Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 28, 2018, 03:00PM

Title: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 28, 2018, 03:00PM
Any conversions provided by me require explicit permission for use.

Mod Installation Guide :,10809.0.html


Everything here is made exclusively for MUA 2006 PC. Any requests or suggestions will be ignored, as I have my own wishlist

Mods are sorted by categories from oldest to newest.

I claim zero ownership over models/asset from games I mod and take them down by request if wanted by the owners.
This content should be considered as free fan-arts and is not made to earn money from it.

All the work is created by the original game makers. Support the original creators and this community if you wish

Credits & thx to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Dark_Mark, Norrin Radd, 3D Ripper DX, Deepshadow, KittyinHiding, nodoub_jr, Teancum, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, Namco Bandai Games, Eighting, Space Ape, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Xentax, Acewell, Metalscourge18ZX, Sticklove, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, silverhikari , Square Enix, RyuAensland, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Scopely, Strike Force, FoxNext, Warners Bros., Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, datkofguy, Ecelon, NetherRealm Studios, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, LarsMaster, LarsKusanagi, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, daemon1, Darth_Sapiens, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexanderson, ak2yny, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Sony, Fox, Jayglass, Disney, Mirrorverse, Sega, Sonic, TQB, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, KylieStylish, Kal-El, Insomniac Games, LorisCangini, Enigma & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

REQUIREMENT OCP Installed for all characters mod I do, you don't need the original character mod file for booster I provide, as I already included them in the download, "source" folder is not needed to install, it's just for modders :,11037.0.html
Kamen Rider Zero-One 1.1 CLASHES WITH JEAN GREY MOD :
Harley Quinn Booster 1.0 for Blaw mod (credits Blaw, check his awesome thread) :,10196.msg201003.html#msg201003
Aquaman Booster 1.0 for Erik Lensheer mod :
Penance Booster 1.1 :
Kamen Rider Decade Violent Emotion 1.0 CLASHES WITH EMMA FROST MOD :
Super Test Guy (a mod to test fast power, xtreme, skin deformations & bolton for model converter) :
Doctor Octopus Booster 1.0, for Blaw mod (credits Blaw, check his awesome thread) :
Batman Booster 3.0, for Blaw mod (credits Blaw, check his awesome thread) :,+US+Agent.7z/file
Green Lantern Booster 1.0 for Tien shinhan mod :
Superman mini Booster 1.0 for Blaw mod, nothing really special, mixed anim, removed some powers and replaced some animations (Only OCP required) :
Lady Deathstrike Booster :
Green Goblin mod, mix of Blaw and Dark_Mark :
Little booster for Obi-Wan & Vader mod from Julio Cabral:
-Notable change are removal of boost from Obi-Wan, segments removal, updated sounds, lightsaber, there is still lots of issue you can check in the .txt
dasliebesverbot for the Lightsaber effect+model:
Juilio for the original mod
Caemonks for anim mixing
LucasArt, EA, Disney, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith dev, voice actor, all artists
Everyone I've put in the credits of my main thread, and everyone I forgot sorry
Vegeta Booster credits Julio for the original mod
Goku Booster credits Outsider+Aventureimax+Julio for the original mod
Cyborg Booster 5 (credits Erik Lensherr for the original mod):
Magik Booster Unfinished:
credits Sbarth13 for the original mod:,8142.msg145755.html#msg145755
Joker mini Booster:
credits to Blaw for the original mod+original credits:,8049.0.html
Vision Booster:
credits Maegawa for the original mod :,9124.msg189089.html#msg189089
Thanos Booster based on Julio Cabral Booster:
Mystique mod based on Outsider's
Flash Booster, credits Maegawa for the original mod:
Supergirl Booster, credits Outsider and Scottsum for the original mods:
Taskmaster Booster based on Outsider mod:
Medusa Booster:
Doctor Fate Booster
Raven Mini Booster V1

Mannequins Pack 1
Mannequins Pack 2
Mannequins Pack 3
Mannequins Pack 4(I screwed number in fact and one pack number was skipped
Mannequins Pack 6
Mannequins Pack 7
Mannequins Pack 8 + Mannequin pack made by Milo
Special thx to Milo who remade several mannequins with better textures,9943.0.html
(  (  ( (
Mannequins Pack 9
Mannequins Pack 10
Mannequins Pack 11
Mannequins Pack 12
Mannequins Pack 13
Mannequins Pack 14!0qJFwKKY!FjuSA_87ZRf5wl7OIpgH56dIt-HLBWmE2xowrJkSp_M
Mannequins Pack 15, credits to original skinner, Caiquewebslinger, Andersonbrazil, Baconwizard!!BzRSSQjB!WBiiqAs2B34d3BJj3iktSgWWO9_jZF_mNUlbodjPreA
Mannequins Pack 16!g7IhySYR!mlMmpmyXl_FxN_6LTxCl9RvcHUQLnX9RjcJ9pepnRPI
Mannequins Pack 17!ViQVTQyS!jM-woui_b1-aEjyTccvyMWmdk3WFFgbXqGvCLmEIW5g
Mannequins Pack 18!43JRVa4S!SMTrk98RMayetBBQW5KqFd0dJTEeE2QU827thwiMJnY
Added Mannequins Pack 20

Converted models
Money model replacement
( (
Nova Corps MFF
Mr Fantastic Future Fight V2 updated 15/02/2019  thx Julio Cabral for the instruction to convert him!szYl1CqK!bM0YMuTUmFZ_ZTNV5K7E3GMfPwtk81oyje9IDVkkaRg
Invisible Woman Future Fight (mannequin is in the max folder)!M6JXUahJ!IBMGLRVBL4nITVd9jPwBrtFJ98EWaQMxtoTnGiojoI0
Human Torch MFF skin!su4iGKaL!M88lcEhZGsarxUIxDEshz7PnGidTYoY7F9FGJHvKgSo
Flash Justice League IJ2 Mobile skin updated 04/03/2019!NvQHjYRS!ah4LicWJqRfjfDReI8_8Hdk3DJO1rhkZwzSMG0-rWbo
Jean Grey MFF skin!xrhTyCYK!wLZ_eK_nV1e0UoyVUK7lsunOerdZSF4ELCYgocdQk3U
Captain Marvel MFF skin!1i5nTSII!nOyYnMwk45p_6T9txdWx9s9D1wQ6AJ-xXwGueiwPUTA
The Thing Future Fight V2 updated 20-03-2019, wasted rig though!V24xyKoQ!-1GqxSMdA47jRmklT7n4tpB6kEZrucqQMEFpNjuAdNk
A.I.M Trooper from A.I.M Soldier Marvel Heroes!0ygFna6T!L_bkEkoStalBCTNi_udF2en6aF0yttMuWgkDxEsoeBU
Ultron Comics Drone MH skin!M6Z1QaoD!LwWxiJLxZjF04AU2wEGwN-_XX2GOe6sW4xsVkuV-Q2c
Wiccan MFF & MH skin updated 10/04/2019!NroVWA6A!ZFJCSXxdGQX04UNXctFm4mAhxUUNuw8h2EnmzZzI3Kg
Wolverine Strike Force!w3gWlKbD!tmUT0NugLJbqNV-DO5LZrUElle_fpYBhQWDXpRCmYlE
Captain America MFF Marvel Now + some updated skins!QrYWSC4K!jcywavuC7l9nSuHLrRkByrWpiNgVsVr9NT_s6boPXUo
Spider-Man MFF & Captain America Endgame MFF!t3RFTabb!OhbiNqq792IhGFvF53w-keRBrjIPDdNJdpWsw3_8Lek
Hulk Endgame MFF!82QkUSJD!MPsnpvqxb_MNnnrIi2IWAGmmUu15tNBTnhRmok-xWrE
Updated some skins, new Stryfe MFF, Iron Man Age of Ultron MFF, Iron Man Mark VII COC and Momo & Ochako My Hero Academia One Justice
Captain America MN META, Captain Marvel Modern META, Cyclops VU 90 MH & Ultron AOU MK1 MFF :!Jr4TTCJR!Qdg0GkFArDU6jNhrdVNg7Ie_PpiZBuFV8nMnBaSUe3Y
Psylocke & Iron Man Endgame Marvel Future Fight updated+Black Panther META+!97Riha4C!xoH1MjNNeVy3d7Wqvh8bsERGfasH4quHYnt2RZyjZ6U
Ronin MFF for Hawkeye!A6IgxYqD!eCee48gApvLBQaKr29dIpKqZUS-kEX5wjSMLf_HXRyM
Silver Surfer MFF!tuBElKJI!g8YUFskttnhjTwlYRcgtWb6P5HXKg-eV6pvlySj3cZg
Killer Frost, Luthor, Power Girl, Red Hood DC Legends, Superman IJ1 Mobile Man of Steel
Batman Ninja, Who Laughs from Injustice Mobile, Joker DC Unchained, Quicksilver Uncanny MFF and Red Hood AK
Inferno MFF Update+Iceman Spiky MUA PC head fix
Unloading my backload with update of previous skins I converted with better rig when I can and texture update+mannequin pack,19, U.S. Agent+Dark Captain America Shield projectile without spec+proper model and texture as I don't see difference when used as projectile+HUD upscale for MUA and XML2
New Mannequin Pack+Black Widow NPC, Kamen Rider Zero One, Omnimon Merciful Mode, Captain Marvel Super War
Ms Marvel Super War
Black Widow 3099 MFF
Pyro VU MH
Captain Marvel MFF Endgame
Colossus MFF Phoenix Five + Dio Brando and Hulk MSW Chocolate egg rig:
Emma MFF Phoenix Five:
Cyclops Classic MFF updated 19/04/2020
Wolverine X-Men Origins
Storm Mohawk MUA3:
Cyclops Classic MUA3:
Phoenix MUA3:
Chitauri MFF for NPC
Invisible Woman Modern, MSW, MFF updated, Black Bolt Attilan Rising MFF Update, Kasumi:
Thx to nikita again, we can fix Raven rigging :)
Fixed Dr. Strange classic cape segment so it hides the entire cape, fixed pinky + added cape segment for Moon Knight OCP skin and Elektra Classic fixed hands + improper segment positioning:
Hawkeye Ronin Marvel Super War
Wolverine TAS XML1 back fix for MUA ONLY
Wolverine TAS XML1 back fix for MUA ONLY V2 better rig and upscaled via waifu :
Some MUA 2 Wii skin backport credit nikita and MrK
Blade Old-Gen model with action_figure_blade_mur_a texture
Captain Marvel Planetary Ace credits Marvel Super War Netease
Captain America Space War MSW credits Netease Marvel
Spider-Woman MFF
Spider-Man MFF FFH
Little skins update with better rig
Link Hyrule Warriors Hero of Time
Longshot Strike Force, some skins update and unfinished stuff,+some+skins+update+and+unfinished+stuff.7z/file
Sonic asset, Black Bolt TV MH, Human Torch FF, Daredevil Netflix MH, Mr. Fantastic Classic MH updated rig:,+Black+Bolt+TV+MH,+Human+Torch+FF,+Daredevil+Netflix+MH,+Mr.+Fantastic+Classic+MH+updated+rig.7z/file
Black Cat Spider-Man Edge of Time-Buzz Lightyear Mirrorverse-Electro MFF No Way Home-Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Storm Summer MFF
Scarlet Witch MCOC & Menu anims tweak to minimize hand clipping for converted models:
Ironheart Wakanda Forever
Spider-Man 2099 MCOC
Psylocke Default & Vengeance Marvel RIVALS:
Invisible Woman Default and First Family Marvel RIVALS
Magneto Default and King Magnus Marvel RIVALS
Fornite Iron Man Prime
Fornite Iron Man Classic

VOICE PACKS,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109

HUDS & Loadscreens,10196.msg191124.html#msg191124

Main Menu background change instead of video background (you can use any loadscreen with this) :
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Stark Lab Armor Display Change :,10196.msg200836.html#msg200836
Title: Re: War Machine Voice using Iron Patriot Voice from Super Hero Squad Online
Post by: BaconWizard17 on January 28, 2018, 03:10PM
It's always good to see newcomers contributing. Good job!
Title: Re: Voice Packs - latest release Beast with Winston Voice
Post by: gigio8 on February 09, 2018, 06:47PM
Where did you get the voice files of the remastered version?
Do you have Dr. Doom's sounds files?
Title: Re: Voice Packs - latest release Beast with Winston Voice
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 10, 2018, 05:21AM
Quote from: gigio8 on February 09, 2018, 06:47PM
Where did you get the voice files of the remastered version?
Do you have Dr. Doom's sounds files?
They are extracted from Remastered edition thanks to LarsKusanagi's Guides.
I have Dr. Doom's sounds files in mp3, when I have time, I plan to upload DLC characters sounds assets from remastered if anyone interested.
Title: Re: Voice Packs - latest release Beast with Winston Voice
Post by: BaconWizard17 on February 10, 2018, 06:35AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on February 10, 2018, 05:21AM
I plan to upload DLC characters sounds assets from remastered if anyone interested.

You definitely should
Title: Re: Voice Packs - DLC characters sounds asset from RE for modding purpose
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 25, 2018, 03:41AM
After BaconWizard Green Lantern awesome skins, why not a small voice pack lol.

Link updated to main post.

I also recommend this link to get voice asset for DC heroes :
Title: Re: Voice Packs - DLC characters sounds asset from RE for modding purpose
Post by: BaconWizard17 on March 25, 2018, 06:18AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on March 25, 2018, 03:41AM
After BaconWizard Green Lantern awesome skins, why not a small voice pack lol.

Thanks for the kind words! Love the voice pack
Title: Re: Voice Packs - DLC characters sounds asset from RE for modding purpose
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 25, 2018, 06:19AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on March 25, 2018, 06:18AM
Thanks for the kind words! Love the voice pack

Thx bro, I really appreciate :)

Link updated to main post.
Title: Re: Voice Packs - GL, Cyborg & Doomsday from Infinite Crisis
Post by: Erik Lensherr on March 29, 2018, 12:10PM
Nice job with these voice packs, congrats!
Title: Re: Voice Packs - TMNT Voices from Injustice 2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 14, 2018, 04:14AM
Thx man, really appreciate your work, so I've made a mini voice pack for your TMNT mod that I really like :

TNMT Voices from Injustice 2 for Erik Lensherr mod
A small pack for all turtles, this could use more lines, but I'm too lazy to add more, feel free to edit, share this.
Big thx and credits for all the original modders and sounds asset from YouTube (
Title: Re: Voice Packs - Doomsday from Infinite Crisis, TMNT Voices from Injustice 2
Post by: Canino on April 14, 2018, 11:56AM
Title: Re: Voice Packs - Doomsday from Infinite Crisis, TMNT Voices from Injustice 2
Post by: Ceamonks890 on April 15, 2018, 08:18PM
Nicely done!

Here's a video which has all of Joe Fixit's(Gray Hulk) lines from the 2003 Hulk movie tie-in game available for a potential sound mod.

I really hope a modder makes him a separate playable character someday, as he's among my favorite comic characters & I feel he deserves better than being a cosmetic skin for the overused Savage Hulk persona :/
Title: Re: Voice Packs - TMNT Voices from Injustice 2, new huds Thor, Thanos, Iron Man IF
Post by: Erik Lensherr on June 01, 2018, 11:56AM
Really like these huds, great job :)
Title: Re: Voice Packs - TMNT Voices from Injustice 2, new huds Thor, Thanos, Iron Man IF
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 01, 2018, 11:59AM
UltraMegaMagnus, did you manage to rip models from the Infinite Crisis game? If positive, can you give me some so that I can convert for us?
Title: Re: Voice Packs - TMNT Voices from Injustice 2, new huds Thor, Thanos, Iron Man IF
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 01, 2018, 12:06PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 01, 2018, 11:59AM
UltraMegaMagnus, did you manage to rip models from the Infinite Crisis game? If positive, can you give me some so that I can convert for us?

Sorry I don't know anything about ripping models lol, I just look for model in deviantart to make hud with XNA Lara.

There is a discussion here about model of Inifinite Crisis with models asset :

there is a zippyshare link form id-daemon with some tool, but I don't understand anything lol :

Package order from id-daemon :
Title: Re: Voice Packs - New HUD Pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 07, 2018, 07:10AM
( (

EDIT : All HUDS in game are looking horizontally flipped compared to the preview, because I should have flipped horizontally before importing bmp lol.
From now on, I'll just make sure to have HUDS with the characters looking to the right for more consistency.
Title: Re: Voice Packs - New HUD Pack
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 07, 2018, 10:35AM
UltraMegaMagnus, thanks for the huds! Some skins I intend to convert from MCoC and apparently you already have the huds prepared!
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 08, 2018, 04:42PM
Wow! Now yes! I see you've been working hard! Great huds!
I've learned to rip models from the game Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite and I plan to release some skins in the small pack13.

You can make some huds for these skins.
I intend to launch the skins of Gamora dlc, Ghost Rider dlc, Thanos dlc and Dormammu dlc.

I do not know how your time is going and so if you accept, you do not have to hurry.

Thanks for huds!
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS
Post by: AdrianoAp on June 08, 2018, 06:04PM
Excellent, congratulations and thanks for the huds.
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 09, 2018, 12:41AM

Flipped horizontally, that looks more consistent with others HUDS imo :
( (

EDIT : All HUDS in game are looking horizontally flipped compared to the preview, because I should have flipped horizontally before importing bmp lol.
From now on, I'll just make sure to have HUDS with the characters looking to the right for more consistency.

As usual, feel free to include all of these in your mods, no need to ask permission, credits etc.
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: X-Men 55 on June 09, 2018, 11:18AM
Awesome job with all your huds.
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 09, 2018, 01:37PM
Excellent Work UltraMegaMagnus! It's fantastic! I will to use it in my Small Pack 13, with your permission!
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 09, 2018, 01:50PM
Quote from: andersonbrazil on June 09, 2018, 01:37PM
Excellent Work UltraMegaMagnus! It's fantastic! I will to use it in my Small Pack 13, with your permission!

Of course you can use :), everything I share here is for this amazing community, no need to ask permission, credits, I just want to share and give back to this wondeful community^^
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: Erik Lensherr on June 10, 2018, 05:39AM
I like these huds, nice job ;)
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 11, 2018, 03:05AM
Thx 😊, new pack, credits to Netmarble, Capcom, Marvel, Kabam, TinyCo, original art authors, revknight for making some huds and giving me assets :
( (

As usual all HUDS look horizontally flipped in game compared to the preview.
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 14, 2018, 05:27AM
New pack, credits to Netmarble, Capcom, Marvel, Kabam, TinyCo, original art authors :
( (
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & small pack
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 16, 2018, 01:06PM
You've been busy! Great work!
Title: Re: Voice Packs & HUDS - 88 NEW HUDS & Quick DC Voice Pack
Post by: Bruce Bixby on June 19, 2018, 10:47AM
I am trying to create load screens & huds but I keep getting this error.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me solve this?

Title: Voice Pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 21, 2018, 02:07AM
Big Voice Pack
Aquaman Injustice 2 + some power sounds replaced with Injustice 2 sounds
Batman Injustice 2 + some power sounds replaced that were too loud imo
Atrocitus Injustice 2
Cyborg Infinite Crisis
Doomsday Infinite Crisis
Flash Injustice 2 for Maegawa mods
Hawkman DCUO, small edit from Erik Lensheer sounds file, added some sounds
Joker Injustice 2
Harley Quinn Injustice 2
Red Hood Injustice 2, no pain, jump sounds though
Scorpion MK X, some power sounds replaced
Shazam Infinite Crisis
Supergirl Injustice 2 + heatvision sounds changed
Superman Injustice 2 + heatvision sounds changed
Wonder Woman Injustice 2!JyAiXSRb!RF5G-wPXDqnEJ1goVetxtQhwe0auwV1jHXS3QuxaLyg
War Machine from SHSO Iron Patriot for Blaw's Booster
Falcon Voice from SHSO, tested on Outsider's mod
Cable Voice from Marvel Heroes for Norrin Radd mod
Magneto Voice and flying sounds from MUA Remastered for Outsider mod.
A small pack for all Ninja Turtles
Title: Re: Voice Packs HUDS & Loadscreen - Quick DC Voice Pack & loadscreen pack
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 21, 2018, 02:47PM
UltraMegaMagnus, your work is awesome!
Download Now!
Title: HUDS & Loadscreens
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 23, 2018, 09:24AM
( (
( (
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Loadscreen Pack with MK X background
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Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - Loadscreen pack, 10 Injustice 2 voice packs
Post by: Erik Lensherr on June 23, 2018, 05:13PM
Love them! Keep doing it! :)
Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - Big Loadscreen Pack, 10 Injustice 2 Voice Packs
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 24, 2018, 07:32AM
Incredible! Production full steam ahead!
Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - Big Loadscreen Pack, 10 Injustice 2 Voice Packs
Post by: X-Men 55 on June 24, 2018, 09:45AM
Very nice work!
Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - Big Loadscreen Pack, 10 Injustice 2 Voice Packs
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 06, 2018, 02:53AM
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.
New HUD Pack
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Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - New HUDS Pack, 10 Injustice 2 Voice Packs
Post by: DamesMaximoff on July 06, 2018, 06:02AM
Wow, the new HUD pack looks awesome! Thanks for all work that you do! I replaced all of the in-game HUDs with yours from Future Fight because they look great.
Title: Re: Voice Packs, HUDS & Loadscreen - New HUDS Pack, 10 Injustice 2 Voice Packs
Post by: X-Men 55 on July 06, 2018, 08:08AM
Cool! Love the huds. :)
Title: Mannequin Pack 1
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 17, 2018, 10:28AM
Full credit for :
Credits to God Skinner Andersonbrazil for Iceman, Spider-Man, Thor, Venom & for the help
Credits to CaiqueWebSlinger & Milo for Black Panther, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Spider-Man
Credits to Aventureimax for Elektra, Spider-Woman, Invisible Woman, Black Widow
Credits to AdrianoAP for all the help provided, huge thx
Credits to Krisan Thyme for Storm
Credits to Julio Cabral for Doctor Strange, Black Widow
Credits to AlexBond from MarvelHeroes.Info
Credit to Xelandis from Deviantart
Credits to Marvel, Gazilion, Future Fight, Kabam, Netmarble, Activision & everyone I forgot
Credit to Maegawa+nickjustint for all the help provided

The mannequin made are for Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Elektra, Iceman, Black Panther, Venom, Spider-Woman, Thor, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Invisible Woman, Black Widow
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Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 1
Post by: Bruce Bixby on July 17, 2018, 11:33AM
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 1
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 17, 2018, 11:58AM
It's a incredible work, UltraMegaMagnus! Congratulations!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 1
Post by: X-Men 55 on July 17, 2018, 05:54PM
Very nice! And good job. :)
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 1
Post by: Canino on July 18, 2018, 09:42AM
Very good job! Excellent!
Title: Mannequins Pack 2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 18, 2018, 01:14PM
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Also check out all of their releases, very good content in there

Mannequin Pack 2
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Flash JL & Green Lantern John Stewart Mannequin
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Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 2
Post by: Erik Lensherr on July 19, 2018, 06:09AM
Wow, these mannequins are great! Thanks for sharing!
Title: New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 19, 2018, 11:18AM
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Mannequin Pack 3
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Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: TQB on July 19, 2018, 12:03PM
Hypeeee. I really like the poses! May I request some additional Avengers?? Classic Captain America, Modern Iron Man, Classic Hawkeye, Modern Thor, Classic Giantman and Classic Vision!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 19, 2018, 02:38PM
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I'll do the rest later if I'm not facing issue with their model, credits as usual to original owner, Marvel, Gazillion and everyone I forgot.

I'm facing issue with backface culling part for some models that render black in game, like these backface part won't receinve lightning in game, if anyone has a solution for that, I'd be very grateful.
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: TQB on July 19, 2018, 03:27PM
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 20, 2018, 07:37AM
Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on July 19, 2018, 12:03PM
Hypeeee. I really like the poses! May I request some additional Avengers?? Classic Captain America, Modern Iron Man, Classic Hawkeye, Modern Thor, Classic Giantman and Classic Vision!

Thx for the report about the Captain America missing mannequin with shield on the back, I'll include the file in the next pack, what do you mean by Modern Iron Man, I'm not sure which costume you are referring too :
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: X-Men 55 on July 20, 2018, 11:55AM
Love them all! Nice work.
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequin Pack 3
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 20, 2018, 01:42PM
Mannequin Pack 4
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.
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Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: TQB on July 20, 2018, 02:40PM
!!!! Thank you so much!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: BaconWizard17 on July 20, 2018, 05:44PM
Wow! You're on a roll!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 21, 2018, 12:43AM
I forgot to add Black Widow in the pack, thx RyuzakiPWN for noticing it :
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: TQB on July 21, 2018, 12:56AM
No problem!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: X-Men 55 on July 21, 2018, 03:02AM
All your mannequins are awesome! :)
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: scottsum on July 21, 2018, 05:19AM
Can these mannequins be used as skins, or  are there corresponding skins?
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 21, 2018, 06:41AM
Quote from: scottsum on July 21, 2018, 05:19AM
Can these mannequins be used as skins, or are there corresponding skins?

Just mannequin sorry, they are corresponding skin from Andersonbrazil, Aventureimax & Caiquewebslinger for most of the Marvel one, Mortal Kombat & DC mannequin does not have much corresponding skin atm
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 21, 2018, 07:04AM
This is all very amazing UltraMegaMagnus! It will a good take me a long time to update my game with your mannequins. Thanks!

Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: AdrianoAp on July 21, 2018, 11:06AM
Congratulations on the work, the mannequins are very good and is increasing more and more our options;)
Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: scottsum on July 21, 2018, 01:42PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on July 21, 2018, 06:41AM
Just mannequin sorry, they are corresponding skin from Andersonbrazil, Aventureimax & Caiquewebslinger for most of the Marvel one, Mortal Kombat & DC mannequin does not have much corresponding skin atm

Got it.  It's the DC ones I was looking for specifically, hopefully they or someone will get around to the Injustice 2 skins at some point.

BTW, the Supergirl mannequin you labeled "not good" seemed perfectly fine to me!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: edward on July 22, 2018, 12:06AM
This are very nice! Quick question is that cyclops available as a skin somewhere in this site?
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 4
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 22, 2018, 12:45AM
Quote from: edward on July 22, 2018, 12:06AM
This are very nice! Quick question is that cyclops available as a skin somewhere in this site?

Thx all, could not have done without the help of this community, I hope to successfully learn skinning now^^
There is one that is 90% alike, but colors are darker and hair a bit different from Blaw :,8049.msg169341.html#msg169341
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 22, 2018, 02:02PM
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Mannequins Pack 6
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Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: TQB on July 22, 2018, 02:57PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 23, 2018, 02:20PM
Awesome work UltraMegaMagnus! I really liked the Spiderman's classic pose. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: Canino on July 23, 2018, 02:57PM
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: scottsum on July 23, 2018, 03:54PM
OK, someone has to ask...
What happened to Pack 5?
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2018, 12:09AM
Quote from: scottsum on July 23, 2018, 03:54PM
OK, someone has to ask...
What happened to Pack 5?

I've made mistake about pack number lol sorry, I skipped one number at some time, but all sorted in the main post from oldest to newest
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 6
Post by: Scarlat on July 24, 2018, 12:33PM
Beautiful mannequins!Congratz!!;D
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 7
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 02, 2018, 05:21AM
Mannequins Pack 7

Note : Catwoman Anime Movie was in an earlier pack, some mannequins does not have corresponding skins

Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release.

( (
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 7
Post by: Canino on August 02, 2018, 10:30AM
Amazing! Great job!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 7
Post by: X-Men 55 on August 04, 2018, 10:38PM
AWESOME!!! I can't wait to add these in.
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - New Mannequins Pack 7
Post by: andersonbrazil on August 10, 2018, 05:23PM
Great job UltraMegaMagnus! You have developed a lot in the skinner specialty. Congratulations!
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - Psylocke test skin
Post by: HOXOR on August 12, 2018, 01:12PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on August 12, 2018, 12:07PM
Thx mate, I learn a lot from your videos!

Psylocke skin, but with issues, since I'm still newbie at this : have some clavicule, belt & butt deformation for exemple, I'll fix if I can. Any tips welcomed :)

If you need Max file, pm on Discord.
Not taking request, I'm still learning lol

Credits to Netmarble, Marvel, Disney

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Amazing job!  :psylocke:

MY WORKS:,10347.0.html
Title: Re: Voices, HUDS, Mannequins & Loadscreens - Psylocke FF Skin
Post by: X-Men 55 on August 12, 2018, 05:23PM
The Psylocke skin is amazing! :psylocke:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff - Psylocke FF Skin V2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 13, 2018, 12:11PM
Thx :)

I updated the Psylocke FF skin, still not great like hair, but best I can atm :

-corrected some bones showing
-changed the belt behavior
-tweaked shoulder as much I can
-hair, belt, butt, shoulders still sucks

I included Max file for modders, I don't want to deal with Psylocke anymore because of her hair and belt lol
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff - Psylocke FF Skin V2
Post by: Aventureiromax on August 13, 2018, 07:25PM
Hello, I noticed that you converted a Psylocke MFF skin and left the 3dsmax files for download and I have some videos to help you if you need to for a better understanding of the tool. Keep up the beautiful work on the forum with mannequins and skins  :applause: since many like me are not taking time to play with these beautiful tools and utilities for MUA . Thanks for sharing  :thumbsup2:

Here's if you'd like to take a look:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff - Black Cat FF & KR Build Rabbit Tank skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 14, 2018, 03:00AM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on August 13, 2018, 07:25PM
Hello, I noticed that you converted a Psylocke MFF skin and left the 3dsmax files for download and I have some videos to help you if you need to for a better understanding of the tool. Keep up the beautiful work on the forum with mannequins and skins  :applause: since many like me are not taking time to play with these beautiful tools and utilities for MUA . Thanks for sharing  :thumbsup2:

Here's if you'd like to take a look:

Infinite thx man! That was exactly what I was looking for, I really appreciate the videos!
Wow, the vertex weld is awesome, I've just discovered this lol, nikita tool can now be properly used on the model
I'll train on others models, feel free all to update the model^^

I'm very happy to learn skinning from the community, I hope to do proper rig soon^^

EDIT new skin attempt :

Credits to NetherRealms, Warners Bros, DC, , Netmarble, Queboon, Marvel, revknight, nikita tool & thx a lots all for the help about skinning

EDIT : I'm sad, there are deformations left :(
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: Canino on August 16, 2018, 03:58AM
Awesome! Black Cat is amazing! Do you plan to make the others FF's skins for her? Please, say yes!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequin Pack 8 + Mannequin pack made by Milo
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 18, 2018, 04:23AM
Quote from: Canino on August 16, 2018, 03:58AM
Awesome! Black Cat is amazing! Do you plan to make the others FF's skins for her? Please, say yes!

If no one does, I'll probably try, but need to fix the others skins with better rig.

Mannequins Pack 8 + Mannequins pack made by Milo released with his authorization
Special thx to Milo who remade several mannequins with better textures,9943.0.html

Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Queboon, arisumatio, , Milo, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrazil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

(  (  ( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequin Pack 8 + Mannequin pack made by Milo
Post by: andersonbrazil on August 18, 2018, 05:18AM
Awesome, UltraMegaMagnus! Downloading Now! It's all very good indeed, congratulations!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Yondu FF All-New, All-Different Skin
Post by: Doctor Strange on August 29, 2018, 06:26AM
Very good stuff, UltraMegaMagnus!
Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Wargreymon + Black Cat
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 29, 2018, 08:26AM
Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Vicarious Vision, , Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Wargreymon pack from Digimon Links
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Black Cat Claw Skin FF
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Wargreymon & Black Cat Skin
Post by: Canino on August 29, 2018, 09:28AM
Wow! Amazing skins! Black Cat is astonishing! Great job man!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Wargreymon & Black Cat Skin
Post by: Julio Cabral on August 29, 2018, 02:07PM
Hey! Wargreymon! Cool! I used to have Angemon and Angewomon skins for Captain Marvel and Miss Marvel. I thought I was the only one.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequins Pack 9
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 30, 2018, 11:36AM
I'm glad you like, when I have time, I'll make more:)

Credits to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Vicarious Vision, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Mannequins Pack 9
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Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Power Girl+White Canary+Black Bolt Skin
Post by: Canino on September 06, 2018, 04:08AM
Amazing skins!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Power Girl+White Canary+Black Bolt Skin
Post by: sbarth13 on September 06, 2018, 06:32AM
any chance you could do all the black bolt skins from FF? i did a mod of him and would love to add them.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 06, 2018, 12:00PM
Quote from: sbarth13 on September 06, 2018, 06:32AM
any chance you could do all the black bolt skins from FF? i did a mod of him and would love to add them.

I want to make his main skins, but I'm not sure how to handle his wings thingy atm. I'll see what I can do after finishing some stuff.

Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Skin Pack 1
Skin Pack 1, just regrouped all I've made so far here, rigging is still not perfect, Wiccan skins are currently wasted. Many thx again to everyrone who helped me getting better at this.

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Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: Bruce Bixby on September 11, 2018, 11:04AM
Awesome! Nice work. Is there any way you could convert these Chitauri models from Future Fight?
Link: (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: nickjustint on September 11, 2018, 01:05PM
Amazing work Ultra, really pleased with the progress you've made in your modding :)!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: Canino on September 11, 2018, 06:25PM
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: Just HAZ on September 11, 2018, 06:56PM
WOWW.. Really Great Work. I just thought about is there skin for wiccan, and here you make it. Much Thanks. keep your Amazing work.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Atrocitus
Post by: Julio Cabral on September 12, 2018, 12:53PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on September 12, 2018, 09:58AM
Not sure about Chitori yet, Julio may be interested in them for his MCU gallery
Lol, sorry to invade your topic.
Nice work! You can ask me about how to fix the capes from the models anytime.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : New skins
Post by: scottsum on September 13, 2018, 11:29AM
Nice work on the skins!  One nitpick- PowerGirl is looking a little off, her legs seem a tad short.  Is that difficult to adjust?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Black Bolt Skin
Post by: nickjustint on September 13, 2018, 03:44PM
Awesome job, I'm a big fan of this skin and you did a great job!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Black Racer skin
Post by: scottsum on September 14, 2018, 04:12AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on September 13, 2018, 11:54AM
Size of the legs is coming directly from the Injustice 2 Mobile model, I dunno how to adjust mesh sorry, you can try to enlarge the overrall skin size with Alchemy Finalizer "scaling tool" optimiser or via package.

Got it.  I wonder if the difference is due to the different screen ratio found on PC monitors vs mobile devices.  Good idea on the scaling, I'll give that a try, thanks!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequins Pack 10 + Red Hood Skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 16, 2018, 03:15AM
Mannequins Pack 10

Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Metalscourge18ZX, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

( (

Red Hood IJ2 Mobile

Shoulders not looking from top view sorry about that.!IqAClaAY!oYMO24pM3igThuhVfZZHY7R0Gt8l4sSzAkJTIO06F-M
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequin Pack 10
Post by: Canino on September 16, 2018, 04:56AM
Such great mannequins! Great job!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequin Pack 10
Post by: nickjustint on September 16, 2018, 11:40AM
Awesome job on the mannequins :D
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequin Pack 10
Post by: scottsum on September 16, 2018, 12:06PM
Great mannequin and skin updates!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Optimus Prime Skin
Post by: ndp on September 17, 2018, 06:48PM
Loving the new Prime skin. You've got the touch! You've got the Power! Sorry just an old Transformers fan remembering the good Transformer movie. Can't wait for a mod someday.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Optimus Prime Skin
Post by: BaconWizard17 on September 17, 2018, 08:03PM
That's really neat! I love it!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Optimus Prime Skin
Post by: edward on September 20, 2018, 06:08AM
Thank you for all your work👍👍👍👍👍
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequins Pack 11
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 20, 2018, 09:22AM
Mannequins Pack 11

Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Metalscourge18ZX, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequins Pack 11
Post by: Canino on September 21, 2018, 10:23AM
Awesome! MCU roster will be great!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Mannequins Pack 11
Post by: Dani-El on September 28, 2018, 08:49AM
Awesome Mannequins packs... i waiting for a long time MCU mannequins like these.

Is possible to have a movie Hulk mannequin (no gladiator) and Spiderman Homecoming with web in the hands?  :hulk_icon: :spiderman:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Optimus Prime V2 and Megatron skins
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 02, 2018, 07:30PM
These Optimus skins look cool ;) Are you going to convert this model?

Anyway, good job ;)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Optimus Prime Movie skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 03, 2018, 02:31AM
Quote from: Aventureiromax on October 02, 2018, 07:30PM
These Optimus skins look cool ;) Are you going to convert this model?

Anyway, good job ;)

'glad u like :), I'm gonna check, I can get extract Transformers Forged to Fight, Tekken Mobile model  if you need btw^^

Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Metalscourge18ZX, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, TQB, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Optimus Prime Movie skin
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes FF skin
Post by: Aventureiromax on October 06, 2018, 07:53AM
Good job with OP ;) Thanks ;)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes FF skin
Post by: nickjustint on October 06, 2018, 10:14AM
Awesome new stuff :)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Kamen Rider Skin Pack 1
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 10, 2018, 01:50AM
Special thx & credits to kaiserraider  & LarsAlexandersson who provided models from Deviantart

Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Metalscourge18ZX, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, LarsMaster, LarsKusanagi, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexandersson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, TQB, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Kamen Rider Skin Pack 1 (models from Kamen Rider: Battride War Genesis)

Spec version will follow later & maybe bolton pack based on these riders.
A V2 of Decade will also follow, I forgot to weight his arms.

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Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Kamen Rider skin Pack 1
Post by: TQB on October 10, 2018, 05:14PM
Ayeee, putting in work.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Kamen Rider Skin Pack 1 SPEC + Mannequin Pack 13
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 13, 2018, 11:13AM
Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, Namco Bandai Games, Eighting, Space Ape, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Metalscourge18ZX, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, LarsMaster, LarsKusanagi, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, TQB, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

No preview sorry, too boring to make, please use the Alchemy Finalizer to preview instead.

Kamen Rider Skin Pack 1 SPEC

Mannequins Pack 13

Mr. Fantastic MH Skin Wasted
I dunno why, but some of his powers shows a white box on upperarms region, I'm thinking it's because of a skinsegment that must be set in the skin or bones, this white box also appears on original skin, but less visible below upperarms.!MuwzjIKZ!Xlkeh-5TwvG0Ub8gTFVesiGKy21JI_ye-Z4rXIdxy8A
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Kamen Rider Skin Pack 1 SPEC + Mannequin Pack 13
Post by: ♡Tomoko♡ on October 17, 2018, 12:04AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on January 28, 2018, 03:00PM

Money model replacement
( (

I made A new Techbits.wav SFX file for this its merged with The Capcom SFX mod I had made here:,10163.0.html
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: Mynexus92 on November 06, 2018, 05:14PM
Excellent work as always man! I've really enjoyed seeing the character select screen come to life with all these mannequins. Especially those characters who either never had any, or were in dire need of an update.

Quick question. I've noticed you link 3DS Max Alchemy files for previewing .IGB files. Is there a way to modify those files without using 3DS Max? I've been trying to make a mannequin for Kaine's Scarlet Spider character  :spiderman:, but cannot use 3DS Max on my laptop. Any alternatives?

Either way keep up the great work, it's an inspiration for us newbie modders.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: andersonbrazil on November 07, 2018, 01:39AM
Great job UltraMegaMagnus! What map did you use on Captain Marvel?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Psylocke FF Skin + Mannequin updated 07/11/2018
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 07, 2018, 03:39AM
Glad u like :)
I send u on Discord source Andersonbrazil, just used the diffuse map, the model looks shiny in the preview just because of an effect in team select for Captain Marvel, probably not the texture.

Mynexus92, there is no way to edit igb (except texture), without having the 3DS MAX scene files of converted models and 3DS MAX 4.2 or 5 installed (no others version will work).
The reason is the plugin to export igb files is only compatible with those version, so I personnally use a virtual machine with Windows XP with Virtualbox to use 3DS MAX 5.1, since those version of 3DS MAX are not compatible with later version of Windows.
It's very painful to setup first, but after that, it opens so many possibilities.
Note that you can install Alchemy without 3DS MAX.

Psylocke FF Skin + Mannequin updated 07/11/2018!Nm40UCjR!sPKaeCJsUNDHRgAy4WUptb6_iOk61lAAfwkZawotnLI

Captain America Modern Soldier Skin + hud from Marvel Heroes
I dunno why his upper chest and upper arms looks weird in team select. Rig not perfect again, so the spec texture too. EDIT : I screwed clavicule bones, won't rerig it lol sorry, feel free to update it.
( (
Dum Dum Dugan NPC Skin, rigging very bad, recommend not using as playable character
Preview & links!U2IGmYoQ!412Fo-bE3aomQOtSkmnsZrsPe75W4M_LE9iNNWzSH5c!I74gRYJK!qAhgqkWPNxGRDt2tPbiZ_8T59S223RnA3iEOI5zWrLQ
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: Mynexus92 on November 07, 2018, 07:50AM
Alright, I'll get back to tinkering and see what I can do. Thanks again, and keep up the legendary work.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: Canino on November 07, 2018, 08:30AM
Awesome! Always a great work!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: ♡Tomoko♡ on November 14, 2018, 01:24PM
can you make this a loading screen for me bro? I could trade ya some sounds or make some for ya
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 14, 2018, 03:21PM
Quote from: Xenoses on November 14, 2018, 01:24PM
can you make this a loading screen for me bro? I could trade ya some sounds or make some for ya

Np here :!B2gwRazC!FJLkrXXsUYjQKrE8HjZ7RIxM61kUJ4YFrBtHkJH94U4
The picture was stretched to fit the size of loading screen.

When I have time, I'll maybe make a video tutorial on making hud and loading screen.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff
Post by: ♡Tomoko♡ on November 14, 2018, 03:34PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on November 14, 2018, 03:21PM
Np here :!B2gwRazC!FJLkrXXsUYjQKrE8HjZ7RIxM61kUJ4YFrBtHkJH94U4
The picture was stretched to fit the size of loading screen.

When I have time, I'll maybe make a video tutorial on making hud and loading screen.
wow that was fast thank you so much :)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Nick Fury Nanite Skin+Mannequin from MUA2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 16, 2018, 11:54AM
Special thx to Julio and Xentax for teaching me how to get MUA2 models 😉
Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, Namco Bandai Games, Eighting, Space Ape, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Xentax, Acewell, Metalscourge18ZX, Sticklove, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, LarsMaster, LarsKusanagi, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, TQB, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Nick Fury Nanite Skin+Mannequin from MUA2

( (

Nick Fury MUA2!t6AnhKJJ!EXnwrPXr6Pqz_dtg50fQTqyCVEoztnyG2QmCaYJ-gQ4

Power Girl Injustice 2 Mobile update!5mQxCSrI!IS51WJ6bsVahMSxKHV2XWERJfZNC7aSBOgRftMMjo1U

Mannequins Pack 14!0qJFwKKY!FjuSA_87ZRf5wl7OIpgH56dIt-HLBWmE2xowrJkSp_M

Symbiote Supreme from COC
( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Nick Fury Nanite Skin
Post by: Canino on November 16, 2018, 12:20PM
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Morningstar from COC by Kabam V2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 25, 2018, 04:11AM
Credits & thx for the help to original author, game tools, Netmarble, Kabam, Fortnite, Gazillion, Marvel, Activision, Kaiserraiser, Highmoon Studios, Namco Bandai Games, Eighting, Space Ape, DC Unchained, Transformers Forged to Fight, FourThirtyThree Inc., Habro, ShaunsArtHouse, Xentax, Acewell, Metalscourge18ZX, Sticklove, Blaze, Vicarious Vision, Gameloft, DEVAINTCATEXE, Spider-Man Unlimited, Digimon Links, Warners Brothers, Bandai, Digmon Links, Foxnext, SNK, DC Entertainment, NetherRealms, Capcom, Xelandis, Hallow, KittyInHiding, Seven, Queboon, Pitermaksimoff, Kaito-Overlord, LarsMaster, LarsKusanagi, arisumatio, KingAdam, Blacthulhu, Nikita488, AdrianoAP, Maegawa, Aventureimax, Julio Cabral, AlexBond, Xelandis, Nickjustint, AdrianoAP, Milo, Gildor, CaiqueWebSlinger, Revknight, LarsAlexdanrson, Tony Stark, Outsider, Krisan Thyme, Andersonbrasil, TQB, BaconWizard, LorisCangini & amazing people who shared asset, tutorials, modders and everyone I forgot.

Please support the official release

Also check out all of their release, very good content in there

Morningstar skin from Contest of Champion by Kabam V2

Best used on Ghost Rider

( (!g7hyUCIK!2CvT8K-ZCFIf4nfQr-nrzhnr18V55W-vvQe9QHvxOFs

Iron Hammer from Future Fight
Thx again for the Nikita tool

( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Iron Hammer Skin
Post by: Canino on November 28, 2018, 12:07AM
Fantastic! This characters deserves a whole mod.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Absorbing Man Future Fight skin + Mannequins Pack 16
Post by: amelinium3000 on January 20, 2019, 08:04AM
Hi, good job with these mannequins, but where i can find Storm classic mannequin visible on the picture from the package 1 and 5?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Absorbing Man Future Fight skin + Mannequins Pack 16
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 20, 2019, 10:00AM
Good catch, I forgot to include this one, I'll do next pack
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Cloud Strife Skin for Blade
Post by: amelinium3000 on January 25, 2019, 11:14AM
No problem :D BTW, You can upload skin of the Iron Spider? The same as for mannequin, with arms?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Cloud Strife Skin for Blade
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 25, 2019, 01:18PM
I don't think anybody made the Iron Spider with arms (Andersonbrazil, Aventureimax & Caiquewebslinger made him, but I can't found the skin with the arms, sometimes I make mannequin without corresponding skins.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Team Stage tweaks V2
Post by: Clarityman on February 10, 2019, 11:12AM
Is your team stage mod compatible with 33 Roster Hack and Gold Edition content mods? From the pic it looks like it is!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Team Stage tweaks V2
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 10, 2019, 11:37AM
Quote from: Clarityman on February 10, 2019, 11:12AM
Is your team stage mod compatible with 33 Roster Hack and Gold Edition content mods? From the pic it looks like it is!

Yes, they should be compatible with all mods pack, as far as I know the file provided only modify the team stage without messing with the roster.
Also, the team stage with background modification might not look good with advanced lightning, shadow can looks bad.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Team Stage tweaks V2
Post by: Outsider on February 10, 2019, 11:52AM
Other than the advanced lighting thing (which you can't control), these team stages came out excellent. Well done!

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Civil Warrior COC Skin
Post by: andersonbrazil on February 12, 2019, 04:18PM
Congratulations UltraMegaMagnus!
This Captain America skin is fantastic!
Very well converted.
She's already part of my game.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Civil Warrior COC Skin
Post by: Canino on February 13, 2019, 04:26AM
Incredible! Such a wonderful skin!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Jean Grey FF + Captain Marvel FF skin
Post by: scottsum on March 17, 2019, 05:09PM
Great job on the captain marvel ff skin!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Jean Grey FF + Captain Marvel FF skin
Post by: Canino on March 18, 2019, 12:35PM
Wow!!!! Incredible work! Thanks for recommend my mod.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Updated the Thing FF skin + A.I.M Trooper skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 20, 2019, 12:52PM
I'm glad you enjoy these :)

I've updated in the main post a bit The Thing FF skin, still not great, but large models are so annoying and harder to convert.
I also added a A.I.M Trooper skin from Marvel Heroes + added Ultron Drone Comics silver & gold.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Ultron Drone Comics MH skin
Post by: Bingerz on March 26, 2019, 12:35PM
Hey there I just downloaded a few of your mannequins and they worked I see them on my team select but when I go to select the character to add them to my team my game crashes, anyone know what I might have done wrong?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Ultron Drone Comics MH skin
Post by: scottsum on March 26, 2019, 06:56PM
Quote from: Bingerz on March 26, 2019, 12:35PM
Hey there I just downloaded a few of your mannequins and they worked I see them on my team select but when I go to select the character to add them to my team my game crashes, anyone know what I might have done wrong?
Touched on this in another thread; if you use a mannequin as a skin, it will often cause a crash.  Mannequins and skins are usually not interchangeable.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Wolverine Strike Force V3
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 18, 2019, 05:23AM
Exactly what said scottsum and I don't plan to make mannequins usable as skins.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Wolverine Strike Force + some updated skins
Post by: Canino on April 18, 2019, 06:41AM
Wow! Really great skins! Amazing!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 24, 2019, 01:02PM
added new stuff :

Mannequins Pack 18!43JRVa4S!SMTrk98RMayetBBQW5KqFd0dJTEeE2QU827thwiMJnY [

Spider-Man FF (Classic, Symbiote & All new, the mesh share same texture lol & Captain America Endgame FF!t3RFTabb!OhbiNqq792IhGFvF53w-keRBrjIPDdNJdpWsw3_8Lek
I think I might have to lighten those the FF texture, they look dark, credits as usual to original game makers.

Preview here

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: anonymouspunk89 on April 24, 2019, 09:02PM
Fantastic work!
You have any plans to release any more Miles skins? *wink wink*
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Iron Man Endgame FF & Miles Morales FF
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 27, 2019, 06:00AM
Quote from: anonymouspunk89 on April 24, 2019, 09:02PM
Fantastic work!
You have any plans to release any more Miles skins? *wink wink*

I don't plan on more Miles Morales atm, I just made the FF one because it uses the same model & texture template as Spider-Man Classic FF.
Added Iron Man Endgame FF too, but not liking the texture, very noisy in game.

Iron Man Endgame FF & Miles Morales FF!IzYmnIIK!cTXU_bcWc17eB7bsfRhD7ADSaGhgihKoCz8qDMY6098

Preview here
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: anonymouspunk89 on April 27, 2019, 08:00AM
That's alright.

Also I have been waiting for someone to start doing Endgame stuff, so thank you so much for the Cap and now Iron Man
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: Aventureiromax on April 28, 2019, 04:56AM
Great job  :applause: with Iron-man and Captain America EG. Will you convert other skins with the endgame uniform?

Thank you anyway ;)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: Canino on April 28, 2019, 03:42PM
Wow! Amazing!!! Do you plan to release the all the Endgame skins?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 29, 2019, 07:39AM
I'm happy you all like them, Endgame skins are in my radar, especially the white uniform where I think we can customize a lot by swapping heads mesh lol. I won't do them all though, I'll skip for sure Rocket Raccoon since he's too small for to convert and I might skip skins with too noisy texture, because I don't like retexturing stuff and I'm very noob at that.

I probably won't start and release things for a moment, will be busy next month and I'm trying to figure out how to set a reference bone in MUA to make converted skin properly touch the ground.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: mody11811 on May 03, 2019, 10:10AM
i just want to thank you , i love your works really :) , Are you going to upload black widow and hulk from marvel future fight skins ? , and I would like to learn how i can use skins from marvel future fight to use it in Marvel - Ultimate Alliance 1 ... thank you <3
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Captain America Endgame FF + New Mannequins pack
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 03, 2019, 10:57AM
Quote from: mody11811 on May 03, 2019, 10:10AM
i just want to thank you , i love your works really :) , Are you going to upload black widow and hulk from marvel future fight skins ? , and I would like to learn how i can use skins from marvel future fight to use it in Marvel - Ultimate Alliance 1 ... thank you <3

I don't know about new skins atm, Hulk Endgame is a skin I'd like to see in game, I won't do the other Hulk skins fore sure, they are too troublesome to convert, for Black Widow, Julio Cabral made most of her skins in his thread + many more goodies :,8986.msg191713.html#msg191713

As for using skins from other game to Marvel Ultimate Alliance, you need to convert models by rigging them using biped squeleton to work on MUA. You can also get tutorial on youtube with "rigging biped model 3DS max" keywords.

I recommend Andersonbrazil video, this is how I began skinning, this is really the best video, got everything needed and is very exhaustive, you can figure out the process even if you don't speak Portuguese :
And Aventureimax tutorial :,8572.0.html
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Hulk Endgame FF
Post by: Tobi777 on May 04, 2019, 07:06PM
These skins are fantastic. You planning for Ronin Hawkeye, Endgame Widow, and Rocket? I haven't found a good MCU skin of Widow with longer hair, just mainly the shorter ones.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's Stuff : Hulk Endgame FF
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 08, 2019, 02:44AM
I don't have plan for those atm, I'm going to stop converting skins atm.

Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : Batman Justice League skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 31, 2019, 02:11PM
added :
Batman Justice League IJ2 Mobile
Credits Warners Bros, DC, NetherRealms, Blaw, Andersonbrazil and Julio for Batman instructions.!UmAnSIoT!iQVC0DG7u7UM0EHD6ODBdsiyEXKMD3zvl5s3MKd_OeA
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 03, 2019, 08:41PM
Great work UltraMegaMagnus!
The maps are well balanced. I really liked the pose of the mannequin covering up with the cape.
You are very creative in creating mannequins. Congratulations!
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 04, 2019, 08:41AM
Thx :)
added voice sounds updated from Infinite Crisis for Blaw's Batman and Tien Shin Han+ Outsider's Green Lantern :!Qi5VgQbb!QJgwC-MMMyxbz1mqsU7tgw?wjBQCIZQ!Qi5VgQbb!QJgwC-MMMyxbz1mqsU7tgw?VrQkhAiI
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: scottsum on June 09, 2019, 07:51AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 04, 2019, 08:41AM
Thx :)
added voice sounds updated from Infinite Crisis for Blaw's Batman and Tien Shin Han+ Outsider's Green Lantern :
<links removed>

I've been looking for audio to create new conversations. thanks!
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: Tony Stark on June 09, 2019, 02:15PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 04, 2019, 08:41AM
Thx :)
added voice sounds updated from Infinite Crisis for Blaw's Batman and Tien Shin Han+ Outsider's Green Lantern :!Qi5VgQbb!QJgwC-MMMyxbz1mqsU7tgw?wjBQCIZQ!Qi5VgQbb!QJgwC-MMMyxbz1mqsU7tgw?VrQkhAiI

Is this Kevin Conroy's voice for Batman?
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 09, 2019, 02:50PM
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 09, 2019, 02:15PM
Is this Kevin Conroy's voice for Batman?

Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Batman Justice League skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 12, 2019, 08:34AM
Added Clea Classic FF, Wong ANAD FF & Namor Classic COC skins, I won't do Doctor Strange because his cape is hell, won't do Wong MCU too because his mesh is also hell to weight.

Request, suggestion are closed.!FupQyITB!tIsRIfVGXH1B6aPHAOYJwmw6zL9bH46VOBPQK0XFLmc
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Clea FF, Wong ANAD FF & Namor COC
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 12, 2019, 04:43PM
Very good, UltraMegaMagnus! Excellent job!
I really enjoyed this Namor skin. I just did not like it was of the mod Namor. I think he needs an update to balance his powerset.
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Clea FF, Wong ANAD FF & Namor COC
Post by: bigcam on June 15, 2019, 02:02PM
is there a skin matching your john Stewart mannequin i cant seem to find it anywhere???
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Clea FF, Wong ANAD FF & Namor COC
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 15, 2019, 03:11PM
Quote from: bigcam on June 15, 2019, 02:02PM
is there a skin matching your john Stewart mannequin i cant seem to find it anywhere???

There is none to my knowledge atm, the closest is DCUO skins from Aventureimax and unlikely that I convert that model.
At the time I released that mannequin, I was doing very random stuff lol
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED Clea FF, Wong ANAD FF & Namor COC
Post by: bigcam on June 16, 2019, 02:56AM
ok thanks cool mannequin anyway
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED, some new skins
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 20, 2019, 10:12AM
Updated some skins, new Stryfe FF, Iron Man Age of Ultron FF, Iron Man Mark VII COC and Momo & Ochako My Hero Academia One Justice
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 30, 2019, 12:50AM
Captain America MN META, Captain Marvel Modern META, Cyclops VU 90 MH & Ultron AOU MK1 MFF :!Jr4TTCJR!Qdg0GkFArDU6jNhrdVNg7Ie_PpiZBuFV8nMnBaSUe3Y
Thx to Datkofguy, Ecelon for model rip and Julio for the website finding.

Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: bigcam on June 30, 2019, 06:38AM
will be adding these today!!! Thanks for the drop :sunfire: :sunfire: :sunfire:
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: JubilationLee on July 01, 2019, 08:09AM
They all look very gorgeous. :) I'll definitely be adding those in.
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: Canino on July 01, 2019, 03:24PM
Wow!!! Amazing! And those models... OMG!!!
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: Outsider on July 01, 2019, 10:02PM
Very impressive, Ultra! Keep up the great work.

Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: Leuou on July 03, 2019, 04:04AM
Wow!! Wonderful job!! Very very impressive!
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: epicandragon94 on July 03, 2019, 02:20PM
Wow! Love your 90s Cyclops skin! Phenomenal job!
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: Canino on July 05, 2019, 04:55AM
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: BloodyMares on July 06, 2019, 03:13PM
I hope the Advanced Suit from Spider-Man PS4 is next.
Title: Re: Ultra's Stuff : REQUEST ARE CLOSED
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 06, 2019, 07:42PM
Congratulations UltraMegaMagnus! These furs look great!
I will download now!
Title: Re: REQUEST ARE CLOSED - Silver Surfer + Wave FF
Post by: Outsider on August 09, 2019, 12:14PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on August 08, 2019, 09:23AM
Silver Surfer FF!tuBElKJI!g8YUFskttnhjTwlYRcgtWb6P5HXKg-eV6pvlySj3cZg

Wave Future Fight

Excellent work, Ultra! Will try out when I get a chance.

Post by: nando915 on August 09, 2019, 01:38PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on August 08, 2019, 09:23AM
Silver Surfer FF!tuBElKJI!g8YUFskttnhjTwlYRcgtWb6P5HXKg-eV6pvlySj3cZg

Wave Future Fight

Outstanding work 🤩 Keep it up.
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 03, 2019, 08:49AM
added Hulk from MUA gold working with advanced lightning + Hawkeye Wii with normal, spec :
Post by: andersonbrazil on September 04, 2019, 04:54AM
Your work is always in progress every day UltreMegaMagnus! Congratulations!
Downloading now.

:thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on September 05, 2019, 02:49AM
Does this mean the rest of Gold Edition/Remasted characters will get updated spec (including Cyclops' proper rotated mannequin for 36R), alongside other PSP/unused Wii characters' models (safe for Super Skrull)?
Title: Main Menu background change instead of video background
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 23, 2019, 02:19PM
I'm almost done with PSP models, Ronin left and adding spec to Widow, Gold will follow later when I can.

Main Menu static background change instead of video background :
( (
Title: NO REQUESTS - Kamen Rider Decade & Grand Zi-O skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 04, 2019, 02:20PM
Updated Hulk & Hawkeye with proper normal map, I did wrong in previous release + added Captain Marvel Wii model & Venom MFF :

Also added Kamen Rider Decade & Grand Zi-oh for Black RX mod by Aventureimax
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Kamen Rider Decade & Grand Zi-O skin
Post by: jayglass on October 06, 2019, 12:31AM
Great job as always can't waiting for black widow and ronin
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Kamen Rider Decade & Grand Zi-O skin
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 07, 2019, 08:27AM
added  :

Black Widow & Ronin from MUA Wii

For anyone wondering why I converted psp exclusive, while they are already in OCP, it's because I wanted to fix jump issue they had + adding normal and spec textures+upscaled Wii hud. I also won't rig ponytail, it's just headache for me.
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Magneto+Doom from Remaster with advanced lightning fix
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 13, 2019, 10:43AM
added Magneto and Dr Doom from Remaster with advanced lightning fix in first post.
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Magneto+Doom from Remaster with advanced lightning fix
Post by: scottsum on October 26, 2019, 06:11PM
Thanks for your work on these skin and mannequin conversions.  I'm using several of your MFF and Injustice 2 skins, they really help to spruce up the game's appearance.
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Killer Frost, Luthor, Power Girl, Red Hood DC Legends, Superma
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 13, 2019, 02:07PM
added :
Killer Frost, Luthor, Power Girl, Red Hood DC Legends, Superman IJ1 Mobile Man of Steel
Title: Batman Ninja, Who Laughs from Injustice Mobile, Joker DC Unchained, Quicksilver
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 24, 2019, 05:50AM
added :
Batman Ninja, Who Laughs from Injustice Mobile, Joker DC Unchained, Quicksilver Uncanny MFF and Red Hood AK

I'm not satisfied with Red Hood textures and Batman cape rig, I might update it.
Also from now on, I make legs longer to make them touch the floor better, models can look taller than vanilla model because of that, but I prefer that way.
I also noticed that I sometimes made models too tall, won't fix as it would need a complete conversion from the beginning.
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Batman Ninja, Who Laughs from Injustice Mobile, Joker DC Unchained
Post by: TheMK on November 24, 2019, 06:59AM
This is awesome! Thank you so much for it!
Title: Re: NO REQUESTS - Batman Ninja, Who Laughs from Injustice Mobile, Joker DC Unchained
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on November 30, 2019, 01:02PM
added Nightcrawler MUA Gold advanced lightning compatible and Luffy One Piece Bounty Hunter :

I won't do Nightcrawler with MUA Gold skinsegment name, bolton spec or whatever, I do not take request and I don't care about suggestion. I won't touch DLC characters I converted anymore, tired of them.
Title: Sabretooth MUA Gold & Luke Cage Modern PC head rig fix
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 03, 2019, 03:44PM
added the last MUA DLC character that could use a normal fix, thx to nikita we can convert them properly for MUA PC 2006.
The rig far from perfect with that fur, but I won't be modding those dlc stuff anymore, I also rigged again Luke Cage Modern PC because the head had weighting issue (look at his menu idle, the head was moving with the clavicule/arms).
It would be good to see them in XML2, but I really don't want to work on them lol

Sabretooth MUA Gold & Luke Cage Modern PC head rig fix :
Title: Inferno MFF Update+Iceman Spiky MUA PC head fix
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 07, 2019, 04:49AM
added 1 I Inferno MFF Update+Iceman Spiky MUA PC head fix, I rigged very poorly Inferno previously that is why :
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 08:22AM
for IronHammer Mannequins is there a mod for it? pls can anyone tell me?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 26, 2019, 08:41AM
Quote from: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 08:22AM
for IronHammer Mannequins is there a mod for it? pls can anyone tell me?

There is no mod for it.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 03:44PM
kk, tnx for the info :)

any chance you will do Arachknight, Emma Frost, Adam Warlock, Sister Grimm, Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne), Aero, Sin, Morgan Le Fay. White Fox, Sif Modern, or any other skins from marvel Future Fight?

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: Ceamonks890 on December 26, 2019, 06:31PM
Quote from: dantles1992 on December 26, 2019, 03:44PM
kk, tnx for the info :)

any chance you will do Arachknight, Emma Frost, Adam Warlock, Sister Grimm, Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne), Aero, Sin, Morgan Le Fay. White Fox, Sif Modern, or any other skins from marvel Future Fight?

Magnus doesn't take requests anymore (as is apparent by the topic thread title). So no point asking him for such things.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on December 29, 2019, 07:54AM
Not to mention he won’t be doing 360/RE models of Hawkeye either, so someone needs to convert these said models in his place.

Thankfully, due to multipart limits of Hawkeye’s powerset in PC 2006 (namely his rocket & bird segments), I already found one of Deadpool’s multipart powerset coding being the key to fix Hawkeye’s Rocket Bird segment issues, & I uploaded the proper PSP powerset fixes (yes, Hawkeye included since he was still part of it) for someone aside Maegawa to test them, thus Hawkeye is finally good to go
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: Bingerz on January 03, 2020, 04:02PM
Hey wanted to say I love your Mannequins they are awesome! I was just wondering if anyone knew if there are matching skins for the Havok or Archangel Mannequins from mannequin pack 7?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: Panaka_69 on January 03, 2020, 06:12PM
These are the only angel hd skins that I know:,4284.msg187166/topicseen.html#msg187166
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: Bingerz on January 03, 2020, 06:59PM
Quote from: Panaka_69 on January 03, 2020, 06:12PM
These are the only angel hd skins that I know:,4284.msg187166/topicseen.html#msg187166
Wow I thought I found all the skin threads but I missed this one! You have no idea how happy I am finding this angel skin thanks to you, it is the exact one I wanted! Thank you so much, only a few more characters to go and I'm all modded up!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: scottsum on January 13, 2020, 06:01AM
Haven't checked this thread in a little while, lots of really great skins here.  Thanks for the time and effort that must have gone into it.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 14, 2020, 05:10AM

About request, suggestion, title tread is pretty explicit, thus no need to ask me stuff like "any chance, are you able to...?".
About Hawkeye, I never planned to convert his MUA Gold skins anyways.

Added Luthor Battle Suit, Supergirl Darkseid, Zatanna, Star Sapphire from DC Unchained, Ultron Drone MH update, Ultron Classic MFF, Magneto MUA Gold shorter arm fix.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 14, 2020, 08:00AM
I respect that. I was only confirming that you won’t be doing MUA Gold Hawkeye, just like you said before.

Let us pray that someone will carry out to convert MUA Gold Hawkeye someday.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - NO REQUESTS
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 15, 2020, 10:57AM
Unloading my backload with update of previous skins I converted with better rig when I can and texture update+mannequin pack,19, U.S. Agent+Dark Captain America Shield projectile without spec+proper model and texture as I don't see difference when used as projectile+HUD upscale forUA and XML2, I'll do proper post formating when I can, using phone is no fun for upload.

Credits to respective game authors, skinners, modders.
Andersonbrazil, Aventureimax, aiqueWebslinger, Julio, Lars, Maegawa.

I will also won't mod for a long while and actually play the game after setting up my 50 roster lol
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: jayglass on March 07, 2020, 01:38PM
Are you planning on doing MCU Hawkeye and black widow with skin segments?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 07, 2020, 01:43PM
Quote from: jayglass on March 07, 2020, 01:38PM
Are you planning on doing MCU Hawkeye and black widow with skin segments?

I don't plan on doing them atm. I never know in advance what I'll rig, I change my mind so much when deciding on what to rig lol

If I rig their MCU skins, I'll tell you via Discord. Their best MCU models and easiest to rig are probably their Marvel Super War low poly models.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: jayglass on March 07, 2020, 01:51PM
Future Fight has some low poly ones.I did MCU black widow without skin segments.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: scottsum on March 07, 2020, 04:09PM
The MSW skins are great!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: deadjoke on March 11, 2020, 06:33PM
I have been consistently using your Wolverine strike force skin without issue,even though it hasn't been hex edited. Just for everyone's information.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: scottsum on March 12, 2020, 05:31PM
Quote from: deadjoke on March 11, 2020, 06:33PM
I have been consistently using your Wolverine strike force skin without issue,even though it hasn't been hex edited. Just for everyone's information.

Likely the only problem you would encounter is a failure of the Arcade Androids to look like your character.  They'll get the white defaultman appearance instead.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: deadjoke on March 13, 2020, 05:40AM
Quote from: scottsum on March 12, 2020, 05:31PM
Likely the only problem you would encounter is a failure of the Arcade Androids to look like your character.  They'll get the white defaultman appearance instead.

Oh yeah that does happen, but it doesn't really bother me. Works fine during the boss fight too I should add, as in it doesn't glitch when being shot out of a canon.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarityman on March 13, 2020, 01:30PM
Quote from: deadjoke on March 13, 2020, 05:40AM
Oh yeah that does happen, but it doesn't really bother me. Works fine during the boss fight too I should add, as in it doesn't glitch when being shot out of a canon.

Why wouldn't you just hex edit the skin...? It's ridiculously easy.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: deadjoke on March 13, 2020, 02:20PM
Quote from: deadjoke on March 13, 2020, 05:40AM
Oh yeah that does happen, but it doesn't really bother me. Works fine during the boss fight too I should add, as in it doesn't glitch when being shot out of a canon.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 13, 2020, 01:22AM
added Colossus MFF Phoenix Five + Dio Brando and Hulk MSW Chocolate egg rig:
I'll need to reorganize first post soon, because of space limit. Also forgot to put preview for Colossus.
Emma MFF Phoenix Five:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Canino on April 13, 2020, 01:00PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on April 13, 2020, 01:22AM
added Colossus MFF Phoenix Five + Dio Brando and Hulk MSW Chocolate egg rig:
I'll need to reorganize first post soon, because of space limit. Also forgot to put preview for Colossus.
Emma MFF Phoenix Five:

Those skins are great! Updating my roster right now.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Nicaras on April 18, 2020, 05:49AM
Hi there!

I was checking a preview you posted at Deviantart and noticed a Captain Marvel skin (from Endgame) I didn't see here on the thread: (

Is it a future release? Or is it done? By the way, I really love everything you've done here in the community, and I have (and use) a lot of your skins, huds, and mannequins. Thank you so much!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 18, 2020, 09:06AM
Quote from: Nicaras Numenesse on April 18, 2020, 05:49AM
Hi there!

I was checking a preview you posted at Deviantart and noticed a Captain Marvel skin (from Endgame) I didn't see here on the thread: (

Is it a future release? Or is it done? By the way, I really love everything you've done here in the community, and I have (and use) a lot of your skins, huds, and mannequins. Thank you so much!

I never uploaded it, because it is available in Canino booster for Captain Marvel, which I recommend(,10404.0.html), I've put a standalone link for her skins only below:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Nicaras on April 18, 2020, 09:16AM
Whoa, thanks a lot! I must have mixed up the files, since I've installed Canino's booster and wasn't finding the skin. I've been testing a lot of skins, sorry. lol

You guys are awesome!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 18, 2020, 09:38AM
Quote from: Nicaras Numenesse on April 18, 2020, 09:16AM
Whoa, thanks a lot! I must have mixed up the files, since I've installed Canino's booster and wasn't finding the skin. I've been testing a lot of skins, sorry. lol

You guys are awesome!

Canino updated his booster recently.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on May 04, 2020, 06:46AM
I looked into the alpha channeled raw vanilla playable huds folder, & I found out Luke Cage's huds (157) are missing on that list. If I possibly accidentally deleted after downloading the scaled hud pack, should I have to redownload?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on May 16, 2020, 03:16AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on January 28, 2018, 03:00PM
Mannequins Pack 11
Hello sorry i want to ask..^^ about this mannequin pack 11 there is Captain Marvel default costume from MFF inside it,and the question is how can i get the skin? i mean the playable one..
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 16, 2020, 09:38AM
Quote from: Clarice on May 16, 2020, 03:16AM
Hello sorry i want to ask..^^ about this mannequin pack 11 there is Captain Marvel default costume from MFF inside it,and the question is how can i get the skin? i mean the playable one..

It was from Ms Marvel Captain Marvel skin in Julio's thread, but link is down atm:,8485.0.html
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Ceamonks890 on May 16, 2020, 04:11PM
Are one of these what you're looking for, Clarice? Have two Captain Marvel skins of Julio's backed up in my community archives:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on May 16, 2020, 09:25PM
Quote from: Ceamonks890 on May 16, 2020, 04:11PM
Are one of these what you're looking for, Clarice? Have two Captain Marvel skins of Julio's backed up in my community archives:
Yes! this one is what i've been looking for..^_^ Thank you so much for sharing, u r the best! ^^
Title: Batman Beyond character mod
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 25, 2020, 09:24AM
Added Batman Beyond character mod:



Special thx to:
All MUA Community, especially Outsider for every help given, Blaw Julio Cabral, Caemonk, Maegawa, Blacthulu, Baconwizard, nikita, Teancum, defogexa, Jayglass, Nick, Ecelon for providing models and everyone I forgot

Credits: DC, NetherRealm Studios, Warner Bros, Rocksteady, Raven Software, Activision and everyone I forgot

Moveset, voice:

Skins & Mannequin:
-Animated from Injustice Mobile
-DC Legends Skins
-Batman Beyond from Arkham City

-Batarangs from Injustice Mobile

- Damian Wayne voice from Injustice 2
- Silent footstep
- sfx from Injustice 2, DC Legends and MUA

Credits to Outsider for the making of loadscreens

Outsider, Blaw, Norrin Radd for Angel, Julio Cabral, Aventureimax, Raven software
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: Outsider on June 25, 2020, 01:17PM
Congrats on your first mod! And welcome to the League of Modders! (That's not a real thing... :laugh:) You've taken a major leap in your already impressive list of accolades here. Keep up the amazing work.

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 25, 2020, 04:47PM
This mod is awesome! It's great to see the first mod with custom animation sets!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: TheMK on June 25, 2020, 06:56PM
This is great! Thank you for making this awesome Batman Beyond mod!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: Ceamonks890 on June 25, 2020, 08:15PM
As I said on the Discord server, I'm very satisfied with the final results on Batman Beyond. Great job mate!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: andersonbrazil on June 29, 2020, 06:53AM
Excellent work UltraMegaMagnus! As I mentioned on the discord, I'm having a lot of fun with your mod. Thank you!
I look forward to version 2.0 and other mods of your own!
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 06, 2020, 06:17AM
Added Storm Mohawk MUA3:


Cyclops Classic MUA3:


Phoenix MUA3:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Batman Beyond
Post by: andersonbrazil on July 07, 2020, 02:02PM
These skins are amazing, UltraMegaMagnus!
Downloading now. thanks!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 22, 2020, 03:56AM
Chitauri MFF for NPC

Lazy rig, to be used as NPC

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on July 23, 2020, 10:00PM
Amazing work as always!! ^^
Still stay tuned waiting for Invisible Woman new skin  :iwoman:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 12:34AM
Invisible Woman with updated hair physic is something I have in mind, I'll review available models  :iwoman:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on July 24, 2020, 01:07AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 12:34AM
Invisible Woman with updated hair physic is something I have in mind, I'll review available models  :iwoman:
Yes please..^^ and btw  the mff model is already nice actually, but the hair look inflexible.. Im still hopping for physic version till now.. but IW super war version is good too i suggest.. ^^ she look beautifull on MSW (since she has no update skin) ^^  :iwoman:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 03:28AM
Quote from: Clarice on July 24, 2020, 01:07AM
Yes please..^^ and btw  the mff model is already nice actually, but the hair look inflexible.. Im still hopping for physic version till now.. but IW super war version is good too i suggest.. ^^ she look beautifull on MSW (since she has no update skin) ^^  :iwoman:

I'm testing MSW Invisible Woman, sadly can't put hair physic, I now notice that it causes clipping galore with hair physic(due to long hair and animation not being optimized for hair physic), even vanilla model does not have hair physic on her to avoid clipping it seems.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on July 24, 2020, 07:38AM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 03:28AM
I'm testing MSW Invisible Woman, sadly can't put hair physic, I now notice that it causes clipping galore with hair physic(due to long hair and animation not being optimized for hair physic), even vanilla model does not have hair physic on her to avoid clipping it seems. sad :( but how about the gameplay? is it going well? is it smooth? I think it doesnt matter i mean if just bcz her hair as long as she's doesnt get buggy, right? Btw any plan making MFF Sue hair physic? ^^
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 02:13PM
Sue should be fine, hair not moving that much, but done on purpose to avoid clipping, uploaded all models I converted in this pack up to this day with some backlog stuff including:
Invisible Woman Modern, MSW, MFF updated, Black Bolt Attilan Rising MFF Update, Kasumi:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Clarice on July 24, 2020, 07:23PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on July 24, 2020, 02:13PM
Sue should be fine, hair not moving that much, but done on purpose to avoid clipping, uploaded all models I converted in this pack up to this day with some backlog stuff including:
Invisible Woman Modern, MSW, MFF updated, Black Bolt Attilan Rising MFF Update, Kasumi:
OHH MY GOD!! Thank you so much for the update!! So excited!! im so happy!! ^^ You are the best! :applause: :iwoman:

edited : Im kinda speechless right now,all the amazing skin and all skins i want is including in this PACK i think this is the badass SKIN PACK ever!! (^_^)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 16, 2020, 12:24PM
Thx to nikita again, we can fix Raven rigging :)
Fixed Dr. Strange classic cape segment so it hides the entire cape, fixed pinky + added cape segment for Moon Knight OCP skin and Elektra Classic fixed hands + improper segment positioning:

Credit to Iammingy for Retro texture.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: Canino on August 17, 2020, 02:59PM
Excellent job!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 14, 2020, 05:33AM
Kamen Rider Zero-One Mods:

I wanted to include better effect, but still noob with effect, no more form, because I had issues when exporting some models and game limitation.

Preview :
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - I don't serve request/suggestion - Zero-One and Vulcan
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 01, 2020, 08:58AM
Character mod update:
-Added new Kamen Rider Vulcan. Not much powers, I haven't found matching anim.
-Kamen Rider Zero-One updated with Shining Assault Hopper and small fixes.
-Batman Beyond updated with stateffect moved to powerstyle, talent fix.


Batman Beyond 1.1 CLASH WITH ELECTRO:
Terry voice actor voice pack from Spacedude:,10770.0.html
Kamen Rider Zero-One 1.1 CLASH WITH JEAN GREY MOD:

Hawkeye Ronin Marvel Super War
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff - Wolverine TAS XML1 back fix for MUA ONLY
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 03, 2020, 02:28PM
Wolverine TAS XML1 back fix for MUA ONLY, using PS2 texture
I've just noticed that shoulderpad are weighted too much to upperarms
( (

V2 better rig and upscaled via waifu :

Blade Old-Gen model with action_figure_blade_mur_a texture
( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: blackheart on February 26, 2021, 02:55PM
Hi, i was browsing your deviantart gallery and i found this skin: , but i cant find it here, is it inside any pack? or not released?
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 26, 2021, 03:02PM
Quote from: blackheart on February 26, 2021, 02:55PM
Hi, i was browsing your deviantart gallery and i found this skin: , but i cant find it here, is it inside any pack? or not released?

Just the preview of the MUA3 model extracted, it has not been converted to MUA.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 08, 2021, 07:00AM
Iron Man Display Armor change in Stark Lab

What does it do ?
Change the display armor from that map with PC counterpart and fill empty spot with the XML2 skin, this was done by removing the armor mesh that were merged the Stark Lab igb file.
Allows custom armor model in Stark Lab, don't use any other skin or mannequin, it won't work, exported model must be specific do those armor display property.

- NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MODS CHANGING STARK2/Stark Labs Maps files (most likely mod changing npc in that map), unless modders use this mod as a base and add their modification to it.
- all armor interchangeable
- Skin, mannequin used as armor display won't work

Nikita484, MrK, KingAdam, ak2yny, nbakstuff, BaconWizard for the orientation code sharing, for Alchemy 5 discovery, tips and sharing tools that I used to make this

- Removed armors mesh with small armor part
- Some glasses tint changed from being opaque to orang-ish
- added 4 more armor entity copied from ironman_display_suit_stk_e/ironman_suit, spawpoint is the same, just need to tweak the igb model mesh positioning:
ironman_display_suit_stk_e2/ironman_suit2, ironman_display_suit_stk_e3/ironman_suit3, ironman_display_suit_stk_e4/ironman_suit4 and ironman_display_suit_stk_e5/ironman_suit5

- referenced the newly added model into it

- Unchanged, just there in case I want to edit it

Knows problem:
- Display glasses have orange tint, need to find correct node and adjust it's value
- Not added all small armor part to desk, I just don't feel doing that

- Middle armor needs collison :,10614.0.html
Best used with Stark Lab Avengers Tower Hologram (Avengers Alliance 2) from MrK:,10974.0.html
Title: Harley Quinn Booster
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on March 29, 2021, 12:51PM

Harley Quinn mini booster
Mini booster for excellent Harley Quinn mod from Blaw (,8049.0.html)

Marvel, DC, DC Legends, all dev, artist and everyone else related who made those games

Blaw for the original mod

Andersonbrazil : Harley Quinn Sucide Squad Skin, hud and mannequin

ak2yny, deforexa for all documentations, extract/combine tools
nikita484 for tools
Outsider, Julio for coding help

Requirement and warning:
-OCP 2.3 preferably or OCP 1.3 installed beforehand
-unlock powers cheat needed if powers or melee, passive not working
-Harley Quinn does not have skinsegment anymore in this booster, so previously converted skins won't work, unless you remove all weapons skinsegment

-effect missing for cupcake throw and Harley's box, will fix later, not sure why it does not work
-skins, hud probably not hexedited
-My coding is not very clean, might want to update it another time.

-Injustice 2 voice
-Suicide Squad loading screen
-replaced power1 with grenade throw
-Bishop gun animations power
-Mixed anim
-modified Bazooka power
-new melee atk using bolton, instead of skinsegment, this was done because of skinsegment limit in herostat
-removal of skinsegment
-replaced goon summon power with Jack-In-The-Box power lookalike

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: BLaw on March 30, 2021, 07:07AM
Sounds great! I may have to try out this booster. Good call on the skin segment removals too !
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: andersonbrazil on April 01, 2021, 03:53AM
Quote from: BLaw on March 30, 2021, 07:07AM
Sounds great! I may have to try out this booster. Good call on the skin segment removals too !

Hello BLAW!
It's good to see you around here. Welcome!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 20, 2021, 11:33AM
Added Captain Marvel Planetary Ace credits Marvel Super War, Netease
( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Canino on April 20, 2021, 05:49PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on April 20, 2021, 11:33AM
Added Captain Marvel Planetary Ace credits Marvel Super War, Netease
( (

That's totally awesome!!!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 21, 2021, 05:56AM
Added Captain America Space War MSW credits Netease Marvel
( (
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Canino on April 21, 2021, 03:43PM
Wow!!! Amazing!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: andersonbrazil on April 22, 2021, 09:46PM
Your conversions are impressive UltraMegaMAgnus!
These skins are awesome!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 28, 2021, 03:32AM
Added Spider-Woman MFF, credit Netmarble, Marvel, original authors. ton of clipping, can't fix.

Spider-Man MFF FFH
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 01, 2021, 08:29AM
Added a modification for Aquaman mod by Erik Lensheer,9312.0.html

Marvel, DC, DC Legends, Injustice 2 Mobile, NetherRealms, all dev, artist and everyone else related who made those games

Erik Lensherr for the original mod
Outsider for stateffect, blocking tips and other general tips
Outsider for Mystique and Deep six booster used for Aquaman Atlantean booster
Outsider for converted sounds
Aventureimax : all skins, except Justice League
ak2yny for all documentations, extract/combine tools
nikita484 for tools
Outsider, Julio for coding help

Requirement :
You need Deep Six mod from Outsider to have the Atlantean boost working:,8753.msg194225.html#msg194225

Notable Change:
The modification was mainly aimed to have lower coding related to the character to help avoiding game limit (because I try to play with a full Justice League team without hitting game limit), thus I removed some powers, removed the use of skinsegment, so previous Aquaman converted skins need to have their skinsegment removed to work with this mod. I also wanted to replace the basic atk. Screenflash effect removed from powers.

Captain America MUA2 Jumpsmash V2 updated
Replace his jumpsmash animation with his MUA2 counterpart :
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 25, 2021, 08:38AM
Added Penance Booster :

This booster includes all needed files, the main work is from Blaw and Gevth, credits to them, link to their release :
Blaw Mod:,2561.msg92806.html#msg92806

Gevth booster:

Credits Marvel Vicarious Vision Blaw and Gevth for the Original mod and asset MrK ak2yny Julio Outsider Anderson Aventureimax, nikita for tools tips and knowledge sharing.

Changes include new animations tweaked from MUA2 thx to MrK tips, updated sounds, removed useless fightmoves and minor tweaks.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 15, 2021, 11:09AM
Added Kamen Rider Decade Violent Emotion character mod, updated Penance mod to fix autospend issue reported by Cyborg Sun (thx), Batman Beyond updated with moved stateffect to powerstyle/blocking talent tips from Outsider, updated Harley Quinn booster with modified effect files to avoid the need to have Green Goblin files installed, also fixed the big Harley Box model, updated the primary skin hud, removal of block talent from herostat.

Now if you are wondering why Decade does not have Kamen Ride power, it's because I could not deal with game limitation, so I went for his Violent Emotion form and tried to not overload the powerstyle.
Now one day maybe I'll update previous released mod.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Geeks A-S on September 25, 2021, 09:37AM
Kamen rider decade? In MUA? If you make a a Zi-o mod you will become in the Kamen Rider Lord of this page
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on September 29, 2021, 12:48PM
Quote from: Geeks A-S on September 25, 2021, 09:37AM
Kamen rider decade? In MUA? If you make a a Zi-o mod you will become in the Kamen Rider Lord of this page

I want Zi-O but I'm not sure if I can do justice to him, with the game limitation, I can only have 4 forms and not many animations matching Zi-O, either base form+3Rider Armors or base form+3 Super Forms.
I was also thinking of directly making Ohma-Zi-O, but we haven't seen much of his powers in the show for a power set.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 10, 2021, 05:54AM
Added Super Test Guy character mod:

Why this mod?
Just for fast playtesting easy access to a character mod with necessary coding to test exported bolton+checking skin deformation. The mod is not meant for a normal playthough, as the character is very powerful.
Useful feature according to me :
- Speed boost+one hit kill for fast access to area to test whatever you want
- Growing that apply to your team to check skin deformation easier without squinting
- Bolton power show to check positioning
- Super health for Super Test Guy with insane amount of health and dropping Xtreme pip to fast test Xtreme without inputing cheat or using third party software.

Know problem
- The coding is lame, many leftover thing, it's just meant for being a Test Guy.
- Second costume passive are not showing, I don't know why
- Some boss during QTE can one shot Super Test Guy, I don't know why

Trivia: I wanted to name the character "Ultra Mega Super Test Guy" first lol
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 14, 2021, 10:05AM
Added Mannequins Pack 20:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: glockzerox on October 22, 2021, 05:34PM
THANKS but I cant find a mannequin for Quicksilver classic FF i seen your uncanny one but do you have the classic one? Either I'm over looking or it doesn't exist. Thank you for all you do for the community! :quicks:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 23, 2021, 12:42AM
Quote from: glockzerox on October 22, 2021, 05:34PM
THANKS but I cant find a mannequin for Quicksilver classic FF i seen your uncanny one but do you have the classic one? Either I'm over looking or it doesn't exist. Thank you for all you do for the community! :quicks:

I don't think I did one Classic version myself based on Anderson or Julio skin (I did one based on the MUA2 Wii version somewhere), I will include one in next Mannequin Pack.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Canino on October 25, 2021, 05:56AM
Quote from: glockzerox on October 22, 2021, 05:34PM
THANKS but I cant find a mannequin for Quicksilver classic FF i seen your uncanny one but do you have the classic one? Either I'm over looking or it doesn't exist. Thank you for all you do for the community! :quicks:

I got that one.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 08, 2021, 07:48AM
Added Link Hyrule Warriors Hero of Time
full credits to original authors
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 01, 2022, 08:31AM
Added Doctor Octopus V1, updated mod from Blaw
- Blaw mod is not necessary, all files are already included, still watch his thread for others goodies, without him the mod would not have been possible:,8049.0.html

Blaw for the first mod and everyone else who contributed to it
MUA3 for sounds, credits AceKombat, Pengui, Yretenai, Joschka
MrK for finding, tutorial, batch script to rename bones, compiling & decompiling sound files
Ceamonks890 for animation mixing and power sounds update
Julio, ak2yny, Outsider, nikita for help, tutorial & tools
Marvel, NetMarble & everyone who contributed to these games, asset and anim used from this game for anim & models
AndersonBrazil for Shattered-Dimension & Otto Octavius skin, hud & boltons
Sony for Otto Octavius image
Everyone else I forgot

Note about the mod:
-The mod is still wack because of some jittery animations I could not figure out how to fix, unlikely I'll update this mod as I found it wack without proper arms anim for all animations used
-I wished I could use an unique grab, throw, but too hard
-disabled dodge action for this character, because looked to bad and unrrealistic  for him
-If things are not working (powers, basic combo, outfit unlock), try unlock all powers cheat before reporting anything
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: edward on January 01, 2022, 10:05AM
That's so crazy amazing job!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Mynexus92 on January 04, 2022, 05:08PM
I've always had the original Doc Ock on my roster, but seeing him here with the tentacle walking and other attacks just feels so satisfying. Thank you for taking of my favourite mods and dialing up to 11.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Vlodomer on January 05, 2022, 08:45AM
I always believed that one day we will be able to see Doc Oc mod with the correct animation for his tentacles. Even though it is not yet ideal, seeing this just makes my head blow. I'm sure it will be even better as time goes on!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 04, 2022, 07:04AM
Added modification for Batman character mod:,+US+Agent.7z/file


- Previous Batman converted skins with skinsegments won't work, while it's possible to remove skinsegments of previous models, the cape won't fit well current run animation, unless you use Colossus run animation
I know many will be disappointed in this, but imo skins without igactor at xyz;000 need new conversion (sadly it was found very late was igactor was about, that is why many conversion have this problem), they don't behave well with custom animation and even vanilla anims (jump fall anim for example)
So I recommend waiting new Batman skins conversion from other modders for this character mod, or don't use this mod. The advantage now is that you can use any skin without segment for Batman.
- Cape is stiff, reason is I don't have the will to rig the cape
- No animated cape bolton, reason is it not doable, because Batman cape cover his shoulder causing insuferrable clipping

-Check my template (included in source folder) if you want to create new bolton, fx01 is needed in those bolton (no need to rig it, just place it, export and voilĂ )

Overall changes:
- Removal of al skinsegment to deal with segment limit in herostat, and mainly because it made skin conversion noticeably harder with the glider segment
- Removal of Batmobile and glide, they are indeed cool, but not practical to me
- Removed freeflow power, while good I don't use it
- Removed Sonic Batarang, redundant with Batarang imo, frees up a bit of triggers
- Removed the atk ground1+2 from Nick Fury (shooting with the Electrical gun anims)
- Changed most basic combo anims
- Remade boltons for more optimized file size+some fx dummy
- Reworked Batarang, Batclaw (renamed to Grapple Gun, because I could not find a Batclaw model low poly), Detective Mode (replaced the effect with Daredevil sonar-like effect), changed most anims
- Updated sounds, previous ones were way too loud
- Reorganized some pathfile
- aicanuse = false added for most powers using bolton for performance reason, to avoid AI to spam bolton

What is too difficult or impossible:
- No custom anims, too hard
- No cape physic, reason is Batman cape is tied to his shoulder making too difficult the addition of bolton, custom idle with cape physic is possible, but rigging cape for different skins will be a nightmare, clipping also not avoidable
- Glue Bomb, no model available

DC, Batman, MUA dev, Raven, Marvel, NetherRealms, MrUncleBingo, Julio, Jake (took some inspiration from Batman Nolan mod, which I recommend btw), Rocksteady, Outsider, nikita484, ak2yny, Canino, MattTurbular, Fortnite, Warner Bros, Blaw, DC Unchained, Sangyang An, Rocksteady, Injustice Mobite, Epic, Andersonbrazil, an unknown person for the loadscreen that looks awesome, and everyone I forgot sorry
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 16, 2022, 04:41AM

Longshot Strike Force, some skins update and unfinished stuff,+some+skins+update+and+unfinished+stuff.7z/file

Many skins need textures work, but I don't have the will to do trial and error.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 21, 2022, 04:01AM
Added :
Sonic asset, Black Bolt TV MH, Human Torch FF, Daredevil Netflix MH, Mr. Fantastic Classic MH updated rig:,+Black+Bolt+TV+MH,+Human+Torch+FF,+Daredevil+Netflix+MH,+Mr.+Fantastic+Classic+MH+updated+rig.7z/file

I don't plan to do Sonic chara mod as I'm not experienced enough to finish it, I can provide help if needed, I used Samus mod as a base for testing, I carefully removed unneeded coding, except for talent. Nothing really new here, mainly updated conversion with better rigging.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on May 29, 2022, 06:22AM
Lady Deathstrike Booster

Small booster for ragincajun mod:
Notable change, new internal name to ldsDLC, for consistent unique filenames. This booster is also actually in incomplete state, because I got tired of editing it.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 13, 2022, 07:47AM
The following mods is unfinished, I don't plan on updating it. I leave it there if anyone want to try it, mainly updated flight and skins, segment-less and fx-less.

Green Goblin mod UNFINISHED mix of Blaw and Dark_Mark

-Blaw for the original conversion,8049.0.html, plus Vicarious Vision and everyone who contributed to the PS2, PSP, WII port of MUA2
-Dark_Mark, I took his coding for the Xtreme, and many others powers+effect+sounds
-AndersonBrazil for MUA2 models conversion
-JulioCabral for idea
-aky2ny for MUA2 huds
-Julio Cabral for the Raimi movie skin, Jack O'Lantern, civilian skin (from Beyond Two Soul I think)
-Marvel Future Fight, Netmarble and their dev+artist for the great models and art asset
All MUA Community, especially Outsider for every help given, Julio Cabral, Maegawa, Blacthulu, Baconwizard, Teancum, defogexa, ak2yny, nikita, Anderson, Aventureimax, and everyone I forgot
-MUA2 dev & voice actor (Armin Shimerman ) for the audio, Raven Software, Marvel
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 26, 2022, 12:11PM
Added skins :
Black Cat Spider-Man Edge of Time
Buzz Lightyear Mirrorverse
Electro MFF No Way Home
Prince of Persia Warrior Within
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 21, 2022, 08:45AM
Storm Summer MFF
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: scottsum on July 22, 2022, 01:54PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on July 21, 2022, 08:45AM
Storm Summer MFF
This is excellent!
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 05, 2022, 04:15AM
Little booster for Obi-Wan & Vader mod from Julio Cabral:
-Notable change are removal of boost from Obi-Wan, segments removal, updated sounds, lightsaber, there is still lots of issue you can check in the .txt

dasliebesverbot for the Lightsaber effect+model:
Juilio for the original mod
Caemonks for anim mixing
LucasArt, EA, Disney, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith dev, voice actor, all artists
Everyone I've put in the credits of my main thread, and everyone I forgot sorry
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on August 30, 2022, 06:48AM

Booster for the following, code cleanup, removal of bolton, THERE IS NO ULTRA INSTINCT NOR ULTRA EGO.

Vegeta Booster credits Julio for the original mod
Goku Booster credits Outsider+Aventureimax+Julio for the original mod
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 28, 2022, 01:30PM
Cyborg Booster:


Erik Lensherr for the original mod:,9312.msg179004.html#msg179004
Blaw for P1 coding, effect
AndersonBrazil for Justice League Injustice 2 Mobile skin conversion
Aventureimax for Missiles launcher coding, effect
Dr. Bruce Banner - 4 skins and mannequin.
aventureiromax - 4 skins and second mannequin.
MelloMods - Plasma Stream power coding.
OCP authors, XML dev, Marvel, NetherRealms, Julio, Outsider, ak2yny, Blaw, Injustice God Amongs, Injustice 1+Mobile, Injustice 2 Mobile Us dev & artist, voice actor, DC Unchained animators, nikita484 for amazing tools! + everyone I forgot sorry
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 17, 2023, 08:22AM
Scarlet Witch MCOC & Menu anims tweak to minimize hand clipping for converted models:

Ironheart Wakanda Forever
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 21, 2023, 09:59AM
Magik Booster Unfinished:
credits Sbarth13 for the original mod:,8142.msg145755.html#msg145755
Joker mini Booster:
credits to Blaw for the original mod+original credits:,8049.0.html
Vision Booster:
credits Maegawa for the original mod :,9124.msg189089.html#msg189089

Also credits to everyone I mentioned in the first post
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 27, 2023, 11:52AM
Spider-Man 2099 MCOC skin
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Teancum on January 31, 2023, 08:06PM
Could you reupload Wolverine Strike Force? Thanks.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: Ceamonks890 on February 01, 2023, 12:47AM
Quote from: Teancum on January 31, 2023, 08:06PM
Could you reupload Wolverine Strike Force? Thanks.

I have it saved in my publicly available community archives. Here ya go-
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 12, 2023, 02:17PM
Updated Batman booster with Outsider's gliding code:

Changelog V3:
-Added glide from Outsider mods with new cape_segment (that will be hidden while gliding) and bolton for cape in gliding mode
Why not making the gliding cape a segment? To avoid segment code in herostat, since there is a limit of overall segment per characters
-new loadscreen
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on April 25, 2023, 10:57AM
Thanos Booster based on Julio Cabral Booster:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on June 30, 2023, 04:53AM
Flash Booster, credits Maegawa for the original mod:
Supergirl Booster, credits Outsider and Scottsum for the original mods:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on July 09, 2023, 07:50AM
Taskmaster Booster based on Outsider mod:
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 08, 2023, 02:51PM
Medusa Booster:


Neeboo Nine & Sbarth13 for the first mod and everyone else who contributed to it
Marvel, Marvel Heroes dev, animators, artist, Gazillion, icons textures
MUA3 for sounds, credits AceKombat, Pengui, Yretenai, Joschka
MrK for finding, tutorial, batch script to rename bones, compiling & decompiling sound files
Julio, ak2yny, deforexa, Outsider, nikita, MrK, BloodyMares (retarrgeting found), TurbularSpaceMan for help, discovery, tutorial & tools
esrgan for upscale tools, rokoklo for amazing retargeting tools, 3ds Max, Autodesk, Blender Foundation
Outsider for tutorial, effect from Sindel mod
idrinkdrpepper for Omega Red Red Amor boost effect
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 voice actress Teresa Gallagher and dev
NetherRealms for Sindel hair woosh sounds, sounds makers
Marvel, Disney, Netmarble artists & everyone who contributed to these games, asset and anim used from this game for anim & models
Everyone else I forgot

Note about the mod:
-If things are not working (powers, basic combo, outfit unlock), try unlock all powers cheat before reporting anything

-Hair hole during some powers, need to cap hole these meshes area in 3ds max
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on October 09, 2023, 01:06PM
Medusa booster fixed power dmg thx to bryan report & Jake fix:
Doctor Fate booster (credit Erik Lensherr for the original mod):


Erik Lensherr, Aventureimax for the first mod
Marvel, Marvel Heroes dev, animators, artist, Gazillion, icons textures
MrK for finding, tutorial, batch script to rename bones, compiling & decompiling sound files
Julio, ak2yny, deforexa, Outsider, nikita, MrK, BloodyMares (retarrgeting found), TurbularSpaceMan for help, discovery, tutorial & tools
esrgan for upscale tools, rokoklo for amazing retargeting tools, 3ds Max, Autodesk, Blender Foundation
NetherRealms, Injustice 2 team, sounds makers, David Sobolov voice actor
Dorpond - texture's offsets for ankh, DCUO sounds.
Tien Shinhan - Possession ability.
Outsider - Dominance ability with blocking method.
Raven, Vicarious Vision, Alchemy Intrinsic
Marvel, Disney, Netmarble artists & everyone who contributed to these games, asset and anim used from this game for anim & models
Everyone else I forgot

Note about the mod:
-If things are not working (powers, basic combo, outfit unlock), try unlock all powers cheat before reporting anything

-cape not animated for common animation
-no custom hud for Sentinel of Magic skins

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on December 15, 2023, 03:48AM
Raven Mini Booster V1
This is more of a reducer (still heavy on coding part though) with added cape animations based on Erik Lensheer and Scottsum modifications.


Erik Lensherr, Aventureimax for the first mod
Scottsum for the booster, coding, feedback
Aventureiromax - DCUO skins, huds
Guiguis - Fortnite skin, hud
Outsider - loadscreen
Marvel, Marvel Heroes dev, animators, artist, Gazillion, icons textures
MrK for finding, tutorial, batch script to rename bones, compiling & decompiling sound files
Julio, ak2yny, deforexa, Outsider, nikita, MrK, BloodyMares (retargeting found), Fortnite, Epic Games, for discovery, asset, tutorial & tools
esrgan for upscale tools, rokoklo for amazing retargeting tools, 3ds Max, Autodesk, Blender Foundation
NetherRealms, Injustice team, sounds makers, David Sobolov voice actor
Dorpond - texture's offsets for ankh, DCUO sounds.
Tien Shinhan - Possession ability.
Outsider - Dominance ability with blocking method.
Raven, Vicarious Vision, Alchemy Intrinsic
Marvel, Disney, Netmarble artists & everyone who contributed to these games, asset and anim used from this game for anim & models
Everyone else I forgot

Note about the mod:
-If things are not working (powers, basic combo, outfit unlock), try unlock all powers cheat before reporting anything

-cape not animated for common animations, and the Trigon skins, maybe in a future update.

Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 19, 2025, 06:43AM
Psylocke Default & Vengeance Marvel RIVALS:

Character model converted from "Marvel Rivals"
Original design by NetEase Games and Marvel Entertainment.
ProfEscanor for Eyes textures
nikita484, ak2yny, MrK, fmodel authors for helps and tools.
Title: Invisible Woman Default and First Family Marvel RIVALS : Magneto Marvel RIVALS
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on January 23, 2025, 09:39AM
Invisible Woman Default and First Family Marvel RIVALS

Magneto Default and King Magnus Marvel RIVALS

Character model converted from "Marvel Rivals"
Original design by NetEase Games and Marvel Entertainment.
ProfEscanor for Eyes textures
nikita484, ak2yny, MrK, fmodel authors for helps and tools.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: UltraMegaMagnus on February 15, 2025, 08:50AM
Fornite Iron Man Prime
Fornite Iron Man Classic

Credit to Marvel, Disney, Raven Software, Vicarious Visions, and Activision for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, and to Epic Games for Fortnite. Also, credit to the original authors of the game models used.
nikita484 for many tools, fmodel, umodel authors, Autodesk, 3ds Max, Blender.
Title: Re: UltraMegaMagnus's stuff FOR MUA 2006 PC ONLY - NO REQUEST
Post by: NoahTheNerd on February 27, 2025, 05:36PM
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on January 23, 2025, 09:39AMInvisible Woman Default and First Family Marvel RIVALS

Magneto Default and King Magnus Marvel RIVALS

Character model converted from "Marvel Rivals"
Original design by NetEase Games and Marvel Entertainment.
ProfEscanor for Eyes textures
nikita484, ak2yny, MrK, fmodel authors for helps and tools.

I saw on gamebanana you gave Invisible Woman her rivals animations, is that like a booster i can download or...?