Marvel Mods

X-Men Legends I & II => Mod Releases and Conversions => Topic started by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:38PM

Title: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on January 23, 2022, 03:38PM
:emmafrost: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod v7.7:emmafrost:

This is my Emma Frost mod. It contains the following improvements over White King's original mod:

Sound Changes:
*Contains a voicepack that includes the best of Emma's voice lines and grunts from both XML1 and XML2, as well as new voice lines taken from her NPC lines from both games.
*Her power sounds were completely redone and are a combination of her XML1 power sounds (power 1, power 3, 1st Xtreme Psychic Bedlam), 1 of the power sounds from Whiteking's mod (2nd Xtreme Hail to the Queen), and some of her Marvel Heroes power sounds (everything else).
*Every power now has it's own unique sound.
-That also means her stun now has unique power and impact sounds.
-Psionic Overload no longer plays 2 power sounds at once.

Power Changes:
*My powerstyle changes are based upon the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch version of her powerstyle, which switches her diamond form skin over to 9010.
*Changed the names of the following powers: Astral Beam > Astral Projection, Hardness > Psionic Reflection, Mental Vortex > Psychic Funnel (so it wouldn't have the same name as Jean's power like this. I also rewrote its power description so that it wouldn't be the same as Jean's.)
*I also fixed her broken Psionic Overload power. This was supposed to be a "hold down the button" power but the coding for this was broken and so the power continues whether you hold the button or not. Not holding it means the power would end on its own eventually in an awkward way and doesn't end properly. The "power sound" would play for a while then cut off abruptly and the "power end" sound would also never play. I have fixed all of this by making it a "tap the button" power instead, which makes it work far better and fixes many issues it had.
-Psionic Overload also now does Mental damage instead of Physical damage.
-Added missing AI coding.
*Originally, Whiteking coded her Astral Beam power to play a taunt when she defeats an enemy. My guess is Whiteking did this due to custom voicepacks not being a thing back in the earlier days of XML2 modding. As my voicepack means the Victory voice lines play when she defeats an enemy, I have removed this redundant aspect.
*Touch of Insanity now requires Psionic Slam.
*Psionic Overload now requires Astral Projection.
*Removed weld from one of her powers, because weld only works in XML1.
*Fixed issues with Queen's Blessing boost and Hail to the Queen Xtreme boost affecting the whole party when they're only supposed to affect Emma.
*Fixed an issue with how her Psionic Combat passive worked.
*Fixed and streamlined Psionic Combat's coding.
*Diamond Form no longer says it makes her immune to Mental damage since she's now immune to it all the time. I've also reword the rest of the description a bit.
*Diamond Form now unlocks at level 14 instead of level 21.
*Emma's powers all said they did Mental damage, but instead they all did Telekinetic damage. They all now do Mental damage.
*Touch of Insanity now says how long it lasts in the level up info.
*Fixed and streamlined Touch of Insanity's coding so that the power now ends properly and enemies no longer lay down.
*Rebalanced how long Touch of Insanity lasts.
*Touch of Insanity is now listed as a Debuff power instead of a Special power.
*Emma's powers all said they did Mental damage, but instead they all did Telekinetic damage. They all now do Mental damage.
*Rewrote Touch of Insanity's description to be more clear as to what it does.
*Hail to the Queen now only increases her damage instead of her damage and Mental damage.
*Rewrote Hail to the Queen's description.
*Psionic Overload's description now says it pierces.
*Psionic Overload is now listed as a Blast power, and its AI had been changed to match.
*Psionic Overload's description said it did knockback, but it didn't and instead had a very complicated series of coding that basically resulted in it doing the same thing as Touch of Insanity. I've recoded the power to streamline it and make it now do knockback and immobilizes enemies.
*Fixed issues with how Psionic Reflection works.
*Fixed issues with how Diamond Form works, removed unneeded coding, rewrote description to be more accurate as to what it does, and rebalanced it.
*Diamond Form now makes her immune to Physical damage and increases her resistance to Cold and Fire damage.
*Diamond Form increased her Defense in a confusing way. It now simply increases her Defense Rating.
*Added missing combo text.
*Rewrote multiple power descriptions to be more accurate.
*Removed all unneeded coding.
*Rebalanced Psionic Reflection.
*Fixed Astral Projection, Psionic Slam, and Queen's Blessing's leveling.
*Rebalanced the maximum number of Mental Spheres.
*Rewrote many power descriptions.
*Rebalanced how much EP all powers use.
*Rebalanced how much damage Psionic Slam uses.
*Touch of Insanity's range leveling up is now listed in the power's level up info.
*Touch of Insanity's level up info now says it causes damage per second.
*Rebalanced Touch of Insanity's max range.
*Fixed and rebalanced how much HP Queen's Blessing restores and remove level up info that didn't actually do anything.
*Queens' Blessing now makes her immune to stun.
*Replaced Astral Projection's chance to 1 hit kill an enemy with a chance for a Deadly Strike.
*Swapped Telepathic Illusions and Psionic Slam's unlock order and rebalanced them.
*Fixed issues with Touch of Insanity's duration.
*Previously, Psychic Bedlam's conversion duration leveled up but this did nothing and the conversion always ended after 30 seconds. This has been fixed.
*Streamlined Psionic Slam and Psychic Bedlam's coding.
*Removing explosion effect that happened when all enemies where first hit by Psychic Bedlam.
*Psychic Bedlam no longer pops up enemies.
*Removed unused unneeded coding from Psychic Bedlam.
*Increased Psychic Bedlam's max range back to what it was in XML1.
*Fixed timing of when Psychic Bedlam's damage triggers compared to its effect so that they match up.
*Enemies that are scared and stunned by Telepathic Illusions no longer use the same effect as the ones that are converted. They now use the standard generic fear and stun effects instead.
*Enemies by converted by Telepathic Illusions now explode when the conversion ends.
*Telepathic Illusions now can't convert bosses, just like other conversion powers can't.
*Because Psionic Slam knocks enemies back and because Emma has telekinesis in the comics, this power now does Telekinetic damage, which also allows it to build bridges.
*Psionic Slam's knockback now levels up.
*Added grab.
*Removed her unique stun because Whiteking created it and it felt out of place and unnecessary for her to have this.
*Reworked how Diamond Form's Physical damage increase so that it will now replace Psionic Combat's affects while it's activated. (For anyone interested, there isn't supposed to be a special_trail effect. I coded in the reference to an effect by that name that doesn't exist only so that Psionic Combat's trail effect won't show up while this boost is active.)

Visual Changes:
*New skins, conversation huds, 3D heads, character select portrait, and icons by BaconWizard17.
*Altered her packages and talent file so that her icons can appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
*Altered her packages so that every skin can have a unique conversation hud and 3D head.
*A choice between 2 different loading screens: her XML1 loading screen remade using a higher quality unletterboxed source image, and an unused uncensored version of her XML1 loading screen (Marvel made artist Glen Angus redo the loading screen to censor Emma's costume but they didn't make Raven censor her skin itself.)
*Removed the full screen flash from 1 of the effects for Touch of Insanity.
*Renamed effects files so that they're easier to keep track of which effect goes to what power.
*Removed both of Hail to the Queen's unique effects and replaced them with a single new effect that works much better as a boost aura.
*Recolored and altered Psychic Funnel's p12_power effect to remove the pink colored parts.
*Removed Psychic Funnels' p12_charge effect because it was unneeded.
*Recolored the white parts of Psychic Bedlam's effect to be blue.
*The sparkle effect that was on her while Diamond Form was active would sometimes detach from her. Since this is an engine limitation and therefore is a problem that can't be fixed, I've removed this effect.
*Mental Spheres' left hand charge effect now triggers properly.

Other Changes:
*Removed all unused files.
*She has 9 packages total. She only has 8 skins (not counting the Diamond Form ones) but the option is there if you want to add a 9th one yourself.
-These are the X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages.
*Removed unneeded 10th package.
*Removed unused and unneeded coding from her herostat.
*Reordered her skins to be in numerical order.
*Fixed minor herostat mistake.

*Non-Cel-Shaded Skins
*Alternate Icons
*Unused XML1 Prototype Dead Hud: Originally, XML1 would've used a hud system somewhat similar to MUA1's, except that when a character died, their hud would be replaced with a black and white version of it. This is Emma's Dead Hud from the XML1 Prototype. I denoised the image to improve its quality and also manually touched it up to fix some issues.
*Menu Breaks: The current version of x_voice only added 2 custom Menu Breaks for her, so I've added several more.

*Whiteking = Emma Frost mod
*BaconWizard17 = X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch updated powerstyle that I modified for this booster, icons, skins, 3D heads, conversation huds,
*ak2ny  = troubleshooting
*Logan: bug report, testing

-Previously, Psychic Bedlam's conversion duration leveled up but this did nothing and the conversion always ended after 30 seconds. This has been fixed.
-Streamlined Psionic Slam and Psychic Bedlam's coding.
-Removing explosion effect that happened when all enemies where first hit by Psychic Bedlam.
-Psychic Bedlam no longer pops up enemies.
-Removed unused unneeded coding from Psychic Bedlam.
-Increased Psychic Bedlam's max range back to what it was in XML1.
-Fixed timing of when Psychic Bedlam's damage triggers compared to its effect so that they match up.
-Enemies that are scared and stunned by Telepathic Illusions no longer use the same effect as the ones that are converted. They now use the standard generic fear and stun effects instead.
-Enemies by converted by Telepathic Illusions now explode when the conversion ends.
-Telepathic Illusions now can't convert bosses, just like other conversion powers can't.
-Because Psionic Slam knocks enemies back and because Emma has telekinesis in the comics, this power now does Telekinetic damage, which also allows it to build bridges.
-Reworked how Diamond Form's Physical damage increase is coded so that it will now replace Psionic Combat's affects while it's activated, meaning she won't do Mental damage with non-powered Melee attacks while Diamond Form is activated anymore.
-Psionic Slam's knockback now levels up.
-Diamond Form's Might level now levels up.
-Fixed issue with Astral Projection's Deadly Strike.
-Added grab.
-Minor typo fixes.
-Removed her unique stun because Whiteking created it and it felt out of place and unnecessary for her to have this.
-Streamlined coding of her powers.
-Rebalanced some powers.
-Rewrote a few descriptions.
-Rebalanced many powers.
-Made various fixes.
-Mental Spheres' left hand charge effect now triggers properly.
-Fixed issues with Touch of Insanity's duration.
-Fixed an issue with the packages.
-Fixed Astral Projection, Psionic Slam, and Queen's Blessing's leveling.
-Rebalanced how many levels Psychic Funnel has.
-Rebalanced the maximum number of Mental Spheres
-Touch of Insanity's range leveling up is now listed in the power's level up info.
-Touch of Insanity's level up info now says it causes damage per second.
-Rebalanced Touch of Insanity's max range.
-Fixed and rebalanced how much HP Queen's Blessing restores and remove level up info that didn't actually do anything.
-Queens' Blessing now makes her immune to stun.
-Replaced Astral Projection's chance to 1 hit kill an enemy with a chance for a Deadly Strike.
-Swapped Telepathic Illusions and Psionic Slam's unlock order and rebalanced them.
-Rebalanced how much EP all powers use.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Rewrote many power descriptions.
-Rebalanced Telepathic Illusions.
-Rebalanced Psionic Reflection.
-Rebalanced Mental Spheres.
-Minor typo fix.
-Minor fix to Touch of Insanity.
-I've replaced the Menu Breaks I'd chosen with ones that fit better.
-Psionic Overload's description now says it pierces.
-Psionic Overload is now listed as a Blast power, and its AI had been changed to match.
-Psionic Overload's description said it did knockback, but it didn't and instead had a very complicated series of coding that basically resulted in it doing the same thing as Touch of Insanity. I've recoded the power to streamline it and make it now do knockback and immobilizes enemies.
-Psionic Overload no longer plays 2 power sounds at once.
-Rebalanced Telepathic Illusions
-When Telepathic Illusions stunned, it also lowered the affected enemy's defense rating but the power description didn't say so. I've removed this because other stun powers by other characters don't also lower the defense rating.
-Rebalanced Telepathic Illusions.
-Psychic Bedlam now does Mental damage instead of Telekinetic damage.
-Fixed issues with how Psionic Reflection works and rebalanced it.
-Fixed issues with how Diamond Form works, removed unneeded coding, rewrote description to be more accurate as to what it does, and rebalanced it.
-Diamond Form now makes her immune to Physical damage and increases her resistance to Cold and Fire damage.
-Removed Diamond Form increases Defense in 2 different confusing ways. It now simply increases her Defense Rating.
-Rewrote multiple power descriptions to be more accurate.
-Removed unneeded power sounds from sound file.
-Removed all unneeded coding.
-The sparkle effect that was on her while Diamond Form was active would sometimes detach from her. Since this is an engine limitation and therefore is a problem that can't be fixed, I've removed this effect.
-Minor fix to her herostat.
-Rebalancing AI coding.
-Added missing combo text.
-Recolored the white parts of Psychic Bedlam's effect to be blue.
-Added bonus character select portrait and huds based upon her loading screens.
-Touch of Insanity now says how long it lasts in the level up info.
-Fixed and streamlined Touch of Insanity's coding so that the power now ends properly and enemies no longer lay down.
-Rebalanced Touch of Insanity.
-Touch of Insanity is now listed as a Debuff power instead of a Special power.
-Touch of Insanity now requires Psionic Slam instead of Astral Projection.
-Psionic Overload now requires Astral Projection.
-Rewrote Touch of Insanity's description to be more clear as to what it does.
-Emma's powers all said they did Mental damage, but instead they all did Telekinetic damage. They all now do Mental damage.
-Hail to the Queen now only increases her damage instead of her damage and Mental damage.
-Rewrote Hail to the Queen's description.
-Changed coding for Xtreme 2 callout.
-Diamond Form no longer says it makes her immune to Mental damage since she's now immune to it all the time. I've also reword the rest of the description a bit.
-Diamond Form now unlocks at level 14 instead of level 21.
-Recolored and altered Psychic Funnel's p12_power effect to remove the pink colored parts.
-Removed Psychic Funnels' p12_charge effect because it was unneeded.
-Fixed and streamlined Psionic Combat's coding.
-Fixed a typo in her talents file.
-Fixed an issue with how her Psionic Combat passive worked.
-Removed the full screen flash from 1 of the effects for Touch of Insanity.
-Touch of Insanity now requires Astral Projection.
-Psionic Overload now requires Psionic Slam.
-Removed weld from one of her powers, because weld only works in XML1.
-I've changed Psionic Overload from a "hold the button" power to a "tap the button" power, which makes it work far better and many issues it had.
-Added missing AI coding on Psionic Overload.
-Renamed effects files so that they're easier to keep track of which effect goes to what power.
-Fixed issues with Queen's Blessing boost and Hail to the Queen Xtreme boost affecting the whole party when they're only supposed to affect Emma.
-Removed both of Hail to the Queen's unique effects and replaced them with a single new effect that works much better as a boost aura.
-Fixed issue with packages causing her powers not to work. (Thanks to Logan for telling me her powers weren't working, and to BaconWizard17 for fixing them.)
-Removed 2 unused texture files.
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages
-Removed unneeded 10th package.
-Fixed minor herostat mistake.
-Fixed Mental Resistance coding.
-Fixed typos, captialization, grammatical, and punctuation errors in powerstyle file.
-Removed hiteffects from her Telepathic Illusions and Psionic Slam radial powers, because having hiteffects on radial powers can cause issues and they don't work properly anyway (they appear on objects they can't affect, like parts of the map that can't be destroyed and such.)
-Removed unused effects file p3_impact.
-Added bonus Unused XML1 Prototype Dead Hud.
-Upgraded to a full standalone mod.
-Added new skins, 3D heads, conversation huds, character select portrait, and icons by BaconWizard17
-Completely redid her soundfile to add a bunch more voice lines and fix some sound popping issues.
-Added missing stun impact sound and unique power sound.
-Fixed more issues with Psionic Overload not ending correctly.
-I altered the end part of Psionic Overload so that it blasts the power one more time. If you just tap the button instead of holding it down, then only that end part will happen.
-Changed Psionic Overload from Physical damage to Mental damage.
-Fixed Mental Spheres having a missing death impact effect.
-Altered her packages and talent file so that her icons can appear in higher quality in the character select menu.
-Altered her packages so that every skin can have a unique conversation hud and 3D head.
-Fixed more spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors in her power descriptions.
-Changed the names of the following powers: Hardness > Psionic Reflection, Mental Vortex > Psychic Funnel (so it wouldn't have the same name as Jean's power like this. I also rewrote its power description so that it wouldn't be the same as Jean's.)
-Removed all unused files.
-Removed unused and unneeded coding from her herostat.
Added solo_end voice lines as CMD Follow, as solo_end aren't used in XML2 and they fit CMD Follow perfectly.
Removed Can't Talk, Sight, and Locked lines, as they are never used in XML2.
Slight installation instructions update (forgot to include "eng" in the sounds installation path)
Included character select portrait instructions.
Minor installation folder update (forgot "eng" in sounds)
Put a note about x_voice.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on March 18, 2022, 07:22PM
Upgraded her to a full standalone mod. See changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on July 03, 2022, 02:50PM
Updated her to v4.0.
Check the changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on September 05, 2022, 07:24PM
Updated her to v4.1.
Check the changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on September 12, 2022, 05:55PM
Updated her to v4.2.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on September 22, 2022, 12:29PM
Updated her to v5.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on October 13, 2022, 10:25AM
I updated her to v5.1.
See changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on November 10, 2022, 12:59PM
Updated her to v5.2.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on December 20, 2022, 01:16PM
I've updated her to v5.3.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on February 25, 2023, 03:21PM
I've updated her to v6.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on April 20, 2023, 01:01PM
I've updated her to v7.0.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on June 26, 2023, 05:52PM
I've updated her to v7.1.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on July 04, 2023, 09:46AM
I've updated her to v7.2.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on October 28, 2023, 05:18PM
I've updated her to v7.3.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on January 17, 2024, 07:11PM
I've updated her to v7.4.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on March 15, 2024, 02:27PM
I've updated her to v7.5.
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: spaceguy67 on March 23, 2024, 09:31PM
Wow! This mod is incredible!  :emmafrost:  I just think that in diamond form she shouldn't take physical or projectile damage! Any plan on doing a Scarlet Witch booster? I would love to see what your version of her would be like!!!
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on March 26, 2024, 11:01AM
Well, she already doesn't take Physical damage in her diamond form, but I preferred to keep her able to be damaged by projectiles, as she's been shown in the comics to still be vulnerable to those.
As for Scarlet Witch, I don't know. Maybe someday.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on August 31, 2024, 04:42PM
I've updated her to v7.6
Check changelog for details.
Title: Re: Enigma's Emma Frost Mod
Post by: Enigma on December 28, 2024, 07:18PM
I've updated her to v7.7
Check changelog for details.