Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:37PM

Title: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:37PM
:omega:Enigma's Omega Red Mod v7.2:omega:

This is my Omega Red mod, which was formerly a booster and is now a standalone mod. It includes the follow improvements over the original mod by edward:

Sound Changes:
*No longer overwrites his boss sound file.
*He no longer shares power sounds with other characters.
*Made an all-new voicepack. I used Omega Red's XML2 x_voice and grunts as well as clips I edited from his NPC dialogue, all voiced by Steve Blum. I also edited clips and 1 more Pain grunt from the same actor from his roles as Count Vertigo in Lego DC Super-Villains and as 2 Russian soldier NPCs in Metro 2033.
-His Xtreme callouts are from Len Doncheff's performance as Omega Red from Marvel vs Capcom 2.
*Replaced all power sounds. He now uses 2 of his XML2 boss power sounds for his Tentacle Whip and Tentacle Sweep powers. For his Omega Cyclone and Omega Destroyer power sounds, and for the charge sound for Draining Tentacles, I have had to create these myself by combining the 2 previously mentioned XML2 power sounds into different combinations, editing them, and speeding them up.
*The power sound for Draining Tentacles, and all other power sounds, are MUA2 from various characters and environmental stuff.
*He no longer shares power sounds with other characters.
*Redid coding for power sounds and fixed all issues with it.

Power Changes:
*He no longer uses a 2nd skeleton. I've changed his power animations to compensate for this where necessary.
*Rewrote power descriptions.
*Renamed Coils Mastery to Master of Death and completely recoded it. It also now covers all powers.
*Removed his unique combos because they're basically powers and I felt they fit better as such.
*Removed Carbonadium Whips because without the animation it used from his 2nd skeleton, this power can't work.
*Removed Noxious Spit because it's pretty similar to Death Spores and I felt it didn't fit him too well anyway.
*Removed Cryogenic Blast because I felt it didn't fit him and I needed to make room for my added power Napalm Grenade.
*Removed Red Armor boost and replaced it with a passive that's similar but different, as I felt it fit better like this. It now increases his DR and reduces Physical and Blade damage.
*Removed generic Critical Strike passive, as it overlapped with his Tentacle Mastery passive.
*Added Tentacle Whip, which is a reworked version of his unique boss light melee attack and uses the name of one of his attacks in the N-Gage version. I've also changed it to do Radiation damage.
*Added Tentacle Sweep, which is a reworked version of his unique boss heavy melee attack. I've also changed it to do Radiation damage.
*Added Napalm Grenade, which is inspired by a power he only has in the N-Gage version.
*Added Regeneration passive.
-It restores his HP at the same rate as other characters' Regeneration passives but much slower. I've renamed it Alpha Regeneration. This is all because in the comics, his has a Healing Factor but he can drain health from enemies to make it work faster.
*Completely recoded Omega Cyclone to fix various issues with it and so that it'll work now.
-It's now a tap power instead of a hold the button power.
-Omega Cyclone said it did Physical damage but it actually didn't have a damage type. It now does Radiation damage.
-Added Environment dmgmod to Omega Cyclone.
*Renamed Draining Whips to Draining Tentacles.
-Completely recoded and reworked Draining Tentacles to fix various issues with it and so that it'll now work.
-Draining Tentacles now does Radiation damage.
-Draining Tentacles now drains HP instead of EP.
-Draining Tentacles is now listed as a Trap.
-Draining Tentacles now immobilizes enemies instead of freezing them.
*Death Spores no longer causes Confusion.
*Death Spores now does Radiation damage.
*Death Spores is now listed as a Debuff
*Coding fixes to Death Spores.
*Completely recoded and revamped Death Factor. I've renamed it Death Pheromones. It's now a Boost. I've fixed multiple issues with how it was coded, changed the effects coding, cut back on the number of effects it uses, and made various other changes.
-I removed the EP restoring part because it was too overpowered.
*Completely replaced Omega Destroyer. It now works completely differently.
-Omega Destroyer is now listed as a Radial, it now does Radiation damage and knockback.
*Revamped his Omega Strike Xtreme. I've renamed it Death Factor. It now only affects him and not the whole party and also gives him an XP bonus.
*Tentacle Mastery now correctly affects all tentacle powers.
*Fixed various typos and bugs in his talent file.
*Rebalanced his starting stats.
*Rewrote power descriptions.
*Completely rebuilt talent, powerstyle, and entities files.
*Minor herostat fixes.
*Rebalanced all powers.
*Redid AI coding and combo text.
*Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages that are also now not missing any needed information.
*Removed all unused and unneeded files.
*Removed all files that are just duplicates of default XML2 files.
*All files now install in the proper folders.
*He has Block.
*Fixed issues with coils not going away if he's knocked down while using powers.

Visual Changes:
*Removed hit effect from Omega Cyclone, because having hiteffects on radial powers can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
*Replaced all his effects. He now uses the fixed X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch versions of his boss effects and well as new effects I've created in the same style. I've used only the bare minimum number of effects.
*The only one of edward's effects I kept was for Death Spores, which I altered so that the effect wouldn't last too long and incorrectly make the player think the power hadn't ended yet.
*I've added BaconWizard17's version of the Regeneration icons to his icons.
*I've rearranged which icons go with which powers.
*Rearranged which skins are in which categories in herostat to be more fitting.
*Includes an improved version of his XML2 conversation hud by hemlot, which is now used for all his skins.
*He now uses his default XML2 3D head for all of his skins.
-I've renumbered and hex edited the skins.
*Changed his mini convo hud (which is what's used in the main menu Danger Room) to the correct number.
*Fixed all missing textures issues.
*Includes 2 loading screens:
-A version of his default one that I remade using a higher quality source which I edited to remove the XML2 logo that was on it, fix some issues and then AI Upscaled it. Also, the numbering is changed to match the Ultimate Patch changing numbering of boss loading screens from XX03 to XX01.
-An unused alternate Omega Red loading screen which I AI Upscaled.
*Includes a character select portrait based upon my afforementioned improved version of his default XML2 loading screen.
*He no longer shares effects with other characters.
*His 3D head by default is hex edited to the wrong number. I've fixed this.

Misc Changes:
*Replaced package files with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined style packages.
*I've upscaled the icons and altered the packages files and talent file so that the icons how appear in a higher resolution in the character select menu.
*Removed all unused files.
*Removed all files that are just duplicates of default XML2 files.
*All files now install in the proper folders.

*There's an announcer file of Patrick Stewart saying "Omega Red" that I ripped from X2 Wolverine's Revenge, as well as some Menu Breaks. You can add these to your x_voice if you know how. If not, don't worry about it.
*Alternate CSP: a character select portrait based upon his unused alternate XML2 loading screen.

-Skin: Original (XML2) (4901)
-Skin_AOA: AOA (iammingy) (4903)
-Skin_Winter: Unknown Alternate (iammingy) (4908)
-Skin_Civilian: Armorless (iammingy) (4909)

*ak2ny: finding the alternate loading screen image.
*BaconWizard17: feedback, ideas, Regeneration icon
*edward: original Omega Red mod
*hemlot: improved hud, ideas
*iammingy: skins
*Tubular Spaceman: troubleshooting

-Added another Menu Break.
-Added another I See You line.
-Minor typo fix.
-Changed numbering of loading screens and instructions on installing them.
-Minor update to packages.
-Minor coding fixes.
-Renumbered and hex edited iammingy's skins.
-His 3D head by default is hex edited to the wrong number. I've fixed this.
-Fixed issues with Napalm Grenade and removed knockback from it, since knockback doesn't really work on enemies caught in explosions in XML2.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and stating stats.
-Removed decreased EP cost from Invigorating Pheromones.
-He has Block.
-Fixed issues with coils not going away if he's knocked down while using powers.
-Due to issues with Regeneration's leveling up coding, it now restores his HP at the same rate as other characters' Regeneration passives but much slower. I've renamed it Alpha Regeneration.
-Combined Master of Death and Tentacle Mastery.
-Fixed an issue with packages.
-Rebalanced how much EP Death Spores uses.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Fixed issues with the leveling of Omega Cyclone, Death Spores, Invigorating Pheromones, and Omega Destroyer.
-I removed the aspect of Energizing Pheromones that restored EP because it was too overpowered. I also renamed this power to Death Pheronomones.
-Rebalanced Death Pheromones and made its description and level up info more clear.
-Death Pheromones now properly does Radiation damage.
-Fixed a typo.
-Minor fix to Death Spores.
-Rebalanced amount of time Napalm Grenade burns enemies.
-Rebalanced amount of time Death Spores and Omega Destroyer irradiate enemies.
-Added missing line of code to Napalm Grenade.
-Fixed issue with Invigorating Pheromones having the wrong icon in-game.
-Added bonus conversation huds based upon both of his loading screens.
-Minor fix to one of package files.
-Added textures to package files that won't be in the permanent file in the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch.
-Rereleased as a full standalone mod.
-Made an all-new voicepack. I used Omega Red's XML2 x_voice and grunts as well as clips I edited from his NPC dialogue, all voiced by Steve Blum. I also edited clips from the same actor from his roles as Count Vertigo in Lego DC Super-Villains and as 2 Russian soldier NPCs in Metro 2033.
-Replaced all power sounds. He now uses 2 of his XML2 boss power sounds for his Tentacle Whip and Tentacle Sweep powers. For his Omega Cyclone and Omega Destroyer power sounds, and for the charge sound for Draining Tentacles, I have had to create these myself by combining the 2 previously mentioned XML2 power sounds into different combinations, editing them, and speeding them up.
-The power sound for Draining Tentacles, and all other power sounds, are MUA2 from various characters and environmental stuff.
-He no longer shares power sounds with other characters.
-Redid coding for power sounds.
-Added new character select portrait based on my improved version of his normal loading screen. The other character select portrait is now a bonus.
-Fixed an issue with his loading screen.
-Includes an improved hud by hemlot, which is now used for all of his skins.
-He now uses his default XML2 3D head for all of his skins.
-Changed his mini convo hud (which is what's used in the main menu Danger Room) to the correct number.
-I improved his XML2 loading screen so that all his coils are now in higher quality.
-Removed hit effect from Omega Cyclone, because having hiteffects on radial powers can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
-Replaced all his effects. He now uses the fixed X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch versions of his boss effects and well as new effects I've created in the same style. I've used only the bare minimum number of effects.
-The only one of edward's effects I kept was for Death Spores, which I altered so that the effect wouldn't last too long and incorrectly make the player think the power hadn't ended yet.
-I've added the Regeneration icons to his icons.
-I've rearranged which icons go with which powers.
-Rearranged which skins are in which categories in herostat to be more fitting.
-He no longer uses a 2nd skeleton. I've changed his power animations to compensate for this where necessary.
-Renamed Coils Mastery to Tentacle Mastery and completely recoded it.
-Removed his unique combos because they're basically powers and I felt they fit better as such.
-Removed Carbonadium Whips because without the animation it used from his 2nd skeleton, this power can't work.
-Removed Noxious Spit because it's pretty similar to Death Spores and I felt it didn't fit him too well anyway.
-Removed Cryogenic Blast because I felt it didn't fit him and I needed to make room for my added power Napalm Grenade.
-Removed Red Armor boost and replaced it with a passive that's similar but different, as I felt it fit better like this. It now increases his DR and reduces Physical and Blade damage.
-Removed generic Critical Strike passive, as it overlapped with his Tentacle Mastery passive.
-Added Tentacle Whip, which is a reworked version of his unique boss light melee attack and uses the name of one of his attacks in the N-Gage version. I've also changed it to do Radiation damage.
-Added Tentacle Sweep, which is a reworked version of his unique boss heavy melee attack. I've also changed it to do Radiation damage.
-Added Napalm Grenade, which is inspired by a power he only has in the N-Gage version.
-Added Master of Death passive, which covers all the powers that Tentacle Mastery doesn't.
-Added Regeneration passive, but weakened to compared to other characters for balance reasons, since Draining Tentacles also regenerates HP. All the level up stats are the same as other characters except the time it takes to regenerate HP, which has been increased.
-Omega Cyclone said it did Physical damage but it actually didn't have a damage type. It now does Radiation damage.
-Added Environment dmgmod to Omega Cyclone.
-Renamed Draining Whips to Draining Tentacles.
-Completely recoded and reworked Draining Tentacles to fix various issues with it and so that it'll now work.
-Draining Tentacles now does Radiation damage.
-Draining Tentacles now drains HP instead of EP.
-Draining Tentacles is now listed as a Trap.
-Draining Tentacles now immobilizes enemies instead of freezing them.
-Completely recoded and reworked Death Factor to fix various issues with it.
-Death Spores no longer causes Confusion.
-Death Spores now does Radiation damage.
-Death Spores is now listed as a Debuff
-Coding fixes to Death Spores.
-Revamped Death Factor. I've renamed it Energizing Pheromones. It's now a Boost. I've fixed multiple issues with how it was coded, changed the effects coding, cut back on the number of effects it uses, and made various other changes.
-Completely replaced Omega Destroyer. It now works completely differently.
-Omega Destroyer is now listed as a Radial, it now does Radiation damage and knockback.
-Revamped his Omega Strike Xtreme. I've renamed it Death Factor. It now only affects him and not the whole party and also gives him an XP bonus.
-Tentacle Mastery now correctly affects all tentacle powers.
-Fixed various typos and bugs in his talent file.
-Rebalanced his starting stats.
-Rewrote power descriptions.
-He no longer shares effects with other characters.
-Completely rebuilt talent, powerstyle, and entities files.
-Minor herostat fixes.
-Rebalanced all powers.
-Redid AI coding and combo text.
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch-style streamlined packages that are also now not missing any needed information.
-Removed all unused and unneeded files.
-Removed all files that are just duplicates of default XML2 files.
-All files now install in the proper folders.
-Minor icons fix
-Did a complete overhaul of his voices. I rearranged some to fit better and added some more.
-Upscaled the icons and altered the packages files and talent file so that the icons how appear in a higher resolution in the character select menu
Xtreme on-screen text is now all capitalized just like all the default characters.
-Corrected review_paths install instructions
-Switched around and changed Low Health and No Power voice clips to be more fitting
-Added Menu Breaks
-Added a character select portrait based upon his unused alternate XML2 loading screen.
-Renamed 2nd Xtreme from Omega Form to Omega Strike, as that power had a voiced callout in MVC2.
-Sound file now properly goes into the right folder (I had forgotten the "eng" folder).
-More powerstyle fixes related to sounds.
-Added another texture file from MUA1 PS2 to fix a missing texture issue.
-Reordered herostat so that skins are in numerical order.
-Added announcer file that you can add to your x_voice if you know how. If not, don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Booster
Post by: Enigma on January 26, 2022, 02:00PM
Updated to v5.1. Details are in the changelog above.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on November 18, 2022, 07:26PM
I've completely redone and re-released Omega Red as a standalone mod at v6.0.
Check first post and changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: edward on November 18, 2022, 09:10PM
Wow that's a upgrade 👌
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on December 20, 2022, 01:19PM
Updated him to v6.1.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on June 13, 2023, 05:38PM
Updated him to v6.2.
Check changelogs for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on July 04, 2023, 09:47AM
Updated him to v6.3.
Check changelogs for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on September 22, 2023, 06:00PM
Updated him to v6.4.
Check changelogs for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on October 17, 2023, 01:48PM
Updated him to v6.5
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on December 23, 2023, 08:54PM
Updated him to v6.6
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on March 05, 2024, 07:31PM
Updated him to v6.7
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on May 27, 2024, 10:40AM
Updated him to v6.8
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on June 14, 2024, 04:15PM
Updated him to v6.9
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on August 24, 2024, 02:24PM
Updated him to v7.0
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on December 03, 2024, 03:17PM
Updated him to v7.1
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Omega Red Mod
Post by: Enigma on January 22, 2025, 01:56PM
Updated him to v7.2
Check changelog for details.