Marvel Mods

XML and MUA - Common Items => Knowledge Base - (not for questions) => Topic started by: Generic Unit on July 22, 2020, 12:28AM

Title: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on July 22, 2020, 12:28AM
X-Men Legends II GCN Limit Documentation

Thought I should make a limitation document as well for XML2's Gamecube. It will be most beneficial for the console modding needs. Since it's likely that both consoles and PC operate similar on their limitations, BaconWizard's documentation (,10885.0.html) has covered a handful of limits that most likely applies to the GameCube's as well. There are a few I have listed below that directs toward the minor differences for the console.
Any more discoveries in limits on the console will be greatly appreciated!

Additional Information:

Skin Replacing:

If you're doing nothing but only replacing your default gamecube heroes with higher quality skins (like wanting to use skins from the PS2 ports of the X-Men games or from Marvel Ultimate Alliance), below is a list of what skins from other ports being compatible in X-Men Legends II.

Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on August 12, 2020, 12:13AM
Added another limitation, it seems in the space below the Hero's herostat where you set Talent levels, character Race, Boltons and such, there's a limit to 12 entries (or as far as I've tried, 12 seems the safest to say it's the limit). Any further will cause some form of issues that affect game play as trying to proceed through the game.
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: BaconWizard17 on August 12, 2020, 12:02PM
Quote from: Lags on August 12, 2020, 12:13AM
Added another limitation, it seems in the space below the Hero's herostat where you set Talent levels, character Race, Boltons and such, there's a limit to 12 entries (or as far as I've tried, 12 seems the safest to say it's the limit). Any further will cause some form of issues that affect game play as trying to proceed through the game.

I'd imagine this is probably a limit in the PC version as well
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on August 13, 2020, 11:02PM
Quote from: BaconWizard17 on August 12, 2020, 12:02PM
I'd imagine this is probably a limit in the PC version as well

I might need to double check on that, actually. Turns out the reason for why characters were acting weird in the middle of my game (performing random animations, and game freezing and such) was because my Sentinel mod was present in active team and character roster itself. Though, I might have an idea what caused the issue, which could possibly add a new limitation to the list, but I'll confirm it after my attempt on making fixes to him.
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on August 24, 2020, 11:23PM
Yep, the reason my heroes were acting weird was because my sentinel mod was running on a moveset_.xmlb at 16 kb. I don't know where the limit breaks but it seemed to have fixed after I moved some FightMoves over to his ps_powerstyle and lowered his moveset.xmlb down to 6 kb.
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on November 12, 2020, 10:04PM
Added an additional information section. Not part of limitations but will provide useful information on what skins from the other ports are compatible for XML II
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: jayglass on November 13, 2020, 09:04AM
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 X-Box skins are compatible
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Generic Unit on November 13, 2020, 10:42PM
Quote from: jayglass on November 13, 2020, 09:04AM
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 X-Box skins are compatible

Alright, I'll update it.
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Teancum on November 17, 2020, 05:11AM
Uhh, that' shouldn't be right. There are no differences to the Xbox format between XML1, XML2 and MUA. MUA Xbox skins should crash GCN due to their textures. That's weird
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: jayglass on November 17, 2020, 06:56PM
Xbox xml1&2 uses dxt3 but mua1 xbox uses dxt1
Title: Re: [XML2 GCN] Limit Documentation
Post by: Teancum on November 18, 2020, 09:37AM
Huh. Good to know. I've been away too long it seems