Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Misc. Modifications => Topic started by: BaconWizard17 on May 28, 2020, 01:27PM

Title: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 28, 2020, 01:27PM


by BaconWizard17
Logo by Outsider
Dead Link Assistance by Ceamonks890

This is where you can find custom sound/voice packs and mods for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. They are arranged in alphabetical order, with first names included (Ex. Abigail Brand would be listed as literally that, not listed as Brand, Abigail), and then alphabetically by creator.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please note that these mods are only compatible with the original 2006 port of MUA. They will not work on the "remastered" 2016 Steam version. Unsure which version you got? Check the game folder -- if you see .bin files and the exe file date is 2016, then you've got the "remastered" version that is useless here. You can find a free, legal, and safe archived version of the game in the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide (,10809.0.html).

This catalog contains many different types of sound mods:
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on May 28, 2020, 06:58PM
     Character                     Source                                  Actor                                   Creator                       Release Post
Black WidowMCUScarlett JohanssonPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Black WidowMarvel HeroesJulianne BueschernickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Black PantherMarvel HeroesJames C. Mathis IIInickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
BladeMUA3Imari WilliamsStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Captain AmericaMCUChris EvansPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Captain AmericaDisney InfinityRoger Craig SmithNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.msg206158.html#msg206158)
Captain AmericaMarvel HeroesBrian BloomnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Captain AmericaMarvel HeroesBrian BloomStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
Captain Marvel?Crispin FreemanEnchloreLink (,10883.0.html)
Captain MarvelMarvel HeroesJosh KeatonTubular SpacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
ColossusMarvel HeroesChris CoxnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Cyclops?Nolan NorthStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
CyclopsMarvel HeroesScott PorternickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
CyclopsMUA3Scott PorterStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
CyclopsXML1Robin Atkin DownesTubular SpacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
CyclopsMashup (marvel Heroes, MUA3, And Super War)Scott PorterTubular SpacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
DaredevilMarvel HeroesBrian BloomnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
DeadpoolTeam Fortress 2 ScoutNathan VetterleinNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.0.html)
Deadpool?Nolan NorthStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
DeadpoolMUA3Nolan NorthStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Doctor DoomMarvel HeroesLex LangnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Doctor StrangeMarvel HeroesNick JamesonnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
ElektraMarvel HeroesKathryn CressidanickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Ghost RiderMarvel HeroesMitch UrbanStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
Ghost Rider?Fred TatascioreStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
HawkeyeMarvel HeroesChris CoxnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
HawkeyeMCUJeremy RennerPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
HawkeyeUMVC3Chris CoxStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
HulkMarvel HeroesFred TatasciorenickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
HulkMCUMark RuffaloPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Hulk (gray Hulk)Hulk 2003?tubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
HulkMUA2Fred TatascioretubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
HulkThq Avengers?EnigmaLink (,11166.msg205732.html#msg205732)
Human TorchMarvel HeroesMatthew Yang KingnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Human TorchMUA2 And Ultimate Spider ManDavid KaufmanEnigmaLink (
Human TorchMUA2David KaufmanStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
IcemanMarvel HeroesJames Arnold TaylornickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Invisible WomanMarvel HeroesErin TorpeynickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Iron ManMarvel HeroesMarc WordennickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Iron ManMCURobert Downey Jr.Panaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Iron Man?Eric LoomisStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Iron ManMUA3Eric LoomisStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Iron ManMCURobert Downey JrTony StarkLink (,8070.msg148735.html#msg148735)
Luke CageMarvel HeroesJames Mathis IIIStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
Luke CageMarvel HeroesJames Mathis IIInickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
MagnetoMarvel HeroesJames Arnold TaylornickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Magneto?Tom KaneStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
MagnetoMUA3Tom KaneStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
MagnetoMUA1 ReRichard GreeneUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Moon KnightMarvel HeroesRobin Atkin DownesnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Moon KnightMUA3Gideon EmeryStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Mr. FantasticMUA1 (expanded)David NaughtonEnigmaLink (,11188.msg204585.html#msg204585)
Mr FantasticMarvel HeroesWally WingertnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Ms. Marvel/captain MarvelMarvel HeroesDanielle NicoletnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Ms. Marvel/captain MarvelMUA3Erica LindbeckStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
NightcrawlerMarvel HeroesLiam O'briennickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Silver SurferMarvel HeroesJames Arnold TaylornickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Spider-manMUA3, TASM2Yuri LowenthalCeamonks890Link (,10986.msg201113.html#msg201113)
Spider-manMCUTom HollandPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Spider-man?Christopher Daniel BarnesStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-man?Josh KeatonStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-manMCUTom HollandStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-manMUA3Yuri LowenthalStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-man?Tobey MaguireTony StarkLink (,8070.msg148733.html#msg148733)
Spider-man?Rino RomanotubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Spider-man?Tobey MaguiretubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Spider-man (symbiote)?Christopher Daniel BarnestubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
StormMUA1 (expanded)Dawnn LewisEnigmaLink (,11188.msg205655.html#msg205655)
StormMarvel HeroesDanielle NicoletnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
StormMUA3Mara JunotStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
ThingMUA2Fred TatscioreStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
ThorMVCITravis WillinghamEnchloreLink (,10883.0.html)
ThorMCUChris HemsworthPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Thor?Rick D. WassermanStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
ThorMUA3Rick D. WassermanStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
VenomMVCIAndrew MorgadoCeamonks890Link (,10986.msg200986.html#msg200986)
VenomMarvel HeroesNeil KaplannickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
VenomMarvel HeroesNeil KaplanStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
VenomMUA3Steve BlumStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
VenomMUA1 GoldSteven BloomtubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
WolverineMUA2 & Mvc3Steve BlumStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
WolverineMUA3Steve BlumStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Wolverine?Hugh JackmantubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
WolverineMashup (xml2 & MUA1)Steve BloomtubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 02, 2020, 06:57PM
    Character                    Source                                  Actor                                  Creator                      Release Post
AngelMarvel Super War?tubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
AngelaMarvel HeroesLaura BaileynickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Ant-manMCUPaul RuddPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Ant-man (scott Lang)?Nolan NorthStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
Ant-man (scott Lang)?Crispin FreemanStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Ant-man (scott Lang)MUA3Josh KeatontubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
BeastMarvel HeroesFred TatsciorenickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Beast?Crispin FreemanUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Black CatMarvel HeroesJennifer HalenickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
CableMarvel HeroesJames M. ConnorUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Carnage?Sean SchemmelStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Chamber?Danny DyerJonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg198496.html#msg198496)
Cloak?Aubrey JosephJonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg198420.html#msg198420)
CrystalMUA3Mary FaberStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Dagger?Olivia HoltJonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg198439.html#msg198439)
Danielle Moonstar?Blu HuntJonnydragon88Link (,10815.0.html)
Dazzler?Ashly BurchtubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
DraxMCUDave BautistaPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Dust?Yasmine Al MassriJonnydragon88Link (,10714.0.html)
Emma FrostMarvel HeroesKari WahlgrennickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Falcon?Khary PaytonStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
FalconMCUAnthony MackieJonnydragon88Link (,10845.0.html)
FalconMCUAnthony MackiePanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
FalconSuperhero Squad OnlineAlimi BallardUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
GambitMUA2Michael DunnStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
GamoraMCUZoe SaldanaPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
GamoraMUA3Vanessa MarashallStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Ghost Spider/spider-gwen/gwen Stacy?Emma StoneHannahLink (,11423.0.html)
Gray HulkHulk 2003Michael DonovantubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
GrootMUA3Adam HarringtonStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Green Goblin (movie, Harry Osborne)?Josh KeatontubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Gwenpool??Jonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg201629.html#msg201629)
Iron FistMarvel HeroesJp KarliaknickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Jean Grey?Jennifer Haletubularspacedude and HannahLink (,10770.0.html)
JuggernautMUA2John DimaggioStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
JuggernautMUA3Peter LurieStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Karma?Hayley KiyokoJonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg198966.html#msg198966)
Kate BishopMarvel HeroesAmanda Celine MillernickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
LokiDisney Infinity, Marvel RivalsTroy BakerNoahTheNerdLink (,10172.0.html)
M?Jameela JamilJonnydragon88Link (,10621.0.html)
M 2.0??Jonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg201626.html#msg201626)
MagikMarvel HeroesTara StrongtubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Marvel Girl (rachel Summers)?Atsuko TanakatubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Morgan Le Fay??tubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
MysterioMUA3David KayeStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Nova?Troy BakerStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
NovaMUA3Robbie DaymondStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Polaris?Emma DumontJonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg198646.html#msg198646)
PsylockeMarvel HeroesApril StewartnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Punisher?Thomas JanetubularspacedudeLink (,11266.msg204411.html#msg204411)
QuicksilverMarvel Super WarYuri LowenthalStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
RescueMCUGwyneth PaltrowPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
RogueMarvel HeroesCatherine TabernickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
RogueDeadpoolMelissa DisneySupernatural_WitchLink (,6273.0.html)
Scarlet Witch?Kate HigginsSupernatural_WitchLink (,6273.0.html)
She-hulkMarvel HeroesMary FabernickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
ShuriMarvel Heroes?nickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
ShuriMCULetitia WrightPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
SongbirdMUA2Susan SpanoStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Speed??Jonnydragon88Link (,10845.msg201653.html#msg201653)
Spider-man 2099Edge Of TimeChristopher Daniel BarnesStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-man 2099Lego Marvel 2Ronan SummersStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Spider-man (miles Morales)MUA3Nadji JeterStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Star LordMarvel HeroesChris CoxnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Star LordMCUChris PrattPanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
Star LordMUA3Scott PorterStickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
Surge?Michaela DietzJonnyDragon88Link (,10845.msg198383.html#msg198383)
ThanosMUA3Isaac Singleton Jr.StickbroLink (,10569.0.html)
UltronMUA3 And MVCIJim Meskimenmiles838Link (,11315.msg203787.html#msg203787)
UltronMarvel HeroesTom KanenickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
War MachineMarvel HeroesJames Mathis IIInickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
War MachineMCUDon CheadlePanaka_69Link (,10783.0.html)
War Machine?Michael Jai WhiteStarkillerLink (,9841.0.html)
War MachineSuperhero Squad OnlineBumper RobinsonUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
WiccanMarvel HeroesKyle HebertnickjustintLink (,10172.0.html)
Winter SoldierMarvel HeroesDavid HayternickjustintLink (
Winter SoldierMCUSebastian StanPanaka_69Link (
Winter SoldierMarvel HeroesDavid HayterStarkillerLink (
Wolfsbane?Maisie WilliamsJonnydragon88Link (
WongMCUBenedict WongPanaka_69Link (
X-23Marvel HeroesTara StrongnickjustintLink (
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Jonnydragon88 on June 04, 2020, 05:11PM

    Character                    Source                                  Actor                                  Creator                      Release Post
AquamanInjustice 2Phil LamarrUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
AtrocitusInjustice 2Ike AmadiUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Batman?Kevin Conroynando915Link (,10730.0.html)
Batman?Adam WesttubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Batman?Christian BaletubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
BatmanInfinite CrisisKevin ConroyUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
BatmanInjustice 2Kevin ConroyUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Batman Beyond?Will FriedletubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Catwoman?Grey Griffinnando915Link (,10730.0.html)
CyborgInfinite CrisisBumper RobinsonUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
DoomsdayInfinite CrisisFred TatascioreUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
FlashInjustice 2Taliesin JaffeUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Green LanternInfinite CrisisAdam BaldwinUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Harley QuinnInjustice 2Tara StrongUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
HawkmanDcuoJason LiebrechtUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
JokerInjustice 2Richard EpcarUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Johnny CageMk11Mk Movie1995Link (,10770.0.html)
KuramaNaruto Ultimate Ninja StormPaul St. PeterNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.msg206176.html#msg206176)
Lara Croft?Angelina JolieCeamonks890Link (,10986.msg201664.html#msg201664)
Lara Croft?Jonell ElliotttubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Lara Croft?Keeley HawestubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Lex LuthorDCAU, LEGO DC supervillainsClancy BrownNoahTheNerdLink (,10770.0.html)
NarutoNaruto Ultimate Ninja StormMaile FlanaganNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.msg206176.html#msg206176)
Obi-wan Kenobi (clone Wars)?James Arnold TaylortubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Obi-wan Kenobi (rebels)?Stephen StantontubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Red HoodInjustice 2Cameron BowenUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Robocop?Peter WellertubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Samus Aran?Jennifer HaletubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
SasukeNaruto Ultimate Ninja StormYuri LowethalNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.msg206179.html#msg206179)
ScorpionMk XPatrick SeitzUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
ShazamInfinite CrisisJerry O'connellUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
SupergirlInjustice 2Laura BaileyUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
SupermanInjustice 2George NewbernUltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles??UltraMegaMagnusLink (,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109)
Terminator?Arnold SchwarzeneggertubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Tigra??tubularspacedudeLink (,10770.0.html)
Wonder WomanInjustice 2Susan EisenbergUltraMegaMagnusLink (!jyaixsrb!rf5g-wpxdqnej1govetxtqhwe0auwv1jhxs3quxalyg)
Woody (for Indiana Jones Mod)Multiple SourcesTom Hanks And Jim HanksNoahTheNerdLink (,11510.msg206112.html#msg206112)

Original Message:

Phat! I didn't think anyone noticed it was Jameela Jamil! Cool, cool cool cool. Love this for Blu Hunt too.

Btw the actress that voices Sooriya :dust: is Yasmine Al Massri. Jono :chamber: is Danny Dyer.
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: ak2yny on June 22, 2020, 09:00AM

EPIC MUSIC MOD OVERHAUL (mprince34)  Release Post (,11361.0.html)

TOMOKO'S MUSIC MODS (♡Tomoko♡)  Release Post (,10425.0.html)

Original Message:

Some sound mods by UltraMegaMagnus too:,10196.msg191109.html#msg191109

(They were still missing)
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Jonnydragon88 on June 27, 2020, 10:09AM
Quote from: Jonnydragon88 on June 04, 2020, 05:11PM
Phat! I didn't think anyone noticed it was Jameela Jamil! Cool, cool cool cool. Love this for Blu Hunt too.

Btw the actress that voices Sooriya :dust: is Yasmine Al Massri. Jono :chamber: is Danny Dyer.

Ummmmm, not to… whatever this would be called, but can you please add everyone’s new sounds (such as,10845.msg198966.html#msg198966) and other updates on here?

And while I did write it in an attention garnering way, let it be known that I legit said that politely!
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on June 30, 2020, 11:19AM
Quote from: Jonnydragon88 on June 27, 2020, 10:09AM
Ummmmm, not to... whatever this would be called, but can you please add everyone's new sounds (such as,10845.msg198966.html#msg198966) and other updates on here?

And while I did write it in an attention garnering way, let it be known that I legit said that politely!

I'm getting to it. I've been busy with work and other things so I haven't had time to update it

And can you chill with the varying sizes, different font colors, random bolding, and all that? It's annoying and a nightmare to read. Giant font = yelling. Yelling is rude
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Jonnydragon88 on July 01, 2020, 10:28AM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on June 30, 2020, 11:19AM
I'm getting to it. I've been busy with work and other things so I haven't had time to update it

And can you chill with the varying sizes, different font colors, random bolding, and all that? It's annoying and a nightmare to read. Giant font = yelling. Yelling is rude

I'm not trying to yell, I just want you to see it! But fine. And hope the updates workout soon.
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Ceamonks890 on July 01, 2020, 07:12PM
It's kind of hard not to miss, considering you're the latest person to comment Jonny.

So from now on, talk like a normal person will you? The world doesn't revolve around you and your specific needs.
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Jonnydragon88 on September 06, 2020, 10:46AM
Umm guys, I think the Spider-Man 2099 links may be a little off. The release post link is fine, but the link link is off, for both of them. It keeps taking me to a spider.zss not a sm2099.zss, the one used for Miguel's voice in his mod. Look:


Thought you guys might wanna know.
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on September 06, 2020, 06:32PM
Title: Re: MUA1 Sound Pack Catalog
Post by: Jonnydragon88 on April 24, 2024, 11:59AM
So asked in the discord, cause I didn't wanna put you on front street, but I gotta be formal now. Can you guys please put my last 3 mods in this index?

Another M mod, and a Gwenpool voice, and a Speed voice.

Thx. And, if anyone was wondering before they clicked:

Janice Kawaye ( ( for Gwenpool
Ben Schwartz ( ( for Speed
Ziwe Fumudoh ( ( for M 2.0

But I'll always include the voice names (don't worry it'll still be prominent names like before) on the emporium too, just to give proper credit.