
[XML2 & MUA1] How to edit levels and add things to them.

Started by Kaiko, May 28, 2017, 03:28AM

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May 28, 2017, 03:28AM Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 09:08PM by BaconWizard17
I am making this forum to explain how i edit maps and how i am doing it for XML3 also i am not the best at adding things to maps and i am also not the best at modding XML or MUA i have picked up on how to do most of this by trying a loud of thing and then testing to see if they crashed or not but for now i will add to this forum on things i have learned.

This also works in XML2

Fell free to PM me if i need to add something i will most likely test it then add it to the post.

1st Preparing the models.

The sub-models (That is what we will call them) are located in models/stark and they are the models we will be relocating e.g we move the model from doom_stark "mission_stash_dstk_a" now we can either rename it and then move it or we can edit the ENGB and name it what we like.

So to recap we have move a model from doom_stark into normal stark.

Prepare as many models as you need.

Done Preparing the models

2nd editing the ENGB

First of you will need XMLBCUI installed and working a tutorial can be found on the forums, now you are going to open this file act1/stark/stark1.engb (DO NOT OPEN ANY OTHER FILE, unless its XMLB) now open the file.

Now we want to look into the model's file and find the model we want to replace e.g "mission_trivia_machine_stk_a" now find that you should come across this.

   entity {
   actonuse = true ;
   actsound = zone_shared/object/console_fighter ;
   classname = physent ;
   material = solid_metal ;
   model = stark/mission_trivia_machine_stk_a ;
   name = mission_trivia_machine_stk_a ;
   nogravity = true ;
   nopickup = true ;
   nopush = true ;
   randompickups = 0 ;
   structure = 2 ;

Now you can just do this with notepad click edit > replace than the first box have stark/mission_trivia_machine_stk_a  and the second box have stark/mission_stash_dstk_a and click replace all.

Now compile the file and your done load up a game and done.

It seems to me, It will be possible to redesign some hubs. Statues, trees, computers, some hedges in Stark Tower can be replaced  by custom-made elements of the environment. For example, I put rccn_trap.igb from Rocket Raccon mod on the place of elevator_lift_gold_stk_m.igb. It was interesting to see the result. Unfortuantely, "trap" model is smaller than elevator's model. But it will be cool to see it.
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Quote from: Agent Bachello on May 28, 2017, 09:24AM
It seems to me, It will be possible to redesign some hubs. Statues, trees, computers, some hedges in Stark Tower can be replaced  by custom-made elements of the environment. For example, I put rccn_trap.igb from Rocket Raccon mod on the place of elevator_lift_gold_stk_m.igb. It was interesting to see the result. Unfortuantely, "trap" model is smaller than elevator's model. But it will be cool to see it.

Yer, if you wanted you could take the mannequin of a character and replace a model it could be used as a unofficial NPC

September 29, 2018, 08:23AM #5 Last Edit: September 29, 2018, 08:40AM by zero
Excellent! I was wondering if you could add enemies or secuases from xmen legends 2 to Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Do you think it would be possible?