Marvel Mods

Marvel Ultimate Alliance I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: BaconWizard17 on July 22, 2020, 07:58PM

Title: MUA1 Skin Thread Catalog
Post by: BaconWizard17 on July 22, 2020, 07:58PM


By BaconWizard17 & Outsider
Logo by Outsider
Dead Link Assistance by Ceamonks890

This is where you can find different skin threads for skins and mannequins for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 1. For the most part, they are arranged in alphabetical order by creator, but some with a large collection may have their own post. Listing individual skins and mannequins were too cumbersome, so the admins decided to create a catalog of different common skin threads to help direct people.

To navigate, simply press CTRL + F and type in the name of the character you're looking for. Please note that some of these skins are already included in mod or booster packages.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please note that these mods are only compatible with the original 2006 port of MUA. They will not work on the "remastered" 2016 Steam version.
Unsure which version you got? Check the game folder -- if you see .bin files and the exe file date is 2016, then you've got the "remastered" version that is useless here. You can find a free, legal, and safe archived version of the game in the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide (,10809.0.html).

425 Additional Alternate Skins:

AdrianoAp's Mannequins from A to Z:

ak2yny's Texture Projects, Skins, and Models:

Amit's Skins: MFF Model Conversion to MUA:

Arachnid_Human_Male Mod Releases:

Aventureiromax's Galleries:

Baby's Custom Models:

BaconWizard17's Custom Models:

BaconWizard17's High Poly Custom Models:

BaconWizard17's PS2 Skins:
Title: Re: MUA1 Skin Thread Catalog
Post by: Outsider on January 20, 2022, 08:24AM
BarryAllen Skins:

BLaw's Meshes

BLaw's Models:

BLaw's Skins:

The Blitz Modding Center:

bru.'s skin mods!:

Cabral's Custom Models:

Cabral's Releases:

CaiqueWebslingerBrazil's Skins

Canino's Mods:

Cyborg Sun's Model Factory:

Cykal's Mod Releases:

Da_Pestillence: Character Skins Thread:

Dr. Bruce Banner Presents:

Enchlore's Mods:

Enigma's MUA1 Miscellaneous Mods:

fighttherot's Spider-Man skins:

Fr3ddy's Stuff:

Guiguis skin:

Hannah's Mod Thread:

iammingy's custom skins, etc:

Jayglass' Console Mods:

Jelly's small retextures:

Julio Cabral's MCU Skins Gallery:

Jury's Mods Release:

JZ Cinematic Heroes Skins:

Kal's Mod Releases:

Link-Based Skin Catalog:
Title: Re: MUA1 Skin Thread Catalog
Post by: Outsider on January 20, 2022, 08:24AM
The Lionsden (Lionsden99's skins):

Maegawa's Stuff:

Miles838's Universe:

MJ Fan's Skins:

MrKablamm0fish's Releases:

Muscle Collector's Personal Projects:

(My) Nexus Mods:

NewCaptain's Skins:

Nicaras' Skins:

Nightcrawler171711' Skins:

Nuhverah's Little Gifts:

Nuhverah's Skins:

Owl City's Releases:

Outsider Customs:

Panaka's Skins:

Phantom's Gallery:

Professor's Mod Release Thread:

Quentin Hex's Skins:

solario's skin saloon:

Spacedude's Out of This World Models:

Spaceman's Mods:

SSJKratos' mannequins:

SuperMaster10's Master Workshop:

Teancum's Console-Friendly Models:

Tommyboy2002's Meshes:

Tony Stark's Workshop:

TQB's Re-Texture Project:

Title: Re: MUA1 Skin Thread Catalog
Post by: Outsider on January 20, 2022, 08:24AM
UltimateVeNoM's Release Thread:

UltraMegaMagnus' Stuff (MUA1 PC Catalog):

UltraMegaMagnus' Stuff (Cross-Compatible Catalog):

Waggens7uP Manufacturing:

Yeagarist09 Realm:

Zuluviking's skins:

Zignutu's skins:

Mods from Zokki:
Title: Re: MUA1 Skin Thread Catalog
Post by: Outsider on March 26, 2022, 08:08AM
Andersonbrazil Presents: