gretel. Another deceased character, meaning we'll definitely be going to the Underworld. And I bet this Distinguished Gentleman is Hades, for sure. If it is, then Hercules and Megara will most likely also appear....maybe even other Greek Gods :O (and maybe even Ursula, The Sea Goddess).

The title of the 100th episode [S5E12] is "Souls of the Departed" and it airs on March 6th, 2016. ;-; Hell of a long waiting time.

I always hate waiting for the Spring season to start but I hope it is worth the wait. It'll be interesting to see all these characters again.

I would love for The Sea Goddess Ursula to appear, that would be amazing. They could also bring back Cruella, I thought she was an interesting villain who got the boot to quick.

Hercules and Megara could be interesting new characters as well.

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