Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Cohollow on May 07, 2019, 07:37AM

Title: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 07, 2019, 07:37AM
I made this thread to be a place where i can post clips and info on current projects and get feed back from the community. I plan to make a booster for every in game character and update them frequently until they have a good balance and no bugs. After that i will see about making boosters for the characters made by the very talented modders of this community. Please give me feedback on what you like, don't like and any ideas you have for the characters I'm working on! 
:xavier:  The world needs dreamers to give it a soul  :xavier:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 07, 2019, 07:40AM

:rogue: I am currently working on a few moves for rogue. this clip demonstrates 2 that i think will replace powertheft and energy overload, whatchu think? I also think ill add a passive that turns some incoming damage into EP gain if i can :rogue:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 08, 2019, 06:23AM
Rogues final touches


She has many changes but most notably 4 new abilities

- Lifted Smash a popup uppercut folled by a heavy knockback smash

- Sapping Strangle stun enemy and has a debuff i have yet to choose and when the target dies it releases radial energy damage

- Absorption you'll notice in the gif she turns incoming damage into EP

- Energy Crush a 200 degree arc of energy knockback
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 08, 2019, 06:30AM
Very interesting changes!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 08, 2019, 07:23AM
thx my dude! the debuff of sapping strangle will be an atk and def reduction, taking the place of bedazzle
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 08, 2019, 06:25PM

:cyclops: Lasers lasers and more lasers! playing around with optic boom which launches an enemy back that then explodes. Baconwizard incorporated accuracy from the first xmen legends and i may do the same. t'is a very good idea :cyclops:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 09, 2019, 03:19PM

testing out a couple attacks and they're hella fun

Optic Boom a blast launches back the target who then explodes

Unleash removes visor and blasts enemies with two attacks that stun and trip in an arc
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: MelloMods on May 09, 2019, 04:10PM
Awesome that you're working on XML2 Mods/boosters.

Also digging the gifs.

A picture speaks 1000 words!

but a gif...

keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 09, 2019, 05:20PM
thx mello, i hope i can add some fun goodies for ppl play around with. im pretty fresh to the whole modding thing but hopefully ill be getting better and giving ppl some crazier stuff soon enough. things with diff skins and such. Also stoked to see your maverick mod for MUA. Deffs need to try my hand at MUA mods once ive gotten well versed over on XML.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 11, 2019, 12:45AM

Having fun with deadpool and have plans to add some fun abilities names and descriptions such as
Here Comes the Boom BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM i wanna go BOOM BOOM

I'm also playing around with using the descriptions that appear when using xtremes to have random message from deadpool to the player so this booster may take more time to get finished  :deadpool:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 11, 2019, 09:36AM
 :deadpool: I'm here and kicking butt! Go check out my booster, and get jiggy with it :deadpool:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 11, 2019, 10:21AM
 :rogue: I just noticed that rogues lifting smash requires torpedo strike to unlock, i will fix this soon!  :rogue:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 12, 2019, 04:44AM
Looks like Deadpools here comes the boom ability isnt costing EP. ill fix this soon enough but for now ya'll gotta freebie :P
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 12, 2019, 05:27AM
:rogue: Rogue Update 1 :rogue:

- Lifting Smash no longer requires torpedo strike

- absorbent recovers more EP and requires a lower level to max out

- Energy Crush requires less EP and requires a point in Sapping Strangle

Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 12, 2019, 10:45AM

playing with different bullet types

- cryo barrage

- acid rain

- explosive shots

Is this overdoing it with all the different damage types and is there a bullet effect i should consider?
also having a hard time deciding whether the explosive shot should be physical or fire damage
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 12, 2019, 04:23PM

I'm having a hard time getting the more unique aspects of this bishop booster to work properly and balanced but heres a small look at what i have so far. I may need to shelve this project and come back to it if i cant come up with some solutions
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 13, 2019, 07:32AM
 :bishop: So i fell in luv with 2 different playstyles and now Bishop will have 8 powers, 4 gun based and 4 energy based that compliment each build respectively. It may be difficult to go both routes with the point demand so i'm designing him to take benefit from going one route or the other. This has surprisingly been the most troublesome booster thus far so i really hope it comes out well and you all enjoy it!  :bishop:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 13, 2019, 03:11PM
 :scarletw: next up is scarlet witch  :scarletw: Due to this character being introduced with poorly defined powers and multiple retcon, the possibilities are nearly endless. It's disappointing to see such a character largely limited to only using hex bolts so i hope i can get a bit more wild with it. Such a prospect is both intimidating and exciting!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 14, 2019, 03:22PM

:scarletw: Did you see me get knocked towards the water at the top of the stairs, and save it with a quick teleport?? XD that was so dope!
Having fun testing out 3 new moves ive been working on, so far so good  :scarletw:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 15, 2019, 10:53AM

I goofed again and had some abilities that required a point in abilities further down the tree but i fixed that, rlly srry about that. noone seems to let me know so i dont find out until i go back and test things out. Will be sure to keep fixing any mistake i find in the future!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 15, 2019, 01:54PM

The lovely lady is ready to rock!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 17, 2019, 09:41AM
Been doing alot of field testing with the existing boosters, and i see many things that can be fixed/improved. Expect updates to many boosters in the near future. Also as i get into the rest of the characters things may get difficult as alot of them (wolverine,nightcrawler) work really well and feel great as it stands. I think the next thing i wish to do is make sabertooth and wolverine more unique to themselves. Hope everyones enjoying what i've got done so far, and remember criticism is super helpful! :D
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 17, 2019, 09:55AM
Also noticed something srange about rogue heal ability. Let me know about any other existing bugs and ill see about doing a fix
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 17, 2019, 04:09PM

My main goal is to make sabretooth feel separate from wolverine, otherwise whats the point in him being there? So to start off, im working on a move to replace lunge. I plan on it being similar in fashion, but being more suited to his size and attack style
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Dream Weaver on May 18, 2019, 05:07AM
Though I decided against Sabretooth for my game due to plot reasons and him being so close to Logan, one of my suggestions would be to set him to "Wrestling" melee style like how he was in X-Men Legends 1. This would at least make his melee attack style functionally somewhat different. Slower yet stronger. Maybe also give him a charging move like Colossus' to replace one of those copy/paste powers he got from the "runt".
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 18, 2019, 09:55AM
Thx for the ideas! I'm super down to set him tot he wrestling style and ive been considering a charge attack that ends in the usual lunge ground attack but having each slash do a damage tick as apposed to the single tick on the tail end of the attack with possible auto KO
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 19, 2019, 06:47PM

The above gif shows the trouble i'm having with the lunge land animation. The charge chains to wall lunge which then chains to lunge land. As you can see the lunge doesnt change the direction im going in and i end up rolling back towards the wall. I've tried many different anglelock setups and nothing seems to help. Plz help me out so i can finish up this new move!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 19, 2019, 08:33PM

Playing with 3 new attacks!

South paw

Feral Roll

unnamed charge
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: DamesMaximoff on May 20, 2019, 10:59AM
Late to the party, but a big fan of your booster for Wanda! Much appreciated to have unique ideas for powersets!  :scarletw:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 20, 2019, 11:57AM
Thx dames, I'm glad ur into it. I have lots of boosters and character mods planned for the near future, so buckle up :P Once I've hit up all the stock characters I'll be going over them again for fixes and improvements. After that i'm thinking I'll make some character mods for the NPC's such as sauron and mystique etc. I may hit up existing mods made by the community such as the one for Beast. Especially the one for Beast!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 20, 2019, 11:59AM
Also checked out ur mods for Wanda. The red effects look rlly good and i'm super into the skins you made!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 20, 2019, 05:21PM

Sorry I've been teasing this booster for so long, but theres been a few roadblocks. To make it up to you I've posted another teaser :D

Reasons for delay

1 - They literally copy and pasted wolverine to sabretooth, many fixes were needed
2 - Endless coding road blocks and trying to over do the complexity of some attacks
3 - I start testing abilities and then i dont stop for far too long

p.s. What sort of monster put Sabretooth in this game without the ability to throw wolverine?
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 21, 2019, 09:52AM
Sabretooth is finally up!, (,
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 21, 2019, 05:18PM

:iceman: So I've decided on the next project. This is my #1 fav character to play as in this game. The super smooth feel of the abilities with iceman kept me from making a booster sooner. It's time :iceman:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 22, 2019, 12:40AM
It would seem the trouble i ran into with bishops explosive shots is the same thing thats buggered up with icemans cold crush. elemental combat adds damage to the explosion of cold crush and energy combat was increasing the damage of explosive shot for bishop which is why i wasn't able to make that ability act as id intended. Considering I can't seem to find a solution I may just build explosive shot the way i wanted to originally and just not wrry about the damage boost of energy combat. Bishops explosive shot is going to function far better when i update him
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 23, 2019, 01:05PM
Iceman was nearly finished when i got a bit sidetracked. Sorry about the broken frames, I'm struggling with a p.c that seems to be on its last legs :(


:beast: I built this character mod outta the files in Teancum's XML1 project, and have asked permission to share it with you fine folk. I hope i get the go ahead because he's super fun. Abilties now scale with the striking stat, Big changes to sounds, effects, and animations. Also added some abilities and plan to add a buff (probably called Animal Within) that will add bleed damage to attacks for a time. Iceman will be out soon, and i doubt he'll disappoint! :iceman:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: hemlot on May 23, 2019, 11:31PM
You are so prolific! Will that Beast have only one skeleton?
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 24, 2019, 01:13PM
i wish i could tell you, but I still don't have a good understanding of the skeletons and their tie to the animations. Tho I can note that i have yet to crash while building this mod. On a side note, my builds are taking more time now that my p.c. has decided it hates me. I'll still be dropping new stuff regularly just not as quickly as i'd like to.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 26, 2019, 07:13PM

Today I built special jump abilities and attacks to be unlocked in an agility passive
Yesterday i built a new xtreme that radiates enemies
2 days ago I built a boost that adds bleed damage to beasts attacks
all the days before i built crap loads of other stuff you will see soon

I've been meticulously combing every aspect of beasts abilities, sounds, and effects to make him feel dope and balanced in every way I can! It's taking a lot of time, but the final product will be amazing!. When using Beast it'll feel natural as tho he was built by the game designers themselves (aside from a lack of broken abilities and effects)

Tho there is one odd thing that can happens with this Beast mod. If you've played XML1 you are likely aware of a bug that caused the sentinels to fire your characters out of themselves. From time to time Beast will do this, but its him that fires out enemies. It doesnt seem to make for any issues and isnt common enough to break him or anything, but it is odd, and pretty funny. I'm not sure I can find the cause but, it's a rather minor bug that isn't very worrying.

Beast uses two skeletons and i may in the future build one that only uses one. I also think my mods are moving beyond the scope of just boosters so i'll probably make a sneak peak thread that isn't hidden in the boosters section soon.  :beast: gahhh im so stoked that Beast is a character in my game now, and has shaped up to be my fav dude to play as thus far! XD :beast:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 27, 2019, 12:52AM
Also I was reading up on how to go about adding a roster picture for Beast, and decided booooooo. If anyone is willing to make a roster pic work for me I'll flow u an early download of this mod so you can implement a roster photo of him, and I'll be sure to credit you for your help when the Beast download goes up. If anyone has the time to do me this fav plz plz plz pm me and we'll work it out. It's the only thing this mod is missing to be complete, aside from minor tweaks im still doing here and there. Also, a big thx to everyone keeping up with my projects and showing support!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 27, 2019, 07:43AM
I might be able to help!

Also, have you considered adding any science-based attacks to Beast? I feel like the original mod hardly utilizes that part of his character
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Dream Weaver on May 27, 2019, 10:30AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on May 27, 2019, 07:43AM
I might be able to help!

Also, have you considered adding any science-based attacks to Beast? I feel like the original mod hardly utilizes that part of his character

I second this. Leaving behind a booby trap, summoning a drone of some kind, or using a blaster weapon can really help make Beast feel like Dr. Hank McCoy instead of just "slightly more agile Colossus/Sabretooth". If you scrapped the booby trap that Cyclops used, you could give that to the good ol' doc.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 27, 2019, 11:47AM
 :beast: Hey those great ideas guys! thx I think i may need to go about doing exactly that. I'll flow Bacon Wizard my files so he can see about helping me out too :beast:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on May 29, 2019, 12:31AM
Good news! I'm working with a couple other dope modders to bring you a big, hella dope mod. I won't give anything away until it's ready, but expect an overhaul of your game and characters once it's finished. Tho I'm sorry to say, this does mean my own projects are temporarily put on hold while we hammer this thing out. Be well homies!
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 07, 2019, 12:56PM

:beast: I took some time to finish up Beast and now I've just gotta figure out how I want to organise the download thread. Expect a link soon!! :beast:
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 07, 2019, 04:17PM
Release The Beast!,10592.0.html
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 08, 2019, 12:38PM

Imagine a world where storms wind powers dont fizzle out most of the time, and cast properly every time! Beautiful isn't it?
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 10, 2019, 04:01PM
So theres alot of really cool character mods people have made. I'd like to use them as a base to make some fleshed out character mods because i dont know how to go about making alot of the pieces that go into building a character from the ground up. Problem is, they'd prefer that i request permission before using their builds and havent been on the site for years. It'd be a shame to let em sit and collect dust, thoughts?
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 10, 2019, 04:06PM
The main things that have caught my eye atm are matt's dope angel mod and nodoubts blob and quicksilver mods. nether have been on for a looooong time
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Dream Weaver on June 10, 2019, 08:48PM
Blob, eh? I modded the original download on here a fair bit. One special melee (non-powered) move I gave him was when you do the "heavy" melee attack while in mid-air. Since he's so big and clumsy, I have him smash into the ground in a belly flop causing the "auto-knockback" on all enemies vulnerable to it.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 07:25AM
yes i think the blob would make for an interesting play style considering his mass. Tho, blob actually isnt as slow as one might expect.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 07:28AM
so i've made a new thread where you can keep up with what i'm working on. If you've enjoyed my work thus far, please come to the new thread and join in on the conversation! I don't think any future work will be shown on this thread.

New sneak peek thread:,
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Dream Weaver on June 11, 2019, 11:02AM
Quote from: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 07:25AM
yes i think the blob would make for an interesting play style considering his mass. Tho, blob actually isnt as slow as one might expect.

Especially when the AI takes hold of him. =p
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 01:16PM
if i've learned anything form years of video games, its that the ai never plays fair :P
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 02:29PM
i wish i could figure out y blob runs so fast when hes under ai control. It drives me nuts
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Dream Weaver on June 11, 2019, 03:11PM
I spent a long time trying to work out the glitches with Blob. I got most under control. I can send you my version of his PS and/or Talent file if you'd like to cross reference it with yours to see what works.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on June 11, 2019, 08:46PM
process of elimination led me to 30_blob_hero.igb for all the weird stuff that happens when the ai is in control. I don't yet have the knowledge or tools to work with igb files so im using the original blob file and making changes to his basic combos using the powerstyle coding. Thx for the offer tho, i appreciate it. At this point little to nothing remains of nodoubts original character mod.
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 12, 2019, 06:51PM
Unfortunately, it's not really possible to change the animations in XML2
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Daniel Kings on September 26, 2019, 04:53PM
Yo Cohollow, are you still working on your boosters, like Jean and Sunfire ?
Title: Re: Booster Sneak Peek
Post by: Cohollow on September 30, 2019, 09:35AM
yes! i still have some boosters planned tho they will be awhile down the road as some irl stuff has taken focus for the time being. i shall return soon enough homies!