Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: matt710 on September 24, 2007, 01:33PM

Title: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: matt710 on September 24, 2007, 01:33PM
XML2 Boosters:

Colossus :colossus: : (Updated 08/07/08)
     More Info:

Iceman :iceman: :
     More Info:
     Notes: Iammingy's Post X-Factor (0807) and BLaw's Training skins included with Booster.

Jean Grey :phoenix: : (Updating Soon)
     More Info:
     Note: White Phoenix of the Crown skin made by DarkMythology

Rogue :rogue: : (Released 07/31/08)
     More Info:
     Notes: Xtreme, Evolution, and Retro skins made by shafcrawler.  Classic skin made by Norrin Radd

Storm  :storm: : (Updated 08/07/08)
     More Info:
     Note: Xtreme skin made by shafcrawler

Wolverine :wolverine: : (Released 08/11/08)
     More Info:
     Note:  Morrison and X-Force skins made by BLaw

Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: Teancum on September 24, 2007, 02:03PM
Someone should do Animated Series Colossus.  It's just Pete with a white tank top and jeans, so it shouldn't be all that tough.

Sweet work though man.  Mind if I put that in the future Xbox XML2 mod?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 24, 2007, 02:36PM
Thanks.  No problem any of my work you are more than welcome to.  I am going to do Rogue as the next boost.  As well as PS2 skin updates for Storm and Jean.  The other thing I want to do is Black Cat but her animations are giving me trouble.  So she is on hold until Nodoubt gets back to re-explain how to do the MUA skeleton as a fightstyle.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 24, 2007, 05:12PM
I am doing a Colossus Booster right now that is almost done.  Here are previews. 


Move wise I added Juggernuat's rage attack (slightly altered for Colossus) and added it so that he can break through walls durring Unbreakable. (mainly because I know that a lot of people, including myself, omitted Juggernuat from their rosters).  I also added his regualar attack special effects from MUA.  Talent wise Brawler and Galvanize were merged (to make room for the new move).  Also I added resistance to cold and fire (since he is supposed to withstand them).  The other thing I noticed while adding cold and fire is that radiation resistance was already in the list but never mentioned.  I left it alone.


These are PS2 skins from the XML2 PS2 skin pack that are included in the booster


These are PS2 skins from the MUA PS2 skin pack that are included in the booster


These are new PS2 skins that I created. The first is similar to the one in X3, the second is when he joined Magneto, and the third one I am not too happy about, but then realized it was already in XML2 as well.  That one may not be in the booster.

I also did all new conversation huds that are unique to each skin (except Champion of Rhodes because I couldn't find anything to use and Astonishing because it was included with the game)

I also plan on doing Rogue and a few others, as well as updates on Jean and Storm.  I will post Colossus when he is done.



Ok just like the other 2 boosters I give you skin choices.

01 - Astonishing *
02 - AOA *
03 - Ultimate *
09 - X3 *
10 - Yellow and Blue *
14 - Acolyte *
21 - Original *
22 - Champ of Rhodes
23 - Xtreme *
24 - Skin form (XML2) *
25 - Skin form (mine)

The ones with stars are included already in the herostats I supply.  Enjoy
Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: BliZZ on September 24, 2007, 05:23PM
It is "Acolyte", not "Apocolyte" :thumbsup: Also, I was gonna suggest an Outback skin, seeing as how that time period always seems forgotten in these games, but I digress.....

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 24, 2007, 06:06PM
Thanks I didn't realize I did that.  Actually I was going to do the Outback skin, but couldn't find a skin that had the bare chest.  Those muscular definitions in metal would be very difficult.  I failed twice on it.   And it was a skin I definately wanted!! :bawling:  Oh well.  The movie skin was its replacement and that came out cool.  Anyway, I will definately get in the mood to attempt it, maybe after I finish everything on my plate.  Next up Updates on Jean and Storm, and then Rogue.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: Noelemahc on September 25, 2007, 09:31AM
As far as suggestions go, there's also the Proletarian. Y'know, the Arcade-brainwashed Peter believeing he's working for the KGB... I know he's had, like, ZERO screen time, he only appeared for two issues. But hey, Colossus, in red overalls with a portrait of Lenin on the front? Can't go any crannbery-er* than that.

* - Old nation-wide in-joke of Russia. Refers to improper portrayal of Russians and Russian culture by foreigners because of misunderstanding or general belief in the cliches. Called so because the oldest known cranberry-style remark was concerned with "lots of cranberries growing on trees in Russia". Other good examples of cranberry-ness are assumptions that all Russians drink vodka dawn to dusk, that all Russians use samovars and that bears wander free and unattended in the streets of Russian cities. Even in Moscow.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 25, 2007, 10:09PM
I don't know which one that is.  I will have to look it up.  Do you know what year or issues that was.  I have all the comics from the first to mid 2006 on a DVD.  I'll take a look if you can tell me the whereabouts.

Anyway on to Storm update.  I ripped ps2 skins for her that were missing from other packs and will upload her soon after I fix the missing effect in her flash freeze and add her special regular attack effects from MUA.  Anyway I just finished a Storm (The End) skin, which will be included in the pack I upload later.  Here is a preview of it:
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: jonchang on September 25, 2007, 10:14PM
I like the bout Storm X3? Jean X3?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 25, 2007, 10:28PM
I looked into that and the problem is that there are only 2 characters with hari short enough for that.  One is Storm's AOA and she has the pointed shoulders, so that won't work.  The other is Jean XML1, however with it being only 128 and all the things that stick out it wouldn't do either.  So I gave up on that one. 
As for Jean you are ruining my surprise!  I was looking to add X3 Dark Phoenix to the Dark Phoenix's costume wardrobe since I will remove the 3 Goblin Queen skins from her roster when I update her.  The problem is if somebody, like me, has both my Dark Phoenix and Goblin Queen mods you can actually have 2 of them.  So She will probably get X3 Dark Phoenix, X-Men Generation X (a fighting game from years ago) buring Dark Phoenix, and possibly Phoenixstorm (If I can find the right skin, it seems I will either have to ditch the crown or the sholder pads)  Thanks for the suggestions though.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: Noelemahc on September 26, 2007, 05:46AM
QuoteDo you know what year or issues that was
One of the first visits to Murderworld for the All-New X-Men, IIRC. Obviously, since it's got Colossus in there :) So I guess it's gonna be somewhere in the early hundreds.

I'll have to go look the exact number up, of course, 'cos my memory ain't what it used to be.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: BliZZ on September 26, 2007, 09:02AM
X-Men (1st series) #123-124

Ths costume with the goofy red overalls. (5th image from the top)
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 26, 2007, 08:49PM
Oh that one!  Now I know what your talking about.  Thanks.  I don't know if that one is even possible to do since it isn't bilaterally symetric. 

Anyway here is the Storm Booster update:

PS2 Skins included are (Astered numbers are in herostat file already change what you want):

01 Storm Astonishing (MUA) *
02 Storm AOA (XML2) *
03 Storm Ultimate Spikey Hair (XML2) *
04 Storm Ultimate Ponytail (XML1)
05 Storm Mohawk (MUA) *
06 Storm Classic (MUA) *
07 Storm Ultimate Long Hair (MUA)
08 Storm Training Uniform (Mine) *
09 Storm The End (Mine) *
21 Storm Original (XML2) *
22 Storm Street Clothes (XML2)
23 Xtreme Storm (XML2) *

I ripped the last 3 and skin 0403.  0404 was from the skin megapack.  All the other XML2 skins were in the PS2 XML2 skin pack and the MUA one were from the PS2 MUA skin Pack. I created skins 8 and 9 and the long haired 3d hud.  I also added more conversation huds to the pack.

Here are the previews of the skins:


I also added storm's wind flying effect and regular attack effects from MUA.


Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 26, 2007, 09:07PM
For those of you who already downloaded the storm pack I had forgotten to hex edit one of the skins.  So you don't have to download the whole thing, here is the file that was changed.  Sorry again.

Just put it in the actors folder.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 26, 2007, 09:17PM
Up next is Jean.

She will have a lot of skins to choose from because I am adding some of Dark Phoenix's skins to the bunch.  Not all of them though.  Also I am adding in a training uniform.  It would be easy since storm uses Medusa's skin from MUA (Basically Phoenix without the sash)for her training uniform.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 27, 2007, 10:44PM
Preview of Goblin Queen Skins crossed over to PS2 format.  They were all touched up and given Jean's lips and eyes so it didn't look like selene with red hair.  Very little impreovement on Goblin Queen and the End skins.  I just fixed some flaws.  The Black Rook skin, however, got a major revamping, as will Dark Phoenix's Black Queen skin.   Madelyne's Cape connects to a new gold broach with a ruby in it.  Also I shortened the corsette and tightened it, which also give her more cleavage.  I also rounded the top instead of making it square off.  Here are previews:
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: iammingy on September 27, 2007, 10:50PM
How did you make half of the cape red and the other half purple? or was that just the lighting? haha
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 27, 2007, 10:56PM
Just the lighting in the character menu.  Outside it is all red.  Looks funny in the menu though.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 28, 2007, 01:22PM
Dark Phoenix let her hair down in this one, quite litterally.  Of course I couldn't do a bun like its supposed to be (:bawling:), but I tried to make it as much to the comic as possible.
I used the pictures in my X-Men: The Ultimate Guide book and saw that her Black Queen outfit was much more modest so I needed to do quite a number of alterations, like extend down the corsette, tighten it, more cover in the underwear area, and slightly covered shoulder (cape).  Also colored it more black, since it was much darker than that of Selene's in the book.  I also changed the boots to like it was in the comics.  So...

Behold the Black Queen, Dark Phoenix, in all her glory.  Long Live the Queen.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: jonchang on September 29, 2007, 02:49AM
Very nice! Long live the Queen indeed!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 29, 2007, 04:03PM
Alrighty, Jean just needs new package files and she is done.  Here are preveiws of the skins.
Note the other 4 skins I showed earlier will be in the pack as well.

Ultimate from my rip, Dark Phoenix from MUA skin pack, AOA from XML2 ps2 skin pack, Original from XML2 PS2 skin pack, and I ripped the Classic Phoenix costume.

XML1 Ultimate from Mega Skin Pack, Xtreme Jean made by me, X-Factor Jean made by me, and Jim Lee Jean made by iammingy with my touch ups on the face.

I am also adding these skins from my dark Phoenix Mod:

Classic Dark Phoenix made by me, Dark Future Phoenix made by me, White Phoenix by Dark Mythology, AOA Dark Phoenix made by me.

Sun Goddess will also be included with a PS2 skin, but is not pictured.

These will not be included in the pack but will be used for Dark Phoenix's final update (it will be final unless someone cracks the PSP sounds for PC usage).  I will not include these because the left one is Emma Frost as Dark Phoenix and the right one is a variation of skin 0221 with altered eyes and the yellow was muted a little to look like she did on the cover of when Phoenix was first introduced.


Look forward to the pack soon.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on September 29, 2007, 09:38PM
Ok here is the booster for Jean.

Admin note: The link for this booster has been down for some time, and no other versions have been found.

PS2 skins are: (Asters mean they are in the herostats already)

01 Dark Phoenix Modern *
02 AOA *
03 Ultimate Long Hair *
04 Sun Goddess (Gladiator)
05 Ultimate Short Hair *
14 X-Factor Red *
15 Jim Lee (By Iammingy)*
20 Original *
21 Classic Phoenix *
23 Xtreme *
51 Classic Dark Phoenix
53 White Phoenix of the Crown (By Darkmythology)
54 Black Rook (Goblin Queen)
55 Goblin Queen Classic
56 Dark Future
57 Dark Phoenix AOA
58 The End (Goblin Queen)
60 Black Queen (Dark Phoenix)

Nobody better say that they wish that she had more skins!!!!   :D

Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: dark_raven on March 16, 2008, 02:37PM
Could you put the skin of Emma Frost as Phoenix?

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: apollo on April 12, 2008, 01:49PM
The Emma Frost Phoenix skin is available in the Dark Phoenix Mod.
I don't think it's been released separately.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: becoming_myself on May 29, 2008, 01:01PM
Great work I love all skins from Storm  :storm: and Jean Grey :phoenix:

I saw u want to update it and if u want an idea u should do this costume from Storm:


It's the one which wears now

Hope u like the idea
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: shafcrawler on May 30, 2008, 01:23AM
I wanna try making that one. I don't know why i didn't before.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on July 28, 2008, 12:28AM
Alrighty Rougue is almost done, I just have to add skins to it.  The booster is going to add a new boost, add to an existing passive, and add skins. The boost is called Iron Maiden and is an altered version from Nodoubt's boost on his XML1 boost.  I changed it so that she gradually adds to her invulnerability instead of the way XML1 had it where she instantly gets it.  I also did the same thing that I did to Colossus by making a passive that increases both AR and DR (but she won't get as much of an AR boost as Colossus). 

One interesting thing that I learned is that the game allows 17 total talents to be displayed (including ones shared and added in the herostats).  The talent file itself can only handle a mix of 14 Powers, Boosts and Passives I believe.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on July 30, 2008, 11:09PM
Rogue booster:

Basically what I added was described above Data-wise.  She now has a total of 11 skins (w/ room for 3 more since I added extra packages).  I created 4 all new 3d huds and 3 more based on shafcrawler's skins in the booster.  I also created 10 all new conversation huds.  Skin wise they are all ps2 quality skins.  I made 3 of them, shafcrawler made 3 of them, and 1 from Norrin Radd (pics will be provided in the matter of minutes to point out which one is which).  All other skins are my ps2 rips from XML2 and XML1.  Enjoy.

ADMIN NOTE: if you would like to use this booster, please use the version of the booster from the XML2 Character Number Fix to prevent clashes with other mods:,10782.0.html (,10782.0.html)

Just drag the folders to the XML2 folder and drop.  For the characterheads package and herostats engb, text files have been provided for you to compile into your game's files.  Please note that you should back up anything before writing over it!!!!  I am not responsible for anything that may happen once you add this, it is your own choice to install.  There are no problems found that would hurt the program or computer when I tested it, so there shouldn't be any problems on your version.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters
Post by: matt710 on July 30, 2008, 11:30PM

Alrighty here is Rogue's Wardrobe (from left to right, top row to bottom row):

0701 - Over Coat (Modern)
0702 - AOA
0703 - Ultimate
0704 - 90s (Jim Lee) <by me>
0705 - Ms Marvel Persona <by me>
0706 - Evolution <by shafcrawler>
0707 - XML1 **not in herostat**
0708 - Xtreme <by shafcrawler>
0709 - Retro Rogue <by shafcrawler>
0720 - Classic Rogue <by Norrin Radd>
0723 - Space Suit <by me> **not in herostats**

Also thank you from nodoubt_jr for providing XML1 effects and the icon that I based Iron Maiden's icon from.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 04, 2008, 09:22AM
Alrighty I will try to do more boosters since skinning for Enchantress is getting old.  I think wolverine is next and after I will do either Sunfire, Gambit, or Cyclops.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 09:34AM
More Gambit stuff'd always be good. 
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: Norrin Radd on August 04, 2008, 10:08AM
Quote from: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 09:34AM
More Gambit stuff'd always be good. 

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe a horsemen of apocalypse skin?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: Teancum on August 04, 2008, 10:43AM

This variation would be fun too. (without the blindfold)
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: colossusjames on August 04, 2008, 05:57PM
^ wold want that WITH the blindfold XD

More Gambit skins are definately needed though.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 04, 2008, 09:22PM
Quote from: colossusjames on August 04, 2008, 05:57PM
^ wold want that WITH the blindfold XD

More Gambit skins are definately needed though.

Unfortunately we would have to use the blindfold since there isn't an overcoat skin with a blindfold.  But I will try that one.  I also thought that the horseman was done already, isn't it?  If not it will be on my list.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 07, 2008, 01:26PM
Colossus Booster Update:



01 - Astonishing *
02 - AOA *
03 - Ultimate *
09 - X3 *
10 - Yellow and Blue *
11 - Outback *  <New to the Booster>
14 - Acolyte *
21 - Original *
22 - Champ of Rhodes
23 - Spacesuit
24 - Skin form (XML2) *
25 - Skin form (mine)

The ones with stars are included already in the herostats I supply. I wanted to flush out the spacesuit skin.  I made the four skins on the bottum of the image.  Enjoy
Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 07, 2008, 06:57PM
Storm Booster Update:

PS2 Skins included are (Astered numbers are in herostat file already change what you want):

01 Storm Astonishing (MUA) *
02 Storm AOA (XML2) *
03 Storm Ultimate Spikey Hair (XML2) *
04 Storm Ultimate Ponytail (XML1)
05 Storm Mohawk (MUA) *
06 Storm Classic (MUA) *
07 Storm Ultimate Long Hair (MUA)
08 Storm Training Uniform (Mine) *
09 Storm The End (Mine) *
11 Xtreme (Shafcrawler's skin)*
21 Storm Original (XML2) *
22 Storm Street Clothes (XML2)
23 Spacesuit(XML2)


+ skin 0411 is Shafcrawler's Xtreme Skin. (1st skin on the last row)  Thanks Shafcrawler!
+ I fixed up and added some details to 0408 (Training Uniform)
+ I fixed the sounds used in Flash Freeze.  Now it sounds better.


Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 07, 2008, 10:35PM
Alright.  I am creating a new wolverine skin before I release him.  It is going to be based off this:

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 07, 2008, 10:53PM
Thanks Norrin.  I actually just found it while looking for Cyclops skins about 2 minutes ago.  B-Law is MIA so I may just have to convert the stuff and just give the credit like I did for youngblood and darkmythology since I doubt he will get the pm unless he logs on.  Thanks again, if I didn't find it moments ago that would of saved a lot to time since Adobe crashed on me when I was almost done recoloring.  (I probably should save more often!)
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: Norrin Radd on August 07, 2008, 10:56PM
yeah, i just saw your post in the other thread so i deleted the one i made in this thread. I contacted him not too long ago in a pm and he responded, so maybe you will get lucky. I don't think he would mind as you're not really modifying the skin, just porting it to a xml2 compatible model
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: matt710 on August 11, 2008, 03:21PM
Wolverine Booster:

Special thanks to BLaw for allowing me to include two of his skins.

This is basically a skin and hud booster for Wolverine since I don't believe there was anything lacking from him.


01 - Astonishing (MUA PS2) *
02 - AOA (XML2 PS2) *
03 - Ultimate (MUA PS2) *
04 - Ultimate {XML1 alternate} (XML2 PS2)
06 - X-Force (BLaw's skin PS2) *
07 - Shirtless (My Skin PS2) *
08 - Morrison {no jacket} (BLaw's skin PS2)
09 - Retro (XML1 PS2) *
11 - Modern (MUA PS2) *
21 - Classic (MUA PS2) *
22 - Civilian (XML2 PS2)
23 - Spacesuit (XML2 PS2)
24 - Ultimate Predator (XML2 PS2)
25 - Weapon X (XML2 PS2) *

* identifies skins referenced in the herostats entry

I also created 11 custom conversation huds and made a new 3d hud based from BLaw's X-Force Wolverine.

Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: ratmon on August 11, 2008, 03:30PM
wow! whos next?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Dihan on August 11, 2008, 03:46PM
Iceman could do with a bit of a boost skin-wise.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: matt710 on August 11, 2008, 03:52PM
Iceman or Cyclops are next, followed by the other and Gambit.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: matt710 on August 11, 2008, 10:27PM
Alrighty guys I am stuck, Cyclops doesn't seem to have enough possible and probible costumes to boost up.  Here is what I have (excluding Xtreme and Civilian since I want to flush them out of the active roster).  So far I have:
X-Factor (White and Blue)

I have some ideas, but they may be beyond my skinning level.  The only one I know I can do is another X-Factor (the Yellow and Blue maybe or maybe not with hair).  That would boost him up to 7.  The only other thing I can do is a shirtless version of his Classic Skin seen in the comics, but I don't really want that one if I don't have to.  Any Suggestions.

For Iceman I think is in a better position.  So far I have:

Ultimate (XML1)
Civilian (Ultimate)
Post X-Factor (Darkmythology skin) [I got permission a while ago with this one when I was going to do the booster in 2007]

Also I will put in the spacesuit, but don't want it in the herostats.  I am going to try to do Mutant X.  I also am going to try this one (did it): 

I still have to calculate Gambit.  I have to see what he already has floating in the forum.

So any suggestions for any of the characters (even future ones like Gambit, Sunfire, Bishop, etc.) will be appreciated.

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: matt710 on August 21, 2008, 10:33AM
Iceman Booster:

Special thanks to BLaw and Iammingy for allowing me to include their skins to the booster.

This is basically a skin and hud booster for Iceman.  The only thing I did was add the Ice Armor back in just like Nodoubt_jr did in the XML1 Iceman conversion he did.


01 - Ultimate (MUA PS2) *
02 - AOA (MUA PS2) *
03 - Ultimate (XML1 PS2)
04 - Modern (My Skin PS2) *
06 - Mutant X (My Skin PS2) *
07 - Post X-Factor (Iammingy's Skin PS2)
08 - Current (MUA PS2) *
09 - Post X-Factor (My Skin PS2) *
10 - Retro (My Skin PS2) <similar to MUA's Classic skin only found on the PC)
11 - Training (BLaw's Skin PS2)
15 - X-Factor (My Skin PS2) *
20 - Original (MUA PS2) *
21 - Classic (My Skin PS2) *
23 - Spacesuit (My Skin PS2)
24 - Ultimate <non-iceform>

* identifies skins referenced in the herostats entry

I also added Bobby's Face to Iammingy's skin.

ADMIN NOTE: if you would like to use this booster, please use the version of the booster from the XML2 Character Number Fix to prevent clashes with other mods:,10782.0.html (,10782.0.html)
Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: shadowslacks on May 13, 2009, 08:16PM
Quote from: matt710 on July 30, 2008, 11:30PM

I was wondering about rogue's ability..the one where she could steal i forgot what u call that power in xml2..anyway, is there a way that u can actually steal the enemy's power and use it at least once then steal it back? tee hee

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: kain6th on November 02, 2009, 08:28AM
Sorry for posting in this old topic, but I was wondering if you finished the Cyclops booster?  :cyclops:
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on November 02, 2009, 01:49PM
He's been inactive and that isn't any of his plans for the moment as I believe he is gonna create Selene (for MUA or XMLII don't remember)
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Lieutenant#61 on July 08, 2010, 11:03AM
Sorry.. I new but umm how do you add this with storm cause I already have boost for her.. is there any way just to add the costumes  :northstar:
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on July 08, 2010, 11:18AM
put the skins in the actor folder and you bumped an old thread if you need any help put thiss in a public thread
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Ipecac87 on August 30, 2010, 05:20PM
the iceman boost link is down.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: HikaruJuno on September 17, 2010, 10:31AM
Anybody have the iceman booster? Needs to be re-upped...
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: MarvelFan12345 on September 27, 2010, 01:35PM
Here is the Iceman link.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: HikaruJuno on September 28, 2010, 05:55AM
Thanks MarvelFan. I ended up using the XML1 booster to get his ice-armor... But I'll upload this and keep it just in case it goes down again. Appreciate it!
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: XISMA on July 06, 2011, 11:17AM
Anybody have the Jean booster? Needs to be re-upped...
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: wladekwagner on June 26, 2012, 06:41PM
Dude, I'd love to use your Iceman booster but the link is broken, can you re-upload it, please?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on June 26, 2012, 10:13PM
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on September 27, 2010, 01:35PM
Here is the Iceman link.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: wladekwagner on September 01, 2012, 06:42PM
Hello people, sorry to insist but I was wondering if someone has a working link for this Jean Grey booster? The one in previous pages doesn't work. I need it to fix a problem with the Shadowslacks booster, Jean doesn't switch costumes properly after the "From the ashes" special. Thanks.
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Jeanfan321 on September 01, 2012, 08:25PM
Quote from: wladekwagner on September 01, 2012, 06:42PM
Hello people, sorry to insist but I was wondering if someone has a working link for this Jean Grey booster? The one in previous pages doesn't work. I need it to fix a problem with the Shadowslacks booster, Jean doesn't switch costumes properly after the "From the ashes" special. Thanks.
this should be the link here
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: MutantX on March 09, 2013, 11:02PM
Hey! Sorry if this comment is a bit late but... the jean grey link doesn't work. Can someone give me a link?  :phoenix: Thanks! :D
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Skorzyss on September 09, 2018, 06:53PM
Does anyone have the link to the Jean Grey booster by chance?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: rachel_grey on September 17, 2018, 08:46AM
por favor, alguien tiene el booster de wolverine??? :c
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Jean Grey, Rogue, & Storm)
Post by: Daniel Kings on March 10, 2020, 11:17PM
Quote from: matt710 on August 07, 2008, 01:26PM
Colossus Booster Update:



01 - Astonishing *
02 - AOA *
03 - Ultimate *
09 - X3 *
10 - Yellow and Blue *
11 - Outback *  <New to the Booster>
14 - Acolyte *
21 - Original *
22 - Champ of Rhodes
23 - Spacesuit
24 - Skin form (XML2) *
25 - Skin form (mine)

The ones with stars are included already in the herostats I supply. I wanted to flush out the spacesuit skin.  I made the four skins on the bottum of the image.  Enjoy
Note: I am not responsible for anything that may happen after downloading this mod.  It is tested and gave me no problems.  Back up what you overwrite!

Does anyone have the link to Colossus booster ?
Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: Ninja Kyden on November 13, 2020, 11:15AM
Looks like the Jean Grey booster link is still not working.  Could someone please post an updated link?  I'm really looking forward to this Jean Grey.

Title: Re: XML2 Boosters (Colossus, Iceman, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine)
Post by: BaconWizard17 on November 16, 2020, 08:34PM
Quote from: Ninja Kyden on November 13, 2020, 11:15AM
Looks like the Jean Grey booster link is still not working.  Could someone please post an updated link?  I'm really looking forward to this Jean Grey.


Ceamonks890 doesn't have this one in his archives, so unless someone who hasn't been online in years still has it, the chances of it being gone are pretty likely. Sorry.